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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. LMAO Serenastupid can't sit down. "Its" penis might get swallowed up by "its" vagina and "it" might get pregnant - while "it" continues to relegate to a fifth grader everything that accurately points out how truly dumb he/she is. Such a flawed thinker. Like a broken record, defending black women who are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves. But ol Serena thinks they are all too dumb to do so, as "it" goes into the tired ol spiel that has become a part the problem instead of a part of the solution. Just an example of how misguideded this fool is.
  2. Boy, this 19 year old girl really astounds. Sooooo articulate. Hard to believe she's a seven sister fugitive. Puleeze. Her clever patented dialogue, is just that; clever patented dialogue, - words that an author would put into the mouth of a character. I agree with Xeon; "methinks the lady doeth protest too much". Too eager to present the trumped-up evidence she has compiled. Talk about somebody grating on people's nerves. Why doesn't the flake just give up and play out her designated role, which will gradually become evident. Ho-Hum. Too bad ol Erzie doesn't have the money to attend the Black writers conference in Harlem so she can introduce herself to Troy. Maybe she can borrow the money from Nafisa Goma. But I'll bet she'll attend Kola's book event. How can she not??? LMAO.
  3. I can't believe people think that Kola would exhibit her "style" when she takes on her troll persona. If she did, she would give herself a way. No wonder you dummies are so easy to deceive.
  4. Can't you read?? I just said Chrishayden is who he says he is, unlike you and your ilk. Kola boof is such an ego-maniac that she has a whole repetory of clones to sing her praises because she can't do this enough by herself. yawwwwwwn.
  5. Only a fool would be so stupid as to think that a person creating a Clone wouldn't subvert their style in order to throw people off. I never said bookfan is a kola boof klone, or ever accused Serenasailor of being anything other than a trannie. Erzulie has Kola written all over her. And YOU'D be surprised to know that I know quite well which poster used to use the term "Aw shaaaddddddddddddddddddup". (learn how to spell "receive" yet?) In any case, trolls are the products of sneaky, devious, people who are untrustworthy and, as such, are lacking in integrity. Frankly, I don't give a good damn if you silly lame brains want to hide behind aliases. But it behooves you to know that you are not fooling anybody. That's the advantage of my being old.
  6. Sorry, is right. Too dumb to figure out that Kola disguises her style when she creates certain clones? Who did you used to be back in the day? Tall Brother? - another one of Kola's made up characters? Give it up, KB. Been hittin the sauce again??
  7. I've been around Thumpers Corner for quite a while and the only poster I recall with your style was a Kola clone, which would explain why you can't resist praising her, as you avoid naming those who were truly her alter egos. I have Kola radar and altho she tries like hell to throw people off, she gives herself away in ways that I won't reveal. This "Erzulie" character is nothing more than a re-cycled "Latina-Wi", another of Kola's clones. When it comes to self-promotion, Kola Boof is an incorrigible psycho - a hydra who grows a new head every time one of her others is chopped off. Right, - KOLA?
  8. Watta a misguided dim bulb you are, Stupidsailor. How can anybody take you seriously when you continue to insist that I am cheering black men on? You are such a bird brain. YOU are, among other things, a black man. And I'm certainly not cheering you. Or would I, since I don't have an affinity for hermaphrodites. And why would I encourage black men to desert black women and take up with white women? Only a fool like you would make this silly argument or indict all black men for the sins of some. You are so ignorant that you think that where you live is representative of the whole country and that your generalities apply to everyone. Why don't you do black women a favor and find another cause to embrace. Join the peace movement or the right-to-breast-feed-in public one. With a freak-ass nit wit like you as their friend, black women don't need enemies. Nothing you have to say is new or productive and you under-estimate the intelligence and self esteem of black women. They don't need a retard like to you tell them what they already know. What they need for you to do is to stfu and go somewhere and acquire some maturity and wisdom. You're an embarassment to your race and to your self. Sounds like you got a white momma who you hate and a black Daddy whose name you don't know. \
  9. It's soooo funny - reading a conversation a person is carrying on with herself
  10. It's soooo funny - reading a conversation a person is carrying on with herself.
  11. What pain is this you keep imagining I'm suffering from???? You are the one whose widdle feelings get hurt about everything and wish that me and others would just leave you alone to do your rambling in peace. Pooor baby, You seem to have problem with not being able to control how people react to you. I guess that's why you have to assign emotions to them in order to make yourself look normal. NOT. You are "painfully" maladjusted, desperately in need of approval. Seek therapy or, better still, stfu.
  12. Awwww, poor ol thing. So in addition to being bi-polar you suffer from haphephobia. No wonder you had to leave school. Sooo traumatic.
  13. Unlike, Kirstie Alley, Gaby at least has an Oscar nomination to her credit.
  14. It's soooo funny - reading a conversation a person is carrying on with herself
  15. Poor ol jive-ass Serenasailor. He's a 2-time loser. First Kola denounces him, and then Carey co-signs to his rants. Very befitting for somebody who takes it both ways when it comes to sex.
  16. Good grief. Watta simple-minded jerk you are. The more you rant, the more a case is made for black men lookin elsewhere for love. Contrary to your ignorant, totally-irrelevant retorts, I haven't defended black men. I don't need to. When it comes to interracial mating, you represent a white woman's best friend and a brotha's best excuse. An obnoxious freak like you disgraces the dignity of black women and taints their cause. And unfortunately, they can't screw themselves the way a trannie pervert like you can do. So stfu and go crawl back into your troll hole and come up with something more effective than the same ol tired spiel you drag out everytime this subject comes up. Who needs you, anyway? Intelligent black women certainly don't.
  17. LMAO YOu forgot to include "red bone" and "nigger stock" the way you usually do. You're such an imbecilic asshole; can't remember what sex your trolls are supposed to be or make up your mind about the personality they're supposed to have. Give it up. You remain a blip on my radar. And a pathetic fool.
  18. My, my. Listen to this rant. Gone are the days when "Serenasailor" was a guy who argued with other male posters and claimed he took his screen name to honor Serena Williams whom he admired. I’m sure all of the other "transsexuals" appreciate him/her for currently being the spokesperon for mistreated black women. The “street” vernacular Serenasailor is suddenly speaking in is especially impressive.
  19. If the voice on the loud speaker had said "all Mexicans leave the store", the place would've emptied out in a hurry as most of the customers stampeded to the exits hoping the Immigration authorities wouldn't be in pursuit. WalMart is one of my favorite stores, and had the request for Blacks to leave the store had happened while I was in one of them, I would've feigned surprise and exclaimed "Moi?" before I envoked my 5-finger discount privileges and split the scene.
  20. Gee, is this the fragile college coed who was so intimidated and overwhelmed by her first year at Mt. Holyoke that she had a nervous breakdown and had to drop out because she couldn't cope??? Is this the malfunctioning bi-polar person telling others to "get a grip" and to "drop the idiot ball"?? Puleeze. Your "dialogue" is inappropriate for your "character". And the charade continues. LMAO
  21. Patriots and other freaks of the nature like to quote statesman Carl Schurz who once said, "My country, right or wrong, - my country." But they never complete this quote which, in its entirety goes: "My country right or wrong, my country. My country to be kept right. When wrong, to be put right."
  22. Why are you 2 having such a hard time processing the idea that "Precious" showed black women in a bad light?? It did! People who complain about this are not concerned with the acting skills of the cast or the production expertise of the crew. They are dismayed by the image that the characters projected and the plot that reinforced them. Why? Because any average white people who watch this movie will either feel pity for those po ol niggas, or will feel comfortable in harboring their secret prejudices. One of these reactions is a form of condescension, and the other a symptom of white entitlement. Why is it so difficult to understand that this frustrates Blacks who want respect???? Those who bitch about the negative impact of "Precious" and about Hollywood following a patronizing pattern of rewarding movies that expose the worst case scenario of black life, are not off base. If others want to wear blinders when it comes to the subtleness of benign racism and commercial explotation, then they shouldn't be surprised if the contempt they put out there comes back to them.
  23. Photo-shop offers an online step-by-step tutorial on how to create a cyber person. Trolls have come into their own, enabled by virtual reality technology. Mischief cruises the internet highway.
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