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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2014 in all areas

  1. Ofcourse many on the right would have rather seen Bergdahl remain in captivity than for the Obama Administration to take credit for his release. It's the same with Bin Laden. No one should be suprised at how low Republicans will stoop to smear their political enemies. Ronald Reagan allegedly did the same thing to get elected. That's what the entire Iran contra-controvery was about. While Jimmy Carter was president Iranians took Americans hostage and were about to free them but Reagan's team allegedly undercut the deal and arranged for them to stage in captivity to make the Carter administration look weak and then for them to be freed under HIS administration. Some of these right wing clowns are heartless.
    1 point
  2. What you're seeing is more people of color running from responsibility. Just like a lot of AfroAmericans in the United States would rather run off to the suburbs to establish themselves rather than confront and eradicate the crime and violence of the inner cities. Many Brown Hispanics are of the same mentality. Rather than organizing to take control of their communities and come up with solutions for the crime and poverty plaguing them....they find it easier to run across the boarder to the United States where things tend to be more stable and prosperous. At some people people of color will have to STOP relying on White people "saving" them and taking care of them and will have to stand on their own.
    1 point
  3. It's not only sad....it's sickening. But what's even more sickening is the child-like irresponsibility among so many Black people in America today. Yes many White police officers are racist and routinely abuse Black people, but where are the Black police officers? Why aren't more Black men stepping up and taking the training and oaths to LEGALLY protect and defend their own communities so that White men don't have to assume those positions. All of those cops were White. Where were the AfroAmerican or Puerto Rican or Dominican cops more representative of New York's population? Why didn't the crowd confront the cops? It's like a safari or wild life seeing so many White cops patroling Black neighborhoods and plotting and planning among themselves how to "take down" a Black man or woman while the rest do nothing but say "Deeeeyuum" and snap a few pictures. And while it doesn't appear that this particular brother deserved to be taken down like he did and he CERTAINLY didn't deserve death.....there is something seriously wrong with Black America today. Too often many Black people INVITE this type of abuse by not only incorporating anti-social behavior but also by their refusal to organize and fight back. There is no way a group of Black cops could have attacked a White man like that in a White neighborhood and gotten away with it.
    1 point
  4. What is it the Internet will do that will prevent meaningful social change? Is the Internet really omniscient? I think there is a public awareness of the disparity between how things are portrayed on the Internet facet of the media and how they actually exist in real life. The average person does not completely embrace what they encounter on line. Most folks do recognize the Internet for what it is: an entertaining pass time, a dispenser of news wherein one has to consider the source and - a notorious invader of privacy!. But apart from all these hazards that come with the territory of modern day civilization, people go about their daily existences, leading their personal lives in keeping with their own conveniences. They do what they have to do to get by and sometimes this involves the cyber-inspired avatar concept wherein people conceal their real personas in order to navigate in a superficial world. A world where Planet Earth rotates on its axis and orbits the sun and time passes on. But, assuming that disappointment does await those who think the media will facilitate social change, what is the alternate venue people should look to instigate social change? And what the heck is "social change"? Presumably social change is a change in how we interact socially. As our lifestyle evolves, what the Internet has spawned actually represents social change. So, in this instance, what is really being sought is a reversal of social change. I suspect that "political change" is a more apt term for this issue. And if the Internet is not the tool for bring this about, again what is the alternative? Returning to the old way of fighting racism and poverty and crime and unemployment and, above all, corporate piracy? And what is it that recommends this course of action? If the old ways worked, we wouldn't still be seeking reform. We are travelers in cyberspace. And, yes, greedy opportunisitc corporate America has become the FAA of computer airways . Who should replace these regulators? Is the sinister, ubiquitous Government a cure worse than the illness? Can a diverse population come together and slay Big Brother????? Who knows?
    1 point
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