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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. I understand the disgust certain behavior inspires in you, Xenon, but I persist in questioning how you paint people as coons. There is inexcusable behavior, and then there are actions people engage in which you relegate to the coon category because it personally offends you. Contrary to your assertion, bad behavior is in the eye of the beholder. One person's bad behavior is another person's "protest demonstration" or display of "ribald humor". You have set yourself up as a judge of what is bad behavior. So when you judge people by your standards, they can do the same and decide that you are an "uncle tom". I wouldn't call you this because I don't think you are the type to grovel around white folks and, by the same token, your labeling as "coonish" Chrishayden's observations about an esteemed man like Martin Luther King being shot down like a drive-by victim is, to me, a stretch. I know you and Chrishayden are combatants in an ongoing feud and it's clear exchanging insults has usurped intellectual dialogue. You're as bad as me and Kola Boof.
  2. Troy, I see you've done some reformatting. I can handle not having the smiley emoticons to play with, but the "delete" option seems to have disappeared again. It was my safety net... BTW, I am duplicating this new topic in this forum where it really belongs because I couldn't "delete" it from the Literary forum where I posted it by mistake.
  3. Troy, I see you've done some reformatting. I can handle not having the smiley emoticons to play with, but the "delete" option seems to have disappeared again. It was my safety net...
  4. Three stars out of a possible four is my rating, Troy. Actually although I found this book interesting, it I really didn't find it compelling. It was not fast-paced, and veered off into a lot of technical chronology, in addition to focusing more on the heirs of Henrietta Lacks than on her.
  5. Xeon does seem to have become increasing fixated on the "coon" label, playing fast and loose with it. The origin of this word might shed some light on this subject. We can dismiss how white people used it as a shortened form of racoon, an animal they thought resembled black people. Instead, consider that "coon" is also a literary classification, used to distinghish the sterotypes in bygone black dramas. These predictable casts of characters included such people as the jolly gun-totin sportin daddy, the low-life trickster bent on separating folks from their valuables, the seductive hot mama, the righteous preacher, the sympathetic mammy, the respectable matron, the conflicted everyman, the tragic mulatto and the coon - the minstrel who provided comic relief with his shuckin and jivin and clowning. A modern day black person who is serious in his intent and is not providing some form of crude entertainment, may be many unsavory things but, technically, he is not a "coon".
  6. If you were to stop the average black Chicagoan on the street and ask if he or she knew who Haki Madhubuti was, they'd shrug their shoulders. Although this "renowned" writer/publisher was a big fish in the little pond of Chicago State University outside of literary circles he is not that well-known, and this institution, itself, has a bad reputation because of its poorly-managed finances and the revolving-door policy that plagues its staff, not to mention the low academic accredation it perenninally rates. People who earn a degree from this predominately-black university, are almost apologetic in admitting this, since it's like a last resort for those who have dropped out of other schools or struggled though 2-year community colleges. (Terrible I know.}
  7. Did it ever occur to you that you are not the audience Zane writes for?? Zane's books are actually in the chick lit vein, and black females are who comprise most of her readers. Not surprising you found "Addicted" unimpressive, although you should really read more than one of Zane's books before being disappointed at not finding a lot of sex scenes.
  8. Just what is your definition of a "coon", Xeon? The increasing frequency with which you are starting to use this term is leading me to believe that you apply the "coon" label the same way some black people apply the "uncle tom" label, using it as a convenient way to dismiss another black person who doesn't comply with your approach to life. This practice is not unlike calling every white person who isn't politically correct a "racist", and all of the above hark back to the times of the "cold war" when the Red scare drove fanatical Russian-fearing Americans to brand anybody who wasn't a super patriot a "Communist". Even today right-wing conservatives who fear the government programs of President Obama are employing this tactic. Bottom line is that putting people in boxes does not invalidate them. It's so much easier to just express your disagreement with a person's stance and perhaps give a reason for it, rather than to resort to this lazy way of trying to discredit them by putting a label on them. I say all of this to say that, these latter day Black Panthers are nothing, if not sincere. In the frustration that stems from their being losers in a society that has kicked them to the curb, they are seeking to emulate a group who at one time shook up the white establishment. To call them coons or buffoons is not an accurate assessment. They are not playing the clown or explemplifying vulgar humor. Or are they degrading themselves with ridiculous behavior. They are demonstrating their grievances in the only way they know how. Does this make them coons? I beg to differ. Pathetic? Yes. Coons? No. BTW, I'm sure that "bookfan" would accuse me of categorizing him when I responded to his attempt to categorize me by implying that I was anti-semitic. To him I would say that I was very specific in my retort which was a reaction indicative of my growing impression of him.
  9. Puleeze. Who demonized an entire ethnicity?? In the first place, calling somebody "duplicitous" is not necessary a bad thing to a cynic like me. It depends on the circumstances. You are obviously a "condescending bleeding-heart cause embracer" on a mission to show the "misguided" of the world the error of their ways. I have nothing against Jews in particular. I think they're smart and funny. Stop bending over backwards to show how unprejudiced you are. We get it. And if you are, yourself, Jewish, more power to you.
  10. Of course, I know Jews; grew up around them. How dare you ask me that. I was referring to the example that Chrishayden cited, describing a Jewish attorney, who like many trial lawyers, assumed a duplicitous stance. Furthrmore, when it comes to the art of making money, something Jews have a talent for, being duplicitous is par for the course. Now go back to petting your rats.
  11. Gee, Xeon, was that an April Fool's Joke????? My frienemy Chrishayden a coon? Come on. He's a college-educated published author and poet, who comes from a middeclass family and is the son of a minister. He's obviously very conflicted about black folks, as evidenced by how he thinks he's the only one who can criticize them. But, as far as I know, he's harmless.
  12. Well, we've been waiting for somebody to spice things up here and although I don't quite know what to make of CaramelGirl, she cracks me up. That icon of the skeptical sista drinking the strawberry Koolaid{?} sent me into hysterics. Ooooh, Lordy. I could just hear her sayin "ummmm hum". I have a feeling folks might suspect Caramel is a sock puppet of mine because we are both Kola Boof taunters, but as I've always said, I don't need anybody else to speak for me or to toot my horn. Everything I have to say, I want to take credit for. Anyhoo, welcome aboard Caramelgirl. I'm feelin ya. And I'm just wondering if you are a poster from the past who I know.... In the meantime, I'm also wondering how anybody will know if the Kola Boof impersonater is doing a good job of spoofing her? Who's ever seen Kola in action. It's not like she's a well-known entertainer famous for something. What he's gonna do? simulate sex with a person dressed up as Osama Bin Ladin??? Oh well. And I'm really wondering if those 2 former purveyors of erotica "nasty girl" Vanity and "do me" Prince ever attend the same bible study now that he's found the lord and she's found kola boof.
  13. I agree with you that Money is what talks, Chris. But you gotta consider that the way Barak Obama got to be president of the United states had a whole lot to do with how articulate he was in the King's English. And Jews with all of their duplicity, have never achieved this feat. In order for Blacks to have the luxury of lapsing into the vernacular, they have to gain leverage by making white folks believe they are carbon copies of them. It's all a game. All these Ethnics who make inroads into the system may not speak the King's English, but they understand it. It should never be under-estimated what rewards can be reaped from operating within the frame work of the King's English.
  14. The question uppermost in my mind was where is this rag tag brigade of revolutionaries gonna get the money to finance their overthrow of the government???
  15. If you're not trying to start a fight, Carey, then you're doing a poor job of it. Yes, "a fox smells", but a sneaky skunk gives off a smell. Why don't you back up your snide implication that, like Kola, I want to be the star of this site who writes the script and assembles a cast. What with how idle the board has been, I have had ample opporutnity to do this but have laid back waiting for others to come forward. When I do post, it's because it's a slow day and nothing is going on. And I don't assemble a crew of imaginary friends to sing my praises. I welcome anything others say as themselves because it gives me a chance to spar with them. And it's not like you're shy about patting yourself on the back, smugly taking credit for how extraordinary you imagine yourself to be. But I understand that because Kola humors you that you feel the need to return the favor. BTW,as previously alluded to, you did have the option to not read this post since you knew it was written by me.
  16. What do you call what you wrote this essay in? Reads like the King's English to me. Why didn't you write it in Ebonics to prove your point? Afraid this would've prevented it from being taken seriously. The blatant contradiction here robs your parable of any credibility Using standard English is more than just a capitulation on the part of the Black middleclass. Members within these ranks know that being fluent in the language of the dominate culture is also a tool and a weapon. Until the underclasses demonstrate that not being bi-lingual produces something other than a bunch of deprived fatherless kids trapped in the language of failure, what you say is counter-productive and nothing more than a re-hash of a dead-end rationale perpetuated by "throw-backs" who replace their last name with an "X". Wake up and smell the coffee. This is 2010.
  17. Whew! Thank goodness Troy showed up and extracted some order from the chaos. The inmates were running the asylum. And I'm sure glad he finally activated the "delete" engine. I plead guilty to being one of the perpetrators but the outrageous machinations of Kola Boof just bring out the mischief in me. If she would just stop trying to hoodwink everybody I maybe would chill out. I never understood why Kola couldn't just post as Kola and let her assets speak for themselves. Why did she always had to have a roster of characters who routinely turned out to be fans of hers. Guess it was because she didn't get enough adulation from all the supporters she claims to have here, people who never materialized or came forth to speak on her behalf. But I belabor the point. As Xeon said, Kola's complaints that the regular members hate her and that their intent was to smear her and drive her from the board are not true. All anybody ever asked of her was just to keep it legit. Her problem was that she wanted this site to be a stage where she would be not only the star but the script writer and casting director. Now that things have subsided a little, we can only dismiss as irrelevant Kola's petulant predictions about the board dying without her brilliant ambience. Hopefully, the atmosphere that results from the absence of hystrionics, will inspire some semi-interesting exchanges.
  18. All that's missing are the violins in the background, bookfan. Are you a PETA zealot?? No wonder you're such a Kola Boof patsy.
  20. Kola is stretching the truth again, Troy, going into her drama queen mode. What she is saying about Xeon and bookfan are exaggerations and distortions. She seems to be on a mission to exact revenge with a campaign of half truths because people see through her obvious attempts at self promotion.
  21. , ...It's Kola; the REAL Kola. I can't imagine what I have to gain by turning people off, yet I can certainly see what someone like Cynique, Xeon or BookFan might gain from smearing me with these troll accusations and the accompanying posts. I remain intensely saddened by the lies that are told about me. From every corner... Apparently you have come down from the manic phase of your bi-polar affliction, Kola. Either that or you're off the sauce and back on the meds. Just what would I have to gain by smearing you???? I'm trying to reform you. Make an honest woman of you. The majority of the accusations I made about you and your well-informed trolls were not new ones but reiterations of the same ones made about you way back when you posted on the old board, and they were true. You can NEVER play it straight, Kola Boof. Always posing as the the poor misunderstood victim, always wrapping your self in a cloak of pseudo nobility, professing to be totally innocent of the terrible things that that witch Cynique is imagining about you. You are sooooo devious. Indeed, there were a lot of rogue trolls who descended on the board, but the only "guests" who I accused of being your sock puppets this time around were certain ones doing your bidding. They were not attempting to make you look bad, they were striving to make you look good, a tactic that is your classic MO, as you cleverly created a smoke screen to cover your charade, forewarning Troy that people pretending to be you were on the loose. I keep telling you that you can't fool me. So stop trying to blame your duplicity on somebody else. Your act is a farce. And, be advised that I do not believe that you are a white gay guy posing as a black woman with a mission to castigate and destroy black men. But you do a damned good job of distorting the truth. And I know you're enjoying all of the attention these shenanigans are attracting for you. Good show. Great publicity for your upcoming event.
  22. Who was the woman that Troy met and had lunch with and posed for a picture with that he posted on this board?????
  23. Since things have become so hectic around here what with accusations flying and recollections being dredged up and old feuds being revisited, I feel the need to add my voice to the dissonance and clear up a few things. I beg the indulgence of the registered members and thumb my nose at the motley crew of “guests”. I stumbled upon Thumper's Corner quite by accident about 10 years ago when, as a newbie to the internet, I was surfing around checking out chat rooms. When I first posted here, I used my real first name, but quickly abandoned this option upon realizing this was was an unwise decision. Thereafter I briefly took on the title “Critique” since that seemed to be the role I assumed in my comments. Subsequently deciding that referring to myself as “Critique” was silly and too confining, I announced that I would henceforth refer to myself as “Cynique“, paying homage to the veneer of cynicism that my glazed by persona. I should also mention that way back when I wanted to play April fool jokes on the board, I would take on my “Pandora” identity, posing as the daughter of Cynique who would show up to report dire things that had happened to her mother, on one occasion informing that Cynique had been car-jacked and was hospitalized in a coma. And speaking of comas, I confess that at one time I was an idealist. But years of observing how hypocrisy and superficiality prevail in the world, I regained consciousness and became a realist. Or did I ever acquire an affinity for maudlin sentimentality designed to induce crocodile tears. Sooo, because I set the bar too high I have become hyper-critical and the only anti-dotes for my toxic skepticism are honest sincerity, genuine intellect, and wit of the droll variety, - traits I find endearing and admirable in people. And what do I bring to the table? Nothing but a propensity for irritating people who are steeped in their opinions and confident of their credibility and inflated with self esteem. Hence, my long history of clashing with Kola Boof. Deluded though I may be, I like to think of myself as an iconoclast and a contrarian, often taking on the role of a polemist just for the heck of it. What can I say? I’m also a tad eccentric, never really bothered by being thought of as a bitch by my detractors. I am especially amused by how adversaries think that calling me “old” is a put-down that bolsters their rebuttals. Over time this board has become to me what a blog is to other people, a forum where I share my thoughts and argue my convictions. Not surprising, I have made more enemies than friends here. Most of my favorites are a small circle of women whom I like simply because they are really cool "sistas". Troy is my rock. He puts up with my trouble making, and allows me free reign. He is a savvy upfront guy with a lot of class and I am gratful to him for providing me with a place to stretch out and reach across... As I bring this unsolicited “mea culpa” to a close, I’ll answer the question that must be on the mind of anyone who reads this. “Who cares”? To this inquiry I reply: “Who cares who cares?” Just STFU.
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