14 Books Published by Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about Fadya and the Song of the River by Laura Nsafou Fadya and the Song of the River

by Laura Nsafou
Tate Publishing (Apr 11, 2023)
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A vibrantly illustrated tale celebrating creativity and serving your community Between the deserts of Mali and the rivers of Mauritania is a song known only to Africa itself. It is a song that can be heard every day, as long as the wind isn’t blowing too hard. It is the song of the Luminaries, a group of women with powerful magic, all dressed in long golden dresses. Fadya is the youngest of the Luminaries, and on her journey she will encounter and help two fishermen who have inadvertently awakened the wrath of the goddess of the river.

Click for more detail about Malola’s Museum Adventures: Career Day by Joelle Avelino Malola’s Museum Adventures: Career Day

by Joelle Avelino
Tate Publishing (Apr 11, 2023)
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When Malola is tasked with sharing with her class what she wants to be when she grows up, she runs to the one place she knows will help her—her favorite room in her favorite museum But when she asks her favorite paintings what she should be when she grows up, she doesn’t expect them to come to life and take her on a journey to find the answer! Follow Malola as she travels through a magical exhibit of paintings and learns about the many inspirational women who came before her, paving the way for her to be anything and everything she wants to be.

Click for more detail about Zanele Muholi by Edited by Sarah Allen and Yasufumi Nakamori (Zanele Muholi) Zanele Muholi

by Edited by Sarah Allen and Yasufumi Nakamori (Zanele Muholi)
Tate Publishing (Feb 09, 2021)
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Explore the stunning, moving, and exciting work of visual artist-activist Zanele Muholi

Born in South Africa in 1972, Zanele Muholi came to prominence in the early 2000s with photographs that sought to envision black lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and intersex lives beyond deviance or victimhood. Muholi’s work challenges hetero-patriarchal ideologies and representations, presenting the participants in their photographs as confident and beautiful individuals bravely existing in the face of prejudice, intolerance, and, frequently, violence. While Muholi’s intimate photographs of others launched their international career, their intense self-portraits solidified it. The illustrations include images from the key series Muholi has produced over the past 20 years, as well as never-before-published and recent works. This book, and the exhibition it accompanies, present the full breadth of Muholi’s photographic and activist practice.

Click for more detail about For Just Five Minutes: Heaven:Yes, Hell:No by Deborah Johnson For Just Five Minutes: Heaven:Yes, Hell:No

by Deborah Johnson
Tate Publishing (Aug 30, 2016)
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This a story of perseverance and victory over multiple trials and heartaches. In addition, it includes a series of one-session Bible study discussions on multiple situations of life topics. Do you have multiple crisis opportunities or adversities you are expected to handle? Are you almost to your breaking point? Things such as caregiving for an aging parent, rebellious children, step-children, chronic illness or disease, death or multiple deaths of close family members, or a tragic and unbelievable death of a loved one—-just exactly how are you supposed to cope with these kinds of stress? Everyone assumes you are expected to just suck it up and handle it? In For Just Five Minutes, you will find ways to deal with all of these from someone who has been through the fire. There are devotionals in the last section that are directed to specific topics of concern. When others ask, "How are you?" you just want to scream, If you only knew. Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and forgiving heart. Be the one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them! Remember, the more you encourage, the more you will be encouraged. We are all worthy to be loved, to be happy, and to be all God created us to be.

Click for more detail about Tate Kids Modern Art Activity Book by Sharna Jackson Tate Kids Modern Art Activity Book

by Sharna Jackson
Tate Publishing (May 05, 2015)
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This lively activity book brings modern art to life for young readers, with activities based on 10 major modern and contemporary artworks. Fun facts and games fire kids’ imaginations, and each activity is carefully designed to encourage a deeper understanding of the artist’s approach and the concepts behind each piece. Packed with energetic, colorful illustrations, and photographs of the 10 featured works, this activity book shows that modern art can be accessible, enjoyable, and, above all, fun for even the youngest reader.

Click for more detail about The Greatest Christmas Gift by Tiah Rodriguez-Crawl The Greatest Christmas Gift

by Tiah Rodriguez-Crawl
Tate Publishing (Oct 21, 2014)
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School is out, and the Christmas vacation has just begun, but James is far from excited. Like other kids his age, James is looking forward to celebrating Christmas with his family and receiving lots of gifts. When a winter storm hits home, everything changes, and Christmas will never be the same. With his mom stranded at an airport back in New York, James will spend Christmas alone with his father; forcing James to deal with his true feelings about their separation.

Click for more detail about Martin Luther King Bullavoid by Etta B. Harbin Martin Luther King Bullavoid

by Etta B. Harbin
Tate Publishing (Jul 08, 2014)
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The problems of the black community have for too long been the topic of forums, books, sermons, and political agendas that concluded with perpetual plans of future forums, books, sermons, and political agendas with no concrete plans of actions to halt the profuse bleeding that ensures the demise of the poor. In Martin Luther King BullAvoid: Imploding Communities, author Etta B. Harbin provides practical solutions to the myriad of problems that plague boulevard residents. According to the author, the billion-dollar efforts of outside entities to infuse equitability have failed to demolish the barriers that preclude income equality, closure of academic gaps, and judicial fairness because the root cause of the problem is embedded within the community. It is Etta’s position that external entities can assist, but never solve problems that are of internal origin. With occasional poetic rhythm, rhyme, history, and always a gist of humor, she provides ten practical solutions that guarantee the uplifting of the community as she moves from a problem-centered approach to a people-centered solution.

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Click for more detail about Guiou: The Other Blacks,  Second Edition by Gloria J.  Arnold Guiou: The Other Blacks, Second Edition

by Gloria J. Arnold
Tate Publishing (Jan 14, 2014)
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The Afro-Jamaicans were ""invited"" to Guatemala to work for United Fruit Company. Upon their arrival, they were met by other blacks they called ""Caribs"". The Caribs called the Jamaicans ""Guiou"", which in their language translates to ""the other blacks"". To the Jamaicans, the Caribs were ""the other blacks"". This is the story of the Afro-Jamaican-Guatemalans and their descendants and their journey from Afro-Jamaican to Guatemalans.

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Click for more detail about Scary Bully by Cathy Finch White Scary Bully

by Cathy Finch White
Tate Publishing (Jan 14, 2014)
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Antwon is the meanest kid in his class. He takes children’s lunches, pushes them around and breaks their things. But there is one girl Antwon just can’t seem to push around. When Nikia discovers a secret about Antwon, she decides to try to beat Antwon at his own game. Read along as Antwon and Nikia find out the importance of treating others the way they would like to be treated in Scary Bully.

Click for more detail about It Was The Devil All Along by Avalon Soulette Brown It Was The Devil All Along

by Avalon Soulette Brown
Tate Publishing (Feb 07, 2012)
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During the course of our careers, How many of us face conflicts or unfairness on our jobs? How do you handle it? Why do you think you are going thru these things in the work place? Read how nurse Avalon went thru and had to deal with hers. What would you do?  Do you stay or leave the job?

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Click for more detail about What Do You Have In Your House? by Donna Every What Do You Have In Your House?

by Donna Every
Tate Publishing (Sep 29, 2009)
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Are you in a financial crisis? Are you barely making it from month to month? Do you feel as if you need a miracle to get out of debt? Then What Do You Have in Your House? Surviving in Times of Financial Crisis is for you. Drawing from a poignant story about The Widow’s Oil, author Donna Every shares proven principles and practices to help you survive your financial crisis or just make it through each month without pulling out your hair. She will guide you with wit and reason through the process of looking inside your house at the gifts, abilities, and resources you have that you can use to supplement your income and improve your life. This short, easy-to-read book includes stories of people who have done it and will motivate you to be the next success story!


Are you in a financial crisis? Are you barely making it from month to month? Do you feel as if you need a miracle to get out of debt? Then What Do You Have in Your House? Surviving in Times of Financial Crisis is for you. Drawing from a poignant story about The Widow’s Oil, author Donna Every shares proven principles and practices to help you survive your financial crisis or just make it through each month without pulling out your hair. She will guide you with wit and reason through the process of looking inside your house at the gifts, abilities, and resources you have that you can use to supplement your income and improve your life. This short, easy-to-read book includes stories of people who have done it and will motivate you to be the next success story!

What Do You Have in Your House? Surviving in Times of Financial Crisis is published by Tate Publishing & Enterprises.


My Story

Having just finished building our house and being in the most debt that we’d ever been in, in our lives, I thought I’d better start looking for a job to get some income to add to my husband’s. As a qualified accountant with a first degree in Maths and an MBA, I figured that it shouldn’t be that difficult for me to find a job.

I remember looking through the newspapers and thinking, Oh, good, someone wants a financial controller—I can do that! Wait a minute, it’s a hotel, and they want someone with experience in the hotel industry, which I don’t have. Here’s another one, a non-governmental organization wants someone with an MBA. I have an MBA—oh, but I have no experience in gender development.

This went on for several weeks. I would see a job in the newspaper that on the surface I had the qualifications for but not the experience. That’s one of the drawbacks of working as a consultant—you work with all different types of businesses, but you don’t become an expert in any!

I was beginning to get seriously depressed! I really wanted to help my husband with our debts so that he would not be under so much pressure. Our house wasn’t even completely finished, although we had moved in. There was still stuff to be done.

I began to wonder how other people were coping. Those people who didn’t even have any qualifications or experience. How did they find jobs? Even if they did have a job, how did they deal with their financial crises?

Then one day, after looking through the newspapers again, one of my favorite Bible stories dropped into my mind. Right away I went and looked it up and read through it again. It was called “The Widow’s Oil” ….

Click for more detail about Isaac And The Bah Family Tree by Adrienne C. Wilson Isaac And The Bah Family Tree

by Adrienne C. Wilson
Tate Publishing (Nov 11, 2008)
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Are you my family tree? In Isaac and the Bah Family Tree, new author Adrienne C. Wilson takes Isaac on a journey to find his family tree. With a few twists and turns, Isaac is left where he began, but this time he learns an important secret about his very own family tree. Excuse me, treeare you my family tree? This playful, eye-opening adventure, created with hopes to spark questions about family structure, ancestry, and history will generate interest among children and adult readers of any background. Who are the members of your family? Where did they come from? Where do they live now and what have they accomplished? What makes your own family special? Isaac and the Bah Family Tree is the perfect book to read during family time or in a classroom where different types of family trees and stories can be shared.

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Click for more detail about That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored by Paulette Harper That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored

by Paulette Harper
Tate Publishing (May 27, 2008)
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***Disclaimer** The publisher of my book, Tate Publishing has closed its doors. Please do not order this (PAPERBACK WITH THE VASE COVER) because you will not receive it. THIS VERSION IS FROM A 3RD PARTY SELLER AND I DO NOT RECEIVE ROYALTIES FROM THEM. **** I HAVE RELEASED THE KINDLE VERSION*** PLEASE SEE MY AUTHOR PAGEPaperback (NEW COVER) SEE MY AUHTOR PAGE TATE PUBLISHING & ENTERPRISES SLAPPED WITH $1.7 MILLION LAWSUIT, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR INVESTIGATION Tate Publishing Closes Its Doorspublishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/religion/article/72590-tate-publishing-closes-its-doors.htmlHow could God have a purpose for me amidst this mess? Why do such bad things happen to good people? If you’ve recently asked yourself these questions, Paulette Harper’s That was Then, This is Now has the answers. Struggling to recover from a broken marriage and disappointed dreams, Paulette Harper gropes for meaning and understanding, and through her searching, God reveals Himself to her in ways she never before imagined possible. By sharing her struggles with transparency, she illustrates how a heart attitude of surrender allows God to use a broken vessel for His ultimate plans of glory. That was Then, This is Now ministers to hurting hearts in every season of life, reminding them that God restores shattered lives, intent on using them for His sovereign purposes.

Click for more detail about Sinking Saints: Ten Reasons Why Judgment Must Begin in the House of God by Etta B. Harbin Sinking Saints: Ten Reasons Why Judgment Must Begin in the House of God

by Etta B. Harbin
Tate Publishing (Feb 05, 2008)
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In their quest to embrace sinners, believers have now come to love the sinner more than they hate sin. Author Etta B. Harbin shares ten compelling reasons why the sin-laden 21st century church is on the verge of experiencing the impending judgment of God. Sinking Saints: Ten Reasons Why Judgment Must Begin in the House of God is a compelling expose that unearths the skulls and bones of secret sins lying dormant in every Christian home and local assembly, and initiates the critical process of awakening and cleansing the church of all its well-known, but ignored, closet crimes. Sinking Saints offers practical solutions that will return the long awaited passion for Christ to Christians worldwide.

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