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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2017 in Posts

  1. @Troy Surely, your cousin attached some other trauma to the American flag to deem it racist. She wasn’t enslaved under the American flag or confederate flag but the latter is the symbol of those who wanted the right to enslaved people to prop up their economy. In fact, from this story, it seems she avoided neighbors for whom Old Glory symbolized something different. And I suspect, the American flag signaled her neighbors intent on doing harm I have no sort of trauma attached to the American flag - other than one was given to my mother for her husband's ultimate sacrifice - Aside: Embracing any symbol, such as flag, is strange; especially when the focus should be on its principles instead. Also, Neither Del nor Cynique wrote that Jefferson wasn't trash. They responded that the relationship between Jefferson and Hemings was nuanced. From my POV, their statement doesn’t absolve Jefferson of anything. And speaking of Jefferson and Washington, while either may have performed alleged treasonous acts against England; they were founders of the Union. A statute of either would be more appropriate than one of Benedict Arnold. So, a statue of someone such as Lee who fought against the union wouldn’t be welcomed here either. I can see those in the confederate states remembering their war dead - but statues of the losing generals are disrespectful. Imagine one of those mosque here in the U.S. erecting a statue of Osama bin Laden. We now know those statues are symbols that emboldened those filled with hate. It's best they go. For whatever reason, however, there's a statue of George Washington in England’s Trafalgar Square. So maybe the Queen doesn’t hold a grudge. Or America is still a colony.
    2 points
  2. Well, it's not unusual for us to disagree, as you pat yourself on the back for taking the high road instead of the low one, something your clever use of language has permitted you to do. I never actually defended Jefferson but i do know there is a large clan of black descendants from Sally Hemings' blood line who are very proud of this lineage and who fought long and hard to be acknowledged and accepted as authentic by Jefferson's white descendants. So if her black family doesn't have a problem with Sally's liaison with Jefferson, why should I? There have been books written about Sally Hemings and I'd be interested in the conclusions the authors drew about her feelings on this matter. I don't feel sorry for poor whites because, as you have called to my attention, there are more important problems to be concerned about in this world. I confess to being prejudiced toward all manner of these people because i have no doubt they are all prejudiced against me. As i have previously stated, i am discriminating when it comes to being compassionate, especially toward people whose pride in their white skin has blinded them to who their real enemies are. What do you think about Andy Young's stance?
    2 points
  3. Del I am paying my respects by keeping you in line. Young brother. Lol...... I see you can take a man out of the "boogie down" but you can't take the boogie out of him. Troy do you believe you are senior to Pioneer or was the "young" comment a subtle dig? I won't even address the keeping him in line part. I'm just pointing out the subtle aggression you express toward him, that I was referenced in the other conversation. I actually didn't take it as aggression. I took it as a playful attempt to "check" me on my statement with the added age factor that Black men often use on eachother....as in a sense of "schooling" someone younger or less experienced or pulling their coat. But I believe Del's statement was less about seriously checking me for not paying respects to Jerry and more of a jovial poke. Besides, if you and Del are around the same age then he is INDEED a little older than me anyway.....lol. I've said so many times, the English language is too simple to capture the full meaning of social relations in the Black community so as a language it doesn't have words to describe what Del did...lol. You just have to be Black or grow up in a Black community to completely understand. Like calling someone "bruh" (as opposed to "bro" or "brutha" )today is considered a subtle act of aggression but most people outside of the Black community don't realize that. But one day I believe WE WILL either come up with a language or alter the English language in a way that captures our true emotions and intentions and how we really relate to eachother and be able to put it in words. But it will take BLACK PEOPLE to do that, standard English will not allow it.
    1 point
  4. Troy you are attributing statements to mw that i have neither said overtly or covertly. Their relationship is clearly complicated. He started oyt having a sexual relationship with a beautiful underage piece of property. That he liked her company enough to travel with her..
    1 point
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