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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2011 in all areas

  1. Wow, I see Troy and his partner in the "sublime to the ridiculous" are still finding school yard ways to attack President Obama. "Tsk...Tsk....Tsk.....Troy, ummmmm......your thinking is becoming more bizarre and twisted by the comment. I'm really surprised to see this kind of melt down from I guy I thought was sharp and on point" Best comment in the tread. I am glad someone saw through Troy's ridiculous attempt at polical sarcasm. But then, right on cue, Hop-a-long showed up... "Come ooooooon, Xeon, you gotta give better rebuttals. We can't read your mind as to why you think Troy's comments have no merit" MERIT?! Give me a freakin' break. What was there to refute? Since Xeon has crushed Troy several times (regarding President Obama and his administration) Troy words were akin to that of a little kid licking his wounds from waaaaaay down the block... and yelling "Obama's a stinker and that guy, Minister somebody, says so too". Now lets see, what other jewels did I see? Oh, Lee Elders. Please, why would anybody support their position by mentioning the author of "Stupid Black Men. Yeah, that's the title of his 2008 "race card" book. Go figure. Troy probably has a signed copy. Again, Xeon pulled back the curtain on this Wizard of Black-OZ. But, to be fair about this, I do have a copy of his book, but like Xeon implied, the guy has made a career out of straddling the fence. It's true, he's the thorn in the side of conventional-"black" wisdom, but he turns a blind eye when if comes to (Michele Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, Glenn Beck, Bush, et al...). "I got someone to write the article and will be publishing it shortly" Oh lord, let me guess, it's Cynique. 500 words of YEAH BUT, Obama sucks. You know what, I am still wondering when one of Troy and Cynique's ilk, are going to step up and bring their contender for POTUS? I mean, since they deplore everything Obama attempts to do or has done, I know they have a replacement in mind. I'm sure they wouldn't be that foolish to burn down their house before they had a replacement home? I am sure they're smarter than that. Nobody could be that filled with that much jealousy and hateraid?! Wait, I know the name of their man! Hermain Cocaine Cain! Now I've seen everything. See, I live in Iowa so I sorta know white folks and people like Troy and Cynique, but this Hermain Munster Cain is a new Frankenstein. He was in Iowa doing his best slappy white, so I have to mention him. And, he's Cynique and the gang's main man AND he's running for POTUS! Seriously, I don't do much politics but I turned on my boob tube and that clown was doing the 2011 Buckwheat for president dance. Really, I couldn't believe my eyes so I set my video recorder. Then, after he was done, I sent the tape to my lab boys and asked them if they could somehow give me back a 3D version. I wanted to see this guy from all angles because something wasn't right. After a week went by my package arrived. There was a note attached... "We slowed this down and noticed Mr Cain had a small mic in his ear and something was protruding from his rear end. We were able to filtered out the words in the small ear piece. They sound like lyrics to a song that some use to get hyped before they go on stage. here they are: I wish I was in de land ob cotton, Old times dar am not forgotten; Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. In Dixie Land whar I was born in, Early on one frosty mornin, Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. Those lyrics, written in a comic, exaggerated version of African American Vernacular English, tell the story of a freed black slave pining for the plantation of his birth. Damn, now my curiosity was on high alert. I couldn't wait to see what was running out of his booty hole. I popped in my remastered 3D video and there it was. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a tail! Yicks, a big black funky looking hairy tail was hidden under his jackass suit. But if you haven't seen this guy or heard his rhetoric, you better hurry because he's a black republican. And we know what they do with them. Yep, they use them up and throw them away like a dirty scummy dishrag. Aside from the funky mouth monkey man, here's my basic point of contention: Raise your hands in the air if you just don't care. Or, wave the flag for Ms Palin or any old Mr Charlie, or his wife, or any ol' negro? If not Obama then who? BRING ME HIS NAME!
    1 point
  2. Well, Larry Elder carries no weight with me. His slavish addiction and zealous desire to parrot the whims and interests of white conservatives is legendary. There are a number of things he has said that I agree with but his strident refusal to question or criticize the toxicity of white conservatives (Michele Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, Glenn Beck, Bush, et al...) while excoriating blacks and liberal whites at every opportunity, is unacceptable. Farrakhan is a tired aged self anointed buffoon who has made a life of race baiting, virulent antisemitism and divisive rhetoric.......
    1 point
  3. Troy, if you have to ask a ridiculously inane question like that, you don't deserve an answer. Seriously...... Wow! You really believe that? That's truly sad...... Tsk...Tsk....Tsk.....Troy, ummmmm......your thinking is becoming more bizarre and twisted by the comment. I'm really surprised to see this kind of melt down from I guy I thought was sharp and on point. Are you ok?
    1 point
  4. Leave our fearless leader alone. After scoping out his Final Four Picks, he is now touring Brazil, enjoying fun in the sun.
    -1 points
  5. Come ooooooon, Xeon, you gotta give better rebuttals. We can't read your mind as to why you think Troy's comments have no merit. It seems to me that Gadhafi has become the new Saddam Hussein, - a bad guy who America thinks needs to be taken out. Opposing him are rebels who need the support of American firepower - a scenario that's all too familiar. Backed into a corner with a Catch 22 situation, having committed itself to preventing a blood bath, America will be left holding the bag, obligated to keep its word, ending up in another war should the coalition forces back off - which they just might do. De ja Vu......
    -1 points
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