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Everything posted by Delano

  1. It has been an interesting few years. During your absence I feared that you had died. Which is really an ego centric fear. It does feel things are winding down. Or perhaps I am becoming a jaded Black Man. I have spent a fair amount of time learning and reading. Although I Have enjoyed it , I wonder if it has a purpose or is its own goal. I have said it before you are unconscious Magus. When you awake it will be another world.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ruling-out-aliens-senior-us-general-says-not-ruling-out-anything-yet-2023-02-13/ There have been a few UFO's shot down.
  3. @Cynique I would say that there may have been a cemetery nearby. If there is a church that old it may have a cemetery. I may have said this before. As you get closer to the answers the less you are on this planet. So my feeling is that you will either transition or you will spend more of your time in an alternate reality. You are seeing that this reality is out the be all. Why is that frightening? I've had electronic problem for the last 20 years. Although three were really pronounced and signalled a massive change in my life. I had the last one in Sept 2021. I feel this may be the biggest shift if all. In about two weeks I have my second Saturn Return. You have completed your third Saturn Return. Jan 16, 2022. I have stayed with two friends and they both have cats. The cats seem gravitate more to me even the cat that was a rescue cat. Animals can sense energies, both dogs and cats will protect you.
  4. Yes I believe that communication from the dead is possible. Will have a look to see what it is. Did you have four siblings and is your sister the most recent sibling to pass? It looks like two departed siblings and Auntie or older women, plus a reall independent women. Who guys probably called a bitch, but she stood up for women.
  5. @CyniqueI have a technique to convert a word into a future date. I then use that date to create an astrology chart . Which I then use to answer questions. Tell me the first word that pops into your mind plus your question.
  6. @Troy a pimp charges his stable otherwise he is also a trick. So Pee in ear is cool with his Dad serving his woman. Since he said it's her choice.
  7. I have found a way to ask Astrology questions, and it returns an answer via a chart. This is a chart that I drew for the word mind. Below is the delineation of the chart. This is a chart for the word mind. Notice that the ruler of the third, Uranus is in the third from the Third. The ruler of the ninth, the Sun is in the ninth from the ninth. The third is practical thinking. The ninth is your conceptual thinking. Both rulers reside in the fifth. Which is a creative house. Inspiration is a twelfth house issue. The ruler of the twelfth is in the first house. Saturn is the ruler of the first second and third house, intercepted in Sagittarius. Capricorn is the first house. So the ruling planet is Saturn. so it rules the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd. Interestingly it is ruling an extra house but it is intercepted in the 12th. The lower mind or practical thinking is ruled by Saturn and Co-ruled by Uranus. The third house has Neptune in Domicile and Uranus and Saturn /co-ruling. This means that even the practical or tactical mind also gets inspiration and revelations. However based on the placement of Neptune it would seem that you have to do some mental legwork before the intuition kicks in to assist. The other interesting bit is that Uranus is the thinking of the thinking house, in the fifth. So creativity also figures into rational or tactical thinking. The fifth house happens to be the busiest in terms of tenants. The ruler of the the fifth is in Gemini also a thinking sign. Again Gemini is also intercepted. The ninth is higher mind and theoretical thinking. Is tenanted by the North Node. Which interestingly is where you are going . The twelfth is intuition and Sagittarius is intercepted, the ruling planet being Pluto. Which is quite elegant. So here you have the combination of the unconscious with the intuition. Uranus Sun and the Mercury are all in the fifth. Which signifies that the Mind higher thought , lower thought and creativity seem to be linked
  8. I would rather lose sometimes than be a perennial loser.
  9. Stay in it, you have made me think. I worked as a psychic and have also tutored statistics when I was younger. I don't believe in anything is random and I don't think we have much free will. This is a function of studying and practising Astrology and Tarot for over 20 years.
  10. @Rodney campbell Did you choose a particular time of day sunrise noon sunset midnight or some other time.
  11. I would say there is no free will, since we can not choose freely. Our choices are subjected to our genetics, environment, culture the language we speak et cetera. The only people who are free are inventors to some extent and sociopaths
  12. I would say an apple was defined instead of proved. Thanks for participating, you responses were evocative and made me think more deeply.
  13. The failings of ChatGpt. https://tedgioia.substack.com/p/introducing-the-slickest-con-artis https://tedgioia.substack.com/p/introducing-the-slickest-con-artist
  14. It has happened in Sydney as well, cloudy skies or rain. Prevented seeing some celestial event.
  15. Exactly. I don't think anything randomly happens. If you can determine the cause the effect is lot random. If you can predict the effect without knowing the cause that also is probably not random.
  16. @Chevdoveinteresting, there has been a lot of upheaval in the past 5 years. I hope that the prophecy is not about now. Pluto is entering Aquarius for the first time since it was discovered. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the time if the French and American Revolution.
  17. Reality is a construct, due to the fact that your world exists in your mind. The only real facts are self evident ones. Everything else is a function of subjectivity. Men would fight less wars if they gave birth.
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