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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2016 in all areas

  1. One of the goals of the America's civil rights movement was to demolish the separate but equal policy practiced in order to maintain segregation under the pretense of providing blacks with everything available to whites while keeping the races apart. Of course this proved to be a travesty because what blacks ended up with was second class benefits. Once the chorus of "We Shall Overcome" faded and the civil rights struggle was ostensibly over, blacks were optimistic in achieving what they so passionately desired: integration into the mainstream of white society. Trusting in the belief that a color blind world was the answer to their prayers, blacks embraced integration and, for a while reveled in its advantages. But gradually, the old "be careful-what-you-wish-for" axiom kicked in as it became increasingly obvious that integration required blacks to sell their soul by polluting their blackness and the rewards weren't that great. Racism is a chameleon-like entity and it takes the from of its environment. Fast forward to the present. Black folks are back to square one. Fuck integration. They want to do their own thing. Be independent; separate but equal. Lotsa luck. Money is the name of the game and blacks are sitting on the bench, hoping for a chance to put their skills to work. But this is an endeavor that calls for superstars and even they are don't get all the calls. Just ask Obama. Being black is, if nothing, frustrating. It can be very gratifying but it also entails is a lifetime of being on the defensive; against whites and against other blacks, a burden of maintaining a double consciousness and a talent for rationalizing - a journey fraught with the detours of justice denied. For every step forward, there are 2 steps backward. It is not for the faint of heart... (Not surprising my old heart is on the brink of being faint so, without apology, I reiterate that I'm done with the struggle, leaving it in the hands of altruistic stalwarts like Troy. On the eve of Independence Day, I declare mine and, paying homage to all my bloodlines, declare myself to simply be a woman of color who seeks the truth. The truth, even when it hurts, can help set you free.)
    2 points
  2. ...so says the New York Times. I guess there is nothing we can do about it, huh? The article mentions as if it is some form of consolation; "The emergence of Black Twitter has also given African-Americans a powerful voice on social media." Black Twitter?! Please it is just Twitter; we don't own it, we don't control it, and it damn sure ain't benefiting Black people.
    1 point
  3. @SaraYes, someone does have to tell the truth but an untrustworthy liar like you is the last person in the world to do it. You're self-aggrandizement is beyond ludicrous. If you didn't have Google and Wiki and YouTube, you'd be lost. All you do is cut and paste recycled information. And it's debatable whether everything you post is true. You are totally ignorant in you inability to appreciate the free wheeling nature of this site and the fact that many of the posts here are of the op-ed variety as opposed to hard news reporting. Who are you to try and set the tone and monitor the comments and observations made by people who visit here? Your obnoxious presumptuousness is another example of how deluded, irrelevant and self-important you are, and what a need you have to try and impress people. But where Cynique's Corner is concerned, you're nobody of importance. Just a wanna-be. And recognizing messages applies to more than just memes, as proven by someone like you who is sorely lacking in depth and insight. Your myopic tunnel vision prevents you from being anything other than an superficial babbling parrot who fantasizes that she is performing a public service for the audience of lurkers she imagines are hangin' onto her every word. AALBC's very own self-appointed diva of data. LMAO. Instead of cowardly shrouding yourself in anonymity and using this site as a showcase for your blather, why don't you start your own blog, where you can wax supreme and block anyone who sees you for the shallow ideologue that you are - ol Isis sara, a "reject-turned-cyber-terrorist" who has infiltrated this board and aims to shoot down anyone who isn't awed by her mediocrity. Yawn.
    1 point
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