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Everything posted by Delano

  1. You are free to believe whatever you like.
  2. Isaac Newton dedicated Primcipa Mathematica to God. So I can't agree with that statement. Newton isn't making the statement as a layman. You could argue whether Newtown was emotionally unbalanced and paranoid. However that has no bearing on his scientific and religious pronouncements.
  3. Differing opinions are fantastic. As long as they match my approach or thought process.
  4. Every so often I assume the other person is correct. It changes the dynamic of the conversation.
  5. Black Panther is the first western movie shown in Saudi Arabia.
  6. post it. I am sure it will be read. You have a lot of people reading the posts.
  7. I am actually suggesting that we try and understand each other.
  8. Pioneer I am live and let live. So folks can celebrate whatever makes them feel good.
  9. Troy if you don't want to clarify your position. Even after Pioneer said he would like to hear your definition that's fine. I am temporarily retiring from arguments.
  10. The first film to be shown in Saudi Arabia is the Black Panther. You my friend have missed the point. Is it a great movie yes. Is it a great film. I didn't think so. But I recently got into a verbal argument about the film. It is a great film and it is doing great things. An there is no other film that can compare to its Global Cultural significance
  11. Should they be more from science or a sociological point of view.
  12. Cats that grew up with me were into hip hop Richard Pryor,Kung Fu and Blaixpotation movies. The Five Deadly Venoms , 36 Chambers et cetera and others were based in a pre technological past. Clans fought or the master had to kill a rogue student. The issue of values and tradition were strong in those movies. Hip Hop also valued certain qualities. You couldn't bite someone else's style.
  13. I have seen people struggle against theit culture. It is may be less understandable to people from a more individual culture than a collective one. @Pioneer1 perhaps coming from a group that doesn't have their own culture makes cultural imperatives both foreign and incomprehensible. My argument is that American Blacks are a subculture. Since they can not lay claim to a language or culture of origin.
  14. This is historic . https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/black-panther-break-saudi-arabias-35-year-cinema-ban-1100018
  15. The last line makes everything else worthwhile.
  16. You may have forgotten but I know that it isn't possible for an opinion to be wrong.
  17. When you say western medicine vs eastern medicine doesn't that capture what Pioneer is saying.
  18. Hong Kong is different from China. If I talk to people not certain if I am meeting a the average person. Whatever that means.
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