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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Pioneer, if you want your people to continue suffering as they have for the past four years under Trump, then do discourage your own folks from casting their ballot for Joe Biden. Biden is NOT ignoring anyone. He has plans to help all. If you're ticked off Biden is not paying particular attention to Black men, this is our fault. Black women vote in greater numbers than Black men do. Their support can be counted on by Democratic candidates. Black male voters are finicky, wishy-washy and easily fooled. And what is worse, a variety of things tick Black men off. Tell the truth. How many Black men do you know of who opted to support Bernie Sanders and do not plan to vote for the Democratic Party standard bearer? They are all over the place. We will only have a seat at the table if we prove we belong there. My prediction is that unless they're completely out of their mind, most national candidates will first try to cajole and win the support of Black women voters. Because they know full well a clumsy dance move, a mispronounced Black celebrity's name or ignorance of the latest buzz in Black circles will doom them to weeks of endless condemnation by immature and easily angered Black men.
  2. Now, c'mon, guys. None of that. When I read statements like that, it actually pains me. We are all strong, opinionated Black men who want the best for all of our people and likely others from other groups we've met and befriended. No need to call each other names. We just disagree.
  3. Yes, reason has failed, Daniel. Look at the millions of Whites who refuse to wear facemasks or brandish long guns because they want to risk spreading a deadly viral infection. Look how the Republicans make it difficult for many to obtain a college education. Look at who they betray the so-called founding principles of Democracy by making it hard for many Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans to vote.
  4. If you are discussing beliefs, traditions and family ties, those have now taken a back seat to a plethora of debates over issues, real or imagined. I don’t think most Black people can avoid being drawn in or being forced to take sides in what some call Culture Wars. I'd advise caution in the workplace if one is around folks from different background and beliefs. We do have a vested interest. Our voices, our opinions and our desires must be elevated alongside those of others. Everyone has their own moral code and for many, this could could be a mix of believing in the freedom to practice a certain religion, taking advantage of those in need, to enjoying a particular lifestyle without criticism all the while being opposed to government aid for the poor. Symbols, historical figures, what’s taught in schools, use of drugs, gun ownership and recognizing foreign traditions and terms trigger many. Even though the proper term is Native Americans, some still derisively refer to the earliest inhabitants of this continent as Indians. We are “Mud People” to many White Supremacists. Despite ample evidence to the contrary, some still believe the worst about Black people. I don't know what the answer is. However, I am pleased such questions are being asked.
  5. Thank you, Troy. What you said is all the information anyone should need.
  6. Warren Buffett, the wizard of Omaha. He’s been mentioned in financial circles for decades. Saavy investor. Most hear about his company, Berkshire Hathaway. In May, Tiffany Curry of Houston, became the first Black woman owner of a Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices real estate franchise. Personally, I think we have our own intelligent folks who can offer plans for personal investment. But they lack media access.
  7. I actually DO worry what Trump would do to a person such as myself. And all other seniors in this country. Republicans have not been supportive of Black people since the late 1960's. There are always exceptions of course. But I am amazed that so many Blacks whom I thought were level headed and perceptive actually think Ice Cube has the gravitas to convince lawmakers, investment bankers and corporate titans that he is a major player inside the Beltway. Wow.
  8. This outrage over paying taxes amuses me. As if no one in this forum realizes that the U.S. Treasury needs to be replenished after Republican trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich. Why would anyone follow the words of celebrities who exist in a different world? And you’re mad at Joe Biden. Just remember, the former Vice President is not a radical. He is sensible. But he also knows that the federal government needs more revenue. In 2019, Biden revealed a tax plan that would boost federal revenue by $3.2 billion. He wants to · Tax Capital Gains as income · Raise the corporate tax rate to 28% · End the stepped-up basis loophole which allows someone inheriting property and investments to reduce their capital gains taxes · Establish a corporate minimum tax (how many times have you read about corporations paying no taxes?) · Tax foreign profits at 21% · Cap deductions for the wealthy · Impose sanctions for using tax havens · Raise the highest individual tax rate to 39.6% (for the richest) · End real estate loopholes, which will end “like-kind” exchanges that help property investors · End tax breaks for fossil fuel production Biden has specifically said the money raised by these changes to the tax laws will fund social programs. According to Trump fans, everyone’s taxes will go up under Biden That is nonsense. Unless you make more than $400,000 a year, you will pay the same in federal taxes. The claim that the tax rate for those making over $400,000 may be pushed over 60% are applicable for only three states: California (62.64 percent), Hawaii (60.34 percent), and New Jersey (60.09 percent). Marginal rates would also exceed 60 percent in New York City (62.03 percent). This is from the Tax Foundation website. Who makes $400,000 a year in this forum? If you do, congratulations! But the wealthy need to pay their fair share of the tax base. This should have never been the task of the Middle Class. Why the rage over Biden? Because he is targeting rich people and corporations. Both will pay more in taxes. It’s even possible the rich and corporations may no longer be able to use many loopholes and exceptions that keep them from paying their fair share. The potential beneficiaries of Biden’s tax plan would be the social programs he wants to fund with the increased tax revenue.
  9. I am sorry, Daniel. I just saw this. I am in North Jersey. I called the Election Commission office in my county to make sure my ballot was received. It was. Thank you for that information.
  10. I am voted for several reasons. Being a Senior Citizen and having worked all of my life, I am grateful to have a roof over my head and some government benefits. The reason I voted by mail ballot is because I have a niece who was just awarded her Master's Degree. She is a teacher and all of her pupils are deaf. I also did not want to wait on line with a bunch of people who think a facemask is optional. I want all of the children in my family to receive a free education as called for by various state governments. At least until they graduate from high school. My older sister is married to a Army Combat Veteran who fought in South Vietnam. My son is a Marine who fought in Iraq. But he really wanted to go to Afghanistan. I want everyone to have a shot at going to college or a good trade school. But I want this for everyone. I'd love for the Black Community to receive financial help so many of us can start and own flourishing businesses, buy land and save up to do whatevwer they wish. I want immigrants to get a fair hearing and a path to citizenship. I want all college students to have their loans downgraded with minimal interest. I will never believe Republicans want all of this. If folks do not want to vote, then they don't want to vote. I'm not going to try to change their mind. I am sick and tired of the responding invective, illogical reasonings and reading the disenchantment they feel. Sitting home will not help our community. It helps Republicans. Who despise our community.
  11. Troy, I am glad you did project your thoughts. If Black U.S. citizens disappear in China, there should be a hue and cry raised. But it will quite different for Black Africans in China. I did not realize just how many Africans live in China. About 400,000 in Guangzhou alone. But they face increasing hatred, racism and discrimination. In April 2020, authorities in the southern city of China’s Guangdong province, began to forcibly test Africans for the Coronavirus, and ordered them to self-isolate or to quarantine in designated hotels,.according to Human Rights Watch. Landlords then evicted African residents, forcing many to sleep on the street. Hotels, shops, and restaurants refused African customers. Other foreign groups have generally not been subjected to similar treatment. (Human Rights Watch website) I doubt Black Africans can be saved during any U.S.-Sino War. But I agree with you that China's announced threat against U.S. citizens is serious.
  12. This is not a troubling development to me. China and the U.S. have been engaged in a subtle war now for years. Their navies are just not firing explosive shells or torpedoes at each other. Chinese fighter jets regularly buzz our aircraft. The Asian giant's naval vessels often attempt to interdict the movement of other nations’ ships. The United States must protect our tech companies’ intellectual property as well as the nation’s diplomatic and military secrets. If anyone is unmasked as a foreign spy, then employ the applicable laws. It’s not just that China’s economy grew at 500% in two decades until the beginning of this new millennium, it’s that China is wielding this nation’s obsession with buying cheap stuff to ignore trade laws, human rights and common sense. Walmart wouldn't be in business if it couldn't import 70% to 80% of its products from China. Depending upon whom you get your figures from, some financial analysts claim this number could be as low as 30%. Well, this is what turning the other cheek by a succession of U.S. Presidents has wrought. It’s not entirely their fault though. Also blame hand wringing trade negotiators, apologists for China which suffered domination by the big bad western powers and corporate titans eager to buy another vacation home - knowing full well China will find the workers needed to make those cheap laptops. China’s navy has evolved quickly from what was an undermanned coast defense force into what is it is now: Capable of projecting power throughout the Asia Pacific region. So its leaders will not be in a hurry to listen to pleas to follow international law. I doubt the U.S. and China really want an all out war. But what about those U.S. citizens in China? Will they actually be detained if the U.S. put these China foreign intelligence agents on trial? What do you think?
  13. I don’t know what Ice Cube was thinking. Especially since he believed at one time Trump should be arrested for his war on the poor. Ice Cube’s lawyer called a lawyer who knows Jared Kushner and the meet was on. at Bedminster Country Club. Ice Cube was able to get Kushner to ask Trump to boost the “Platinum Plan” supposedly to raise $500 billion in capital for Black folks in the U.S. Of course, Kushner agreed to ask for an increase. The better to show Blacks remain divided and eager to turn on each other for some good media. All Ice Cube really did was give this racist and phony billionaire an excuse to silence critics for his four-year war against Blacks, Latinos, Women, the Elderly, the Poor, and immigrants. I hope Ice Cube asked to see the Trump/Pence healthcare plan that’s supposed to replace Obamacare. No one has ever seen the administration’s Covid-19 response plan either. But Ice Cube believes Trump actually has a plan to raise $500 billion for Black people, whom he’s discriminated against, insulted and vilified for most of his life. I’d rather demand Reparations which many economists believe may amount to $17 trillion. That is money we Black people earned through 400 years of unpaid labor. There are legal precedents for Reparations. This is not for pain and suffering. This is for unpaid labor. I’m wary of any Republican plan to help Blacks. Why would they help us when they won’t even let us vote?
  14. I was not an adult back in the days of Nixon. I was a teenager. Got bad news for you. Covid-19 may be with us for a while at least until mid 2021. I do not believe, as some do, that this virus was designed to take out a specific ethnic group. I believe it is naturally occurring. However, since the poor always suffer from a lack of adequate healthcare, this virus is affecting Blacks and Latinos the most. I am not content to sit back and keep silent. While I enjoy discussing political and world events, I am not going to waste my time with anyone who wants to attack Barack Obama or our other Black leaders. That to me is silly, off-putting and self-defeatist. As if their detractors could have done better. I've always advocated Education, Voting and Community Support. I simply do not believe we are on par militarily with those who would love to put us back in chains.
  15. Some states will send a mail ballot out, even if it is not requested. Your information is important, daniellegfny. Thank you.
  16. I am glad to know this. However, I remain perplexed and annoyed that so many Black men refuse to commit to voting to oust Trump.
  17. I have never believed that most celebrities or Republicans luminaries who announced they've tested positive for Covid-19 are actually positive. Some just want attention or undeserved sympathy.
  18. Troy, I do not believe that Sen. Kamala Harris thinks the exact same way as Candace Owens. Ms. Owens has aligned herself with White Supremacists. She labeled George Floyd a “violent criminal” and a “horrible human being” in a video she posted on Twitter. Ms. Owens also accused Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man allegedly murdered by two armed White men in Georgia in February, of breaking into homes before he was killed. That was the nonsense trotted out by most Black haters. But the videos showed Mr. Arbery merely looking into an unfinished home under construction. While Kamala Harris was a determined state prosecutor who declined to release DNA evidence requested by Kevin Cooper. This Black man was convicted of killing four people in 1985 and sentenced to death and claims he was set up. While much has been made of Harris’ refusal to do what Cooper asked, neither did anyone else, including Governor Jerry Brown. The case is now under review. While that case is troubling to criminal justice advocates, it is not unusual. Scores of convicted Black men have had appeals and pleas to release evidence rejected. That does not mean that what has happened to Cooper is right. But unlike Candace Owens, Harris does not agree with White racists whose fondest wish is the subjugation of all Black people. Kamala Harris is now a U.S. Senator. And like Joe Biden, she has evolved. Her thinking has changed. None of this excuses what happened in the past. I mean the bottom line is this: You can either opt to keep Trump in the White House, or choose to oust him. If you are non-committal, then you may be independently wealthy or are not at risk for suffering racial discrimination of police brutality. I was not a supporter of Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. But, I am a registered Democrat and have been since the days of Richard Nixon. I do not like Republicans one bit. I never thought I’d ever see the day this country would elect a Black man President. But it did. Twice. Do you really think the Republicans would ever get behind a Black nominee for President if that individual did not savage our forebears or those of us who have made missteps? Thousands of Blacks died to bring us The Vote. And to those who are going to grouse and whine: “Well, what did THAT do for us?” The answer is: Look what happens when we DON’T vote. Forty percent of all eligible Black voters sat on their butts in 2016 and we were rewarded with one of the most cunning, corrupt and racist White men in history.
  19. Chevdove, my comments stand. You seem to have an inability to stay on point. You are obsessed with Europe and how it relates to the Obama administration. If you are this angry with Obama, you are free to join Diamond and Silk.
  20. Obama is not to blame for the increasing wealth gap. The wealth gap began to narrow in his early years. It soon resumed widening, not because of Obama. But due to a low inheritance tax. And that particular levy continues to play a major factor in separating in wealth accumulation by Whites. The ACA is a bonafide accomplishment of the Obama administration. Oh, Europe did it? And you think this is nothing but a trick? Many would call it an attempt to bring about Universal Healthcare.
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