10 Bestselling Fiction Books for July/August - 2018

AALBC’s Bestselling Book SealOur bestsellers list has been published continuously since 1998. Learn More ▶

Fiction: Runaway Soul by Tiffani Quarles-Sanders was the bestselling book of all this period and has made our list every period this year.

Nonfiction: The Tithing Hoax: Exposing The Lies, Misinterpretations & False Teachings About Tithing has made the AALBC Bestsellers list an incredible 24 times and is our #3 all-time bestselling nonfiction book.

Children’s Books: Children’s sales are led by the independently published Black Fairy Tales: A Coloring and Activity Book by Crystal Swain-Bates — a two-time bestseller.

Poetry: It seems readers have decided to stop purchasing poetry titles from AALBC. I’m not sure if this is part of a larger trend, but historically, poetry has done well on AALBC. Unfortunately, the old refrain “Poetry does not sell” seems to be true for AALBC today. There have not been enough poetry book sales to create a bestsellers list since the period ending February 2017. If anyone has any ideas why poetry sales are down; please share them in the comments below


View a printer-friendly version and a collage of the book covers. Also, check out links to more great books. Enjoy


Book cover of Runaway Soul by Tiffani Quarles-Sanders

Runaway Soul

by Tiffani Quarles-Sanders

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Book cover of The Husband We Share by London St. Charles

The Husband We Share

by London St. Charles

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Book cover of Awaken by Timothy George


by Timothy George

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Book cover of The Yearning by Mohale Mashigo

The Yearning

by Mohale Mashigo

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Book cover of Sister Surrogate by LaChelle Weaver

Sister Surrogate

by LaChelle Weaver

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Book cover of Bruised Hibiscus by Elizabeth Nunez

Bruised Hibiscus

by Elizabeth Nunez

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More About our Bestsellers List

You will learn about books selling well, in the Black community, that may never show up on lists published by corporate entities. Spread the word about our list; don’t let one or two lists, which we don’t control, determine which books are important.

We collect our bestselling titles from all our sales channels. The majority of our sales come from this website and our in-person events. We also include sales generated through our affiliate relationships, including Bookshop.org, Libro.fm (audiobooks), Black History 365 Education, and Amazon.com*.

We aggregate all formats of a book sold (print, ebook, and audio) into one format, usually the most popular print format

*For a few years, we actively boycotted Amazon but have discontinued this practice, as many of our authors have made their books exclusively available from Amazon. While we discourage giving Amazon the exclusive right to sell a book, we do not want this to be a reason to exclude an author from our site. Amazon also has an effective monopoly on eBooks and out-of-print books, which we highlight on this site.

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