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  1. Pioneer, I'm sure you'd agree that the sexual appetites of people, of both sexes, lie on a spectrum; from a desire for complete abstinence on one end to catch-get-enough or the other. I simply don't know what the relative distribution of men and women across the races are on this spectrum. But I'm certain you can find Black men on the abstinence side of the spectrum. I'd agree with Cynique that there is a double standard; a man can boast about multiple partners and be envied and revered, while a woman would be scorned or pitied. Image how that gymnast Gabby Douglass would be treated if she went around bragging about how she banged all the dudes on the men's basketball team. She can't even have a hair out of place for Christ's sake. I suspect women are just as promiscuous as men--it just isn't culturally accepted for to them to admit it. Besides, all these guys are not screwing the same woman over and over. It takes two to Tango Bruh. Anecdotally, I see much more evidence that white folks are far more promiscuous that Black folks who generally profess a far more conservative sensibility. The media seems to reinforce the perception that white folks start having sex at a younger age and have more partner than Back folks. White folks led the sexual revolution; invented viagra, swingers clubs, the porn industry, tinder, NAMBLA, and on... What is the first thing a European imperialist does when he invades a country? Before he steals a thing, he rapes the women. Nah man, I'd have a hard time believing Black men are more promiscuous than anyone else, Brothers just feel the need to brag about it more. Sadly too many of us derive our self-worth from the number of sexual partners we have and take too little responsibility for the consequences of so many partners; including the transmission of STD's and children no one wants to rear.
    1 point
  2. Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. So her entrenched constituency came through for her. Her problem was that she didn't make any converts. Apparently, the "undecided" voters ended up going for Donald Trump because they were fed up with the Black lives matter movement, with the LGBT community, with Plannned Parenthood, with Mexican Immigrants, with the Muslim presence, with Native American protests, with the assumption that celebrities would influence how they voted, and last but no least, with the idea of Hillary Clinton perpetuating the liberal agenda that Barak Obama represented. Opposing all of this is what they truly believed would make America great again. This country has referred to itself as the Land of Opportunity, and in this election millions of its citizens took this opportunity to register their intolerance of others or, as Martin Luther King phrased it, "a dislike for the unlike". So Trump's election is a victory for the "great white hope". Others can only hope that he will develop the integrity to make his presidency one that is inclusive, rather than exclusive. The future of the United States depends on this. IMO
    1 point
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