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  1. @Pioneer1 when I write here it is for public consumption with the idea that anyone can read and comment on what I write. If I want to communicate with anyone directly I would email them or message them directly. In my case, at least, you should read everything I write in a conversation, because I'm assuming you have. I guess that explains some miscommunication in the past I'm surprised you felt I was snapping at you. That was not my intent. Sorry about that. To explain my mission "in detail" to someone unfamiliar with me and the nature of the web would take a minute. It is like responding to a common question I get, "I just wrote a book, what do I do next?" What seems like a simple question really is not very simple it depends so much on what the person already knows, what their goals are, etc. Probing to get the detail to provide an adequate response would take more time than I have. I tell myself I need to craft a genetic response so that when I get that question, I can direct writers to the canned response, rather than ignoring the email. Pioneer your question deserves a response, but I'd like to take some time to craft it properly, because I know I'll have occasion to use it often. I won't have it done tomorrow or next month, but when it is done I will be sure to share it with you. But I will tell you this much; selling books or opening a chain of Black-owned bookstores are activities, not a vision in my opinion. The underlying reason for those activities can reveal one's motivations and shed some clue to their vision.
    2 points
  2. I sometimes think of Troy as being a voice in the wilderness, worthy of being heard. I often think of Delano as being his own best friend. I usually think of Pioneer as the creator of his own world. I find Mel to be an original thinker, CDBurns a calculated optimist, and Xeon a discriminating black man. I don't know what I am. Coo-coo, I guess.
    1 point
  3. One of the Bloggers who recently added their Blog to AALBC.com had a very humorous take on this film: Get Out Movie Review from a black dude's perspective... Below is a quite from the review: "...These MOFOs been dating for four months. They ain't married. Since when did parents let they kids sleep in the same room, in the same bed in their house after four months of dating? Bruh you better sleep in the car. He shoulda already been uncomfortable when they allowed that shxt to go down. But again, the brotha is still there!" Now I immediately noticed myself and just chalked it up to things white families "white people do," and did not give it another thought. But it raised and interesting thought about culture and humor. The comedian Aries Spears clearly articulated the differences between a culturally Black comedian (like himself) and a culturally white one like Jordan Peel, the man behind Get Out!
    1 point
  4. Yes @Delano, that last message was in reference to Trump. And yes I realize when I wrote it that it was inconsistent with my previous statement about Trump, but I'm using a different definition of the phrase, "Alpha-Male." Twitter is optimized to spread gossip and to encourage the piling on to abuse others (as in the Leslie Jones case). Real men don't gossip or join groups to bully someone, and as a result, have little use for Twitter. @Pioneer1, of course to you and I that Koren kid's concept of "dating" is laughable, maybe even a bit sad. but it is reflective of the world we live in today. Alpha males have usually had intercourse with someone they describe as dating. Pioneer your word choice in describing social media is different that what I would use, but we seem to have arrived at the same conclusions. The WWW facilitated freedom and independence which enhances creativity; while social media limits freedom, fosters dependence and crushes creativity by defining a very narrow band of what is possible (eg use of memes. 140 characters, etc). To an Alpha male being told what to do and how to do it is entirely unacceptable. Followers are happy in this predicament--indeed they need it. Cynique original definition of Alpha Male makes this plain. I've changed my position and proudly accept the designation of Alpha Male
    1 point
  5. I did just look up Magnus after making my post and now I see why I drew a blank. I looked up the correct word this time and see that it means one of the Magi (proper noun) and it also means magician, sorcerer, or astrologer. Del when you call Cynique a Magus what are you actually saying about her? Thanks for believing and saying that you believe in my vision. It helps. I can't do anything that I'm trying to do alone. I'm not sure any of us can go through life doing anything of value in isolation. We need the support of others. Thanks.
    1 point
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