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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Alec Baldwin fatally shoots woman with prop gun. A terrible accident/tragedy that doesn't happen too often. Reads like someone mixed up guns on the set. Safety first.
  2. Netflix is probably the best place to start. Between the search engine and categorization of programming and recommended viewing based on habits, it will provide a list of content matching the criteria.
  3. The late Dr. Frances Cress Welsing said black folks shouldn't procreate until they're at least 30 years old and married. That would definitely solve a few problems and prevent crimes.
  4. Everything is about scale. Not all businesses require a physical location which generally means more overhead and operating costs. However, that doesn't preclude an endowment by way of each and everyone making a charitable contribution to AALBC and spreading the word of its existence. The internet created a paradigm shift in the way businesses set up and operate. It's definitely a win for smaller businesses. Post pandemic, the future will be less buildings and more shared spaces (hoteling) and remote work. Again, AALBC will be a fine institution as long as we the people continue to put our proverbial 2 cents in it. Of course, that has to be adjusted for inflation.
  5. As a s8x partner, I can see where a woman's politics wouldn't matter one iota. No real conversations required. However, if she's a mate, her thoughts could make for some head scratching conversations at the dinner table which might even lead to arguments. No good per NF Jr. A woman who looks nice and is feminine and intelligent with no drama still comes a dime a dozen or at least a nickle a half dozen.
  6. I'm a Corona dude but I could turn up a Steel Reserve 211 for the General. I blame the media for giving it bandwidth especially using the General's passing.
  7. I guess the question becomes what are we drinking and pouring out for Gen Powell since his thread has become a watering hole.
  8. There's a few more like "I Almost Got Away with It" and "Murder in the Thirst". The funniest part to me is how any of these people really think they're going to get away with their crime. Technology has only made it easier for detectives and forensic specialists to do their jobs. The dumb sh8t people do and trail of clues they leave behind usually don't take more than 15 minutes to solve. The 1st 48 is hilarious especially when they get folks in the interrogation room. Eventually, the story doesn't add up, their head drops, true confession and they go out in cuffs.
  9. Cynique, I think you've covered the bases in providing excellent advice to young ladies. if I may tell young fellas overflowing with testosterone how they should interpret this PSA: Hunt thirsty well beyond menopause cougars. Buy a pair of rose colored glasses to make them look vivacious and a tub of K-Y Jelly to make them more pliable. If you're really lucky, she'll love to f8ck and cook and may have a few coins too. Do not spend the night as you may not appreciate how she smells and prepares for bed and/or how she looks in the morning when she awakes. I think we've provided some good advice to both sides of the aisle. Hopefully, they'll heed it and be great.
  10. Lenny White's drum solo is killin'. However, when Lenny put on that outfit, I hope he didn't think or believe he was killin' the game fashion-wise. Then, he's wearing a head condom, er, bonnet. These must be his grand chillun walking around in public wearing PJs, bonnets and Crocs.
  11. Celebrities are super rich. They are not wealthy. The Carters have rapped and sang and danced their way into a huge bag of money. No doubt about it. But, they didn't have to lighten up in order to get it. The beauty of Hip-Hop music is that it was street. Folks didn't have to sell out in order to get paid from it. Jay-Z could be himself and make it based on his gfit for lyrical wordplay. In fact, he still hasn't changed much. I don't see him becoming white. He hasn't gotten a lip reduction either. OTOH, Jay-Z's wife has fallen into the entertainment trap. She too made a fortune prior to this latest round of whitening. But, there are folks in her ear leading her to believe "darling, this makeover will be beautiful". I don't think she's whitening on purpose. Between the rise of Hip-Hop and fall of the King of Pop, I thought black folks would learn and understand that they could be unapologetically black and successful at the same time. It worked from the late 1980s through early 2000s. For the most part, many black entertainers are staying true to themselves. Lizzo hasn't become bulimic or aneroxic and/or whitened herself...yet.
  12. So, this week, I managed to watch an episode of this show. It does contain the typical escapism i.e. blacks folks doing white people sh8t. Sure enough, the alphabet soup community has managed to infuse themselves in it too. Beautiful young black sistas who are being cast...a, b, c, d, e, f, g.... Again, I'm not surprised considering who's behind the show. Sad.
  13. The wonderful thing about the news is that it doesn't have to be fabricated. The stem cell and Botox shot POTUS PJB (Papa Joe Biden) feels some kinda way about folks not getting jabbed: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-says-police-officers-first-responders-should-be-fired-for-refusing-jab By default, this could happen if enough law enforcement and first responders walk off the job. Now, I'd imagine they would deploy their skillset on the underground/black market i.e. work for the militia groups in their respective communities. But still, it ain't the same as being able to call 911 when the baby stops breathing or grandma falls outta her chair lift and can't get up and Life Alert doesn't work.
  14. Candace Owens is so smart that she's dumb. Same goes for Sen Ted Cruz. Instead of solving problems in their own backyard, those two crash dummies have nerve to speak on Australia. Not a good look at all. Then, they wonder why folk hate Americans. Being arrogant, nosey and stupid aren't endearing human qualities. Candace and Ted both need to take several seats.
  15. Unless they decide to retire from the entertainment business, there's no telling when the bosses are going to let them chill and live off interest and dividends. Excuse me Mrs. Queen Bey, where's that gotd8mn album you owe me to fulfill your contract.
  16. @Mzuri, My humor is never directed at anyone here. But, I see that Pioneer has a funny bone too. Nah bro, I'm not buying the dim bulb one bit. You're tracking for the most part. As long as you don't make that Meek Mill artwork your screensaver. I figure anybody over a half century years old has guzzled down at least one OE 800 back in the day.
  17. Bro, while we're tackling serious stuff I try to use the emojis to let y'all know when I'm clowning too. It always takes a small percentage of folks to do the heavy lifting for the masses. "That's just the way it is". Mzuri, I hope the humor comes through in what I post and you can get a good laugh. I believe that's the best medicine. Considering Pioneer missed it on the vax joke or didn't find it funny, I'll have to figure out something else.
  18. The vax is a dry run at universal healthcare and so far, they haven't been able to give it away to enough folks. Otherwise, we agree the US should have a robust universal healthcare system. Racism, greed and capitalism is the trinity that won't allow it to happen. Yep. Politicians take the black vote for granted and as a joke because we do not have an agenda. It doesn't make sense to cast a vote, hit the liquor store or weed spot and grab a chicken box or fish plate and head back to couch hibernation for 4 years. It's hader to hold slippery politicians and elected folks accountable when they haven't been given anything to do. Condi Rice had a childhood friend who died in that 1963 terrorist attack.
  19. As long as they are relevant, the money will contine to flow. To a certain extent, it's out of their hands. The public has to decide if/when they're tired of enriching them.
  20. For a very long time now, governments and pharma have been prioritizing profits over general public health. The cost of prescription medication in the US is higher than it should be for most of the folks who really need it. WIthout money in the bank and/or robust health insurance to cover prescriptions and/or hospital stays, many people die because they cannot afford to live. There's absolutely no reason that in the weathiest country on the planet, folks are dying because they cannot afford medication. BIg pharma can drop the price on a pill or a drug and still make money. Even dope fiends get discounts. Money will never be removed from politics but there has to be limits, checks and balances. Surely, when it comes to doing business if helps to know the right folks too. Being able to schmooze is part of the game. Still, checks and balances are required in order to do get things done in fairness, deceny and order. It also helps in producing justice and correctness.
  21. Condi recently showed up on The View: https://decider.com/2021/10/20/condoleezza-rice-the-view-hosts-feuds/ I don't know what she stood to gain in hanging out with that cackling crew.
  22. Governments are run by greedy politicians who will do anything for money. BIg pharma is a huge paymaster. If/when money is removed from politics, it will actually work to serve the people. Until then, it's all about special interests.
  23. Nope. Just acknowledging that I've listened to a lot of music.
  24. That is correct. Excellent movie. Red was the man. Brooks couldn't take it on the outside. Andy got out.
  25. Point taken regarding Nina Simone. Everything about her beauty (look, voice, demeanor, etc.) is appreciated by a man who's totally secure in his own masculinity. To me, the women listed are extremely beautiful too and to varying degrees, I believe they could potentially give off that Nina vibe as well. Especially Lauryn and Viola. Of the 3, I'd choose Viola Davis every time and twice on Sunday. I wanted to beat my man Denzel Washington azz aka Troy in Fences the way he had my girl Viola snotting and crying and sh8t. Viola was gangsta in Widows so I didn't have to f8ck Liam Neeson up.
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