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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2016 in Posts

  1. You know I simply overlooked this post. I just finished the Walking Dead Series last book titled Invasion by Jay Bonansinga. I just finished the revised Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone release featuring some beautiful artwork. I read that with my daughter. My daughter and I are reading Coraline now. I'm reading "Why Your Five Your Old Could Not Have Done That" I think the reason people aren't writing in what they are reading is because people really aren't reading that much and it's kind of embarrassing to say you're not reading much when you are visiting a book website. I typically don't share because most of my reading is based around my children and reading to discuss things with them. I am also reading business books.
    2 points
  2. @TroyI am not a "staunch" supporter of Hillary i am just a cynical skeptic of Bernie. And in the spirit of digging up dirt from the past, which seems to be the forte of Bernie supporters, I decided to mention that Saint Bernie had a child out of wedlock. I was going by polls when I said more Blacks are supporting Hillary than Bernie since everybody likes to cite figures. Plus, at a gathering I attended on Easter, I myself was surprised by how everyone there, many of whom were your age, were supporting Hillary. One of these was a New York resident who was visiting her mother for the holidays. Go figure. As for applying the simple solutions to complicated problems dogma to Obama, I'm surprised that you, who chided Obama for bailing out the banks and being a care taker of the status quo, would make that rationale. The carefully crafted "Guest" manifesto has appeared all over the internet and the more I read it, the more I become suspicious of it being a ploy to divide and conquer Democrats in the hope of sending disgruntled Bernie followers into the Trump camp if Sanders doesn't get the nomination. @CDBurns You may very well be representative of a silent voting bloc; those who vote their pocketbooks. They may wield more power than expected because these entrepreneurs and professionals come from all races. Their hearts may be with one candidate but their heads are with who will best serve their financial interests.
    1 point
  3. Great change in dialogue here. If I'm honest, I'm for the person that will assist small business. Which none of the people who are running are addressing so my vote is still in the air (although in the primary I voted for Bernie, which didn't matter since Hillary swept the South anyway.) The person who will address the small business infrastructure in the US (Basically the person who will force the banks to lend money to the everyday person instead of the million dollar businesses will definitely get my ear in a big way. As of right now because I import my footwear, I have to pay attention to the trade agreements and how the taxes are going to applied and if the duties will decrease. This begins to place me in no man's land because while Repubs want to decrease taxes, they don't want banks helping the little guy.
    1 point
  4. Cynique, there are plenty of Bernie supporters who are my age. In fact, I don't really know anyone (other than yourself) who is so staunchly supportive of Hillary. Basically folks are either "Bernie or bust", or "I'll vote of Hillary if Bernie does not make it." The later may be in the minority. When you write, "...in his role of savior, will pull off his miracles by applying simple solutions to complicated problems..." that same thing could have very easily been applied to Barack 8 years ago. I did not know Bernie had a child out of wedlock, I'm not sure why you mentioned it other than to demonized Bernice in the same why you accuse others of demonizing Hillary. Considering the fact that the mmajority of Black people born in America are born out of wedlock, I doubt very many people will hold that against Bernie, but rather see him human--like the rest of us. We need people who are far m,ore progressive in the white house, not moderate centrists who parrot whatever the polls say people want to hear, then proceed to do the bidding of the oiligarchy once elected.
    1 point
  5. I have a problem with Bernie supporters like this "Guest" poster of patented propaganda, most of which is old news from years ago, while the rest consists of blaming Hillary for the sins of her husband, citing a lot of things which if vetted objectively can be discounted, To me, "Guest", is an embodiment of the Bernie followers with their inflated sense of nobility. They're so busy patting themselves on the back for exercising what they consider their "integrity", that they are blinded by their own halos, Contrary to what "Guest" claims, white Bernie followers, themselves, take on the role of standard bearers for the poor negro masses who are misled and can't think for themselves and need to be rescued by do-gooder bleeding hearts and their allies of warmed over latter day black radicals and young wanna-be revolutionaries all recycled from the 1960s. They spend all their time demonizing Hillary while glossing over how Bernie, in his role of savior, will pull off his miracles by applying simple solutions to complicated problems, something he didn't do when he fathered a baby out of wedlock back in the day. Like Trump's following, Bernie supporters think he is going to save America, not by reinforcing racism, but by dismantling capitalism. Lotsa luck. So far, the rank and file of black voters and their practical leaders are backing Hillary because Bernie is an unknown entity and black folks tend to go for what they know and be placated with what they can get. Only the young ones are idealistic. Hillary is certainly not perfect but being perfect is not a requirement for becoming POTUS. The job calls for a broad global command of issues and a doable mentality. Actually, she is Moderate Centrist and Bernie is a Leftist Progressive and they are not that different in the people they purport to represent. They are both promising reform, although to listen to the Bernie's fanatics who are stuck in the past, all Hillary wants to do is line her pockets and represent the rich, something my gut feeling tells me is not the case. But, that's just me. Come November, I won't cross my arms and purse my lips and not vote if Hillary isn't the Democratic candidate. Instead of pouting, I will simply vote for Bernie if for no other reason than it will be interesting to see how it all works out...
    1 point
  6. I am currently finishing Empire of Necessity & am about to start Negroland by Margo Jefferson for a book club I attend & W.E.B. DuBois' John Brown. I also picked up a book by an author I was not familiar with James Hannaham's Delicious Foods. I have also got Victor LaValle's latest The Ballad of Black Tom & Percival Everett's last collection of short stories to read. I used to visit & comment on this site when there seemed to be more dicussions of black literature. I was even introduced to new writers. I still drop in occasionally, but I guess I could now be considered a "lurker".
    1 point
  7. Yes Cynique people willing to exploit others do quite well in this country, often better than people who would treat others more fairly. The election of Obama was a strong indicator that the country wanted a change. The rise of Trump and the popularity of Bernie is more of the same. Sure progress has been made but you can't ignore the fact that many of those gains have been reversed. "...the poorest [sic] people of color are doing better than most." You are the "most"? Who are you comparing poor people of color to Del; poor white people, poor people in other countries, poor people of the past??
    1 point
  8. The Festival of Literary Diversity (the FOLD) is proud to announce the programming schedule for Canada’s first festival for diverse books. The schedule for the festival features diverse Canadian authors and includes three days of workshops, readings, events and author signings with a three-FOLD mandate: to engage readers, inspire writers, and empower educators. The schedule and registration for all events is open to the public: http://thefoldcanada.org/schedule/ ABOUT THE FESTIVAL The Festival of Literary Diversity, founded by author and Artistic Director Jael Richardson, will take place from May 6 – 8, 2016 in Brampton, Ontario and will feature best-selling authors Lawrence Hill, Helen Humphreys, Ayelet Tsabari and Zarqa Nawaz, alongside over 30 more dynamic and inspiring Canadian authors and performers. The inaugural, ground-breaking festival focuses on diverse stories that are underrepresented in literary settings – stories that reflect variations in geography, ethnicity, race, culture, gender, ability, sexual orientation, and religion. The festival includes sessions for school groups, an educator workshop, as well as panels, writers’ workshops, and feature events throughout downtown Brampton. Jael Richardson is the author of The Stone Thrower: A Daughter’s Lesson, a Father’s Life. The book received a CBC Bookie Award and earned Richardson an Arts Acclaim Award and a My People Award as an Emerging Artist. A children’s book, based closely on the memoir, is coming out May 1, 2016 with Groundwood Books. Richardson has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph, and she lives in Brampton, ON where she currently serves as the Artistic Director for the Festival of Literary Diversity. For further details or to book an interview with Ms. Richardson, please contact: Amanda Leduc Communications and Development Coordinator, The FOLD info@thefoldcanada.org (905) 807-3896
    1 point
  9. Hello. New excerpt just posted from Chap 4, New York, New York http://www.whitemansdisease.com/blog Enjoy and please don't hesitate to leave a comment.
    1 point
  10. By doing exactly what we are doing. What is not being acknowledged is the progress that has been made. And the issues ae part of our discussion. It should be acknowledged that the poorest People of colour are doing better than most.
    1 point
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