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Everything posted by frankster

  1. Holy Post - Race in America - Part 2 Country Out of Wedlock Birthrate Chile 75.1% Costa Rica 72.5% Mexico 70.4% Iceland 69.4% France 62.2% Bulgaria 59.6% Norway 58.5% Portugal 57.9% Slovenia 56.5% Sweden 55.2% 50% of Children Born out of Wedlock The number of children born out of wedlock is more than 50% in many countries. That includes countries such Mexico, Iceland, France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Chile, and many others. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/out-of-wedlock-births-by-country According to pew research this is a problem more so for white people. Among solo parents, 42% are white and 28% are black, compared with 55% of cohabiting parents who are white and 13% who are black. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2018/04/25/the-changing-profile-of-unmarried-parents/#:~:text=Among solo parents%2C 42% are,cohabiting moms (30% vs. LBJ Predicts the Breakdown of Negro Family Structure (No Fathers in the Home) The Astonishing Strength and Resilience of Black Families Elders explain how the welfare system forced black fathers out of their households University of Chicago professor explains social roots of violence, inequality in Black neighborhoods The Enduring Myth of Black Criminality @Jeromex Whether you black or White, the message you are promoting is one of Hate and Violence.... If history is any predictor of future outcomes you and those who support these incensing lies may well achieve these results. Nazism and the Confederacy succeeded only in achieving Hatred Of The Stigmatized (Othering) and Violent Orgies of Death and Destruction ensued. Why America? Mass Shootings & White Nationalism Share Roots Former Neo-Nazi Says Trump's Call for Proud Boys to "Stand By" Will Encourage More Violence
  2. I believe every word I have posted. No I am Not.....Because that is a lie I have already debunked that lie in another thread. I am Proud of our accomplishment given the oppression with suffer under....We put Obama and Kamala in The White House
  3. Many Factors are at play .... How The US Government Destroyed Black Families (Documentary) How The Government Created The Ghettos of America by Race -- meaning that about 48 percent of first births happening outside of wedlock.......Researchers believe that many couples are waiting to get married because of economic and cultural reasons. Many jobs for Americans that may not have higher education no longer exist. A middle-class lifestyle now requires more schooling, meaning young adults are spending more time pursuing education. In addition, many young adults now view marriage as a "capstone" instead of a "cornerstone" in their lives, meaning that they are waiting until they have everything else in place -- including a job -- before tying the knot.............The average age of first birth for women who drop out of high school is 20, while their average married age is 25. Eighty-three percent of first births to non-high school graduates are to unwed mothers. The biggest rise in unmarried pregnancy is among the 54 percent of "middle American" women, which include women who have graduated high school and completed some college but do not have a degree. In this group, the average age of having their first child is 24, and they are married at 27. Fifty-eight percent of the first births in this group are to unwed mothers. "The Great Crossover marks the moment at which unmarried motherhood moved from the domain of our poorest populations to become the norm for America's large and already flailing middle class," https://www.cbsnews.com/news/almost-half-of-first-babies-in-us-born-to-unwed-mothers/ That's what happens when you live in a racist Society or and Country.... You may yet live to see it.....Aluta Continua Victoria Ascerta
  4. Nothing you said was True.. pure unadulterated racist propaganda Welfare Spending and Out of Wedlock Births with Pearl To the Liberator (LoL)... Check this out Welfare and the Black Family like black people ever went around destroying towns... Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes | The Amber Ruffin Show
  5. I did watch about half of it a week or so ago...I ran into because of the article with all the "X's" in the authors names - i went to check if Wade Nobles one of the authors was a Moor or NOI It reminds of a video named hidden colors.... HIDDEN COLORS 1
  6. Wedlock....is not an Issue for the Black Community Dreadlocks....is a mere topic of conversation regarding style and preference. Obesity....is not a threat but a concern. Violence....is an Issue of the White Community Pure Propaganda. Again this is a matter of preference and style...Which if it does run afoul of a particular Dress Code, Hygiene or Grooming - is inconsequential. That Depends on who has...The Gold(Power) And that's no accident...Check out Food Desert/Apartheid and Environmental Racism. Eat Your Ethics: Food Apartheid Trying to Eat Healthy in a Food Desert Why eating healthy is so expensive in America Cheat Sheet: What Is Environmental Racism? Environmental Racism: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) Really only a misinformed individual would think as you stated....blaming the victim for their victimization. The Black Panthers CHANGED Breakfast (The Free Breakfast for School Children) #onemichistory Free Breakfast For School Children was one of the most effective. It began in January 1969 at an Episcopal church in Oakland, and within weeks it went from feeding a handful of kids to hundreds. The program was simple: party members and volunteers went to local grocery stores to solicit donations, consulted with nutritionists on healthful breakfast options for children, and prepared and served the food free of charge. School officials immediately reported results in kids who had free breakfast before school. “The school principal came down and told us how different the children were,” Ruth Beckford, a parishioner who helped with the program, said later. “They weren’t falling asleep in class, they weren’t crying with stomach cramps.” Soon, the program had been embraced by party outposts nationwide. At its peak, the Black Panther Party fed thousands of children per day in at least 45 programs. (Food wasn’t the only part of the BPP’s social programs; they expanded to cover everything from free medical clinics to community ambulance services and legal clinics.) For the party, it was an opportunity to counter its increasingly negative image in the public consciousness—an image of intimidating Afroed Black men holding guns—while addressing a critical community need. “I mean, nobody can argue with free grits,” said filmmaker Roger Guenveur Smith in A Huey P. Newton Story, a 2001 film in which he portrays Newton. Bill Whitfield, member of the Black Panther chapter in Kansas City, serving free breakfast to children before they go to school. (Credit: William P. Straeter/AP Photo) BILL WHITFIELD, MEMBER OF THE BLACK PANTHER CHAPTER IN KANSAS CITY, SERVING FREE BREAKFAST TO CHILDREN BEFORE THEY GO TO SCHOOL. (CREDIT: WILLIAM P. STRAETER/AP PHOTO) Free food seemed relatively innocuous, but not to FBI head J. Edgar Hoover, who loathed the Black Panther Party and declared war against them in 1969. He called the program “potentially the greatest threat to efforts by authorities to neutralize the BPP and destroy what it stands for,” and gave carte blanche to law enforcement to destroy it. The results were swift and devastating. FBI agents went door-to-door in cities like Richmond, Virginia, telling parents that BPP members would teach their children racism. In San Francisco, writes historian Franziska Meister, parents were told the food was infected with venereal disease; sites in Oakland and Baltimore were raided by officers who harassed BPP members in front of terrified children, and participating children were photographed by Chicago police. “The night before [the first breakfast program in Chicago] was supposed to open,” a female Panther told historian Nik Heynan, “the Chicago police broke into the church and mashed up all the food and urinated on it.” https://www.history.com/news/free-school-breakfast-black-panther-party
  7. The Cost of Inheritance | Reparations in the United States | Full Documentary | America ReFramed New York studying reparations for descendants of enslave
  8. My first surprise was the amount of "X's" in the name of the Authors....Nobles tends to be Moorish name in the US. The information given seems consistent with Francis C Welsing who is actually quoted and Richard King(Key to Freedom) With some Fanon's theory of "non-being"....hence the skin bleaching.
  9. there are probable hundreds of books left out of the Bible... The Apocrypha. The Maccabees. The Nag Hammadi library* The Forgotten Books of Eden '" " of the bible The Desert Fathers* The Shepherds of Hermes* The are many more those are what i can remember The ones i have asterisk means i have read and recommended...Nag Hammadi is far out.
  10. I can see some of me in both of them... So now you are Going to show me were I said or Claimed to be Christian? I see a lot of you in Brotha Bigga.
  11. @ProfDIt was way too much fun .... and challenging to just abandon ship - "A luta continua vitoria e certa"
  12. No...I do not consider myself a christian Do I Obey the 42 Confessions of Maat...yes. Do I uphold and live by The Ten Commandments...Yes Do I try to Imitate the Christ....yes Do I practice The Noble Eightfold path...Yes. In short I try to be True to the Spirit Yes....God is the Heavens and The Earth - Autogenous. True...but not Beyond Recognition. True..I get your Meaning - I prefer Spiritual Traditions...instead of Religion - though the true meaning of(the word) religion is blameless. Acts 17:28 Luke 17:20-21 I recognized the above was not directed at me but at Pioneer1 who is only being provocative and obstinate as I have told him already that I am not a Christian. Pioneer1 and I are now in the Reductio Ad Absurdum Argumentum Phase of our dialogue....We are way pass Meaningfulness - currently drowning in the swamp of Equivocation.
  13. Every continent have Wars.....Ukraine Israel Every continent and race have cannibals.....Jeffrey Dahmer Carroll Cole etc... It seems to me you are a propagandist furthering an Anti-black agenda with no regard for truth or the well being of Africans or Black people.
  14. What does it say? Show me where I contradict? Exactly.
  15. Well what do you think it means? Life is an unfolding, a process of "formation and transformation" that starts before birth and does not end at physical death https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/afterlife-african-concepts Cool....I understand that you are confused On that we will have to disagree.
  16. The History we reference is proof of extreme Violence...That is unquestionable. Here you are calling the Victims of the some of the greatest historical violence....violent - with no proof. further victimizing the victim Bowling for Columbine (2002) - A Brief History of the United States Scene (8/11) | Movieclips
  17. It Does. Did you read the quote i gave above... Nature and God is the Same....Pantheism Simply....Everything is subject to change - hence the reason we keep Re-confirming our theories thereby growing our understanding.1
  18. Our Rights are God Given....Evil and Racist Individuals denied us our Rights - We fought and won them. Stop it.....One Family or Company in the White community is responsible for 100's of thousand of deaths....so bad it's called an epidemic - and it is on going. National Safety Council | The opioid crisis (2021 Data) The Nazi's cooked Millions of Jews Southern Confederate Racist whites Lynch thousand of Black and destroyed 100's of Black towns throughout the South. Practical committed Genocide on Native Populations. Show or tell me about these so called opportunities? Good for you. I love our Culture...It shines in Music Sports Science Family Entertainment Politics etc Which Liberal Politicians are saying that "we aren’t intelligent enough to make it on our own."? If as you say Liberals do not care for us..........Do You think Conservatives Care about us? I say we should do our own dirty work.... Whose do you say we should do?
  19. So you have no evidence of her saying anything anti-semitic....I get upset when people spread lies You have no Evidence of her " fanning the flames of anti semitism and not protecting jewish students." And it Does.... Its a College Campus where almost all issues from every perspective is discussed....sometimes things get heated Was anyone killed or hurt? Was there any property damage? There is no "also" here ....She is not Guilty of Anti-Semitism Claims of plagiarism....Are at best Allegations and will remain so - No statutory body has been empanelled to find guilt or innocence The Corporation that is Harvard found No Violation or Misconduct....which is tantamount to a not guilty. "Following an independent review, the Corporation announced that though instances of improper citations had been identified in Gay’s scholarship, they did not violate Harvard’s standards for research misconduct." https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2024/1/3/plagiarism-allegations-gay-resigns/#:~:text=Following an independent review%2C the,Harvard's standards for research misconduct.
  20. Quote one statement of hers that is "fanning the flames" of Anti-semitism....? When and Where did Claudine Day say anything Anti-semitic? Even a Congressional Hearing could not find her guilty of Racism/Anti-semitism or of putting anyone's life in danger.
  21. In my estimation they were both fired over Free Speech on the Israeli-Palestinian issue....Cornel was never given tenure because of his stance on that same issue How do you know this?
  22. Cornel West suffered the same fate for the same reason at Harvard....
  23. Where you see death...I see The Transmutation of The Tree. Yes there is a lot we do not know.....Death is a Transition. endorses such a view claiming that “Those who are dead are never gone: they are in the thickening shadow… they are in the wood that groans, they are in the fire that is dying… they are in the forest, they are in the house, the dead are not dead”. http://mojaafryka.weebly.com/life-after-death.html I see no difference....Nature Created God or God created Nature - Nature = God No ...since in this case you have failed to make the distinction between He said and what You are saying. It was always a Theory Change is the Only Constant....Theories Laws and Facts are subject to Change
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