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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Chev You know better than that-- Deception coming from you. You know it was not written 'out of the blue' so-to-speak' in 1611 but it was translated from older scripts and that translation was published in `1611. Ok...now do you have or have you read THOSE ancient scripts it was translated from??? BTW, who is that icon in your signature; That's not me...lol...I didn't come out of the old Black-n-white days. That's a picture of a gentleman by the name A.G. Gaston An early AfroAmerican multi-millionaire who was one of the richest men (of any race) in America at his time. Even during segregation he owned an insurance company, funeral home, hotel, construction firm, and a number of other businesses in Alabama. Infact, Martin Luther King Jr. used to stay in one of his hotels when he visited Birmingham Alabama. Very admirable brother. I know that you have shared your religious beliefs in a past post and once, you said something to me, but I don't remember everything. I know that I respect your religious beliefs but, your attack against Black Christians is totally wrong. I believe in and Worship The SUPREME BEING. I don't have a religion outside of the seeking and acceptance of TRUTH. But I have to make sure it's TRUTH before believing it, and not just mere rhetoric and mythology passed down from one generation to the next. You posted a reference where Louis farrakhan said that the origin of his religion is a White woman!!! and his religious origins are from the Caucasus so, don't put that lie on God. Huh?????? Black people have their own free will and they choose to worship idols of which God is against. Black people want God to deliver them after they have abused humanity and that is unbelievable. Not all Black people did or continue to do this. Why would millions of Black people be enslaved and punished for something only SOME of them did? That doesn't seem fair. Why would CHILDREN be born enslaved and used as alligator bait by wicked racists in Louisiana swaps for something they didn't do? I have already responded to this! White people are not 'more evil' than Black people. White Supremacy is a concept and this whole world is guilt of it, not just White people. If Black people obsess and idolize certain humans because they are White or fair skinned, then welcome them into their civilizations and inter-breed and then become overthrown by these people, why should God keep delivering Black Africans over and over again. What makes Black people better than White people? I'm not sure of any of that. However I've began to reason that many Black people continue to experiences oppression and cruelty for reasons that have little to do with religion or any evil they may have done....but they simple aren't smart enough to figure their way out of it. Most people who are slaves or oppressed period are probably in that condition because they weren't smart enough to either turn the tables on their oppressors or avoid oppression in the first place. The British colonized many African and Asian nations. They TRIED to maintain the American colony but American Caucasians figured out a way to fight back and throw off the shackles of their British colonizers. But as Troy points out, even in this thread, you show that you reject certain elements of references in certain post that are proven and confirmed. That's because much of what you and he calls "proven" and "confirmed" are neither. It's merely information that Caucasians have come to a consensus upon....and forced others to agree with. Outside of math...most of what you're taught in these colleges and universities isn't real education but FORCED consensus that you have to agree to and repeat in order to graduate. You don't really KNOW if what they taught you was true or not. And here, in this very thread, you put out lies and reject even the Biblical script that states Solomon was a Black skinned, very black skinned Hebrew Israelite man! The Bible doesn't state that Solomon was Black. I've explained to you several times that that verse wasn't Solomon talking but Solomon's LOVER singing a poem about herself. She was telling the daughters of Jerusalem not to look down on her because she was dark skinned. She called herself Black and beautiful and described Solomon as having White skin with Black hair. Pioneer, you constantly engage in Religious Bullying. Lol, you better.....be quiet before I find MAURICE and invite him to join the conversation. It would be something if he was still working in that restaurant washing dishes.
  2. Well..... If that's the case, she shouldn't have THAT problem anymore since who she's with now can strap on or remove any unwanted "attachments".
  3. You're right....Canada does indeed have race issues. However I was speaking as a COMPARISON to the United States. Most AfroAmericans who've spent any time in Canada will say the same thing I said. Better doesn't necessarily mean perfect. Is subtle racism better than blatant racism? I used to think it was worse, but after 4 years of Trump.....with all factors remaining the same I'd rather racists keep their venom to themselves.
  4. Troy Man.... If you believe a woman who has enjoyed d*ck all of her life ALL OF A SUDDEN discovers at 50 years old that she "likes women"....I got a couple of houses I can sell you for $50 each.
  5. Troy That's why I asked is it the way the banana split is positioned...lol. I suppose a gay man would pick up on that signal REAL quick.
  6. Change is THIS regard would be illogical and go against one of the fundamental laws of nature: self preservation Why would a person in power jeopardize his livelihood and that of his children by forfeiting his power and wealth only for another to replace him who will probably do the same thing that HE is currently doing? It's not like the King gives up his kingship and in turn EVERYBODY happily enjoys their existence together as peasants. No, that only allows for ANOTHER ambitious individual (most likely multiple) to vie for the spot.
  7. I admit I'm not the most up-to-date on the latest homo-erotic paraphernalia, but I'm not sure what this ad has to do with "gay" men in specific. It looks like some sort of electric shaving device that I presume could be used by men both gay or straight. Perhaps it's the way the banana split is positioned, or something?
  8. Troy She is gay man, why is that so hard to understand? It's hard to understand why it took her 50 YEARS to figure that out about herself.
  9. Troy Dude, those were gay guys telling you this. A heterosexual man does start blowing another guy because they are bored with women. Perhaps, problem is....I've heard the same thing from WOMEN too! A few women have told me that their boyfriends/husbands got into messing with other men because their sex life was too "boring". It started with trying different types of sex, then having "group sex" with other women, and when that started becoming less of a challenge...they started bringing men into the group. It's commonly believed that a person is BORN pre-disposed to be homosexual or bi-sexual, but then how do you explain Neicy Nash who said she never had been with a woman in her life UNTIL she turned 50 and married one! Popularity and the extreme form of this, celebrity, does come with trade offs. The willingness to deal with the various trade offs is up to the individual. Most celebrities become so in their early 20s (or even teens) before they've had time to fully mature psychologically. So they don't have the maturity and judgement to properly handle fame and popularity or even know what they're getting into.
  10. Piggy backing off of the discussion we're having over the popularity of social media among our people............ Growing up I wasn't considered very attractive and thus wasn't very popular with the girls OR with other boys (for reasons having little to do with looks). Fortunately girls weren't AS concerned with looks as boys are so there are other attributes males can develop to offset what they're lacking in looks. But I spent long periods of time wondering why I wasn't "coolest" or "cutest" boy in school with all of the friends. I didn't notice it as a kid, all I saw were the BENEFITS of being very popular. But when I got older and into my 20s I started observing a lot of the NEGATIVE by-products that many of those same people experienced as a result of their popularity: -Having more friends often meant more partying and more access to drug and alcohol abuse. -Having more friends often meant being more enticed to engage in criminal activity WITH those friends -Having more sexual access with females often meant contracting more STDs. -Having more sexual access with females often meant more babies with different women, more baby-mama-drama, and more legal problems with child support! -Having more girlfriends often meant fighting more EX-boyfriends and jealous boys who WANT to be their boyfriend and see YOU as competition! -Even more disturbing...I've heard of more than a few dudes who had it so easy with females that it was no longer a challenge, they got BORED, and that's how they started getting into sex with other men! Those were problems that more attractive men were starting to deal with going into their 20s and many of them continued to deal with those problems and more as a result of being "cool" and very popular. In this world, benefits often come with a price. You want to be more popular? You want to attract more people? ...be ready to pay the price that often comes with that.
  11. Troy Of course this is true but is no cause to believe we are getting less intelligent. I base that assertion in part off of personal observation. I know it's not the BEST way to measure a society's intellectual level, but unless I give everyone personal IQ tests over prolonged periods of time...how else could I confirm my suspicion? To your point there very well could be man-made environmental factors leading to a drop in our collective IQ. That's exactly my point. Intelligence levels are primarily a matter of BRAIN function which means it's highly influenced by physical changes. If more toxins are being introduced to the environment that negatively impact brain function we should expect that to negatively impact cognitive function. This is absolutely true. You're going to eventually find out that MOST of what I say is aboslutely true..lol. It may take a while, it may be years or decades down the line...but eventually my words will be validated. One popular poster here threatened to sue me a number of times, but she was a drama queen and was probably responsible for scaring a number of people off the site. Now see, I didn't know that and I don't believe you've ever told me that before now....but I knew it happens because it happens on OTHER sites. It's been going on for atleast the past 6 or 7 years to my knowledge. It really took off after the anti-bullying campaign when certain people started calling any form of verbal altercation or challenge "bullying" to lay the grounds for legal action later on. Those were the days when people (lurking) would come up to me at a conference and describe something they read on the forums This is why I'm careful with sharing personal information on social media and message boards. You never know WHO is lurking and watching what you're saying. Now here you have a big FREE (I'm telling you....you should seriously think of charging some of these bastids for peddling their shit on your platform..lol) website open for folks to come in and promote their books and engage in intelligent discussions about their books or any other topic. But Negroes will sit up and make all kinds of silly and stupid excuses not to participate. "AAL-who??? Girl I don't know who that is! I HEARD it was a site full of men from Haiti or something like that. I HEARD they were anti-trans-phobic or something like that. Anyway, Instagram just took me off of 3 week suspension and guuuurl ....I can't wait to start posting again!" They'd rather hang out on social media platforms where they are overly regulated in their speech and are constantly suspended and penalized for every little thing they say or show. ------but on the flip side you have a bunch of racist Caucasian lurkers who are DEDICATED to monitoring your site! They CAN'T STAY AWAY. Constantly posting shit you have to delete, make up fake accounts just to break their way in and post as much racist content as they can hoping it will be noticed before you delete it...lol. DESPARATE to get on the site and get their insults and racism noticed! Now what does that tell you about them, and more importantly about your own people?
  12. Troy If accuracy were your goal, you would demonstrate it more often in your own communication. What have I said that was INaccurate? Seriously, when I asked you if you thought the world were flat did you really believe I was talking about the financial world? I wasn't sure WHICH world you were speaking of, but the definition of world remains the same regardless. The "world" is a concept...a collection of symptoms. It's not the same as a planet so it has no physical shape. Chev here you go again, giving White people credit for ancient script. But we're not talking about ancient script, we're talking about the King James Bible which was written in 1611....that's not ancient. You are so wrong. The Bible was written by Black people; Black men. Were the Popes of Rome, King James, Guttenberg and those who helped them write the Bible "Black men"??? I thought they were all Europeans. Ancient script has been 'blasphemed' as Jesus said, but today, we can confirm what has been blasphemed and what has not. Are you saying that the Bible is a blasphemed version of ancient script? If so....this may be true...but it raises the question as to why our people should believe in or even read a book that is obviously blasphemous and not the original ancient. But you have no script to confirm 'the Supreme Being' that you believe in which is no better than an ape. But wouldn't the ape...who simply follows nature...be in better shape (sh-ape) than the human who believes in a blasphemous corrupted script that deviated from the ancient? Some say it's better not to believe in ANYTHING than to believe in a lie. If you don't believe that the Black man had that much brilliance that they could develop script, that is your right, but you should at least present your attack on the ancient scriptures that you question. I'm not attacking ancient scriptures, because you haven't produced any for me. Show me this "ancient scripture". You give the White man too much credit. You said: "Yes, God decided to use 'White Caucasians' and other types of Black people as well to curse and punish!!! Yes He did. LOL." But you accuse ME of giving White folks credit??? So it's your belief that God would use people who are just as if not more evil and wicked to punish OTHER people? And part of this punishment is lynching them, enslaving them, killing their children, lying to them, and forcing them to worship images of people with blonde hair as "angels" and "gods"??? You believe God sanctioned that? Okay, I'm done reading any further. Well you shouldn't have. I gave you a "shout out" a few posts later, lol.
  13. Troy No I don't the type of changes you are describing talk place over time scales too large for you to directly observe. Now I might argue that we are less well informed, and educated more poorly, which might make us seem less intelligent. Yes most people in U.S. society in general are indeed less informed and poorly educated but not all of this is systemic. In some cases these are SYMPTOMS of people who are less intelligent to begin with. In other words you have 2 people who can't read but one of them may be illiterate because of lack of opportunity or poor schooling, but another may have had access to the best schools and STILL couldn't learn (intellectual dysfunction). The facts are out there. The education is out there. One could argue that if society WERE intelligent enough to seek it they would BE more informed and educated. It is possible this forum will be revitalized, but that can not happen if there is zero participation Becareful what you ask for...lol. You start getting more activity on the discussion board it may come with more fighting, trolling, negroes threatening eachother, and in a short time ALL of your disposable time will be taken up monitoring, deleting posts, and banning people....and explaining WHY you had to ban them. The going thing now on some forums is threatening law suits against the site over being "harassed" by somebody THEY provoked and accusations of bullying. The increased traffic you thought would be a blessing ended up being a curse that forced to CLOSE the discussion board because you didn't have time to baby sit it and things got out of control...lol.
  14. Delano......I'm so GLAD you said that. Because if the OPPOSITE were true....and I thought my posts WERE giving you "stimulation" -not only would I be tempted to stop posting, but I'd seriously consider deleting every post I DID make! Because after I'd left I wouldn't want you to continue to "stimulate" yourself with my posts or me in mind! Don't get me wrong..... There's a lot of people I wouldn't mind stimulating online! There's a lot of people who I wouldn't mind "enjoying" themselves with my posts! ....but a tarot card reading brother down in Australia is waaaaaaay down near the bottom of THAT list...lol.
  15. Troy This report from you seems to passively and indirectly lend support to my assertion that INTELLECTUAL DECLINE is a major reason for the lack of participation of discussion boards compared to social media platforms. People who don't think...don't care. Ofcourse.....since you don't believe that, you're liable to explain those results by pointing out that people who frequent social media tend to be younger and less educated and thus less INTERESTED in political or medical information than those who frequent discussion boards..lol.
  16. Troy I didn't miss your point, I was just focused on other reasons besides just that one. You believe people get a dopamine rise from their activities on social media. I don't doubt that at all. But I also think there's LARGER psychological reasons for more participation in social media than discussion boards than just a high people get over attention. For example.... You don't believe the larger society is suffering from genuine intellectual decline. And because of that, you don't see people being too stupid and hyper-emotional to hold an intelligent civil conversation as a viable factor in the decline in participation on the discussion boards.
  17. Troy What you call "nitpicking" is actually called being ACCURATE. Simply trusting in the work and findings of OTHER PEOPLE instead of verifying things for yourself isn't the best way to acquire ACCURATE information. It's good for joining a new religion. It's not a very good habit if you want to secure accurate information for yourself and solve problems.
  18. Troy You can’t make up your own definition of science and use it to reject science. You have previously rejected science because white people are in it. If you disagree with MY definition of science, then what is YOUR definition of science? I didn't say I reject science because White people are in it. I didn't say I rejected science AT ALL. Show me the quote where I said I "rejected science"! When I said the “world” I was talking about the planet earth, Not some concept. So do you believe that the planet earth is flat? Lol...well you should have said "Earth", not world. Two different words with two different definitions. And NO, I don't believe the Earth is flat. I believe (though I don't know it) that it's round.
  19. The fact that it's simply THERE as an option has an effect on them, psychologically atleast. Which means it indirectly has an effect on YOU and ME and others as a result. Do you think a woman who has OTHER MEN willing to take her in and support her will tolerate from her husband the same thing a woman who is less attractive and has no other options to fall back on? Common sense tells you a woman with LESS options will be a wife who is more willing to ignore petty disagreements and be less argumentative than one who has the ability to pack up whenever she desires and simply move in with one of a number of other men who can provide her with the same thing you're offering. But take away the options, and watch the ATTITUDE change. Again, you don't have to look at ALL discussion boards for an example. Just look at the people who have left THIS discussion board alone...in a huff...over a petty disagreement. They didn't like what I said, you said, didn't want to register, ect.... If social media didn't exist as an option, they would be COMPELLED to ignore the petty and TRY to get along. They'd be forced to participate more on discussion boards in general. Either that or just avoid communications on the internet all together (except by swapping emails). Just like if there were no Google or Wikipedia or internet in general for people to sit up and browse all day for their information...people would be COMPELLED to get off their ass and actually go to libraries, book stores, and other hard sources for their information.
  20. Troy So you reject all scientific findings for this reason?! No. However we need to have a clear definition of what IS and what IS NOT "science". MY definition of science is a system of collecting and organizing knowledge and facts. It would be foolish to reject knowledge and facts. Do you believe the world is flat too? No. A world.....being a concept....has no physical shape. It's a collection of systems. Western world Islamic world Financial world ect.
  21. Hmmm... Maybe he called you delusional for OTHER reasons....lol. This may seem like a bit of a reach but if I remember correctly, one of Cynique's parting shots before leaving this site was that she was leaving to spend more time on facebook or some other social media platform that Troy was highly critical of. That's evidence that social media did INDEED have some sort of effect on her and influenced her behavior because if she didn't have facebook or some OTHER social media platform to "fall back" for her social entertainment....she would have essentially been FORCED to communicate via discussion boards. ...and thus would have been less inclined to leave THIS one. That's the logical conclusion I'd come to. A good analogy is...... A Black person eats at a soul food restaurant for years but after a $5 disagreement over the price of a meal, get's angry, leaves, and vows to never patronize that restaurant again....taking comfort in the fact that White restaurants like Denny's or Bob Evans are available for them to meet up with their friends and enjoy. But what if segregation exists where they weren't ALLOWED to frequent Denny's or Bob Evans? They would be FORCED to frequent that soul food restaurant (or eat at home) and with that option being taken away would be less inclined to be so petty where they are.
  22. Troy I'm sure there are fewer discussion forums today and those that remain are not as vibrant as they once were. I agree with what you wrote in point #1, but the reality is that most people who post on social media do so in relative obscurity. The promise of potentially going viral is a strong pull -- even a couple of hundred likes on a post will encourage many people to continue posting to get the attention. Social media even goes so far as to time when people see their likes to encourage further engagement. For this reason social media platforms are a completely different things than a discussion forums. Those are perfect examples of when the EXTROVERTED personality is combined with LOW INTELLIGENCE. They have the strong desire to interact with others and be the center of attention, but aren't smart enough to come up with constructive and productive means of doing so..so they resort to playing "class clown" so to speak to get attention. We do know that suicide, drug addiction, obesity, depression are all on the rise -- despite all the technological advances. Watching TicTok videos provides an escape, that a discussion forum can not provide -- because to enjoy a good discussion forum -- even lurking -- requires effort. I believe social media platforms actually CONTRIBUTE to the depression, suicide attempts, and addictions. The last thing people who are broke, sick, in terrible social environments, and already at a low point in their lives need....is to see a bunch of healthy, pretty, young people bragging about how much money they have and how great their life is. People are looking for SOLUTIONS to their problems. Social media makes them feel even WORSE about their situation because people often put up a FACADE or MASK online pretending to be someone they really aren't which tends to make those viewing them jealous and feel even worse about their own personal short-comings. "I'll talk to you later. I'm having the Royal Duke and Duchess over at my mansion for dinner tonight." One would have though, that with more people at home, discussion forum participation would have risen, during this pandemic. But the media only pays attention to the handful of the biggest social media platforms. I know why white media ignores Black platforms, but why does Black media ignore Black discussion forums. Because as you said earlier, a discussion involves WORK. But that implies...though you didn't say it...MENTAL WORK. Another term for mental work is THINKING. Which means it takes a measure of INTELLECTUAL POWER/INTELLIGENCE to maintain an intelligent discussion. Unfortunately, this is a quality that many of our people no longer have. Social media is about EMOTION. You don't really have to THINK much. It appeals to people's emotions like sex, rage, lust, hunger, selfishness, thirst, desire to get revenge, ect... Discussions appeal to your intellect where you consider concepts, opposing views, various factors, all while doing so in an environment of MUTUAL RESPECT. Why do so called "woke" Black people give all of their energy to white owned platforms -- who have demonstrated zero desire to truly serve Black people? I can tell you exactly why. 2 reasons: 1. Social media is where most of the immature, foolish, and ignorant AfroAemricans spend their time, so most of the so-called "woke" folks hang out in those platforms in order to PREACH to the fools and ignorant and try to get them to change their ways...lol. They believe that like Jesus, you go to where the sinners are to "save" them. 2. A less common and secondary reason is that most "woke" people think they're smart and they enjoy the praise they get from people who are not as smart or articulate. Go to a discussion board or academic website and you're likely to interact with people SMARTER THAN YOU who will expose exactly how much you know (or don't know). Think of your school days..... Remember when pretty girls usually hung around other pretty girls? But often you'd see a pretty girl hanging around a bunch of not so pretty ones and wondered why. Later on, you find out it's because it made her feel SUPERIOR to be around those she FELT were "less than".
  23. Troy I considered he may indeed be a troll, but like you said he was also pushing the idea of Black people being Hebrews and Biblical people which is a pretty popular concept and ideology among Black people....especially Christians...around the world. Maybe he used it as a cover. Another thing is he spelled "practice" as "practise" which tells me he probably comes from an English speaking nation OUTSIDE of the United States. That statement defies credulity as you consistently reject the findings of the scientific community, on race, medicine, genetics, climate change, geology, etc... Lol, well then I guess I'll get off of Energy and get on YOU now. I don't necessarily reject the findings of the "scientific community". I'm SUSPICIOUS of the findings and information coming from CAUCASIANS who claim to be scientists. You must understand the difference. Why? Because many of them have a history of lying and providing false/inaccurate information. They have very little credibility after being caught lying so much. Science is supposed to be the collection of KNOWLEDGE and FACTS. If you haven't experienced it, observed it, or know anyone who HAS to confirm whether or not it's the truth.....why do you put so much faith in it?
  24. Troy hummm where have I’ve seen that before Not from me. I admit my errors when they are CLEARLY SHOWN to me. Now, you can't come to me with a different OPINION and call it a "fact" and just expect me to just lay down and concede, lol. You must PROVE that you're correct. That sounds like racist troll crap to me. Well, this is a direct quote from one of his earliest posts: I haven't heard an African talk like that before, even the ones who dye their hair blonde, get online, and ask for wealthy men from Europe to come and marry them and get them out of poverty don't talk like that. It sounded kind of odd. Not sure if you remember when he first came on, but at first he didn't have a picture in his avatar. That picture of a Black man was introduced later on after he had posted 6 or 7 times. But perhaps he really IS a brother who just thinks like that. It is very annoying in the real world and part of the reason social media, in general, is so powerful because one can easily exclude people, thoughts, and ideas that conflict with your worldview — even if they are factual. When it first came out, the internet brought more people from all over the world together. But when social media became the dominant means of communication it began making people more selfish, self-centered, and isolated. I've seen entire religious movements....with only ONE MEMBER...on some Youtube channels! People are getting on Instagram while on the toilet having conversations, wiping, flushing the toilet, not to be vulgar or rude but just not caring! You know I have no problem with someone who gets upset with the conflicting idea and runs away, but I say let’s give newbies, who demonstrate a willingness to engage, some space before you tear them apart — at least two posts Duly noted I keep saying I'm not going to argue with other Black people over history and religion anyway, but the topics are too tempting. But I should practice more discipline over my behavior.
  25. After reading through the thread, I have to admit that my FIRST post was indeed on the harsh and confrontational side. I take responsibility for that. @Troy You know, I JUST saw your latest post in this thread? It shows that it is two hours old, but for some reason it JUST showed up in the thread.....or atleast I just saw it. I'm not sure what's going on but there seems to be a serious time delay somewhere.
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