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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2017 in all areas

  1. As I was migrating content to the new format I can across the CD review I wrote for the Iron Pot Cooker by Camille Yarbrough. So I listened to the entire CD again and was just as moved as the first time I heard it. But it also struck me because it reminded me of @Pioneer1, it made me think of him because I think of all the people on the forum he is most similar to me in terms of what it means to be Black. We share a similar "culture." I "get" everything Pioneer writes even though I'll disagree with him from time to time. Everything he writes is familiar. Now if you grew up Black in an urban ghetto you will understand this CD. However, if you were Black and grew up in an integrated suburban environment, you can still be moved but not in the same way as someone who lived this experience. Camille reveals a profound understanding of the dysfunction we have been talking about in another conversation recently. More importantly, Yarbrough is compassionate she loves the characters she is talking about because she loves them. This is a Black experience that not every Black person will relate to and that is probably a good thing. But if you listen to this CD I think you'll have a bit more compassion for the Brother and Sisters behaving in a dysfunctional manner in our ghettos...
    1 point
  2. I agree with most of what you wrote Pioneer especially the bit about Hollywood responsibility for relating our history. But I would not begrudge the educational system for leaving out the story of these three women scientists-provided they include the contributions of Black folks in their lessons. There are so many accomplished Black people, you just can't cover them all. Shetterly's book is on is on the NY Times Bestseller's list and I'm sure it is schools and libraries across the country. So the problem you are complaining about has been solved, right?
    1 point
  3. @Pioneer1, I would be careful when trying to tie genetics to culture, particularly for African Americans. You can't look at a person and tell what their genotype is. Even if you had complete knowledge of one's genetic coding, science simply does not know enough say that these genes are associated with sexual prowess. PLUS American Black and white share people share so many genes it is virtually impossible to use these to distinguish between them based upon genetically determined behavioral characteristics on a "racial" basis. Seriously, it is wrong to think of it this way. Besides, many of the things were associate with culture have nothing to do with the color of one's skin. Culture is man made often arbitrary. I know many Black people, for example, who are culturally white (based upon they way they speak, their dress, the music they listen to, who they associate with, etc), and I've met white people who are culturally Black. This example is probably just a function of where and when these people were born. I wish they would get rid of the word "race," because it confuses people about the nature of humanity, creating unnecessary barriers between us.
    1 point
  4. What it sounds like you are saying is that an active promiscuous sex life is a manifestations of the in-bred nature of black people, and that the European norm which advocates monogamy within a marriage, (and discourages out of wedlock children), cramps the style of black people. You ignore how defying white customs results in broods of out of wedlock children sired by different fathers. Meanwhile, no mention is made of the alternate possibility which would blame the breakdown of the black family on the habits left over from slavery when blacks were not allowed to maintain stable families in the manner of their European masters - standards that were not drastically different from African ones. And I don't known why you continue to make generalities that play into the stereotyping of black people as being oversexed. Is there any scientific evidence, or are there any sociological studies that support your ongoing insinuation that the reason European culture rejects polygamy is because white men are not as horny as black men?? Moreover, there are just as many black people who don't conform to all of your "theories" as there are who do. Unless you are advocating that blacks return to the "motherland'" which will nurture their true nature, the advice given to blacks in this jive-ass country should simply be to emulate whatever it takes to "get over". .
    1 point
  5. I read the page for casting the spell and all due respect to the folks here it sounds a bit silly to me,.. Unflattering photo of Trump (small); see below for one you can print Tower tarot card (from any deck) Tiny stub of an orange candle (cheap via Amazon) Pin or small nail (to inscribe candle)... BUT while I may not buy into the specifics in this case, I'm not so quick to dismiss the power of massive numbers of people using their brains to impact the physical world. Some call it the power of prayer. Some people believe can modify the weather through rituals, of course there are many other examples or mind over matter practices. Imagine if everyone who is against Trump decided to concentrate, at the same time, on him leaving office. Image; 100 million people focusing their mental energy on a single thing. Are you certain there would be no impact? As far as I know this has never been tried. But back to the specifics of the Trump spell. I dunno, while it may sound silly to me, going through the process suing all the items may help people focus their mental energy maybe it is not so silly, if it works for some. But again that sort of thing is not for me.
    1 point
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