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Michel Montvert

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Everything posted by Michel Montvert

  1. Sadly for your Republican anti-FBI agenda, in fact the agency's activities of late have all been involved with legitimate criminal investigations. such as that which resulted in the raid of Mar-a-Lago. That means, by the way, from sea to lake. It would seem that betwixt this particular sea and lake there lies a foetid swamp. Anywaaaay... I can remember when the FBI was indeed involved in serious malfeasance against citizens, and I refer to COINTELPRO by which they committed assorted murders and subversion against organizations such as the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement, Akwesasne Notes. Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and others. Sadly no Republicans even objected to that activity, despite the very clear indications of a link of COINTELPRO to those who killed Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and others. Leonard Peltier is still in prison. Did Geronimo Pratt finally get out? I've not kept up. So much legal bs was used against the Left in those days, that it is almost comical now to hear Republicans whining about the FBI. There is nothing essentially wrong with the FBI, if you like super-cops. which is what they are. I like them for their skill, their science, and the job they do in taking down legitimate threats to our peace and safety. Like any entity, they can go astray, and there are bad apples. Same as with cops generally, with teachers, with politicians, with anyone. And really can we take Zuckerberg seriously at all, given his extensive Russian complicity?
  2. The way to do that is undo all the Reaganomics efforts which made it so much more difficult economically for young black women, and omg whites too and everyone else, to have a child and not be facing a life of poverty. In the demosocialist nations all of this is in place and the impetus to abort is lowered. Also, improve our nation's birth control access and education about it, and the rate of unwanted pregnancies will plummet. At one point Hillary Clinton and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) were attempting to discuss how to reduce abortions without messing with Roe v. Wade. Naturally virtually no other Republicans would cooperate, and most Democrats still couldn't get past the simple politics of fighting to keep abortion unrestricted. Both Parties would get what they want if they'd work to eliminate abortions by eradicating the root causes. OMG that's too much social science for the Republican mind, but it's valid. If a pregnant young woman had childcare available and affordable, decent transportation, generally an infrastructure which supports and enables her, as they have in the superior demosocialist nations, then we would have far fewer abortions. I can't deny that white racists would love to see all black babies killed. Ironically most of them pretend to be "pro-life". But the solution of the problem of unwanted pregnancies is not to ban abortion, whether we're looking at black, white or "other" women. It is, as I said, 1) make contraception eminently available and knowledge about it common; and 2) create an economic environment which doesn't make the arrival of a child a socioeconomic life sentence for the woman. Yeah, work on the families, too. If you think the problem of fathers not in the home with the children is a black thing, I'll take you on a tour of my home state of WV, and you can see all the "whites" in the precisely same situation.
  3. There is no war on business. That is a common RepubliQan lie. Like Goebbels, RepubliQans know that if they repeat a lie often enough, even they will believe it. The economy for decades has done better under Democrats, even under Republican-Lite Clinton. Inflation now is due to 1) suppy chain problems caused by pandemic; 2) Ukraine war which caused fuel increases. A Freshman Econ major could tell you that. Attacks on law enforcement are coming from the Right. "Defund the FBI"---Marjorie Taylor Greene. Capitol cops were attacked on Jan. 6 by whom? Sorry, that was not "Antifa in disguise," lol... Generally crime is up now. This is largely due to the bad example of the rutting criminal Trump setting a very bad example. His rotten and demonic character has had negative influence on the less ethical among us.
  4. Yes, things for Natives politically have become a muddle, with the Ward Churchills (white guy playting Native as you describe) not to mention plenty of Native people with crazed ideas who get attention. And... the sad fact is that even many legitimate tribal members have plenty of white blood. That's what history did to them. There was a lot of mixing, and most of the "half-breeds" ended up on the Native side of the line, likely, or were absorbed by the whites. Also... USA history included reservations, boarding schools, a LOT of violent and vicious pressure to assimilate. to lose indigenous culture. Then in the 60s Indians became hip and many whites wanted to be them. Some of the shenanigans which went on were extreme. Especially offensive was the habit of hippies who'd spent 2 weeks with some tribe then holding workshops at high prices to teach "Native Spiritual Ways" and so on. I have a good perspective on that issue since I did for real live among Native people in Guatemala including studying with a chimán, or priest, but things are not as those hippies taking advantage would have it. One does not learn spiritual ways in a workshop from another white person. This is analogous to the whites presuming to speak politically for Indians. I was told, look, you have learned things. You could perform some of the functions of a chimán here, but you are not Mayan, and so you have no relevance to anyone and nobody would pay you any mind. Also, when you go back among the gringos, you will find that they won't listen to a word you say. So what you know, you can use selectively, wisely, but don't think you can play the role of a chimán anywhere. And NO this is not to be sold for filthy lucre! Since I've spent time with indigenous people from Guatemala and Mexico, I see some significant differences from those of the USA. Here they really got culturaly hammered, and hard. South of the border millions of people speak indigenous languages, and there are large areas with the communities and cultures intact. They were not moved to reservations. Those relocated onto "haciendas" (encomiendas, fincas, or whichever word is used) did lose language and some culture, and they are what we know today as average Mexicans. But one can perceive that the indigenous people fared better than here, and despite extensive prejudice and discrimination still were not culturally thrashed as much as those in the USA. The dynamic is not the same at all. In Mexico, the average person, sometimes called a "mestizo", a Spanish speaker, considers themselves to have indigenous roots. is aware that much of their culture is indigenous, and does not see those who retain indigenous language and identity as "the other". "Somos todos mexicanos," one woman told me when I asked her about the ethnic variety in Mexico. And she was light-skinned and did not speak a native language. Another thing which screwed up the Native voice in the USA is that whatever outlets there were for their thinking and their politics were thoroughly infiltrated and subverted by the FBI in the 70s. A good example, Akwesasne Notes, a newspaper produced by Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) activists. If you're familiar with how COINTELPRO dirty-tricked the BPP you'll know what sort of games I'm talking about. And at Pine Ridge in the 70s the FBI in collaboration with corrupt tribal govt instituted a reign of terror in response to AIM activism. That sort of activity does not occur in Mexico, with the notable exception of the vicious miilitary response by the Mexican govt to the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas in the 80s. It is not that indigenous people "have it good" in Mexico, just that the situation is different, and they are not nearly as vilified and abused there as in the USA. In some cases they remain relatively remote, another factor which aids in culture retention (e.g., the Tarahumara, Huichol, Lacandón). P.S. Did y'all know that there are black people in Guatemala? They live on the eastern coast, including in the town of Livingston, and are of Garifuna culture, which also is found in adjacent Honduras.They speak a Native language, since they are essentially an indigenous group with whom so many Africans mixed that the are in appearance "black", though they consider themselves indigenous. I never was around them. The closest I got was Belize, but there people speak English. As to "progressive", I'm talking too much so I'll be brief. I'm tired of hearing all that called "leftist". The LEFT is defined economically, and by the fight for social equality. The term comes from the French Revolution. Today's college dilletants obsessing on pronouns and safe spaces are NOT doing anything that is recognizeably "leftist" to me, but I'm an old 60s radical to whom progressive politics were VERY economically oriented, as well as anti-racist, anti-sexist and environmentalist. But it was all structured around creating an ECONOMICALLY just society, since economic deprivation is at the core of most oppression. is it not? THAT is progressive. Yep.
  5. What you say is not untrue. They do sacrifice themselves for racism. Not consciously. That's not what they think they're doing. They're just being too stupid to notice that THAT is in fact the game being perpetrated on them. I'm not saying this to defend them, though I'm "white". Frankly they annoy and piss me off infinitely. But, to the point. still they are oppressed. They are exploited and abused. I've had conversations with poor whites and expecting them to go off on racist BS regarding black crime and instead they were saying mostly this: "Everyone pays attention to cops treating black people badly but they treat us badly also, as do the Courts. If you're white and POOR being white doesn't help you much." Ok, that's true from their perspective. I believe that being white still they are being treated less badly than blacks are treated, on the average. But the point stands. that they are being abused. I think they may be more dulled-down than you realize. You perceive them as active and conscious participants in maintaining racism. I think that in many respects for many of them they are active but unconscious participants. Of course there are plenty of dedicated racists who are very conscious of what they're doing and they have very clearly bad intent and evil motives. It's like in here people often complain that "black people don't stand up, won't unify, are asleep," etc. I'm saying the same thing about whites. Most workingclass whites do NOT see the privilege they have due to racism. They've been taught that whatever blacks are suffering is their own fault. When these whites are abused. then they complain, but if the abuse is economic they're also well brainwashed to believe that everything is great, the system is fine. it's all luck or the will of God or something. They're thoroughly befuddled. Bamboozled!
  6. And just how did Biden cause this? Crime is up generally, as people began to unsequester themselves. This is typical of GOP nonsense. OMG look a tree feel on my car. Damn that Joe Biden!!!! Oh yes I'm sure black leaders are our biggest problem in the USA. If you were sincere you'd notice that under Biden jobs increased significantly, and the economy is generally strong. If you pretend that the pandemic and Ukraine have not affected the economy, then you're duplicitous.
  7. Oh Lord I'm trying to be more than "a white person"... and frankly being so-called "white" gets me no points as far as I can see. I mean as far as making me any more legitimate. In society I get points yes, due to institutional racism. I was born with a reflective butt, that's all. Lots said here. I'll address a few factual matters relative to anthropology, where I have some expertise. First, humans did not start farming upon leaving Africa. That occurred about 60k yrs ago, and agriculture only appeared within the past 11k yrs or so. Mostly even more recently that 11k. What drove the development of agriculture was climate change. In the early Holocene glaciers were melting, and then there was the Younger Dryas period which was a temporary reversion to cold conditions. All of this reduced the availability of large herd animals to hunt. Those people who remained hunter-gatherers changed their tactics considerably, concentrating on smaller game and a more diverse array of food sources. In the Mideast, along the Sahel, in India-SE Asia, in northern China, in Mesoamerica and in Carib-Andes food and animal domestication proceeded. Notice that one of those mega-domestication regions was in Africa. Africa was not entirely a cornupopia of easy pickings. In the Sahara cattle were domesticated to secure a large mammal food source, and aquatic and agricultural resources also were intensified and developed. One need not leave Africa to require adjustments to food procuring technology in the early-mid Holocene. Also, as for "the West" not understanding about spiritual access enhanced by mind-altering substances... that is not true. Western culture as we understand it has 2 principle roots: Neolithic Europe and the Yamnaya (Indoeuropean) steppe culture. The former is less well known to us, but they did have an egalitarian society. women were generally in charge, and from the earth-based imagery in their art we can infer that they were very much involved with "nature spirits" and so on. As for the Yamnaya, they are known to have used in the steppes a concoction mentioned in the Rig Veda called "soma" ("houma" in Avestan) which it is believed consisted of a mixture of Cannabis, opium and Ephedra (ma huang). Evidence of Cannabis use among the Israelite priests has been found, and they had to have acquired this from Indoeuropeans, such as the Hurrians who were present in the Mideast even in Sumerian times. This along with a lot of culture with which we might be better off was expunged from Europe by Christian powers. The amount of culture wiped out by spreading Christianity in Europe is astonishing. Christian influence trashed much of Roman society, and the regional and local pagan cultures were decimated. The same problem exists elsewhere due to Islam. Those 2 religions have destroyed a lot of culture.
  8. Well you needn't debate with me as I don't find that what you say contradicts what I said. Both things are true. The myths in the Bible are likely as I said, derived from real events, and there is indeed more profound meaning behind the straightforward meaning of words, as you say. John 1:1 is indeed a very interesting text. I sometimes joke, "And the Word was BANG!" That's science. I also sometimes say, "And the Word was AUM." This business of there being a Word which is of God and is God, is similar to Neoplatonic notions of the divine mind, and the human attempt to comprehend and reflect it. And so we should indeed pay attention to words, eh?
  9. Since Reagan they've been hard at work rolling back EVERYTHING positive that has been done. They'd go right back to the Emancipation Proclamation if they could. I get your frustration about apathetic black folks. I have the same frustration about apathetic ALL folks! We have to always remember that when talking to any ordinary person we're competing with thousands of hours of media brainwash and distraction. The system targets this at blacks, latinos, whites... everyone. I repeatedly bring up the example of my own people, Appalachians in West Virginia. They consistently vote for their oppressors. They are reamed thoroughly by the system of coal companies and corrupt politicians at every turn and they just keep coming back for more. Now they've got them all salivating for Trump and white-right nonsense which does not help them in the least. And how does this happen? Look at the ads on this site. The most prominent one is about "the Marxist roots of CRT". The GOP discovered "CRT", or their imaginary strawman version of it, and it works well for them. They've got millions of whites in an uproar that their children are being taught to hate themselves. To black folks they don't mention CRT, they talk about "the Democratic plantation". Say the word "plantation" and black people notice. The rest is bullcrap, but they've got their attention and off we go. Notice every time they find ONE black person voting for Trump they go on about a movement of black people toward the Republicans. They've been going on about this for a long time. If it were true, by now 94.5% of blacks would be Republicans. Just as useful for them: make people think it's all nonsense, not worth their time. Don't bother voting, black folks. That battle was won back in the 60s remember? You're "free" now, go back to sleep. Just one of endless variations of the same tune they're singing to nearly everyone. An old version of it to whites in the South was, "You've got it good! You're better off than the blacks! Shut up!" It was easy for me to do this, because I taught mostly where there were no white students. In S-Central L.A., my first principal was Afrocentric. She heard my rap and left me alone. So they learned African and Mexican history. I learned not to tell anyone anything, except the few teachers whom I could trust, who could be black, white or Mexican. I quickly learned one cannot expect to trust someone just because they're black or Mexican. But when I did get around white students, even where the white teachers were all progressives, feminists, etc., I ran into problems whenever I started teaching other than the basic curriculum. I was teaching about the Iroquois Plan of Peace and there were progressive white teachers hiding around the doorjamb spying on me and reporting to the principal. I found that beyond acknowledging their existence and establishing that they should not be maltreated, any content involving Native culture was problematic. We can only look at the Iroquois through white eyes, not present them on their own terms. Yes you are entirely correct about the need for stealth. Stealth-bomb them with the truth!
  10. This syndrome is not only afflicting Africa. I am from West Virginia. WV has been ravaged by timber and coal companies for generations, reducing the people to poverty and severely abusing them. YET West Virginians elect COAL company owners and execs to office all the time! The current Gov Justice is a billionaire coal mine owner. How many times have they been suckered? How many times have these coal politicians screwed them? Doesn't matter... they'll still vote for them. And currently they think their problems were caused by Democrats! The same Democrats who used to support the coalminers union! The Democrats who at least pretend to have their interests in mind. They can't see past their coalmining job. Likewise in Africa, if someone is receiving a paycheck from China, they're not going to complain about China. This is an unfortunate shortsightedness which is common among humans.
  11. The system is rigged. Plenty of Africans have the intelligence to see through the game, but there are always power-hungry individuals who'll act in their own interests over those of their people. The Euro colonialists did a great job of setting up Africa to fail. Some of this is explained by Chinua Achebe in "Things Fall Apart". The English found the more dubious individuals in Ibo society, and put them into the gatekeeper positions. The traditional power structure was ignored. So... you get people with influence who are beholden to the colonizer, who were already somewhat alienated from their own people, and who therefore are more likely to act in their own an in the colonizer's interests than those of their own country. If the intelligent. and more to the point, ethical, people make too much progress, they are "dealt with"... Lumumba, Obote, etc.
  12. In attempting to find esoteric meaning in every word of scripture, we ignore that it was not all concocted as an elaborate Kabalah to be deciphered. Much of it is simply a retelling of history by what we consider to be "primitive" minds. Most myth, among any people, is based on fact. In the telling there is much fantasy, but at the core lie real events. For example, there WAS a flood, or several of them. accompanying the melting of the glaciers in the early Holocene and the filling of the Black Sea with waters of the Mediterranean. The Sumerian Gilgamesh tale speaks of such flooding, and obviously the Noah tale is of a kind. Even today, someone can narrowly avoid an accident and proclaim that "God intervened". Well, the accident avoidance really occurred. The divine intervention is perhaps an invention. But there is a core of truth in the story: an accident was indeed avoided. I've had atheists nearly have nervous breakdowns over this notion that there is truth in myths, especially Biblical myths, which atheists especially abhor, but I do not state this as a Christian or believer, but as an anthropologist. There is an Israeli archaeologist who has examined every one of the events of Exodus, the plagues and so on, and found scientific explanations for all of it. Yes, it rained frogs, the water turned red, and a northern bit of the Red Sea went briefly dry, allowing people to walk across. Ah but the Biblical narrative doesn't speak of volcanic activity or earthquakes or algae blooms... So is the whole thing a fantasy? The logical conclusion is that it is in fact based on real events. But as with all myth, humans are quick to inject a lot of supernaturalism, often to explain things they can't explain. If we read that an ancient person was "possessed by demons", do we believe or dismiss the assertion? What we know now is that person likely was schizophrenic or with some other mental disorder. So something there was real. Was it "demons"? Probably not. In the future perhaps people will relate tales of an orange ogre who tried to eat the Constitution. Is that real? Well, not literally, but still, yes it did happen. The ogre was named Trump.
  13. The Adam & Eve story is so obviously allegory; it amazes me that Biblical literalists would believe it verbatim. These 2 are created, and then experience the transition to farming! All in one lifetime! We now know that Homo sapiens is 300k yrs old, while farming is at most 12k years old. Humans had to "leave the garden" where food was available for the taking, to be forced to "earn their bread sweating and stooping over the earth." Yes, they began to farm because environmental changes reduced the wild food available. They learned to distinguish between good and evil... this means that it became possible, with agriculture, for those so inclined to accumulate wealth at the expense of their fellows. That's what we call "evil". Jesus created a good allegory which is generally misinterpreted. He cast out the demons from a person, inserting them into a herd of pigs which then were drowned. Pigs, which observant Jews didn't eat, represented the Hellenized culture which had come to dominate Judah. The Romans. Those unclean sorts cast into the water, like Romans expelled back into the sea. And he called the demons "Legion". That makes this "parable" very obvious, yet never in Church did they teach us that Jesus was talking about the Romans.
  14. You can but lie. Biden didn't cause inflation, fool. The pandemic did, plus the Ukraine war. Gas prices are now dropping. Do you credit Biden with that? No, because you are a brainwashed liar. Does anyone believe that is really your pic? I suspect the real you looks more like one of those fat white redneck Trumpoids carrying a misspelled sign. " who won’t sell out their heritage for benefit kickbacks and corrupt of others"... terrible syntax, the latter portion unintelligible, reflecting the intelligence of the average Trumpoid, but... that describes ANYONE who supports Trump. An utter and total sellout. White or black, such a person is shameful and an abomination to their community. IRS agents harassing... lol... this just gets stupider and stupider, don't it, daft bounder.
  15. You speak truth, certainly. I think my reaction to that guy was basically "oh good, he's not white". If he'd been Arab or Hispanic I'd have had the same reaction. But yeah there is a lot of subliminal racism and attitudes we all harbor of which we're not even aware. We've been bombarded with this crap all our lives. It makes black people doubt themselves, it makes whites fearful and crazy, and so on... We can only keep on striving for sanity and liberation!
  16. You've got a big mouth. Call me crazy, fascist, blind... how about this... try that in person and you'll learn the error of your ways. And you are full of error. You should have stayed in Moscow and you should go there now. For supporting Trump, YOU, fool, pendejo, are a traitor a fascist a miscreant a confused insane little nutball and as a human utterly worthless. Now keep me out of your mouth, idiot.
  17. While many whine and cry at the mention of "institutional racism", we do have something "systematic" going on here. It has been discussed that cops, white cops that is, often have an "innateU" fear reaction to black people. I mean in interaction with black people, a white cop will flip into SHOOT! mode quickly, far more quickly than with a white, because the white cops simply fear blacks more than they fear whites. Now this is not an "institutionalized" phenomenon in the sense that there is some training to this effect, or rules governing it, but it is a consistent pattern. and it is institutionalized in the sense that much in our culture TEACHES people that blacks are: emotional, irrational, angry, volatile, violent. amoral, etc. A cop can pull over a black lawyer and he sees a gangsta thug. I've heard whites many times express anguish over having encountered a "big black guy". A big white guy apparently isn't a problem... The 2 of us here... we're in the country, and a few weeks ago an unmarked large white van pulled into the driveway. I was immediately apprehensive, wondering who it was, and my fear was that it was some white-right militia. When I saw a "big black guy" get out of the van, I relaxed. Oh cool, he's black, I thought. The guy was from USPS in an unmarked truck, delivering a package. Afterward, I said to my fellow traveler here, that was weird, I was fearful and moving toward the gun when that truck came in until I saw the black guy and then I relaxed. So... am I racist? (We're both white.) She said, no, that's not racist, we have good reason to fear the whites. This is a reversal of the usual reaction by whites, apparently, who "instinctively" (due to cultural training/brainwash, really) fear black people. We were thinking, why are we different? She said it was simply because we were around black people a lot and knew them, so didn't react to them based on stereotypes, while we've had bad experiences with the whites and know that many of them wish us dead (for being Democrats). Is this country (USA) goddam crazy or WHAT?
  18. That syndrome exists among Mexicans too. I knew someone who's mother had tethered her beneath a tree when she was young, so she wouldn't get in the sun and become darker. On both sides of the border it is advantageous to be lighter. I'll go there and read it... just woke up... thanks.
  19. From what I see of the cover and what you said, I like it already! I'm a retired teacher and very aware of good children's books. I was a bilingual teacher and so usually looking for books that were in Spanish or both languages. But... I had black students too and I'd love to have them read your book. Where can I see the entire text? Is it online somewhere? Good for you, for putting out these good thoughts. I know it is needed. Example: in Watts I was teaching 4th grade. 2 black girls were drawing self-portraits, as was the entire class. I looked at their pictures. These girls were both dark-skinned. Their pictures showed light-skinned girls with blue eyes. I said, "Are you sure you got the colors right?" and one of them responded, "Hey we want to be pretty, not all black." Well I made a few appropriate comments about how lighter isn't necessarily prettier, and there's not a thing wrong with y'all... but this runs deep and they'd been programmed by a lot of TV. etc, to think like that. So, yeah, Hoorah for you and your book!
  20. They should just use the slogan "Sieg Heil" and stop pretending that they are other than outright fascists.
  21. Oh yes, intelligent black people would of course logically flock to the Party of White Supremacy! Sure, why not? The Democratic centrists might be lame and spineless, but the RepubliQans are outright racist fascists, so... some choice, eh? Between Stupid and Evil, I'll vote for Stupid. You are ignoring when discussing the "Latino" population that they are not a monolith. They are comprised of various ethnicities. The Cubans in the USA tend to be RepubliQans. Mexicans tend to be Democrats. Democrats do not "attack God", who knows where you get that especially ludicrous bit of Russian/GOP propaganda. And I know plenty of black people who are very definitely Christians and strong Democrats. Black people run the Democratic Party in this County, for Chrissakes. Does "fraudulent political class" include Moscow Mitch McConnell? Right. Or, rather, WRONG.
  22. The Democratic Party has been afraid of anything left of center ever since McGovern lost in 1972. They've been playing it as "Republican Lite" since Reagan, always watching polls, taking seriously the GOP's own silly rhetoric about a "conservative revolution" and all that. As President. Clinton was to the right of Nixon! NAFTA was pure GOP corporate-sucking sellout. Clinton's welfare reform was a Republican's wet dream, so delicious since they pretend no whites are on welfare. And yes, the ACA is in fact Romney's healthcare plan for Massachusetts. We can make the Party again a defender of the working class as it was in the days of FDR, and a force against racism as it was under LBJ. It requires activism and a lot of argumentation. It means getting out the vote. With the Democrats barely hanging on to a majority when they have one, and most of their districts with significant proportions of reactionary fearful white voters, one can almost excuse their centrism. But I don't, because the Democrats themselves could have maintained their dedication to good policies, could have stood up against Reaganomics, could have motivated all those who don't vote to do so. Stacy Abrams and Beto O'Rourke have demonstrated that this is possible. We should not despair. Biden is behaving far more like a progressive than we ever thought he would. Abrams, O'Rourke and others may be poised to overthrow a few of the Republican miscreants currently in power. We will never have a successful alternative to the Democratic Party. This system is stuck in its 2-Party mode and will not change. We have to take over the Democratic Party as we did in 1972. A lot of scary hippies chased people away from voting for McGovern, plus the fear among many whites of groups like the Panthers. If we don't go forward with pronouns and safe spaces in the forefront... because voters can't relate to that stuff. We need talk of REAL economic policies which rebuild USA's dead rural towns, which create jobs for whites, blacks and everyone else, which concentrate our attention on the "rising tide which lifts all boats" and defuses the divisiveness fostered to its own advantage by the GOP. This IS possible. Democrats are so notoriously unable to cooperate, and so many don't vote. Progressives won't vote because Biden insulted Bernie. While the whites are being stirred up to vote by Q and such inflammatory bull, many blacks don't bother voting unless the candidate is black. All the factions of Democrats are guilty of this dysfunctional behavior which keeps the RepubliQans in power.
  23. Hershel Walker... a clown. And you likely support Sarah Palin also, and of course Marjorie. It is a pathetic commentary on the mentality of this nation that so many would support such an array of miscreants and outright fascists. Walker is good at banging his head against other huge football players, but is competent for little else. Palin's only talent seems to be drunken brawling. Marjorie... a terrorist waiting to happen who belongs in a mental institution. Those are your heroes, eh?
  24. My first response is that you need to curtail the name-calling. Calling me crazy only indicates that you have nothing to say. Your spiel is entirely a regurgitation of lying RepubliQan talking points. The FBI is corrupt, the Democrats are extreme leftists, the entire govt is a conspiracy against Trump and his followers, laissez-faire corporatism is good economic policy, blah blah blah all nonsense if not outright lies. And you BELIEVE that offal? That's pathetic, and propagating such falderol only contributes to fascism in the USA and to the aims of Vladimir Putin, Trump's boss. Trickle-down doesn't work. This is a democratic system. Trump supporters are populist fascists, therefore anti-democratic as they consistently demonstrate. Anyone supporting Trump now is a traitor, as he is clearly guilty of treason and is an asset of our enemy Putin. Shame on you! I'd suggest you log onto Travelocity and enter "Moscow" in the search engine. We're going to drain the fascists. Any "swamp" in play here has its murkiest water at Mar-a-Lago. Yes, Trump likely was passing secrets to the Saudis if not Putin. That's his game. There is nothing positive about Trump that we could believe or repeat. He's a racist, misogynist, thieving, conning, lying, megalomanic narcissist traitor who is stirring up the lesser types among us to insurrection and other violence. They clearly broadcast their intent to kill Democrats, blacks, gays, Muslims, immigrants and others. It is online rampantly every day, so any denial is just more lying. We face the greatest threat to democracy in this country since 1862. And the evil perfidy being perpetrated by Trumpoids is no less vile than that of the Confederats. It is treasonous. It is unacceptable. Y'all are heading at 80mph toward a thick wall. I'm a brick in that wall. ¡No pasarán!
  25. Slavery would not have ended. They already had white slaves in the 13 Colonies. In the 17th century in Virginia there were more white slaves than black. They'd have kept on enslaving the Irish and Scots and poor English, transporting them, indenturing them, and so on. Or they'd have started importing Filipinos or someone else. The African-American experience here created a people resilient and strong, and besides providing a lot of labor and talent which was exploited, blacks here also contributed a lot of positive things to this country. I suppose all that suffering was not really worth it just so I could listen to music by Miles Davis and Snoop Dogg... of course there is no way to repay that. But the nation owes African-Americans a lot of gratitude for things most haven't even thought of yet. I don't know if I should even say this, but I'm glad y'all's ancestors did NOT all poison themselves. I'm glad you survived, if that's any consolation. Damn, now I need a drink... this is troublesome to ponder. Just wanted to confirm this. I'm white and was a teacher in South-Central L.A. I'd go into the donut shop in the morning, talk to people, walk around all over, nobody bothered me. Once the people in the neighborhood knew me, I would go everywhere, on any street, visit students' homes. The Crips would shake my hand and thank me for helping their siblings get educated so they could escape this life, as they put it. Put a black teacher in a white area acting as I did there in S-Central and there would be an army of hysterical white Karens calling the cops, if not worse things. Well I'm not saying that the people in S-Central should have confronted me, but certainly the whites should get a clue and stop having a hissy fit every time they see a black person.
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