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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Not anymore than wealth bestows intelligence, athletic or creative ability. What wealth does give is access to the better resources and more time to develop your craft. No I don't think so, unless it also resulted in changes to character. There are different types and levels of power. The pawn has power, and can be elevated to the most powerful position in chess. Which relates back to fairy tales. The town outcast, proves his character and becomes King. Even if it isn't visible to most doesn't mean it doesn't exist.. Again chess is a good example pawn are out front and the power is in the back.
  2. That is the bit that is hard, also first degree you have to show premeditation.. So a conviction on either charge and jail time.
  3. My astrology teacher told me he would teach me more. I learned the basics from him in 1999 he made that offer in 2014. I asked him why did he wait until I left the country. He said I had to know who you were. You will find the wealthy around the esoteric and the arts.
  4. George Floyd knew Derek's then wife, now ex-wife.
  5. Thanks for the nod, you forget to mention that money you will be sending me when he is not reelected. @Troy
  6. Would you want to give our current batch of billionaires the ability occult power? Also what would is your reasoning. Wealthy people have been attracted to the arts and the occult, sometimes they are seeking truth, knowledge or understanding and sometimes it is just about more power.
  7. @Mel HopkinsThat is a tasty nugget. I am copying it to my phone so I can further reflect on it. Thank you. Brothers in England talk and speak that way but they are Black.. You are conflating form and substance. So there's Africans who study in the west but internally they are African.
  8. Yes Mel I am only now realising this.
  9. Various mystery schools prohibited the sharing of their teachings. Punishment qas expulsion and sometimes death.
  10. You are a magician and life is an alchemical working. You have the following elements the physical world, time, mind, heart and intuition. Some challenges involving moving physical objects, like well moving. Some challenges repeat over time. So you use your mind, heart and intuition to deal with issues in time and space. If you can change your perspective, your approach or how you combine the elements you will succeed. And if you don't succeed at your task but it changes you , then you have been more successful in your failure since you have learned to master your moods.
  11. “A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” — Hippocrates “A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” — Hippocrates You sound more European than African.
  12. Perhaps we should tax investment and savings not income. What you could do is not pay taxes on unrealised gains until you reach retirement age. and even then you could all realised and unrealised gains at 10%. You could decide what estate tax and luxury taxes as a function of a basket of stocks for a comparative holding period. Also it would be mandatory for every worker to have a retirement account that companies also contribute. Massive concentration of wealth and tax avoidance by the wealthy is a recipe for disaster. If people commit crimes send them to an ivy league school, it's cheaper than prison.
  13. Yiu can have three tyors if tax structures Equal eveeyiney pays the same amount Equitable everyone pats the same percentage Progressive people who earn more pay a higher percentage. What combination do you think would be best for the nation.
  14. The difference for me is that Mythology and Logic aren't situated in a hierarchical structure, that is predicated on exclusivity. Science and religion have too many gatekeepers. So i prefer the theory more than ossified rituals, that are removed from the essence of the-ology. I like Number Logic and Mythology because there are symetries but also each can be used in contradistinction to the others. So like geometry, you need two points to define a line.
  15. A Myth is something true that never happened.
  16. I knew a guy that had a bike shop but he didn't have an electricity. So he would work from sunrise to sunset. Why do they seem like better pairing?
  17. Perhaps we don't know that we can choose. I find numbers, Logic and mythology, more useful than Science, religion and philosophy.
  18. Why not become a modern primitive? For certain times or subject matter think more like the ancients. In whatever way that strikes you. It could be an interesting mental excercise.
  19. Astrology interchanges time with space, so it is an old concept. However Einstein like Newton was a scientist and Mystic. It is revolutionary for scientist and non astrologers. Most people do not discover the planet is round unless they have left earth. Most people are told what to believe and they don't question those stories.
  20. What about ideas that are revolutionary. Like Space and Time are linked
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