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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2024 in Posts

  1. I just purchased this book! I can't wait to get it.
    2 points
  2. @ProfD& pioneer: It's bad enough that poor ol Wendy is seriously ill with aphasia/early onset dementia, is an alcoholic, and suffering with that thyroid condition that makes your eyes bulge, now she has to be sliced and diced by 2 males who look upon women simply as objects that exist for their gratification and critiquing. ( Fani, whats-her-name being another target of their chauvinism.) I'm assuming neither of you 2 watched the documentary about Wendy that appeared on the LifeTime TV channel, because such pop culture fare is not your cup of tea and, of course, Neely Fuller hasn't issued an opinion about her yet. Anyhoo, the chances of Wendy recovering are slim; she's in pathetically bad shape and, yes, all of her chickens have come home to roost. She was catty and bitchy which was why she had such a large following of sistas and gay men. She turned herself into a caricature and made millions doing so. Now the tables are turned and she inspires nothing but pity. Pray for her. Yeah, she had a good run. She never wanted for anything - except happiness. (Yet, like Barbra Steisand once quoted, "I've been rich, and I've been poor, and - rich is better." ) And speaking of rich, Wendy has also become a football between her salivating family and the court-appointed guardianship handling her financial affairs. And speaking of football, ProdD, who you got? Justin or Caleb? I'm done.
    2 points
  3. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/where-is-wendy-williams-documentary-dementia-diagnosis-producers-interview-1235836418/ Former TV talk show host Wendy Williams is having health issues and life challenges The same woman who made a living gossiping started to crash and burn after her husband flipped the script and took on a younger boo thang. Before her marriage failed, I thought Wendy was in decline when she had surgeries and showed up on her talk show looking like a walking Pez dispenser: Wendy isn't the 1st person and won't be the last to fall. But, it should be a cautionary reminder that karma and Father Time are undefeated.
    1 point
  4. My auntie is 91 and is still sharped tongue and full of life as ever! She is absolutely remarkable. Whether Cynical or @aka Contrarian, for your input in today's world is rich. I wonder why others at your age don't see the need to do the same and I hope to live on ... and do the same. At my age, I have come to realize that some of my younger relatives are now needing my input! This comes as a surprise to me.
    1 point
  5. I taught myself portrait photography. I never went to any photography school. I just liked taking photos. Got good at it. However, I was a better writer and spent 26 years in Print Journalism, rising to the rank of Senior News Editor. These days, I am retired and looking - on intently and sadly as Black man after Black woman miss all the signs of a democracy in the throes of a selfish collapse. To those hunting for thirst pics. there are none on here, save for the few you've already seen.
    1 point
  6. Not sure what's going on with her but she sounds like a psy-op to me anyway. For one thing, I'm suspicious about her sexual identity because she has too many masculine features and I've seen old photos of her looking too much like a male. And then she keeps her hair dyed blonde and wears provocative and unflattering clothes. She simply looks too fake......like a Black man who tried to turn himself in to a White woman.
    1 point
  7. @aka Contrarian i dunno what your day to day life is like, but i find you inspirational. i think it is your sharpness of mind, wit, and intellect. You probably can’t see it, but I bet others do. I’m sure your husband did I’m @ing @Mel Hopkins and @Chevdove so that they see your message. if you have Netflix check out This is Us. I think it is an interesting series. It won’t be boring. I’ve been watching it, almost exclusively, for a couple of months now.
    1 point
  8. @ProfD& Troy: I thought it would be great to live a long life and reach 90. But, suddenly, I'm not impressed over having achieved this goal. Others in this category thank the Lord and aspire to reach 100 and are eager to tell what they attribute their longevity to. Me, I'm fighting boredom and depression. I really feel as though I've over stayed my time here and am trapped in a state of limbo I've lost interest in a lot of things and what others find interesting and exciting I find mundane. I spent a lot of time pondering about life after death and whether there is one. I've been told this all might be hormonal. And, of course, I'm very pessimistic about the upcoming presidential election and the future of the USA. Hopefully you both will be able to handle old age better than me. I'm certainly not an inspiration. Oh well, you can't win 'em all. N c Hi Chevdove and Mel. Glad to see you're still "holding down the fort."
    1 point
  9. It's funny that I was actually watching this video from this Nigerian dude and decided to check in on AALBC in the middle of it and happened to come across this thread. He has a bit of a heavy accent but if you can make out what he's saying, he's smart and is dropping a lot of wisdom about how your family treats you as you age......
    1 point
  10. I don’t know anyone near 90 active on the Internet. So I always find “@aka Contrarian” (the poster formerly known as Cynique) to be remarkable. If I can make it to 90 AND still be running the site that would be a prodigious feat. I’m in my early 60s now and in my mind’s eye I cannot imagine myself an old man. I guess that is a relative perception, as someone in their early 20s may look at me and see if an old man. Well I thank you all for creating a special place. I know it does not have the cache of social media, but it is ours.
    1 point
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