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Mel Hopkins

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Everything posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. according to a twitter poster @billybragg this is allegedly how the suspect's van looks So if liberals are setting up 45 - they've been very thorough lol
  2. "Finally! Five Secrets to Pitch Perfect (LY)" Podcast - uploaded Tuesday, October 23, 2018 Listening to Barbara Corcoran's (of Shark Tank) Business Unu$ual podcast, I noticed independent authors could modify her "5 secrets to a perfect pitch" to successfully present their books. Corcoran's 5 secrets are as follow: Good Hook To the Point Short & Clear Good Backstory Look the part Cite the Next Steps An Independent author can take these secrets and craft a pitch that will lay the foundation for selling a book or manuscript to anyone; anywhere. (Good Hook) When I hear "hook," I think music, specifically Rap. So, a book should have a catchy title. My first book didn't. #TitleFAIL So, I made my title into a meme. "You pray that love is heaven sent, but sometimes you end up Sleeping with a D-Man." BUT look at the bestsellers here on AALBC! Check out how many words in the title? Most have three words; 5 is the max. Choose wisely. (To the Point Short & Clear) Tell your audience what your book is about in 2 sentences or less. Who is this book about? What do they want? How will they get it? Or what's preventing them from getting it. Nicole, heart-broken and college-bound, will go to hell and battle demons for the man she loves. Literally. (Good Backstory) Every author knows why they're compelled to tell their story. My daughter was going off to college - I wanted to share with her how to avoid the perils of dorm and college life. Here's where an author can share the benefits of reading their book. Let readers know how the author hopes this book can help. (Look the part) Hire a successful book cover designer. We do judge a book by its cover. (Cite the Next Steps) An entrepreneur Next Steps is all "about the Benjamins" and funding. The same is true for independent authors, but our approach is a bit different. Our goal is to develop a relationship with our readers and also have them buy our books every time we publish. So, independent authors, we have to let our readers know how they can buy our book. [<-link to buy my book] Do it the Amazon way and make it as easy and conspicuous as possible. Remind them again of the benefit from buying directly from you, the author. I read once, that most successful panhandlers tell those who put money in their cup how they will use their generous donations. For Example: "Thank you for buying my book. With your purchase you make it possible for me to continue to write books to positively influence and empower young women." By the way, Corcoran says, "the same five steps were shared by every great entrepreneur that ever left shark tank with a fist full of cash. So, "Write On!"
  3. @Troy Not this time. I supplied all the information to Lulu.com in 2006 and paid them a fee to prepare my title for global distribution. Recently, I provided this information for my memoir while using Pressbooks.com . That was my first direct experience with BISAC but I didn’t understand the significance until now. So, you are providing us independent authors a real service by sharing the importance.
  4. Thank you for this @Troy ! It looks sharp and clean! And a sci-fi /horror /fantasy fan like me would definitely use this feature! Also I found more information on the BISAC. Although it appears to be very involved, I've bookmarked it for further reading https://bisg.org/page/BISACFaQ
  5. @Troy yes, I agree and I look forward to the article. I will definitely follow that format everywhere I post my book lol -
  6. Excellent reminder @Troy ! Congratulations @simplydilsa ! Did you write and register your treatment with WGA? https://www.wgawregistry.org/
  7. You just did and it was fabulous! All that’s missing are the tags #memoirs #biographies #baseball! And how we can buy it. Thank you for sharing!
  8. From my Toldja column - EVERYBODY KNOWS NY IS SPIRITUAL CENTER... People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn’t there. Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father’s head, from Harlem to Flushing Meadows to Red Hook. He knows what magic a suit can cast, the invisibility a guitar case can provide, and the curse written on his skin that attracts the eye of wealthy white folks and their cops. But when he delivers an occult tome to a reclusive sorceress in the heart of Queens, Tom opens a door to a deeper realm of magic, and earns the attention of things best left sleeping. A storm that might swallow the world is building in Brooklyn. Will Black Tom live to see it break? From ~The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValle
  9. Twitter's @Jandralee went viral when she tweeted on 12 /12/17 "How to Support Authors with Spending Any Money." Here are some of her suggestions: Review the book on Amazon Review the book...anywhere Follow them on social media Post about the book online Tell a friend (or 20) about the book Say hi Ask your local library to add the book to their collection.. After a few twitterers took screenshots of her tweet and posted it as their own @jandralee updated on 8/7/18 How to Support Authors + Creators without Spending Any Money 2.0 Ask what helps them [Authors + Creators] most Be kind online Always give credit/attribution RT to boost their content Subscribe to [their] email newsletters Thank them Leave Instagram comments (seriously, it helps a *lot*) Please add tips of your own - because any way we can help each other actually expands our own network.
  10. @Troy , Yes I agree! Getting books in front of readers was Amazon's specialty. Amazon actually trained us, the readers, to go to them first when looking to buy a book. I had to break the habit and search out books from authors, then publishers, then independent book shops then chain bricks and mortar to finally online retail. Other readers may not go through the hassle and ultimately, the writer loses. We've learned the amazon process discourages some writers from participating at all. So, yes I hope others will share their experiences. The bottom line in that case is when someone is printing off your book and selling to THEIR customers, you really can't be sure how many books you're actually selling. With that in mind, After my initial release in 2006, I also sold about 100 books on lulu.com, Amazon and Barnes & Noble. After 2008 through 2014, the numbers dwindle and averaged 3 per year - or at least that was what amazon was reporting. Lulu seemed to be more brisk in their reporting. I've since removed my title from all online retailers - and I buy my books so I can sell directly to others. This way, I can keep an eye on my inventory AND stay in contact with my customers. I've had the most success though Social Selling (social media) to my immediate network and their network. Social Selling led to promoters book me for their events where I found after a speaking engagement I was successful at direct selling.
  11. And it could be anywhere in the world -since he has the UK after him too. I think there's a civil suit pending there against him. I'm not familiar with U.K legal system though. It does seem they're moving faster than here in the U.S.
  12. @Troy Yes, I believe it is to the tune of 1.4 million people purged from the rolls since 2012. I understand removing voters who haven't voted in two consecutive presidential elections - I remember that being the rule in NY State too. It's the shenanigans of purging folks just because that I find offensive. BUT what I really find offensive is registered voters not VOTING. If we vote in every single election we'd know if someone was doing something illegal like stealing our right to vote. We'd know because we exercised that right!
  13. According to BBC.Com - 5 October 2017 “The New York Times publishes a story detailing decades of allegations of sexual harrassment against Harvey Weinstein. Actresses Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd are among women who come foward. ...Weinstein apologizes and takea a leave of absence” a lot more stuff then on 25 May 2018 “Weinstein turns himself in to NY Police on sexual misconduct charges.” Police charge him with rape and several other counts of sexual abuse against two women. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-41594672
  14. Folks are really losing it. I'm not sure if these people just want attention or there are a lot of civil rights violations occurring in America. All I can say is 45 didn't cause this but he's a symptom of unrest.
  15. Recently, an AALBC member asked how can I buy your book? While we authors may think it's obvious how readers can buy our book - it's not as obvious as we may think. So, how can readers buy your book? What's your most successful way to get your books into your readers hands? Social Media Sales? Handselling? Direct Sales? What's your selling Secret? Urban Fantasy, Signed by the author Buy Now $14.95 plus Shipping/Handling
  16. Welcome @Floyd Collins ! We have 35 members in the ReadingBlack club - I know I missed a lot of you who have joined, WELCOME!
  17. I was correct "The Devil in Silver" did get under my skin. In fact, as the book nears its climax - I actually cried real tears and woke up the next morning with puffy eyelids. Here's what I tweeted to @victorlavalle in response: " When I met LeClair, I cried. Just like in the air duct, I didn't know where it was leading. Then I was like, "wow, this is how it feels to experience a moment of genius." "I was blown away...To say "pivotal" is an understatement [in reference to the climatic ending] - I had no words. Just tears. " Lavalle is a brilliant storyteller. Full Stop. As I mentioned, I decided to buy this book in 2012 at @Troy recommendation here on AALBC. I have no regrets. I'm thankful he introduced me to this author.
  18. Guest M.L. Ginn, I think it would be easier to give you recommendations if you share what genre you're writing in and what audience you're targeting such as YA reader, New Adult, Women's fiction etc... also consider joining us over at the club readingblack.com - for tips on how to help your audience find you and your books.
  19. Excellent recap! I had to download the nbc5chicago app - because none of the cable stations carried the verdict live. Two of my three daughters work in the loop - so my anxiety was dialed up to “high”. As for the grifters in Washington; well, I do my best not to think about any of them so that I may maintain my good health.
  20. @Troy it appears you have urban fantasy in your ten. correct?
  21. Or even be mean just to engage and get attention. I now spend more time reading fiction than reading “thoughts” and “commentary”... I still want to know what others think I just prefer it have a narrative structure.
  22. Excellent episode! Especially since a few anger management classes would have worked wonders. The sad part is this episode is allegedly a reality in the People's Republic of China... Actually, we here have a similar system - FICO
  23. Are you using the information from the website? Also have you reviewed interviews from the founders? That may help you craft your argument for the morality of the organization - Specifically , how an organization working against police brutality could lead to community policing - and more cooperation between residents and law enforcement. This keeps police safe as well as black residents. Back in the early 2000s there was an organization called weed & seed - it was an USDOJ office of justice programs - and black communities and police worked together... and million dollar funding made it possible. So maybe there’s where morality can come into play - https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/black-lives-matter-a-catalyst-for-philanthropic-change_us_582234bae4b0102262411df7
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