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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Pioneer I find it interesting that people say the esoteric is not scientific. Whereas quite a few of the giants in science and philosophy held esoteric beliefs.
  2. Troy I think astrology shows character strengths and weaknesses. I would say there are different traits goe different types of gambling. Logic is an element of philosophy and mathematics. Can you elaborate on your third point.
  3. Some natal charts aren't conducive for gambling. Or so I have been told. Personally i wouldn't know but i could check for you.
  4. Despite my quote I do think astrology is a science and a philosophy and it changes how you think.
  5. I have been trying to increase my odds of winning using randomn numbers and Tarot. I was winning twice as much the probability said I should. And instead of losing 75 cents on the dollars I was losing 25 cents. But I was still losing.
  6. I think Astrology is an informational intelligence. Perhaps like Light DNA matter and everything else.
  7. It may have been a good time to play, bit you aren't going to win. Electional Astrology tells you the best tine to undertake a venture. Sometimes the best time is not practical. Like a marriage at 3 am. Which could be Astrology's way of telling you, there isn't a good time at all for you to get married.
  8. This isn't the quote I was talking about but it is interesting Innovations in the philosophy of language during the 20th century renewed interest in whether mathematics is, as is often said, the language of science. Although most mathematicians and physicists[citation needed<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed] (and many philosophers) would accept the statement "mathematics is a language<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics_as_a_language", linguists believe that the implications of such a statement must be considered. For example, the tools of linguistics<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistics are not generally applied to the symbol systems of mathematics, that is, mathematics is studied in a markedly different way than other languages. If mathematics is a language, it is a different type of language than natural languages<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_languages. Indeed, because of the need for clarity and specificity, the language of mathematics is far more constrained than natural languages studied by linguists. However, the methods developed by Frege and Tarski for the study of mathematical language have been extended greatly by Tarski's student Richard Montague<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Montague and other linguists working in formal semantics<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_semantics_linguistics)> to show that the distinction between mathematical language and natural language may not be as great as it seems
  9. According to Wikipedia Astrology is a pseudo science.
  10. Troy - You are right, about the practicioners. I believe divuination can answer any query if properly understood. I also think there ate some answers that can not be given.
  11. Cynique - That about sums it up. I recently came scross a statement. Some people are not susceptible to celestial influences. They write their own story.
  12. If the base is uncertain how van the structure be secure.
  13. Hi Troy - Every so often someone will ask with some astrological help with there gambling. I always decline because there's mi good outcome for me. However if you like I will look for an electional astrologer. They specialize in the appropriate time to undertake a venture.
  14. Troy - I think there is because the symbols are created. How can you verify a meaning, what can you compare it to check it. Its like language translation. You can't verify a definition between two languages since some words ad concepts don't exist in the second language. So basing science in symbols us problematic. There are scientist that will agree with me. I'll post the link later.
  15. I let you. Personally I would am a bit lower than power ball.
  16. Troy that may mean that symbols are not scientific. Which would mean anything using symbols would not be scientific. Since symbols only have meanings we give them. So language, numbers,mathematics and any thing that uses them would not be scientific.
  17. There's a Dvd you have seen it I forget the name. They argue that the bible is actually an astrological text. The Son dies cor three days then rises. This happen to the Sun at the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. It looks like it stops moving. When it starts moving again. Days are getting longer. This occurs about Dec 21. Some have argues that Jesus is the Sun and the twelve apostles are the zodiac. I don't have an opinion on this though. I have to tell you I would love to win the lottery twice. And say how could astrology possibly work. With a really big smirk. I happen to personally know an astrology who has won more than one small jackpots. So we'll see.
  18. Troy - How would you define a science. With any symbolic language there will be differences in interpretation. I believe there's a quote from a quantum physicists to other scientist, "If it makes sense to you,then you dealt didn't understand it." There is an interesting intarticle in Wikipedia about mathematics. I believe it is on the link of "were numbers discovered or created." Which is an unanswered question in mathematics. Some philosophers of mathematics or it may have been mathematicians said, "mathematic(numbers) could be a belief system. Which would relegate all of science to a belief system. There are some rules and definitions that are astrologers agree on as being fundamental. Whether those rules are used in individual application is another issue. The christians are right and they are wrong. Astrology can be used for witchcraft, wish raft and spells. The only people who knew who Jesus was were three astrologers. Check out the etymology of Magi. I believe magic comes from. The root magi.
  19. Pioneer - My understanding of Astrology is also limited and I don't know how it works but I believe I know why it works. Its is incredibly vast. For me it is a philosophical system that has informed and shaped me. There are only a few things that leave me in awe. Astrology, the human spirit, imagination and Love. There may be others but it is late and I am tired.
  20. Pioneer - My understanding of Astrology is also limited and I don't know how it works but I believe I know why it works. Its id incredibly vast. For me it is a philosophical system that had informed and shaped me. There ate only a few things I leave me in awe. Astrology, the human spirit, imagination and Love. There may be others bit ut is late and I am tired.
  21. Mundane - Geopolitical. Astrolocstion where us the best place to live. Pioneer - Astrology is pretty robust because it is a language. So you can take the letters of the alphabet and describe things or make new words. The only limit is the limit of your own vocabulary and imagination. The other interesting thing about an astrological chart is that, it is the combination of space and time. So if I see a chart I can work out not just when but where in the world it us referring to, by the angles of the houses and the planets.
  22. Troy - There ate rules and techniques in all branches of astrology. There are several branches of Astrology: Financial; Medical; Weather Forecasting; Relational; Nstsl; Psychological; Hoary answering of questions; Electionsl when is the best time to start; Gambling, Planting and Magick. There may be others but I cxnt think if them.
  23. I think Astrology is a soft science, that is only limited by its practitioners.
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