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  1. Today
  2. @Troy computational elements means programs/code, physical elements means battery/power source/resistors/capacitors/cords/circuit boards and more
  3. Social media is already conditioning people to accept a reality with less real world contact and interaction. AI will eventually do all non-physical work that humans find too tedious or time consuming. I'm curious to see if people will become more productive and take better care of each other when they have more time on their hands. I don't believe work as a time sink makes people better. However, working does provide a structured outlet of socialization which is a critical aspect of our existence as human beings. Cultural cohesion will erode among populations that allow social media and AI to decline them. Moving to Africa becomes more attractive as I continue to observe the world around me.
  4. The HB conviction could provide POTUS PJB with a way out of running for re-election. The Democrats would have to come up with another candidate PDQ (pretty d8mn quick). I'd bet the Dems would look to Gavin Newsome, Governor of California, to be that person. Definitely not VP Kamala Harris. Too many polls to pick from but the general consensus is that many voters will be holding their noses whichever way they vote. Despite their experience, neither party nominee is the best qualified to run this country. Unfortunately, nobody else seems to want the job. Younger people are sitting back and observing this sh8tshow. With the next 10 years, better POTUS candidates will emerge. In the meantime, it's back to American politics as reality TV filled with a circus of clowns including insults, scandals, convictions, etc. There are guardrails in place to keep the country from going off track despite the foolishness. That doesn't prevent America, that beacon on the hill from currently being the laughingstock of the world because it looks like this guy: There's no shortage of Black shills and bootlicks. Rep. Byron Donalds and Sen. Tim Scott are prime examples of why we need a drop squad.
  5. I'm beginning to see more of these AI generated sales pitches (see below). The use of the word "delved" in the first sentence is a tell. The service itself is AI driven. AI is already being touted as tool one can use to craft and read unique bedtime story to your kid. What happens to a culture when there are no shared stories -- when all the stories are unique to the individual? Well, we already know; the AI powered bots on social media give people completely different world views, and we losing cultural cohesion as a result. --------- Hi Troy, As I delved into the fascinating world of African American literature and book festivals, I was struck by your dedication to promoting and celebrating Black writers and publishers. Your work on publishing book reviews, author interviews, and sharing information about black-owned bookstores resonated deeply with me. It's remarkable to see how your efforts have helped to amplify the voices of Black writers and publishers. I was particularly intrigued by your article "Supporting Independent Black Publishers and Presses" and how it highlights the importance of Black readers supporting Black presses and publishers. As someone who has spent years working in the publishing industry, I appreciate the significance of this initiative. As we kick off the new quarter, I'd like to explore how [company name]'s AI-powered sales platform can support your mission. Our platform utilizes AI agents to enhance customer engagement through personalized emails, ensuring efficient delivery and interactive ad decks. I'd love to discuss how our services can help streamline your operations and drive revenue growth. Let's initiate a chat to explore how [company name] can help amplify your impact. [Attachment] AALBCcom material. _____________________ [name of contact] Head of AI Sales
  6. I don't really think this guilty verdict will do much damage to Biden's campaign. By accepting it and refraining from ranting about witch hunts, rigged rulings, dirty politics etc. and by giving no indication that he plans to pardon his son, emphasizing that no one is above the law, Biden - and the Democrats have taken the high road and set a good example. They make the sore losing Trump gang look like the amoral, unscrupulous morons that they are. It's encouraging that the latest polls show that 75% of Independent voters are now against a convicted felon like Trump running for office and don't intend to vote for him if he does. Also, Trump's statement to TIME magazine, claiming that America is becoming "anti-white" and his repeated vows to punish his prosecutors if re-elected, could drive Blacks away from voting Republican. Especially after Byron Donalds, a black state Representative from Florida, who is married to a white womsn and who is among those beiing considered as a running mate for Trump, was recently quoted as saying Blacks were better off during the Jim Crow era because they were more family-oriented bsck then. ??? If, however, there is strong evidence that Hunter Bidrn is a liability for his father's candicacy that could become an excuse for ol Joe being asked to step down. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. We shall see... Back to the peanut gallery. Good Night. zzzzzz
  7. Black Butterfly [Verse 1] Morning light Silken dream take flight As the darkness gives way to the dawn You've survived Now your moment has arrived Now your dream has finally been born [Chorus] Black Butterfly Sail across the waters Tell your sons and daughters What the struggle brings Black Butterfly Set the skies on fire Rise up even higher So the ageless winds of time can catch your wings Ooh, ooh [Verse 2] While you slept The promise was unkept But your faith was as sure as the stars Now you're free And the world has come to see Just how proud and beautiful you are [Chorus] Black Butterfly Sail across the waters Tell your sons and daughters What the struggle brings Black Butterfly Set the skies on fire Rise up even higher So the ageless winds of time can catch your wings [Bridge] Let the current lift your heart And send it soaring Write your timeless message clear across the skies So that all of can read it And remember when we need it That a dream conceived in truth can never die Butterfly [Instrumental Break] [Pre-Chorus] 'Cause now you're free And the world has come to see Just how proud and beautiful you are [Chorus] Black Butterfly Sail across the waters Tell your sons and your daughters What the struggle brings Black Butterfly Set the skies, set them on fire Rise up even higher So the ageless winds of time can catch your wings [Outro] Fly Butterfly Yeah, yeah, yes Fly
  8. https://abcnews.go.com/538/hunter-bidens-guilty-verdict-affect-2024-election/story?id=111057941 As the trials turn, 1st son of the United States, Hunter Biden had been found guilty on all 3 counts in his federal trial for lying about his drug use on a gun permit application. Remains to be seen whether or not Hunter Biden (HB) will be sent to prison. I don't believe the son of the POTUS will serve a day in a cell. HB will get probation and community service and a fine.
  9. Yesterday
  10. @richardmurray Thanks, Richard. I'm happy to wait. Peaches is on edelweiss, but it does not have a downloadable arc. I can email you a link to the digital review copy, if that works for you.
  11. No, I don’t have any tech from the 70’s there wasn’t much personal tech to speak of back then just a TV, radio, Variety of devices to play music, a calculator, and maybe a digital watch. Yeah, that laptop did not have a hard drive. One of the floppy disks held the operating system and other held the program that you were running. I’m not sure they called that device a laptop back then might’ve been called a portable computer, but I could be wrong. I did not answer the question because I did not know what you meant between computational and physical elements. Are used to build and sell personal computers back in the early 90s.
  12. take a look https://www.tumblr.com/kiratheartist/753043788757450752
  13. @Dee Miller I had an interesting conversation with someone who said that it’s impossible to write about something that you have not experienced on some level. What do you think? the ability to make a fiction appealing/entertaining is different from the qualities of the fiction. Someone can write about serial killers never having killed someone and make it appealing or entertaining to a large enough audience to be financially profitable. Yes I said all that because all to often the issue isn't that no stranger didn't like your work but not enough strangers to be fiscally profitable. But assessing he quality of your serial killer story is another issue. This is why something like Uncle Tom's cabin or tolstoy's war and peace , all of which were profitable in their earlier times has changed. Is a wordsmith a storyteller with a vivid imagination that is able to disconnect from one’s own direct or indirect experiences? technically a wordsmith isn't a storyteller, a wordsmith is someone whose skill is making words, a useful tool in all literary arts. Poems demand the wordsmithing skill to allow words of a certain meaning to fit the rhyme or measures or cyclic definitions. A storyteller with a vivid imagination that is able to disconnect from their experiences makes that storyteller brilliant for live storytelling or making the basis of works. What ingredients make you a Storyteller? The ability to convey a message through any medium: dance, singing, knitting, writing, sign language. it doesn't matter what you use to convey the message. If you can do it well enough to get others to comprehend, then you are a storyteller.
  14. @Gabriele Davis I do not know if you are willing to wait. I am willing but I need to wait for the most recent reviews go through their process. Are you on edelweiss?
  15. Last week
  16. pain was under the bureaucracy of general franco from the 1930s to the 1970s, and said bureaucracy had laws that made speech limitations legal. the constitution made in 1978 givesthe following,


    The following rights are recognized and protected: the right to freely express and spread thoughts, ideas and opinions through words, in writing or by any other means of reproduction";
    "The right to freely communicate or receive truthful information by any means of dissemination whatsoever. The law shall regulate the right to the clause of conscience and professional secrecy in the exercise of these freedoms".


     what is my point? In the same way the thirteenth amendment outlawed slavery everywhere but prisons while slavery still exist in the usa today in various human trafficking schemes or through the prison system which was never outlawed or the civil rights act exists since the 1960s but phenotypical inequality is rampant in the usa today. Canada supposedly has equality under the law but native american communities in canada today are being oppressed so....Every government got a set of laws, that don't mean a damn thing to the people abused under those governments. 



    yeah ok, one of the problems in modern humanity is people confuse respect of the enforced law or gratifications of convenience with friendship/comradery/or something similar. The majority of people in spain are white and most of them are from the basque or catalans don't care for each other, let alone those outside their set. so you can only expect this. Yeah, cheering for foreigners occurs, the law enforced stops violent acts. but cultural change doesn't occur these ways

  17. I just popped in briefly. Good to know you are ok. @Pioneer1 I'm also very busy lately.
  18. Hi Dee that clearly is not true, as there would be entire genres that would not exist if that were. Now if you are writing about the real world (people, places, and things) it is helpful to know something about the subject otherwise your story will ring false to readers who know something the subject. Sure, story telling is an art and it requires skill. Some people are naturally better that others at doing it.
  19. Hello, I hope you are well. I’d love for AALBC to consider reviewing my recently released picture book, Peaches. Please find requested details below. Thanks for considering! Gabriele Davis PEACHES by Gabriele Davis, illustrated by Kim Holt Publication Date: May 7, 2024 Abrams Books for Young Readers ISBN 978-1419757372 Hardcover Picture Book, 40 pages Synopsis Side by side with Daddy and Grandma, a young girl is determined to take part in her family’s tradition of baking the perfect peach cobbler just like Mama used to. From picking peaches, to stirring and mixing, to kneading the dough, it's a little bit messy. But with sure hands to guide her and her mother's memory hanging sweet in the air, she has the recipe to make Mama proud. This warmhearted and hopeful picture book shows that with a house full of love, everything can feel peach-perfect.
  20. I realize with the second version of the color purple, how many black books have been reimagined in screen at least twice. I think fences by august wilson has been adapted at least twice. Color purple now twice, but it begs the question, how many? It may be revealing to find out how many black created works of literature have been made into films at least twice. What do said books have in common, or not? what about their reception? I am a fan of the book " I am legend" by richard matheson and a fan of both "last man on earth" with vincent price + "I am legend" by will smith. The following comparison is interesting to view. I admit I learned about the omega man, a movie i never saw... i don't care for charlton heston. URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW5pasjZBXo my comment yeah only in the last man on earth do you get the sense like in the book that neville is the bad guy to the future
  21. Dune part 2 like the first dune film from villaneuve is visually stunning, an excellent use of special effects. as for the story... well,, I am not the biggest fan of the story, I read the book. .. my biggest issue is the emperor, I don't like his character design. .. anyway, the key here is the producers of hollywood have a financial model that suits them. Publicly traded firms are on the constant demand to earn more and more profits. the problem is, no art genre can always produce an increase in profits. so the producers have to lower their overall yearly spending + make financially cheaper films. The modern financial environment makes the approach of a year of highest budget films a wise financial decision but the producers+ accountants of hollywood don't know any other way to make the increased revenue demanded by stock markets. 
    my reply to the following comment [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZgNz7UXTqU&lc=Ugwrx3jK86_8-t0-2154AaABAg
    your point is huge and video reporter missed that point, name me a director who will pass up a big budget, but do you as a director love the content? villaneuve loves dune, he admitted he liked the 80s dune, he admitted he though the jodorowsky 70s concepts are cool. sO villaneuve is ahuge dune fan and that love is what is exhibited, which reacts very well to dune fans. and can pick up others.



    that scene in the first movie when he cries out, somebody help me, his father is the one that was needed.  His mother , himself, his sister aren't victims , the fremen aren't victims, the heroes journey is about the hero, the key to dune is this is the people's journey. At the beginning  of a people anywhere at anytime  plans/schemers/organizations exist that begin the people's story. And the mechanics and powers of the infancy of a people, create inevitables that can't be undone. The easiest example for me is the USA. the usa started as colonies of the british empire, born out of genocide, mixed with a multiracial set of whites unlike anywhere else, financed by an enslavement of a specific people...this has led to inevitables. The love hate relationship blacks have to the usa, the sense of destined entitlement by whites, the cycle of immigrants groups forcing change, these elements are inevitable. the fanatacism to the declaration of independence by those who want to justify the usa and block it from negative criticism, the zeal to the constitution by those who want to keep human actions in the usa bound to a legal code. The people in dune were started by the bene gessirt/the guild/the emperor and the chaom, a senate, of planets, all these things lead to inevitables.the hyper manipulation of the bene gesserit got beyond the bene's control and wrapped every on predicted collisions, the bureacracy of choam and its battleground nature led to constancy of blood feuding betwen the harkonnen side atreides which led to both sides fighting each other even when they are blood bound to each other through personal unions paul is a harkonen + an atreides , the addicted guild led to the wild expansion of the community absent change in organization which led to the mass wars, the emperial family as the centerpiece of responsibility allowing the bene gesserit to manipulate from shadows and never take most of the blame for their actions allowing the guild to expand and be unconcerned while never considering the danger in their ambitions, allowing the houses in the choam, from atreides to harokonnen to fight each other but never assume responsibility ... good point on the doctor.  ... your reading voice:) so sentimental:) .. leto wasn't making himself a monster, he was filling a role that was inevitable, he kept the responsibility that his father tired of and turned his back on. .. good point on story, paul and leto have become legends as gods/human/greats which all have an inhumanity in how they are described by other humans. 

    I commented

    I think one angle few talk about is the fact that the last atreides is duke leto and the last harkonnen is paul's mother. Paul, his sister, aul's children are all half breeds. It is liek when the york + lancaster became the tudors. I argue, paul isn't an atreides nor is his sister. The way the atreides or harkonnens speak about each other , i argue neither would accept someone with the blood of either in their community. I know this goes away from the discussion of paul atriedes labeling or quality as a criminal but I think part of the problem is duke leto + lady jessica aren't viewed for what they represent... the end of the atreides/harkonnen feud and the beginning of the new bloodline built between them in paul/his sister/ paul's children with chani. Yes, the baron/ the beast/feyd are alive but the reality is, the feud is over. with paul and his sister, the two bloodlines are fused so if the harkonnens had won, then the mixed bloodline of paul + his sister holding both atreides/harokonne is dead and the atriedes line goes completely extinct. so the question isn't the future of the atreides but what will the atreides/harokonnen combined bloodline be like, the combined bloodline that has controlled arrakis for a long time, no matter who were the shepards. and with all the manipulators or schemers about they aided in turning the path of the combined bloodline into a series of three regals: paul/his sister/his son who each are consumed by the negativity/dysfunction around them





  22. I have a low pop culture quotient; who are we talking about here? Seems like it can be almost anyone in Hollyweird.
  23. For me I don't see any taking for grantedness. I think it is far simpler. The problem in the usa is that you have a populace over 300 million who are culturally disconnected and in such an environment for every person that is looking for individual freedom plus  acceptance or a meritocracy there is another similar in all racial ways except the race of culture that desires collective freedom plus acceptance or  a tiered system for their groups benefit. 

    The style of integration + segregation in the usa has always been about one thing, power. 

    Sport was segregated for the same reason everything was, whites wanted the benefit of underclasses [native american/black/non white europeans] to uphold their community + financial economy. People forget, the negro leagues, black tennis players, black basketball existed. segregation never stopped black people from doing things, Jim thorpe existed yes? it stopped non white european people from accessing white european wealth or limiting it financially by non white european wealth, all which supported white european power. And the same to integration. As the kerner commission, mostly held by white people said correctly, all institutions in the usa including the federal government, need an overhaul, to delete the negative racial biases. Integration's form in the usa is another white european power scheme. In the black populace in the usa during the period commonly called segregation [ which in my view was merely another form of integration] Black people had a financial aristocracy, the talented tenth right? There has always been a small populace of wealthy blacks in the usa, the only change from the british colonial period to now is the amount of wealth the black financial aristocracy in the usa can achieve and their overall heritage makeup. 


    Steven Barnes is how i found this post and this is what he said 

    To me, part of the reason sports were segregated was that people understood that you can game the results of tests, and schooling, but the body is what it is, can be developed without external cooperation or approval far more than can the heart or mind. And that if we ever entered that arena, there would be nothing to stop us from demonstrating excellence. And of course, people who think dualistically would have to deal with the possibility of superiority.
    And since coordination is kinesthetic intellect, that opens that door to an entirely different, and even more disturbing range of possibilities:
    People who preach superiority are afraid of being inferior.  The schoolyard bully can beat up the "brains" and end up working for them a few years later.
    The implications are fascinating.   But I'll stay with "equality" as my go-to for race and gender.  To do otherwise would be understandable...but would be the thought patterns of my enemies.  Won't go there.


  24. topics ->The fifty-fifth of the Cento series. A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. ->Apricot Earth ->Happy Summer Invitation ->Woman In a Fruit Dress ->Daily deviation glory June 2024 Dates IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR : What makes canon? ; Stoney Jackson on streets of fire ; The first Black female superhero in USA comics ; Jazzday ; Hunger in NYC ; Zatoichi vs A Predator ; Collaborative World Build KWL roundtable URL https://rmnewsletter.over-blog.com/2023/10/06/09/2024-rmnewsletter.html
  25. How does this impact the artistic landscape, and who will ultimately define the future of this digital renaissance?

    The good news in modernity is who defines anything culturally is not as limited as in the past. In the pre internet age, all to often the lack of recorded media by individuals, the ability of one community to dominate the media sphere at every aspect meant that what is defined as art or not, what is defined in general is controllable by a few to their betterment. Today, and going forward if resources remain at least as they are today, the media world will always have various voices that will keep all perspectives alive.


    Does this commercial focus dilute the essence of art, or is it merely a modern adaptation of the age-old struggle between artistic purity and financial necessity?

    I don't think it is a struggle at all. The problem is defining what is or isn't art is always something that is unarithmetic, it can not be made into anything attributed to numbers, at least real numbers. Human beings will always be able to have a differing opinion on what is art, what is not art, what commercial activity is allowable or acceptable or injurious to an objects determination as art. If anything, what is commonly called AI just adds another talking point to those who wish to define what is art or what is not art. If you stop trying to define what is art or not art and convey what you like or not like, then the conversation goes away from what is or isn't art but simply how any piece of art relates to various folk, which is more clear cut, not arithmetic, but no longer trying to reduce human imagination to what some humans want.


    Will it be those who wield their tools out of love for the art, or those who view their canvases as commodities?

    Both will, all always do. No art form at its greatest extent of definition dies, Diminishes yes, but not dies. Yes, many native american ways are dead, most native ameriance ways are dead, but not all of them. Maybe 99% of the native american ways are dead, but the one percent is alive. Nippon had taiko drummers, China with all the piano forte love, had traditional instrument players. Their are stuill gullaha nd geechee speakers descended from blacks living off the coast of the carolinas. Cultural ways will live on. Now if the question is, who will be more common in the future, that is explainable.

    When the usa obtained illegally stolen land that was called the louisiana purchase by some, most of the people of new orleans spoke french. But anyone could see overtime, french would be less spoken. The usa federal government even set up a governor and mayor with the intention of reducing the prevalence of french in new orleans later on. But, anyone with eyes knew, french would become spoken by a small minority in the future of new orleans and that is the modern truth. so, Who will be stronger. Currently, those who use computer programs to make art they have always wanted to see but don't have the skill or time or inclination to learn techniques is at a high growth rate, so are those who see said ability as a chance to make financial fortunes through said art. Both are growing. OVer time, financial value always lessens, yes resurgences occur, but over time most always do any art for the creative love, not the commercial ease. Notice I said ease, making money from art doesn't mean you make enough money off of art to be financially secure or safe.


    Full comment and link to the referenced post



  26. Ask Eddie

    7:55 Eddie: unromanticized suicides are not good ways to end movies
    9:27 Eddie: Fatal attraction [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_Attraction ] is more film noir to eddie than basic instinct[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Instinct]. 
    I think Romancing the stone [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romancing_the_Stone ] + jewel of the nile where Michael Douglass mirror movies to fatal attraction or basic instinct
    11:55 Eddie: if it has a science fiction setting it isn't film noir, not science fiction, even if it has noir elements. Some say invasion of the body snatchers. Speculative science fiction is something else, ala bladerunner [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_Runner] 
    12:59 Eddie: "dark city" is a science fiction noir, but nothing from the black and white film era. 
    13:42 Ann Hockens: Flesh and Fantasy, is an example, like night of the hunter.  [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_of_the_Hunter_(film)
    Eddie: It is fantastical. 
    14:56 Eddie: he has talked with universal to combine "flesh and fantasy" [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesh_and_Fantasy ] with "destiny" [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny_(1944_film) ]
    16:47: Eddie: do you think Night of the Demon [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Demon] would be more noir if they don't show the demon?
    20:25 Ann: What are the best car scenes in film noir?
    Eddie: all the driving scenes in they live by night [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Live_by_Night], the chase scene at the end of side street[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_Street_(1949_film) 
    21:47 Eddie: that is why gun crazy scene was great, cause you didn't see that until cameras got smaller, you can put them into cars.
    26:42 Eddie: tom cruise , tom hanks and other actors directed some episodes in Fallen Angels [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallen_Angels_(American_TV_series)] 
    28:30 Eddie: we still have things from the classic era we want to save so you think 1990 it would be taken care of but
    31:30: Eddie: am I planning on a second round of noir bar, danielle wants to see a vermouth cassis recipe [ https://www.thespruceeats.com/vermouth-cassis-recipe-759272] in a future book, the drink is in the damned that dont  cry[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Damned_Don't_Cry], and the unsuspected. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unsuspected] 
    32:45 Eddie: A vermouth cassis is a sweet italian vermouth with creme de cassis which is a blackberry liquer and soda water
    33:47 Eddie: being hungarian the correct pronounciation is michael curtis. Kur-teg is really his name. 
    34:45 Eddie: when his daughter tells you it is das-iell, not dashell hammet, it comes up all the time. 
    Ann: the director Melville, but I heard people pronounce it mel-veel. 
    Eddie: You are absolutely right. People Jules Dascent, He is a new yorker not french he is July Dascent. Trying to put a french on it is silly... But after watching noir alley for five years, and I say mul-er, but i see many people saying it mueller. But that is not my name. My father's name was vokinic. Son of the wolf. It is the name on the birth ceritificate. Muller became my father's legal name after writing professionally. His grandfather was from Dalmatia , my grand father on my mother's side , german jewish. 
    39:58 Ann: My favorite radio theater, academy award theater and they did a twenty five minute version of the maltese falcon, an impressive piece of radio play . They expected people to see the people to have seen the movie or read the book. A radio adaption of "shadow of a doubt" with  cary grant playing uncle charlie, which was wierd. Lux radio theater[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lux_Radio_Theatre], she is not a huge fan. It is such an ego stroke. 
    She found cecil b demille ... Jack BEnny did fabulous adaptations. Like the lunch counter murders. 
    43:01 Ann: they didn't adapt the movies, but they adapted alot of woolrich [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornell_Woolrich]. if you like noir that is the best. 
    45:46 Ann: sorry wrong number was a Lucille Fletcher's [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucille_Fletcher] original script, came from there. She wrote another one with a real freaky story, with vincent price and ida lupino. The film is [Fugue in C Minor -> https://archive.org/details/440601 ]  
    47:21 Eddie:  It is a piece of music written for noir alley, by a musician named reed hall, and it is called noir alley theme,.
    51:05 Ann: I want people to learn about firesign theater [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Firesign_Theatre]
    53:22 Eddie: MEn's health magazine, they asked me about Sugar,  what makes the character of the private detetive, eternally popular .What makes this a popular fantasy figure for guys.
    54:15 Eddie: Sugar[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_(2024_TV_series)] uses more clips from film noir than any other show.  
    55:33 Ann: Ripley, remember when you said, eddie, that is was ai and green screen. He is writing an article about it. She thought it was high contrast cinematography. The next issue of american cinematographer is going to have his article on this. It was all shot on location. 


    Interview with Edward g robinson's daughter



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