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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2018 in all areas

  1. I hope Beyonce wins next year. She's the only artist I can recall who has used their platform to communicate the complexities of life for black women in America . Kendrick Lamarr's experiences are not mine and I've lived the african-american experience far longer than he . I would have preferred the membership designate this prize for his ability to capture the complexity of modern life of a black man in America... Still, congratulations to KL for being recognized by a body that I hold in high esteem.
    1 point
  2. Mel answered the question I had posed earlier in the thread. What is the root problem. I would say that it is ignorance . A course in home economics that includes mental physical emotional and financial balance. The course could be a book a YouTube presentation and a workshop. Were participants pledge 1% of the investment gains in perpetuity to the foundation.
    1 point
  3. Hi Tanny, This proposal assumes educational attainment is tied directly to wealth. If it were then how could we explain white males who have less than or only a high school diploma have more wealth than blacks who have obtain doctorates in their field? Currently only about 33% of all americans over the age of 25 have a college degree or higher - 37 % of those who identify as white ; 23% of African-Americans; 55% of Asian-Americans; 16.4 % Hispanic - Americans - And Africans from Sub-Saharan countries are the highest educated of all imimgrants to the US with 41% of them holding bachelors degree and higher ...Yet it is estimated by 2053 black wealth will be at 0 if we keep on this path. So I don't think education is the answer to the wealth problem. I'm all for an educated populace but it's not the answer to wealth disparity. Links: Demos.org Why White High School Drop Outs Have More Wealth Than Black College Graduates Fortune.com More Education Doesn't Always Mean More Money Among Minorities, Study Finds TheHill.com Census: More Americans have college degrees than ever before Latimes.com African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S. The Guardian.com Median wealth of black Americans 'will fall to zero by 2053', warns new report @Pioneer1 that's not a black problem that's a human defective behavior problem - - one of the billionaire Mellon's just passed away allegedly due to his oxycontin abuse problem. He was only 54... Aside: @Troy I didn't even last a year on facebook. I had to delete my account again. Not only did I begin to feel like I was losing brain cells... I just can't go there with Mark Z and his scheming ways. I'm getting ready to delete instagram next. Soon AALBC will be the only social network I'll use. And of course, anyone who wants to visit me or track my movements on my websites can but I've had enough of this being a "product" for social network billionaires . Ok back to the education question
    1 point
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