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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. Has it ever occurred to you that Blacks drink more in proportion to whites because they lead more depressing lives?? This is a cause and effect syndrome. The above report was admittedly inconclusive. Puleeze. I tried you and your response was left wanting. I have never questioned your claim about Native Americans because it's common knowledge that they are very vulnerable to alcohol.
  2. Martin Luther King is a great historical figure, a courageous man of destiny. But he was also an intellectual who used religion as a tool to advance his cause. Like many iconic figures he was flawed, was a womanizer, liked his Scotch and smoked cigarettes. HIs cronies also report that he had a great sense of humor. Which is what anybody who professes to be a man of god needs. These mega church ministers are false prophets and you won't likely hear them quoting what the bible says about a rich man having as much a chance of getting into heaven as a camel has going through the eye of a needle. Nobody is forcing their congregations to follow them. Having a leader to assure them that Jesus is their savior is apparently all they require.
  3. The distinction that has to be made is between middle class and middle income. A plumber making 80 thousand dollars a year, but is a high school drop out and has a bunch of kids, one of whom is an unmarried pregnant teen-age daughter does not exemplify middle-class values. An inner city drug dealer making $10,000 a week, is not "bougie".
  4. Nope, that was a typo as opposed to your usual misspelling of the word "their" as "thier". You also misspelled "Hawaiians". South Pacific natives are fat in their natural habitat. Chinese people have been here for centuries and they are not extraordinarily obese as a people. Do you have figures to support that black people are affected by alchohol any worse than whites?
  5. Whether it's done on purpose or coincidentally, the Western diet of heavy starches and red meat not to mention an abundance of alcohol has a detrimental effect on Black people both physically and mentally. It's the same with the Native Americans. Look at how fat most Native Americans, Hawaians, and Samoans are who eat the same crap that most other Americans eat! Most of our bodies weren't designed to tolerate the typical Western diet. When Asians brag about how smart they are and how well they do in school and corporate America I tell them to just wait..... Watch thier children how much fatter, slower, and lazier they seem to be as generations go by. Black "peoplle"?? Is that the way it's spelled in France....lol....??? . Nope, that was a typo, as opposed to your usual misspelling of "their" as "thier". You also misspelled Hawiian. South Pacific natives appear are fat in their natural environment. Chinese people have been in this country for centuries are not noticeably obese as a people. Do you have figures on alchohol affecting black people any different than white people???
  6. The genocide spectre has been around forever. Assuming that the "white-powers-that-be" want black people to self destruct and disappear, what would happen then? Who would be their whipping boys? What would happen to prisons and law enforcement agencies and welfare services and basketball franchies, industries that that depend on felonious and downtrodden and tall black people for their livlihood?? And without black peoplle to hold in contempt there's the danger the rest of Americans might turn on each other. The good ol U.S.A. needs its black folks. They're more fun to hate than gay people.
  7. Astrology is like a crystal ball. It captivates you and provides something to focus your concentration on. Concentration triggers your intuition and your intuition can enable you to intepret what the stars are revealing for you... Astronomy demonstrates that there is order to the universe because the configuration of the stars is predictable so this would seem to indicate that life is not entirely random which could be an indicationn that there is a way to gain some control over things, but you have to get in sync with certain forces. Some people who are often referred to as "lucky" have keyed into this, probably without even knowing how they do it. It just comes natural to them to mesh with a particulart mindset and turn their thoughts into things. Some even have said that they had a feeling ahead of time that they were going to win something, whenever they have done so. There are many cases of those who have won the lottery multiple times. I think these are people who have somehow gotten in alignment with the laws of prosperity, wherein money follows money once the flow of it gains momentum. Life is a mystery but presumably mysteries can be solved if you find out their origin. One law of meta-physics says "so above, so below", meaning that things have to come into existence in the celestial ether first and then materialize on earth aided in doing this by positive energy. All of this is a re-hash of my theories but this subject seems to never go away on this site. I bowled for many years and was never anything but mediocre at this sport. I'm convinced this was because I was so busy taking the correct amount of steps in my appproach, checking what dot on the line to release the ball at, not turning my wrist, bringing my thumb up on release, trying to aimthe ball over the right spot on the alley so it would go toward the pocket between the 1 and 3 pins, - and, yes, sipping vodka tonics and smoking Carpi 100s between turns, that I dissipated my effectiveness. There was one acquaintance of mine who also was a perennial bowler in my leagues. I say acquaintance because we never were close friends because she was so weird and sneaky and - I was jealous of her high average. Anyhow, she had no form but would lug her ball off the rack, stand way back, get a diabolical grin on her goofy looking face, silently move her lips, take little bitty steps and then a high skip before hurling the ball down the alley, squatting while she watched it hover arround the gutter en route to the pins. Needless to say by the time her dingy looking red ball meandered down the lane it was enchanted enough to score a strike or pick up a spare. I was always convinced that she had inadvertantly figured out the "secret" of winning. She probably wins the lottery all the time. OK, I'm outta here. Off to get my PowerBall tickets for today.
  8. Do you know what you're talking about?? You need to do some brushing up, yourself. "Values" are an integral part of the middleclass. Values have to do with ethics and morals A person can earn a lot of money but still not possess "middle class values". The working class are the "proliteriat" or the blue collar laborers and they are not tradionally a part of the middleclass so you cannot make the blanket statement that professional Blacks and working class Blacks all fall in the middle class. The rich, of course, are the upper class. The term "house nigga" is not necessarily a demonic term. I repeat, it's slang and is not really used that much anymore. They were originally the slaves who had better status and more privileges than the field and yard niggas. This is not a reflection on them; it's a reflection on The System, - as is it today. Now they are the upwardly mobile people who have obtained the credentials that give them some rank. Too bad your concern about demonic labels doesn't prohibit you from derisively calling people "ghetto". But it figures
  9. As usual you miss the point, Pioneer, but then what can be expected from someone who is preoccupied with the lack of free action he gets because not only does he have bad breath and a miniscule penis but he looks like a black Homer Simpson. EU. Or does it help that he's hooked on the pipe. Now pay attention, dimwit. Once an offspring is conceived, the drone whose sperm fertilized the egg has no further purpose and is useless. Taking the responsibility of a helpmate is optional and is an initiative limited to those of the masculine gender who have good character. You're so adamant in your defense of dead beat dads that you probably have a baby mama trying to locate your sorry ass. Lucky for you she can't because she had to put a bag over your head to screw you and all that she remembers about your looks is that you were "whacked". YUK
  10. OSTFU, Pioneer, and quit putting words in my mouth and reading things into what I said and realize that you are no more of an authority on Blacks than any other opinionated person. The only thing you have expertise in is overestimating your intellect. "Bougie" and "ghetto and "house niggas" are slang terms in keeping with the black vernacular. Middleclass values are characteristic of the middleclass and that's the category that a certain strata of black people fall into by virtue of their income and educational level. Have you ever taken a course in Sociology??? Middleclass is an objective term. "Bougie" is short for "bourgeois" which is French for the ruling class. I did not criticize materialism or speaking standard English or black achievement. That's the rhetoric of your stupid ranting. Poor baby, did him have a tantrum and throw his glasses on the bed cuz Cynique and Harry had the nerve to say something he doesn't like to hear. How dare somebody express opinions that go contrary to Pioneer who has yet to encounter an issue which he isn't totally convinced he is absolutely right about. Puleeze.
  11. That's just one interpretation of these words. Language evolves over time. "Uncle Tom" may have originally referred to a kindly ol slave in the book by Harriet Beecher Stowe, but down through the centuries, like many other words, the "Uncle Tom" label evolved and came to take on an expanded meaning, referring to someone who doesn't act too uppity around "da massa" but who emulates the reserved solicitous demeanor of a slave who does not want to offend "da Massa" for fear of being punished. "House niggas" are middle class Blacks and, as such, are really in limbo. While it's true that they don't always reach back to help underclass Blacks, it's equally true that they don't necessarily sell out to Whites; they just buy into the bougousie materialsm that their middle incomes enable them to afford. They are upwardly mobile people, mostly self-absorbed and only concerned with their own personal progress. My idea of a "sell-out" is somebody of any stripe who betrays his people..
  12. You have a bad memory, Pioneer. Either that, or you just have a talent for conveniently forgetting what is too incriminating to remember. Whaever. At this point, who cares? ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  13. There's a difference between the male of the Homo Sapien species and society's idea of a man. A male makes a baby. A man makes a father. It's not about trying to reform the irresponsible copulaters. It's has more to do with reminding them about how useless they are.
  14. See. what had happened was ... Almost once a week, we see an intelligent articulate black man, who also happens to be the POTUS, on TV, doing his schtick at a press conference. Charles Ramsey is, who he is. A liittle comic relief never hurt anything. Funny is funny.
  15. If you worked in the food industry, Pioneer, you should appreciate the fact that no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney. All of your subtefuge defending irresponsible black "sperm banks" acting like heels instead of men is BALONEY! You put down rappers and thugs but rationalize the negligence of these lay-abouts. SMH
  16. Finding 3 women who were missing and presumed dead after 10 years is a pretty legitimate news story to me. Chicago has been waiting that long for 2 missing young black girls who left their inner city apartment one summer morning and were never seen again. This incident has become an urban legend. If Diamond and Tiana Bradley ever showed up, it would be a big story in these parts.Their mother, who has always been under suspicion, would certainly be happy. Maybe. That's the intrigue of it.
  17. I have just a few words to throw out there and most of them pertain to the PRESENT. Not how things used to be 40 years ago, Pioneer, before outsourcing. "The Economy". In this changing world jobs are being lost and are not being replaced. Unemployed people are not working because there aren't any jobs; computers are replacing people. The blue collar jobs that were once the backbone of the working classes have either disappeared or are so menial that the minimum wage they pay only provides enough pay for these laborers to be members of the working poor. "College tuition". So expensive that in order to further their education and qualify for better jobs, the average student has to mortgage the next 25+ years of their life to pay for student loans. "Poverty". It is a constant and is the blight of people at the bottom who are most often black. "Equality". It does not exist in America. "Justice". It is elusive. "Capitalism". A system that thrives because the "haves" profit at the expense of the "have-nots". There are about 40 million African Americans in this country. Yes, there is a black middle class. But there is also a lower class made up of about half of these numbers: the field niggas who live on ghetto plantations that replicate the slave shanties that were the shame of slavery, crowded with down trodden people - who didn't learn their behavior in Africa. It develped in this country, nurtured by the the design of their white masters. You can continue to languish in your denial, and talk about shiftless negroes one minute and defend the manhood of black males who make babies but won't support them, the next minute, all the while mentioning how black males were bred to be studs by their slave masters. You can deplore the crudeness of rappers and thugs, and defend the virtue of the the insensitive clods who want to immediately jump the bones of any women who stirs their testoterone. This is how you roll because consistency is not your strong suit. You'll go to any length to defend your befuddled views, and this usually includes your invariable flip-flopping. So continue to wallow in your self-importance and sit at your desk playing at being a man with a "grand plan" convincing yourself that anybody who doesn't share your warped perspective is dumb and that they really shoulld be scouting around looking for lawn jockeys to post in their front yards. Your posts provide good comic relief.
  18. BETTER IS MORE. Yes, women do want men with money who will protect them because money and protection for them is money and protection for any children they have with such men. You can't speak for women. They are fickle. They can be just as attracted to a broke hunk as a brawny bore with money. And the "type" that appeals to girlz in the hood, differs from hood to hood. Some actually don't care about money but are more into "looks".
  19. You're unbelievable, Pioneer. Choices indeed. Choices involve aternatives. Are you somehow under the impression that jobs paying livable wages are readily available, and that all these troublesome black people have to do is make a decision to go out and get one of theses jobs and they will then be in a position to buy a house and a car and lead respectible lives (that will undoubtedly make it easier for the males to be serial womanizers.) Or that if the unemployed losers still have to be on welfarre, they will be miraculously transformed because they are living in rennovated quarters.? Are you aware that the projects were new at one time and your plan didn't work then? Do you really think that the second time around would be the charm if you just remodel these human warehouses???? Times are hard and stressful. Even black folks who do get good jobs have to contend with the glass ceiling and are living from pay-check-to-pay-check. And for the wanna-be entrepreneurs, small businesses have a very high failure rate. It ain't easy out there. And place the blame where it belongs when it comes to poor schools: Inept power hungry administrators - with good steady jobs! And how could you talk about black people not being reprimanded for the things they do when prisons are so full of young black males that these institutions have become a thriving industry, aided and abetted by law enforcement and the court systems and the small white communities where these jails are located. Yeah, Blacks may be undisciplined but they pay for it. You need to update your thinking. The world is different. Your stale old methods no longer apply. You're still living in the '80s. Yes, African American's are in dire shape and they do need to go back to the drawing board because the white "powers-that-be" got it wrong the first time. But as an architect, you suck. Your pompous blue print for success is actually a paternalistic black print for a mess. You talk about culture. African-American culture was established by the plantation owners who classified their slaves as house niggas, yard niggas, and field niggas, and who introduced the high-yella, and brown, and black spectrum of the skin color caste system. This is the divisive heritage of slavery that you ignore when it comes to the harmful effects that are left over from the past. And don't fool yourself about the racial prejudices Asians and African and Arabs encounter. And, you, and your apologizing for black people don't ever need to point your finger at Uncle Toms. Your script is right out of the conservative Republican playbook. I appreciate that you have good intentions but they pave the pathway to the hell of your hubris. You lack wisdom and maturity and are not a visionary because you can't see past your nose.
  20. What a silly remark. Why would I take Latin and Jewish lovers to a fast food joint? So I could apologize to them for the black owner using styrofoam containers?. That's for wimps. Boudoirs are for lovers unless they're somebody like you who just jumps into the backseat of a car upon experiencing an urge to copulate.
  21. Had Africans come to America as voluntary immigrants instead of in bondage, their history and culture would've been very different in this country. Had the Reconstruction period after the civil war made better provision for freed slaves, the share cropper class wouldn't have stagnated in the deep rural south where it festered, propagated by those who didn't head north in the first 2 great migrations but straggled into the urban areas later during the early 60s, settling into the housing projects being vacated by the upwardly mobile Blacks. But it's not entrely about what Blacks were doing, it was more about what the powers that be who were white were continuing to do:practice racial discrimination. Blatantly and subtlely. Lower class descendants of slaves, were uneducated, unemployed, dependent on the welfare system that encouraged the single motherhood that provided the matrix for a way of life that did not promote family values. Yes, drawing from their sordid life styles, Rappers created their own music. Bonding with the gangs that were a substitute for families, the thug culture emerged. The ghettors were where organized crime flooded with drugs because their black residents were considered worthless. And the rest is history. All this residue of slavery caught up with the descendants of slaves. Racism has become institutionalized and it has its roots in slavery whether physical or mental. If you don't think that a certain privilege come with being white, you need to think again, Pioneer. If you don't know what the origin of this entitlement is, you are naive. And if you don't get what you perceive as a "joke", it's because you're the only one who does perceive it as such. Maybe you should learn to recognize a joke when you see one.
  22. Who says I buy my cheeseburgers from McDonalds, Pioneer?? I get em from Joe's Place down on the corner whose owner couldn't care less about land fills and recycling, and serves up all his orders in small styrofoam containers.
  23. I've never gotten into March Madness or college basketball at all for that matter. But. dating back to the early 90s during the Michael Jordan era and the dominance of the the Chicago Bulls team, I have been an NBA fan. The Chicago Bulls provided their city with so many thrills and so much excitement during those days, and the memories of the nail-biting playoff games and the subequent championships are really vivid. I still have T-shirts and other memorabilia from back then and every time I go to a Chicago Bulls game, it still sends chills up my spine to see the 6 Championship banners hanging from the rafters in the United Center. Now I'm in a state of amazement as an injury-riddled Bulls team, minus most of its stellar starting line-up, reduced to an over-achieving crew of 3rd string bench warmers, gears up to face the world champion Miami Heat in the semi final playoffs and who, after manning up and on the strength of shear heart and determination, defeated the Brooklyn Nets in 7 games to get this far. Eat your heart out, Jay-Z What is further remarkable about this is the situation with a perfectly healthy Bulls guard in the person of franchise player, Derek Rose, who has not played all season. After sustainaing a serious knee injury last year, and going through therapy and re-hab, under the Svengali influence of his older, wanna-be manager brother, Reggie, DRose, has not returned to help his team. One by one other teams members have gone down with injuries but elected to play through pain, to help the team win and advance. But not DRose whose priorities are more about his endorsements and sending a message to the Bulls organization, than about earning what he is being paid millions of dollars to do, and who has gone from hero to goat. This MVP player, once the darling of Chi-Town, now runs the risks of being booed if he decides to seek glory by returning to suit up against Miami and LeBron James. Many, however, say he is the victim of a feud between his official manager, black BJ Armstrong a former Bull from the 90s championship team who is pissed off about being passed over for general managment job in favor of white John Paxton his former teammate. Local sports wrters all have their theories about what's the real story behind Rose's not playinig. Whatever. Such is the nature of professional sports. It's all about the money and about the perennial conflict between owners and players. Fans, who fill the stadium paying for high-priced tickets are just caught in the middle. Chicago's hockey team, the BlackHawks are also in their league play offs, and many fans have deserted the Bulls to cheer for solely them. But I have faith in the tenacy of my guys. After all, bulls are stubborn animals. Anyway, the whole NBA picture looks different this season with a lot of upstart teams giving the veteran ones a run for their money. Best of all is the first-round elimination of the vaunted LA Lakers and The Boston Celtics. Well, obviously nothing else going on in the world commands my interest. I'm soooo sick of the vapidity of the pop culture scene and the treachery and lies of the political world and the hypocrisy of the religious one that I am reduced to watching grown men playing games to supply me with a distraction when I'm not totally enwrapped in the HBO series "Game of Thrones". Tonight I'll be cheering as my team begins its futile quest to become the giant killers. It'll take courage and character to wage this battle, two traits sorely missing in today's world. GO GET EM, BULLS. I'm proud of you. It's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. Yeah, right.
  24. UmHum. BTW if you got a special lady who you want to present with a "gift". I'm done with my cheeseburger and you can have this empty styrofoam box.
  25. LMAO. Good try, but no cigar. Shackled with the chains of denial, cloaked in a security blanket of half-truths, poor Pioneer shuffles away, head bowed, tail between his legs.
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