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Mel Hopkins

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Everything posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. @Pioneer1 and that was the lesson I leaned when I was almost 17-years-old. It was the best lesson I learned about men, and women for that matter. I will never forget him - and i’ve searched the internet to find him - but I think he left the entertainment business. He was an excellent ventriloquist. Yep he was a Black ventriloquist with a Black puppet. I get her confusion. And this illustrates my point perfectly. A good man who is NOT a monster would get her help - NOT drugs. Like I wrote, the Cosby I met isn’t the monster we’ve come to learn exist. I get it.
  2. If we teach boys not to rape it wouldn’t’ be necessary to determine whether a woman is less sophisticated or promiscuous. We already know, as a man, he would not attack her under any circumstance. Her state of mind is only an extenuating factor if she’s unconscious or under the influence. But he wouldn’t need to worry because he wouldn’t put himself in the position to harm her. Sadly, this society doesn’t teach boys to be mindful of their behavior. We teach girls to be responsible for their own behavior, and the behavior of boys and men. So, yes it needs to be said over and over. Boys who learn not to rape girls grow up to be men who won’t rape women. As for your question, I couldn’t think of one reason to be alone with Cosby in his hotel room. But even if I were, I’d expect him or any man to respect my boundaries. i’d respect his just like I did on the plane. He invited the crew (men and women) to take pictures with him.
  3. I met Bill Cosby on one of my flights. He was one of the most gracious and accommodating passengers I flew with. His personal assistant was a black woman. You may have seen her on his perp walk to and from the court. The man those women identified as a rapist is not the man I met that day. I believe those women. If Cosby told the truth in his deposition - then he didn’t drug them without their knowledge. Sexual Assault is tricky. We women say no, or want to say no but sometimes we feel guilty for putting ourselves in a situation where a man can harm us. It is f-cked up some men are monsters. I was in that situation when I was a teen crushing on a cute boy who was nearly a man. (18 yoa) I thought he was a good boy. He wasn’t. It took another man to keep him from sexually violating me. Thank goodness for “iron sharpening iron.” A man protected me from a monster. I told all the other girls who knew him to stay away from him - I told them he was a predator. I TOLD. I also learned how to use my sexuality to get what I want from men. That’s the trade off for innocence lost or almost lost. BUT I didn’t file charges against him. Do you know my dad was a cop? I could have had all of NYPD on him. BUT I felt ashamed for putting myself in that position to like and trust a predator. This is why some women don’t come forward until 50-11 years later. Then it’s too late. I believe the PA Supreme Court Justices got it right. I also believe we must teach boys not to rape.
  4. Pennsylvania Supreme Court has overturned Cosby's sexual assault conviction. He is set to be released from prison as early as TODAY The new ruling bars any retrial in the case according to CNBC reporting. HOLY COW. I did not see that one coming!~
  5. I think they are both freemasons. This would mean the imagery doesn't belong to either - it is sign - a signal to their rise in the group.
  6. I was reminded of this thread after reading @Cynique 's interest in bio-centrism
  7. THANK YOU! I miss your thoughts so much! I'm so glad you're still in this dimension too! Oddly we knew this to be true before it became a field of study - remember the saying "You'll see it when you believe it" I've always believe that to be the truth of this wacky universe. I remember us talking about on this platform too in @Delano's Magick thread. I also responded here. "Unknowable . " It is always good to hear from you!
  8. I hope @Cynique wrote this book during the lockdown!
  9. From left: abolitionist and writer Frederick Douglass, educator and writer Booker T Washington and American writer and sociologist WE Du Bois. Photograph: Getty
    Not so fast: Prolific Black Authors left out of a soon-to-be-published book of writers covering the past 2500 years.  The Guardian reports with too Black voices missing from the nearly 750 page book, a major US publisher cancels publication. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/may/16/whos-missing-top-author-stirs-anger-with-too-white-history

    1. richardmurray


      Al Sharpton said something a while ago, on a show on PBS, 
      This is the main strategic reality with black people in the anglophone<USA/UK/South Africa >, and is replicated by black people in other phones. In the article both David Olusoga or Hakim Adi display an idea that history in college should be of a certain moral code. The industry of history need to have a moral code. 
      The moral code is: history is only valid when absolutely truthful or fully comprehensive to all people. 
      Richard Cohen's book is not fully comprehensive, by absenting the stated works in the article or the fact Cohen needed to make additions to the book which were not suitable to the usa based book publisher. 
      But, do all histories have to be absolutely truthful plus fully comprehensive, to be histories ? 
      If a black person writes a history book and displays the names of all the peoples of Africa during the invasion by white european communities; if said black person gives details to each african community from eating ways to names to art styles, to religions as how influenced by invaders as comprehensive as possible. Is said book false when the white european invaders are mentioned only as blood suckers from northern lands. 
      By Al Sharpton's words, by the philosophy of the Black historians in the article, the answer is no. But is it?
      I found the show , find the quote in capitols 

  10. I’m sure it’s no surprise I believe this too. It is how some people can be a “pariah” at one time and then all of sudden find themselves celebrated. I think Jay Z is one of the notable people who have found out how to change his “fate.”
  11. I haven't heard an African talk like that before, even the ones who dye their hair blonde, get online, and ask for wealthy men from Europe to come and marry them and get them out of poverty don't talk like that. It sounded kind of odd. Not sure if you remember when he first came on, but at first he didn't have a picture in his avatar. That picture of a Black man was introduced later on after he had posted 6 or 7 times. But perhaps he really IS a brother who just thinks like that. @Pioneer1 “they seem like a catfish troll who didn’t expect you to show up the way you did. But I agree that line gave “them” away. - The catfish trolls come in with a topic the target group will likely gravitate too - and they will gain confidence and then hit with some bull”like this… “They” appeared to be grooming the discussion group to believe something that would make us feel less than. But you handled “them” in away they didn’t expect. You asked for EVIDENCE! The debate ended there as far as I’m concerned. Seriously, why don’t more of us ask for evidence in situations that can impact our lives and perspective.
  12. @DelanoDon't fall for it, Twin. Troy has met someone but she makes him uncomfortable and he can't find his balance in the relationship. He's asking you how to proceed because he can't find his normal. Just tell him to go with the flow -he's a strong swimmer. But the more he struggles the more he'll find himself in an undertow.
  13. I laughed out loud when I read this - I've seen African men do this so many times! @Pioneer1 When I worked for United, I traveled to every continent except Antarctica and Africa - but that didn't stop me from meeting Africans in every other continent, and many were there to further their studies and/or conduct business. You know when an African couple opens a hair salon in Beijing They're definitely about that life lol https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-21421956 I agree - I hope they will before it's too late. We need a big-a shift in dynamics.
  14. Did/Does Black Planet have video upload capabilities back in the 90s? I don't remember that feature.
  15. Twin, I hadn't thought of it until you asked this question. First, my mental image of a psychic is someone who has the ability to visit the future and then interpret the information for those of us who are in their present. Intuitive means visiting the future and unknowingly acting on that information in the waking present. Also, I understand the past, present, and future operates on points on a circle - meaning it is happening simultaneously. Some of us dream vividly and have the ability to visit different points in on the circle within this universe. Some of us may even visit points in parallel dimensions in the multiverse.
  16. If this is true of African immigrants - why isn't the entire continent of Africa host to the wealthiest countries in the world? I'm not asking this to debate - I genuinely believe this to be the case too. Without looking up the statistic, I get the sense that African Immigrants rarely sell their labor. Instead, they produce. Also, the percentage of African immigrants with professional and doctorate degrees outnumbers even white Americans. American Blacks and Latinos don't even measure up in that comparison. So why are some of the African countries so poor or in debt? As I write this, It appears to be the same reason that blacks don't collectively support social networks, lol.
  17. I haven't met any - There are people like us, Twin who seem to have a firm grasp on what's not so obvious to the masses. But I haven't met a straight up Psychic? It would be cool to see how they work.
  18. Yes, absolutely, that is what is necessary for black forums to excel. But as Troy mentioned, it's not happening. That was the point of my response. TODAY most black people who excel in their careers get a boost on white-run social networks. They're publicly owned. So I need to correct myself. White-owned media isn't accurate. Both Davey D and Black Planet today still exist. Some sites report Black Planet, owned by Radio One, has 20-25 million registered users. Even Solange, with her popularity - and her older sister, Beyonce', did their best to drive traffic to Black Planet. Solange set up an account to launch one of her studio albums. Do you know how the majority of followers found out? She posted on Twitter that she was on Black Planet. https://solange.blackplanet.com/ So, I'm not saying what you've written is in dispute. It's just not happening on the level as it has in the past. Case-in-point, Issa Rae is one of the most successful people I know who launched her entertainment career through a white-run social network. Issa Rae created Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl series on YouTube - and that led to her HBO series "Insecure," Pulitzer awards, and Emmy Nominations. Now she heads up an entire corporation, Hoorae productions https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/issa-rae-insecure-hbo-hoorae-1234936020/ that helps other black people launch their entertainment projects. She also uses Patreon, a community of patrons (benefactors), to help her support new talent. Here's the article I wrote for EBONY magazine about her. So yes, marketing is the key to popularity but just not in the traditional sense. Now we're promoting our personal brands on social networks with the largest audiences.
  19. Try Mozilla Firefox, I read it through that browser. And you might also have access to the audio version.
  20. Yup! It's crazy, right? Sadly, this means even our writing isn't controversial enough. I wear my alexa rating on melhopkins.com with a badge of honor. I checked alexa one day - and it had labeled my content/twitter shares - "black women, anarchist" I was like "damn right" lol Say what???
  21. So it's not enough that am*zon wants to put independent booksellers out of business - now they are attempting to shut down Public Libraries too? Independent publishers and authors please don't publish with am*zon. It can only harm your business model not help it. Read more from the Washington Post Consumer Tech Want to borrow that e-book from the library? Sorry, Am*zon won’t let you. Its monopoly is stopping public libraries from lending e-books and audiobooks from Mindy Kaling, Dean Koontz, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Trevor Noah, Andy Weir, Michael Pollan and a whole lot more... https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/03/10/am*zon-library-ebook-monopoly/ NOTE: If you reach a paywall try Mozilla Firefox. I read it through that browser. And you might also have access to the audio version. H/T https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/6477-richardmurray/?status=1491&type=status
  22. First, you'd have to answer what is the value to post on a Black-owned forum. Black people don't hold power in this country. Therefore, posting on Black-owned media would be like preaching to the choir. At least, in the last two decades, when Black people post on white-owned sites, they've elevated their professional status. Many Black activists, entertainers, journalists, even educators have launched their profiles through Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and now Instagram. Does this serve Black people? Nope, but it does help some Black people to realize their individual dreams. And speaking of individuality, just like any other ethnic group, we all have varying views of the world. Some of us are liberal, some of us are religious-fundamentalists, some have patriarchal views, others have matrilineal perspectives, etc. So a Black forum doesn't serve Black people either. At least not all. Humans tend to flock to communities that connect them mentally. For example, This community serves us through literature. We visit here because of the books written about Black people and books written by Black people. Also, when we did congregate on Black-owned media, especially book shops or through book publishing -we were targeted by the FBI. So maybe black people have been programmed into believing it is better to infiltrate white-owned media and hide in plain sight, so to speak. This way, if we are targeted, it is in full view of the world.
  23. Just like the continents weren't always separated, I don't think we can remember when it wasn't like this. It's not hard to conquer and destroy an egalitarian society. They would simply let go. To the victor go the spoils. And they write the record so we can't collectively access those memories. The avatars you mentioned are the ones who return to remind us of our higher self. Some humans remember and operate at higher vibration. We can no longer see their existence. If you activate your highest self - you will experience nirvana and will be able to operate between the dimensions. Or remain with those avatars.
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