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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2013 in all areas

  1. Talk is cheap, and it's obvious what sistas need to do when it comes to finding Mr. Right. But in reality there are not enough good men to go around, much less ones who are receptive to the demands of women looking for mates. Plus, the sparse supply of available black males can pick and choose and what they're looking for is a woman who has a lot going for herself both physically and mentally. On the other hand, attractive, smart, black women aren't that receptive to meeting the emotional needs of black men who are very needy and beat-down and - ego-driven. So the rift between black men and women remains, with the men desiring their women to be more supportive and accomodating and the women expecting their men to be faithful and gainfully employed. It's a scenario that plays itself out over and over in the black community and it undoubtedly contributes to the problems that plague the race. In the populous ghetto culture of the inner cities, when it comes to relationships expectations are not high, and affairs not stable. Add the inevitable pregnancies to the mix and - well, it's all down hill from there... Those of you who insist all problems have solutions, haven't figured out yet how to reverse the mind-sets that perpetuate this unfortunate conflict that aflicts the black middleclass.
    1 point
  2. My, my, my. What an eloquent indictment of niggers, Pioneer. Poor ol white people. Here they are having trouble sitting back, enjoying all the privileges and entitlement that their skin color guarantees them, - skin color that also identifies them as people who stole the country from the native Americans, who imprisoned loyal Japanese citizens in holding camps during world war 2, who penalize hard working law abiding illegal immigrants, who, oh yeah, enslaved black people uprooted from their country to be brought to this land to live in bondage for 400 years. These are the people who during WWII dropped nuclear bombs on civilians, killing tens of thousands of them. These are the people who invade oil rich foreign countries and wage wars under the guise of freeing the thousands who make up the dead ranks of collateral damage. These are the people who back corrupt dictators and bribe greedy treacherous Arab leaders. These are the Americans who countries all over the globe, hate and despise because of their arrogance. These are the Capitalisitic rogues who ruined the economy, - the corporate bandits who are the role models for the hapless black people that they live in fear of. These are the people who make a mockery of Obama's presidency, even as he bends over backwards to stay in the good graces of those who have allowed him to play at being the HNIC. Pardon me if I don't feel concern for the fears of white America. Particularly since it's not as if black people aren't punished in so many ways for whatever crimes they commit. Black people are scared, too. Scared of being accused of what they are innocent of. Yes, the low-life and gang-bangin element of black people need make-overs. (Anybody for sterilization so they'll stop replicating themselves?? ) If we don't know how disgusting black thugs are it's because we haven't been listening to the "good" Blacks who are running interference for the white team members trembling in their boots - if they aren't murdering their entire famlies for insurance money, or shooting up class rooms and movie theaters, or dismembering a fellow trailer park resident while high on Meth, or kicking out a cheating black boyfriend for sleepin with another fat white ho'. If white people are afraid of angry black people, then that's tough shit. I, for one, don't give a good goddamn about the "Joe 6-packs" and the soccer moms, the profiling cops and the spying salesclerks who are all wary and jittery. Does it occur to them that maybe the sins of the fathers are being visited on the children? Or does it also occur to white folks that when it comes to those trouble making niggers that , "there, but for the grace of Pioneer's white god, go them"? As for other ethnic groups, they are't too scared to set up businesses in black neighborhoods, glad to have welfare recipients as steady customers. Time for me to go back to watching the Science channel.
    1 point
  3. Bill O'Reilly is a right wing hack........... But you know what, he's right., Many White people ARE afraid of AfroAmericans. But that's only part of the problem, other races are afraid of Black people too. . Not only do AfroAmericans have problems with White police, but too often our people have problems with the Chinese, Koreans, Arabs, and Pakistanis who own businesses in Black neighborhoods. Most of their problems don't come from the Black nationalists who resent them owing property in Black neighborhoods but from their regular customers who routinely try to cheat and steal from them I was warned that as I got older I would become more conservative. Well..... The fact is, it's the ERRATIC and often VIOLENT behavior (in actions and in speech) that so many AfroAmericans display on a regular basis in public that is the basis for these feelings. Too many of our people are actually feeding the very racism so many complain of. How many other people do you see sitting around trainstations, malls, and other public places with grins on thier faces LOUDLY bragging about who they fucked up the other day or who will get their head busted wide open if they didn't pay that money back? I don't hear Asians talking like that in public. How many other women do you see growling and cussing at their children or calling eachother "bitch" on a regular basis and talking about who they're going to beat up? What other women act like this? They'd consider it shameful to display such masculine and un-motherly behavior. And being from Detroit I can say with confidence that the culture of Black people actually IS in part responsible for the condition of the city. The crime, the violence, the "I don't give a fuck" attitude, the laziness....all of that has contributed to Detroit being in the state that it's in today. Wealthy White suburbanites just sit back and take advantage of a weakness that already existed. It also contributed to Washington DC, parts of Chicago, and parts of New York being where THEY are or were until immigrants from Asia move in and take over cleaning up the mess that so many of our people made. The time for making excuses are over. Having been through out most of this nation, I can safely say that our people have a VERY serious problem and it's one only God and ourselves can solve. We need to clean up house and take responsibility for our behavior and condition in this nation. Decent Black men and women (especially the men) need to start standing up more and demanding better of our people and especially our youth.
    1 point
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