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Everything posted by frankster

  1. Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger to Launch a New Single Super Currency stronger than the US$ and Euro!
  2. Problems are the constituents of Issues. That maybe true in the case of some.....but the individuals incarcerated by DEA agents and ICE border Guards may disagree Please share those reasons? It is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing....Bill Clinton himself admitted to doing it and we see its effect.
  3. SENEGAL New President Demands and END to France Neo-Colonialism And Collaboration among African States France Left SHOCKED By Viral Speech Of Senegal's New 44 Year Old President.
  4. At Present the US is having Border Issue.....Drugs and Migrants Over 50 million Americans use TikTok as their main source of News(information) and entertainment(influence)....TikTok is owned by a Chinese Company with heavy Governmental Oversight. You would be right to call them.....Militias. Also none of the above is proof of truth. It was The Clintons who destroyed Haitian Agriculture and Bill took responsibility for it....but has yet to commit to a remediation plan of action instead the situation is being exasperated. Since the Market for local Goods is destroyed...Nothing will sell that is locally grown - Making locally grown food unprofitable as cheap mass produced and heavily subsidize food is flooding the local market from Arkansas/USA. How you going to build hospital/schools or infrastructures when you Starving and if you do how are to pay workers teachers /nurses/doctors and buy medicine/supplies...with the enemy/US only too happy to destroy all your good effort. Since his invasion in 1994, Clinton has completely destroyed the structure of Haitian agriculture. In 1995 he forced the nation to drop tariffs on rice imported from America. Haiti dropped its import tariffs on rice from 50% to 3%. Clinton claimed this move would help Haiti jump into the "Industrial Era." Yet even before Clinton took this action, experts were well aware of the consequences: “An export-driven trade and investment policy has the potential to relentlessly squeeze the domestic rice farmer. This farmer will be forced to adapt, or (s)he will disappear.” –quoted in Lisa McGowan, [January 1997] REPORT HERE (PDF) After adopting Clinton's policies, Haiti became the fourth-largest importer of rice from the U.S, even though they were the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Most of the imported rice came from Clinton's home state in Arkansas. Today, Haiti is the fifth largest importer of American rice in the world, even though their population is just 10 million. Back in the 1970's Haiti imported only 19% of its food. When Haiti shut out the global markets, they were self sufficient and managed to feed a majority of their population while producing trade surpluses. Yet now Haiti imports over 80% of its rice from the U.S. Due to the new trade agreements, one ton of Haitian rice is now $300 more expensive than American rice on the Haitian market. This has devastated Haiti's ability to feed itself and be self sufficient. Haiti has 700,000 hectares of underutilized arable land, but still suffers from chronic trade deficits and food insecurity as a result of Clinton's policies. BILL CLINTON: Since 1981, the United States has followed a policy, until the last year or so when we started rethinking it, that we rich countries that produce a lot of food should sell it to poor countries and relieve them of the burden of producing their own food, so, thank goodness, they can leap directly into the industrial era. It has not worked. It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked. It was a mistake. It was a mistake that I was a party to. I am not pointing the finger at anybody. I did that. I have to live every day with the consequences of the lost capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people, because of what I did. Nobody else. https://www.worldfuturefund.org/reports/haiti/clintonhaiti.html Yes and Yes
  5. In Order to keep them out One must firts Kick them Out. Understand this None of the Great Powers are able to keep any other power from Intervening inside their respective Countries 100%. I think its Apropos.....And I will go as far as to say - Aluta Continua Vitoria e Certa. Show me the Truth in your Analysis....? A Truth told with Bad intent beats all the Lies you can Invent.....W. Blake Zimbabwe.
  6. True.....thought I consider Haiti a little different. The Problem there has to do with the Clintons/CORE Group and the Haitian Upper Class/Haitian Oligarchs True The US....Not just for France
  7. We Don't want the French "wurred" True its what they represent...but it starts with Kicking out the french a big part of it.. That is Our Job.....We in the belly of that beast Maybe so....But these guys did it Well they The AES is spoiling for the fight......David Meets Goliath - My money is on David That would be the right thing for them to do.... Its going to be a long wait.. That is Pure Unadultered Crap a Pristine Load of Aged BS propaganda spread by the West Some people do not understand anything....but force Power concedes nothing without a demand, it never did, and it never will, no struggle, no progress. ........F. Douglas Who you think do the Physical/Manual Labor in Africa.....White people?
  8. Niger has become the latest country in West Africa where the army has seized control, following Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, and Chad - all former French colonies. Since 1990, a striking 78% of the 27 coups in sub-Saharan Africa have occurred in Francophone states leading some commentators to ask whether France - or the legacy of French colonialism - is to blame? Many of the coup plotters would certainly like us to think so. Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga, who was named prime minister by the military junta in Mali in September 2022, launched a scathing attack on France. Criticising "neocolonialist, condescending, paternalist and vengeful policies", Mr Maiga alleged that France had "disowned universal moral values" and stabbed Mali "in the back". Anti-French vitriol has also flourished in Burkina Faso, where the military government ended a long-standing accord that allowed French troops to operate in the country in February, giving France one month to remove its forces. In Niger, which neighbours both countries, allegations that President Mohamed Bazoum was a puppet for French interests were used to legitimise his removal from power, and five military deals with France have since been revoked by the junta led by Gen Abdourahmane Tchiani. Partly as a result, the coup was followed by popular protests and attacks on the French embassy. The historical record provides some support for these grievances. French colonial rule established political systems designed to extract valuable resources while using repressive strategies to retain control. So did British colonial rule, but what was distinctive about France's role in Africa was the extent to which it continued to engage - its critics would say meddle - in the politics and economics of its former territories after independence. Seven of the nine Francophone states in West Africa still use the CFA franc, which is pegged to the euro and guaranteed by France, as their currency, a legacy of French economic policy towards its colonies. France also forged defence agreements that saw it regularly intervene militarily on behalf of unpopular pro-French leaders to keep them in power. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-66406137 Mali’s Armed Forces Just Discovered U.S Hidden Mercenaries
  9. You are conflating differing Existences and their respective Rules. Evil is a Social Construct having to do with societies while Pre-Determination relates to the Nature of Existence....as to whether you exist in a Time bounded Reality or not. Evil Exist in a Socio-Cultural Construct...Our Societies are bounded by Time. To an Omniscient Being unbounded by Time....All possible decisions and their respective outcomes are One - And is happening Now They did and they didn't. Consciousness Curates Realities to Experience More This is a matter of reconciling the Science and Spirituality I understand.....not belief. fair enuff.
  10. Not sure if you are? Yes...On many different levels True Yes........Religiously Evil is foremost a matter of Disobedience Biblically they are both Sinful..... To me Evil involves Intention....to do harm. Only because all possible actions have already been taken. All actions are deterministic in that they all have a corresponding reaction....outcome Before you take action nothing is predetermined....Once you take action the result is determinable and no longer under your control Your intentions are influenced and programmed Evil is a Social Construct.....it is real only in societies Symbiotic relationships are considered a type of social cohabitation in and among species of fauna and flora in a biome...in effect a Culture or Society of sorts Thanks
  11. We Humans are constrained by Time...but an Omniscient Being is outside of time For this Being you have already made your Choice....Whilst to you - you are still pondering it. Yes....Fast Forward or Rewind for us. Yes...To this Being all that could possible happen has happened already This Being probable Experience's Time akin to how you watch a movie... The Timed constrained being is bound by past decisions.....future decisions are to be made and so remain unbounded. Once a Decision has been made you are now bounded to its Outcome.....Free Will ends at decision/choice making. Evil is its own punishment....Every action has its own reaction - they are bounded together in one continuum Evil is a Cultural Construct and does not exist outside of Culture/Society....That which is considered evil is not Universal. True. Yes the past is fixed because both the choice and outcome has been made and experienced....The corporeal being is bound by Time Time is Illusory and we are Constrained by this Illusion....To those Constrained within/ by the Illusion -They See many choices or decision To the corporeal being the future is unknown and unfixed..because the decision has not been made To the Omniscient Being There is no Time....So it is All happening - Now To the Omniscient All these decision are One....... All outcome is One The Form the Illusion of Time takes is that of Many where there is only One...Shattering experienced in sequence. - One Focalisation Once you have a past and a future that is a Reality that's based on or in Time. Every Reality has its own Rules... it all depends on your level of illusion. Yes...if i am understanding you right....basic science - A certain set of circumstances usually leads to a Specific outcome...Repeatable. All The Above and more is possible Yes....Free Will and Know How Yours it the Decision as to how high you lift the Illusion or what you wish to experience and how. The Illusion limits your Senses to create or curate a Reality befitting your Knowledge Yes So do I .....but i just love to postulate or am i pontificating At this point you wonder if it all matters.... Yes it's debatable Consciousness is the Field of Infinite Creativity - Pure Potentiality where All Possibilities Reside True Only because we have chosen(default) to by the illusions we accept or our senses curate for us.. As Gi-Ants. I guess to them it is a pretty mundane occurrannes.... As we should...the web of life
  12. if an omniscient being knows the future.....It does not mean we have No Free Will. Knowing the future is a function of Knowledge Experience and Know How.. As our knowledge increase so does our ability to forecast future events....this in no way compromise our Free Will or Decision making capabilities. We have both....Our Will is Expressed in the Choices we make. How so....please explain?
  13. Thanks True....but they have left traces of who they were - many of which points to them being Black.
  14. They share the same Root Reality till a point of Divergence occurs.
  15. it's definitely not white. The Aryans are from Ancient Iran.....The Ancient Iranians were not White. Yes...The Dravidians are and were Black No the Aryans are from Iran Yes....They are Were called Sumerians from whom the Aryans descend Aryans did not pass through...... Turks Armenians and Chechen mixed with Aryans. Yes...it's bible story Ham is the Father of Cush and Cush is the Father of Nimrod. English is not a Dead Language.....it was and is of Germanic origin Yes....and they in turn were overrun but not displaced by the Romans Most Indians are Black....few if any can be seen as white pre British invasion. The Bible story supports the Idea of some Linguist that there was a Proto-language from which all languages sprung.
  16. Yes....Dreams are a doorway to another Reality.
  17. Neither am I....But since it's Indian - it is Black. Aryans are from present day Iran/Iraq originally called Sumeria....Which can be interpreted as the "Black Headed Ones" - I think that means they were or some of them were Black. Nimrod son of Cush.... Mighty in Shinar(Sumer) Sure...While more English words are from Latin than Germanic. Anglo-Saxons are Germanic YES...I never spoke to its meaning. Indians to me are mostly Black. Leading to the Idea that all Languages come from One Proto-language(Babel). Ok
  18. Yes. It is a dream that Persist ....from which we awake exclusively at Death - Only to realize that we are not the Dreamer.....But Imaginal creatures of the Dreamer Yes.....since All Truths are but Half Truths
  19. I agree with ProfD we do not owe them "shyt" They owe us..... Africans or Black Skinned people Invented Language...Khoi san click language, Tamil, Sumerian, Egyptian and Sanskrit English is a Romance Language derived from Latin...Latin is a Member of the Indo-European family Group - I read the word "Indo" as black. Even Today Many English words are taken from Ancient Egyptian...All Living Languages tend to borrow from other Languages - more so Kione lingua franca common languages such as english to allow for commerce We gave them Language....do not be trick
  20. Free Will is Real...in this reality - to a large extent it is govern by your Know How. You have the free will to toss the ball or not -The Decision is yours. Once the ball is toss it is now a matter of Skill and Know How - to understand or predict what will happen next. True...The exact trajectory and all the minutia involved is beyond our understanding at this point in our development But the Ancients teach us that the language of the Universe is Mathematics.....Which is exact. Hence Calculus tells us exactly where the tossed ball will travel and land. Righteuosness is Living Maths Maybe....or could it be a lack of certain chemical reactions in the human body - that results in both boredom and aging. Everything has a Cause....if you find the Cause you may find the Reason and or Purpose Man can Manipulate Thoughts - Thinking. Thoughts are their own self evident being and has no human ownership exception when we speak in past tense. The Purpose of Life is to Live..... Seems you no longer live there? The More you Know...The more you realize how little you know Fact is often stranger than fiction....and Visible light is miniscule part of the ElectroMagnetic Spectrum so is Audible Frequency. - in other words there is more things in this world than we can ever think of. I have concluded its all a dream Some of these men....Could have been women or stole the works of Women - We live in a very Sexist world Yes....an Opportunity to create Meaning - to paraphrase a previous poster if not yourself.
  21. Neither do I Improper Citations not Plagiarism. To my understanding it is more a matter of the Applications of New Rules possibly regarding Attributions....which were not required when she wrote her Thesis/Doctorate - Rather than Appropriations. Yes and the bru haha so rounding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict vis a vis Free Speech....Her being label by some as Anti-Semitic.. There may also be Racism and Misogyny at play as well. No not ruin...more like besmirching
  22. Evertbody has a Conscience....They all know we are being Persecuted - They all just not a John Brown....We all Not Malclom X or Fred Hampton The Real Immediate Dangers is From those who Make Our Persecution a Profitable Business Entreprise - far worst a Philosophy Truth Resonates especially if one touches the E-motions... If there is any anger disapointment and resentment then it must be with ourselves...As Human Beings It most have been a form of entertainment. We all shed Blood. No One Turned to Crime and Drugs....What Happened was and is Socially engineered. Then they are and has always been what they is. Who dosen't.
  23. Yeah I saw the warning you gave him in the other thread....and knew his days was about up It does get boring....but I just do it anyway - guess its a vibes thing
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