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15-People. Shot. By. Chicago. Funeral ,Home!

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News. Said. People. We're. Shot. By. A. Chicago. Funeral. Home!  . The-Street. Gangs. Slaughter. Black. People.  Some. Children!  Where. Is. -The.  Black  Political Voices. ,NAACP. On The. News,For. These. Innocent-Black  Lives  ?  Black. Lives. .Matter. Protesting ??.  The. Racist-White   Can   Watch  The  Black  Man   Genocide  Black  People  .The -Black   Church   Takes  In   Millions  Of  Dollars  ,Black   Elected  -Political- Make   Lots  Of  Money  They   Should  Put  Up  Video  ,Cameras   To   Video  Tape. The.  Gangs,Crack. Sellers ,Crack. Buyers,-Thugs. And. Pimps   Who. Prostitute. Teenage. Girls. So. They. Can. Be-Arrested......

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There does seem to be some level of hypocrisy in our collective reaction to crime against Black people based upon the race of the perpetrator. Again, I assert that this difference is due largely to what white folks draw attention too. Not what the Black masses really care about.


Sure there is a difference between a police officer murdering an unarmed Black suspect and a street thug doing a drive by. We hold police to a higher standard.


But if the white-owned media focused on the black on black crimes rather than the relatively few police murders they'd be called racist.  So rather than serve the Black community, they play it safe and focus on the bad cops.


How many Black people were murdered in Chicago this year? How many of those murderers were Black. How many of those murderers were white cops? That should determine where we focus our attention and resources.


I had not heard about the shooting, but I just looked it up. Fortunately no one was killed.



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The NFAC (an AfroAmerican militia for those who aren't aware of them)  is planning a large operation in Louisville Kentucky in response to the murder of our princess Breonna Taylor.


After the NFAC finishes up there, I think it would be a GREAT idea if they marched into Chicago, posted themselves there, and established law and order in the AfroAmerican neighborhoods.  
Chicago is so segregated with most AfroAmericans being pushed into and squeezed into certain neighborhoods, so it shouldn't be hard to identify where they need to be.

But at some point, the bullshit MUST stop!

At some point we MUST po;ice our own neighborhoods!

I personally believe that a lot of these killings are actually being done by White Supremacists DISGUISED as other AfroAmericans or completely hidden which is why they can't seem to "find" any suspects most fo the time, but that doesn't excuse the fact that a VERY LARGE number of these killings actually are being done by other AfroAmericans.

Like Neely Fuller Jr. said, this society has made MONSTERS out of many of our people.
A MONSTER is a human being who acts irrationally violent and hostile to others.

At some point the cancer must be cut out or it may destroy the entire body and kill it!

I've said it time and time again: In terms of other human beings, ONLY OTHER BLACK MEN CAN PROPERLY HANDLE BLACK MEN!

Caucasian men CAN NOT properly police or keep order in our communities.
They are too weak and fearful.

The ONLY thing they know how to do is either stay out of our communities and try to keep the toughest brothers contained, or shoot them down outright.
Actually "policing" and trying to keep peace and order and serenity the way it SHOULD be done is beyond them.

AfroAmericans KNOW eachother and how to reach eachother, which is why the Nation of Islam with NO GUNS were so successful in keeping order in the projects.

So if anyone affiliated with the NFAC is reading this piece, put a bug in the ear of the leadership about hitting up Chi-raq.


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13 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

....which is why the Nation of Islam with NO GUNS were so successful in keeping order in the projects.


It is hard to square the fact that Chicago with a relatively high rate Black gun violence is also the National head quarters of the NOI.


What does the NFAC plan to do in Louisville? No, I'm not aware of the organization until now.

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It is hard to square the fact that Chicago with a relatively high rate Black gun violence is also the National head quarters of the NOI.


I've often wondered about that myself.






What does the NFAC plan to do in Louisville? No, I'm not aware of the organization until now.


I'm not exactly sure what they're planning to do but they are very angry (as they should be) that the race-soldiers who killed Breonna Taylor haven't been arrested yet.

Perhaps a bunch of brothers who are strapped can go down there and get more done than the 4 or 5 months of thousands of people protesting and getting pepper sprayed have done.





As far as who they are.......
They seem to be an AfroAmerican militia made up mostly of ex-military people led by a brother named "Grand Master Jay" (not Grand Master Flash or Jam Master Jay).

NFAC stands for "Not Fucking Around Coalition" which is probably why you haven't heard much about them.....LOL.
Hard to put that name in the heavily  censored United States public media.

I've been saying for years that if you have Caucasians marching around with guns and posing a threat, you need also have AfroAmerican organizations who are armed.   You can't just be a sitting duck hoping and waiting on the government to protect you against these rabid racists.

But as I've been saying for years, the BIGGEST threat to our community are not and will not be from Caucasian racists espousing open violence....but from the MONSTERS (heartless criminals)  that have been produced by them. 
These Frankensteins going around shooting and killing up people are the ones whom the community need to be protected from by intelligently armed AfroAmerican men who can keep order in the community.

At some point the foolishness MUST be brought to an end.

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