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  1. No card games.....we shoot dice....lol.
    1 point
  2. I'm NEITHER a Democrat nor Republican because I trust neither. I used to trust Democrats back when I was much younger and never trusted the Republicans, but I'm not affiliated with either party now. Having said that...... I will say that there are several reasons the Democrats are losing their Black base: 1. They have a fucked up marketing strategy towards AfroAmericans. In many cases they don't have one at all and have been taking the Black vote for granted. 2. They don't have an agenda for the upliftment of working class people anymore, which is what helped build the Democrat party to begin with. Most Black Americans are working class or poor and they aren't really addressing those issues. No talk of Universal Healthcare. No talk of free college education. No talk of increasing and expanding welfare benefits Democrat leadership seems to JOIN the Republicans of trying to kick people off "the dole" so they can give the money to Ukraine and Israel. 3. The Democrat party is an "big tent" party with too many conflicting interest groups being represented within it. Most AfroAmericans are heavily influenced by the church and it's values so when the Democrats push LGBT issues or Abortion rights...it turns off a lot of AfroAmericans who'd ordinarily support the party. Republicans CLAIM to be anti- LGBT and anti-abortion...they aren't...but they CLAIM to be and that attracts a lot of religious AfroAmericans. 4. The newest reason the AfroAmericans aren't supporting the Democrat party is due to the massive influx of illegal immigrants who are mostly Latino and how they're being pushed into mostly Black communities now. That right there is pissing a LOT of AfroAmericans off and many of them say they'd vote for Trump just on that issue alone. Not sure why, because Trump wants them here just like Biden because they're a cheap labor source and they're hoping they will "replace" the Black population....but silly negroes STILL believe Trump will actually seal off the border and send them back.
    1 point
  3. oh @Pioneer1 midwesterners, what card games you play over there, uno?
    1 point
  4. I will defend the million man march in, the black populace in the usa is circa 50 million people. 1 million is not even ten percent, so I don't think the million man march called for all black people to attend, the idea was for a large group of black people to attend. and in defense of the black populace in the usa, i think the people the masses in the black populace did their part. the problem was the black leadership showed its poverty of quality. not having desire to guide that momentum. @Troy the tragedy in the million man match was how many black men, plus black people, i recall black women publicly being proud of black men, black children being proud, at least where i was offline, who embraced the comradery, embraced the communalism, left disheartened when black leadership showed its lack of positive quality. Either None of the black leaders for or in and about the million man march expected the turn out or they never were going to plan anything anyway. in defense of @Pioneer1 numerical statement, I can tell you from first hand accounts it was an order of magnitude more. It was more than a million. easy. and that goes back to my painful dislike of black leadership during that moment. The black populace were hoping in washignton with all those elected black officials whose offices are less than ten miles away, such a showing would come with their end, but at always black elected officials have shown their poverty and it has no excuse. I know people in here talk about the fiscal wealthy's influence, but that is a historically invaldated defense to elected officials impotency To your point about black leadership @Pioneer1 I oppose your position. he offered nothing. I realize that maybe most black people in this online community and maybe most black people in the usa grew or feel they grew up in a local black community that is full of black individual failure but I didn't. My local black community's problem was the white man it is that damn simple. Black people voted, owned homes, worked worked worked, all that B.. what you call advise or instructions black men in my local black community were doing before the match pioneer.ok. now maybe in yours it was all black statian hell but it mine it was not. , white man has power, the power you get with guns, the power to do regardless of education or financial value. Black leaders don't provide what local black communities like mine needed. maybe your local black community needed all that individual call stuff, but mine didn't ok. And i oppose your position, two million black people are less than ten percent of the black populace in the usa. Don't underrate the size of the black populace in the usa, it isn't the white jews. it is far larger. The KKK at its height had tens of millions. now if ten million black people were united under an organization then... that can lead to making changes, but not two or one million black people.
    1 point
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