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  2. This was NOT the reason for my comment. Tell us something we don't know.
  3. Yeah I thighs so you can tell by the cadence. Once sexbots are affordable that want be such a wild request.
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    My thoughts

    The percentage of less black male authors in all black authors compared to a greater percentage of non black male authors among non black authors is interesting to me in that I think black women as book buyers or book writers is a stronger force but the contrast to the non black explains the disconnect. THe non black audience is larger in the usa than the black so having the black book buying or book writing be led by females means the black populace will trend a different gender way.


    The tragedy of the black dos populace is that, it had its own set of languages or literary possibilites at the end of the war between the states but black DOS-ers themselves, pushed a white language/literary molding in the black populace so hard, black people turned their back on their own languages + literary possibilities. So the white asian + white latin american communities multilingual existence , allowed by fellow whites, side their growing population quantities gives them a greater and specific reach financially. The native american will always suffer as they are by default the losers as long as the usa exist.


    The reality is, the black populace ever since the end of the war between the states has been a community based on merit. What does that mean? The black populace in the usa didn't earn a form of  freedom through violence, it was handed a form of freedom after its masters battled themselves. So, the black populace found itself with a freedom absent opportunity. This meant what, if nonviolence is to be embraced? This meant getting the former masters , now opportunity holders to value you through merit is the simplest straight forward strategy. And for a extreme minority of blacks it has worked since the end of the war between the states because their are aways situations where merit has value. Entertaining others requires skills that can only be proven through merit. Being athletic requires skills that can only be proven through merit. But, the problem was and is, most things don't require merit. So for example, even though many blacks have graduated with engineering degrees since the end of the war between the states, research and engineering don't have a merit based system cause the truth is, most research or engineering doesn't have a way to merit through to financial return. For example, if you are a boxer, you can't remain a champion absent proving it in the ring, their is no work around. But you can be a researcher or engineer for decades and never yield a grand monetary value.  To restate, being an engineer or researcher doesn't have a way to rank one against another honestly. And thus, it isn't a merited job. The only way engineering or researching can show merited ranks is if people research or engineer on their own, not as paid employees. remember bill gates plus steve jobs weren't the engineers who made the initial softwares that led to their riches, it was others whose names I can't remember as easily. So having a merit based community leads to less power by default, by default. But that is the tradeoff to a nonviolent stance that has allowed the usa to grow into the multiracial body it has currently.And the lack of merited labor extends to most jobs. Ceo's of firms/presidents of firms/financial officers of firms/auto workers/calminers/ most jobs don't have a way to demand merit as a hired entity. Why should one or another be a model for vogue? one should one or another be a newspaper reporter ? Most jobs can be filled by a various set of people who want them absent any way to say one is better than another outside of meritless biases like phenotype/gender/school you graduated from/language or most other. So this explains the financial impotency of blacks in the usa from the war between the states to today. 


    Something told me I should had known nonfiction was the biggest publishing category by blacks. it makes sense in the usa. black fiction is very old but historically it has only had financial wings in the black populace while black nonfiction has financial wings in the non black community. The good news for me, is this proves my idea correct for a project i want to have in process this year.


    The heirtage of whites wanting to adopt/embrace/take native american or black culture in the usa is a centuries old tradition and thus the book buying. Whites in the usa historically consider asian or latin american culture a dangerous other, not to be embraced.


    Advertiisng is the key but white authors have the money for more adveritisng time



    the pdf is from the following forum post


  6. American politics has become a reality TV show. Grab your popcorn and candy and favorite beverage. Sit back and watch the sh8tshow.
  7. Thanks @Delano, as you can probably tell this is an AI Video. Someone, who did not know this was an AI video, asked me about the Brother in the video. They were "interested."
  8. @StefanAll the examples you mention, along with the cat fight between Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia's Congressional Representative for white trash and 2 of her black female colleagues, are a sad commentary on what America has come to. During the course of an exchange of insults in the midst of a Congressional committee hearing, one of the sistas unleashed a barrage of adjectives describing MTG as a "bleached blond," with a "bad built butch body" after the Georgia cracker questioned whether her adversary's false eyelashes would interfere with her reading a report. Of course all hell broke loose within the hallowed halls of the U.S. House of Representatives! The Supreme Court is so tarnished by its bribed traitorous conservative Republican Justices that it has lost all credibility. Elsewhere, in a show of support for their disgraced presidential candidate (who's leading in the polls,) Retrumpican officials show up at his trial for using illegal funds to pay hush money to a porn star. Meanwhile, the dates have been set for Presidential debates between 2 doddering old has-beens to determine who can - best finish a sentence. This once proud nation has become a global laughing stock! Maybe Puffy should run for president and select "good ol girl" Beyonce as his running mate. Could things get any worse? God Bless America? I don't think the good Lord got the memo.
  9. Last week
  10. Lord knows just how incredibly short-sighted many Black folk can be. It seems some of you want to argue, insult other Black people and ignore the signs that Trump will win in November. (I sure hope it’s not because so many of you probably WANT Trump to win). Here is what you’re missing: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just pardoned a White man convicted of killing a Black Lives Matter protester in the summer of 2020. Daniel Perry WAS serving a 25-year prison sentence for the murder of the protester, Garrett Foster, who was attending a racial justice protest with his Black fiancee. But Perry, an armed White man, didn’t fancy that one bit. Abbott had faced pressure to issue the pardon from conservative media figures, or so he said. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/what-led-texas-governor-to-pardoning-man-convicted-of-killing-black-lives-matter-protester Then, there’s the honorary Ku Klux Klansman in the Show Me State where a judge decided this man’s opinions and beliefs on race and other matters does not mean he should be shunned. Nope. This dude can remain on the GOP ballot for Governor, the judge determined. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/missouri-judge-allows-former-honorary-member-kkk-remain-states-gop-pri-rcna152933 Ah, but I would not worry about this. Sean Diddy Combs can chase ‘em down, throw ‘em down, then proceed to beat ‘em down. They don’t even have to be near Century City or Combs’ hotel room. And this time, we get to cheer.
  11. now07.jpg

    the history of black people did not begin in chains but the hisotorical relationship black people have to the usa did begin in chains. In the same way native american history didn't begin with being slaughtered but the historical relationship native americans have to the usa began with being slaughtered. non dos blacks or non indigenous don't have this problem. their historical relationship to the usa began with dreams of a better life. The problem is that their will always be a significant, at one time majority populace of black people in the usa who have a well earned negative relationship to all the usa is or the white people in it and that has never been able to work with black people who choose , absent historical basis, to integrate positively or peacefully into the usa or aside the whites in it. 

    Brother Malcolm's quote is to remind black people in general that we are more than our experience in the usa, BUT he wasn't trying to deny that the experience in the usa for black people is majority negative,always. 

    Too many black elected officials or black financial aristocrats in the usa have tried to use malcolm's words to suggest a sort of ignorance or laziness in the larger  black populace while ignoring the true problem with the majority of the black populace in the usa. the true problem is most blacks are simply angry at whites plus the usa and unfortunately, their anger has never had an outlet. so blacks who have chosen not to be angry have only suggested , for their own benefit, a change of mind. 


    malcolm is correct, but i think the problem isn't black history from the beginning of time as much as black history in the usa, the question is simple, based on black history in the usa, should a black person feel positive to /want to integrate to /be happy about the usa or the white in it? I argue no is the all the questions based on history alone and i think most black people in their brains know it. I challenge anyone to tell me one year in the usa where most black people had a reason to be happy or hopeful? The answer is none.


    in the history of the usa, i can't recall one year where most black people were happy or hopeful? the history of the usa for most black people's bloodlines begins with and only had chains

  12. Hey everybody, Thanks to Troy for allowing me to join you. I'm Veronica G. Henry and I'm an author. I've written 4 books so far, all listed in my bio. My latest release (March) is The Canopy Keepers. It's a genre-bender with something for everyone. Literary fiction fans, climate fiction, a little science and fantasy mixed in. It's the first of a duology (A Breathless Sky is scheduled for a Dec release - pray for me :-)). I would be honored if you would give it a read. Sequoia National Park, a black fire station chief, and an environment (and their champion) ready to fight back.
  13. topics The fifty-second of the Cento series. A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. Mother of the Wasteland- photomanipulation Fractal Lens - fractal generator on Black games elite Dates IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR: WCL - CPU Opponents Update ; mechanical woven origami ; Book of Clarence from Movies that Move We ; Toulouse Lautrec showing ; Cheynader q&A ; hilarious trick from a wife ; jesse washington 1916 URL https://rmnewsletter.over-blog.com/2023/10/05/19/2024-rmnewsletter.html
  14. Yeah, it is very much "south park" like in humor @ProfD, but south park is, if you can believe it, less base. Like South Park there are celebrity appearances Trump. Elon Musk, one of those rich white girls, maybe Paris Hilton (or it could just be the archetype). At any rate, the series if humorous and I'm not offended as the show does not reflect me or Black people in general. it is playing on exaggerated stereotypes. It has nothing to do with the original Good Times thought there are some references to it that would go over anyone's head who did not see the original. Any white person stupid enough to think this is an accurate reflection of Black life was already lost. Any Black person offended can cancel their Netflix subscription and watch something else. In 2024 there are many programs offering a realistic and intelligent representation of Black life. Most comedy will offend someone, that is the nature of the art.
  15. Juneteenth as a holiday was a bone thrown at Black folks because we don't have enough holidays. IMO, it will be harder to get traction for Kwanzaa because it's not popular among most AfroAmericans.
  16. Admittedly, I haven't watched any of the Good Times reboot. But, it reads like a South Park knockoff using Black imagery. The open letter to Netflix is the 1st step in protesting this foolishness. Next up, for those to whom it matters, start canceling subscriptions.
  17. Juneteenth ,The. End. Of. Slavery. ,In. Texas. ,The. End. Of. ,Slavery ,In. This. Country. ...Why. Is. Juneteenth Celebrated. ,Not. Kwanzaa ?.Black. Community. Enslaved. Each. Day. .Crack. Houses. ,,Pimp ,Houses. ,The. Churches. .Black. People. Paying. For. Their. Enslavement..Black. Politicians. ,Care. More. About. Ukraine ,,Israel. ,,Palestine. Than. Their. Own. ,People. ..Black. Politicians. Support ,,Billions. Of. U. S. Money. Going. To. Ukraine. And. Israel. ,,No. ,,Money. Going. To. Poor. Inner. City,. Communities. To. Build ,. Better, ,Schools. ,Create. Jobs....Kwanzaa. , Maintaining. Unity. In., The,,Black. Communities. ,.,Families. ,,Race. ,,Purpose., ,Responsibility. ,..White democrats. Will. Support. Juneteenth ,,Black Democrats. ,NAACP. Not. Organizing. Kwanzaa. ..........Where. Is. Black. Lives. Matter. ????. Slavery. Has. Never. Stopped. ,The. ,Chains. Are. Off. ...Drugs. And. Guns. Dumped. In. Black., Communities. For. Enslavement. And. Genocide. ...Bible. ,Jesus,,,Enslaved. Black. People. ...Willie. Lynch. Letter. ,,How. To. ,Make. A. Negro. Christian.........Black. Democrats. Controlling. Black,,Votes. Have. A. Comfortable. Living. .......Neither. White ,,Democrats. Or. White. Republicans. Want. Black. People. ,Organizing. Kwanzaa. ..Black. Unity.....
  18. An interview with Alexis Brown [ https://www.flickr.com/photos/199339334@N08/ } who is a member of Black Women Photographers [ https://blackwomenphotographers.com/] My favorite question and answer What type of gear do you use? The primary tool in my photography arsenal is the Sony A7iii camera body. When it comes to shooting events, my preferred lens is the Rokinon 14mm AF. This choice is complemented by the use of a direct flash along with a modifier. The combination of this lens and lighting setup not only allows me to capture the essence of events but also proves invaluable in maximizing space, transforming even small venues into expansively immersive environments. the photo i chose in her feature I liked most URL of the question and answer side photographic feature https://blog.flickr.net/en/2024/05/10/behind-the-lens-with-alexis-brown/
  19. Interestingly I did not hear of this program until this campaign -- and I'm a Netflix subscriber (or someone in my family is...we share accounts) I just watched the first two episodes. Perhaps the most striking this was the use of the word "Motherf*cker" which I don't recall ever hearing in a cartoon. They have a bunch of Black comedians participating J B Smooth, Wanda Sykes... There was one Joke thar made me laugh out loud. I would not put this cartoon on the same level as Birth of a Nation -- on any level. I would not judge the series on a trailer either. However, if people feel strong enough to cancel their Netflix subscription I'm all for that, we need to be doing more of this thing. I think we should be boycotting McDonalds, Amazon, Newport, etc. It would be interesting to hear what anyone else who has seen this cartoon thinks.
  20. An Open Letter to Ted Sarandos Co-Chief Executive Officer of Netflix CEMOTAP Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People 135-05 Rockaway Boulevard South Ozone Park, N.Y. 11420 (347-907-0629) Ted Sarandos Co-Chief Executive Officer Netflix Corporate Headquarters 100 Winchester Circle Los Gatos, CA 95032 Sir, the purpose of this letter is to express outrage at your ill-advised and ill-named release of “Netflix Good Times Reboot.” This insulting cartoon has only the most superficial and negative relationship to the original Good Times TV series. The claim by some of the creators that this is satire is so bogus as to not warrant response. The great satirists took on powerful people, not the people in the ostensibly less powerful position. When powerful people such as yourself and Seth McFarlane portray African people in this way you are ridiculing us not satirizing the powerful. Historically such ridicule has often preceded actual violence against the people ridiculed. Hollywood’s “Birth of a Nation” preceding the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan and Red Summer of 1919 in which more Black people were lynched in America than in any other year of its history, is just one example of that sequence. If you do not understand this reference, google it. It is not the purpose of this letter to educate you comprehensively. However, we will take the time to review with you seven of the specific offensive messages delivered in your trailer for this series. Message 1. Black People are Ugly: Portraying the father figure’s face with small cranium and wide jaw in such a way as to fit the template of Magilla Gorilla is not funny. It is a part of a longstanding trope of whites making simian references to African people. Ironically Thomas Jefferson made similar reference in his Notes on the State of Virginia. We would have thought you would not be guilty of the exact same hypocrisy. Message 2. Black People are Stupid: Having a father ask his son, is it possible for his daughter to get disability for her face is not funny. It is ridicule and in the tradition of another long-standing trope. Message 3. Black People are violent and criminal from birth: Portraying Black babies as selling drugs and shooting automatic weapons at each other is not funny. It is all too real. Message 4. Black People are rude, crude, lewd and hypersexual: Portraying a bug-eyed dog watch a man with the profile of a gorilla have sex with a Black woman doggy style while slapping her bottom is not funny. It is not satire it is ridicule. Portraying the Black teacher as an alcoholic (sipping from her flask), nicotine addict (cigarettes in her pocket), pedophile, making sexually loaded comments about one of her students (a child) is not funny. Message 5. Black People's Struggle for Freedom, Justice and Equality is a joke: Using Rosa Parks name as a rebuke is not funny. Portraying Harriet Tubman having sex with Gwyneth Paltrow as McFarlane did in earlier cartoons is not satire. It is ridicule and the recurrence of a sick McFarlane theme. Message 6. Black People are worthless: Portraying a Black Father telling his children he was dumb for not wearing a condom when his wife conceived them is not satire it is ridicule. Having your characters calling a Black woman the B word or a Black boy the N word is not funny it is offensive. Message 7. Black People have nothing sacred that whites are bound to respect: Superfluous reference to our ancestors, ridicule of Jesus portrayed as white, ridicule of Jesus portrayed as Black and ridicule of God with a Black voice portrayed with lavender and turquoise fingernails, superfluous reference to the Ancient African God Anubis and to Ancestor Rosa Parks is sacrilege to the main objects of worship of Black people in America. Please note that It did not go unnoticed how you did not make reference to Muhammad Ibn Abdullah or the God Allah in this trailer. You have obviously learned the lesson taught to Salman Rushdie in his ill-advised attempts at humor. True satirists don’t generally spare foes they consider dangerous. Bullies do. Since you have released all 10 episodes of this atrocity, already and appear to have the intent to leave them available to the public indefinitely. There is no room for negotiation. We are going to exercise our right as free people to withhold our dollars from your enterprise for as long as you show this outrage and to withhold our dollars for at least an equal amount of time after you stop. James C. McIntosh, M.D. and Betty J. Dopson Co-Chairs CEMOTAP
  21. @Tesa considering the modern financial markets have so many uncontrolled/manipulated/manipulative sectors, it goes without saying
  22. Without the Fed, control of interest rates will shift to the market. This will most likely lead to great uncertainty.
  23. The 2-Minute Survey to Benefit Black Authors: https://qualtrics.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eh543jnw9wZUveS (survey closes May 22, 2024) The survey results provide crucial insights and interesting disparities within the publishing industry. For example, full-time self-published authors invest three times more in marketing than their traditionally published counterparts. Download survey results: https://aalbc.com/pdf/Authors-Guild-AALBC-US-Published-Black-Author-Income-Study-12072023.pdf
  24. example- have fun getting images factor .425 Restrictions repetition None No Restrictions axis Not bottom right Restrictions coin toss None
  25. I like the third. A few things I would change. I wouldn't say neat. @aka Contrarian I have a read a lot of books about Astrology Numerology and Tarot. A few books about time and numbers. After a bout two decades and few languages I created to do reading, it jelled into not just reading a person but reading time as well. Like a person time has moods which vary. I have just found a way to quantify those movements.
  26. The 1st and last versions read more like a human wrote it. That 2nd version, even based on the parameters provided, reads like a robot wrote it. @Delano, please let us know which one you decide to use.
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