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Posts posted by Pioneer1




    Yes, well I guess that when the recording was released to the public, this made the difference. It's a wonder what goes on behind the camera! 

    This is one of the reasons the television shows "Cops" and "Live PD" were pulled off the air recently.

    Many of their critics argued that they didn't give very accurate descriptions of active law enforcement and the shows were HEAVILY edited to make it look like all of the soldiers were good and always did the right thing in warfare.  They got rid of all footage that may have made the soldiers look bad or corrupt.





    YOU'VE got to be kidding! No way. really!? 

    You know how negroes LOVE to party and have a good time despite having more pressing responsibilities.....lol.
    By our nature we are a fun loving people, so as soon as the pressure APPEARS to be off and the coast is clear a lot of our people are more than ready to start dancing and popping their fingers, while Caucasians are plotting and planning their next move.

    Covid 19 2.0  ???


    Well, I understand. Yes, he's the one. He was heard on tape requesting that GEorge Floyd be turned on his side. AND, he was very knew to the police force and that devil was his training officer, yet, he asked for GEorge Floyd to be turned on his side. But then, WHAT ABOUT THE BROTHER!? 
    WELL, at first I did not think he was black or had no black in him, but some people think Kueng, the other officer might be at least part-Black! 
    If Thomas Lane was bailed then, what about Kueng? This officer, like Lane, was also very new to the police force. And he also protested!!! 
    He said, YOU SHOULD NOT DO THIS, to that devil. And, he also later said that he was raised in Minneapolis by a single parent and wanted to do  
    something good for his community. So now, will people allow him to sit in jail while Thomas Lane was bailed out!? I would not agree to that. 


    Not sure what the deal is but ALL of those race-soldiers who were kneeling on Floyd (I saw 3) should still be in jail awaiting their trial.
    No, bail.

    They are TRAINED KILLERS with weapons and pose a danger to the community.


    • Like 1
  2. Chev


    FIRST we must be delivered and born again in THE SPIRIT or else all is completely lost. Pioneer you are right, we are all in the same PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN THIS WORLD. But prophecy has NOT come to pass yet on being delivered in our physical bodies. WE ARE IN HELL, literally, but to try and convince Black people that America --THE LAND MASS upon which this government has set up is literally HELL, most will never believe it. They believe in the physical NOW even though many Black people are still severely oppressed, many Black people still believe in what they are told in that America is heaven and even better than Europe, etc. Nevertheless, according to prophecy, America--THE LAND MASS-- will be completely destroyed-- in stages and over a period of time. so there will come a time when these White Supremacist say to us 'to go back to AFrica' well, they too will want to leave this great city! Part of this land mass is prophesized to turn into 'a lake of fire' as result of a volcanic eruption, etc. But as for this government, the Supreme BEing, is not concerned with it. Who ever survives the catastrophic phenomena outlined in prophecy will still be able to have their elections, if they can come out of their caves and convince others... and the very Black people they have oppressed will be able to deal with White Supremacist on a different level at this point. But as for now, we all, this whole world has nothing to worry about until the planet takes on a catastrophic phenomenon... oh wait! The Coronavirus may be the beginning... Who knows. 

    You're talking about prophecy, and the problem with RELYING on prophecy is:

    1. We don't really know WHERE it came from.
    You may BELIEVE that it came from God but it may have been written by a man who made it up for his own purposes; and as you said much of the scripture has been mis-translated and the language has evolved.  So unless you have an ORIGINAL script and an ACCURATE translation of that script how can you be sure of the source?

    2. The book of Revelations wasn't meant for the entire world but for the Christians of the Roman Empire.

    It was a letter sent to one of the churches, talking about the downfall of Rome and the Roman Empire.
    But since the book was added to the Bible by Constantine and the Bible is today given to Christians around the world, instead of seeing it as just another epistle or letter/book written for specific churches of the Roman Empire...today you have  Christians all down in the Congo and in the Phillipines  and Mexico reading it and trying to "see themselves" in it and in prophecy!
    Everytime there's an Earthquake or disease or major disaster they're pointing to the book of Revelations as evidence that it's speaking to THEM.


    3. Relying on religious scripture and it's fullfillment of prophecy often KEEPS many people in a state of "hell", as you speak of.  A hell they could actually get themselves OUT OF!

    Chev, you need to understand that many of the so-called prophecies they spoke of in these scriptures were expected to happen very quickly during the lifetime of those who not only wrote them as well as the people the prophecies were given to.  They actually EXPECTED the "end" to come 2000 years ago and for Jesus to come back at that time.  Most of those people had no idea the "world" would still be around 2000 years later!

    But they have passed away WAITING on it all to happen and it didn't.
    The "end" didn't come for the world, but war and disease remained.
    All this standing around waiting for "prophecy" did was keep THEM from ending a corrupt world THEMSELVES and making it better  because they were waiting on some supernatural even to come and do it.

    Even if the prophecies events were to occur this weekend, what about the BILLIONS of people over the past 2000 years who were born and died expecting the "end" to come but it didn't and if they had stopped waiting and stood up to end poverty, oppression, and injustice they could have made a better world for themselves?

    So the biggest danger in relying on "prophecy" is if it doesn't come true in YOUR lifetime a lot of precious time is wasted waiting on it that could have been used to make major improvements in society.

    Think of all of the Christian bible-believing slaves 200 years ago who lived and died waiting o Jesus to come back and "save" them!
    What if they hadn't waited on "Judgement Day" and decided to risk their lives with a major revolt and destroy the institution of slavery themselves!




    There is no such thing @Pioneer1 of any ancient script written based on an old language script. That is simply how humanity has evolved, language has evolved and script has evolved.

    I understand that languge "evolves" but are you saying that God's word "evolves"?

    I'm asking because that's the argument a lot of preachers make to justify why their church accepts behavior and positions that are clearly condemned in the Bible (homosexuality, owning weapons, eating pork, ect...).  

    If God is perfect and knows all, then there is no need for His word to "evolve" because it would be given in such a perfect way there would be no need for evolution.

    Yes language evolves, but language is from HUMAN BEINGS....not God......so the question is if what I'm reading has been mis-translated and has to evolve, did it REALLY come from God?



    Historically, White [Caucasian leaders] have never put down their own White women to worship and obsess over African women as did Black AFrican men!!!


    I don't know enough about history to argue this.  I know that in AMERICA during the past couple hundred years many African men would push the African woman to the side for a Caucasian woman out of ignorance and indifference...but this is a result of slavery and brainwashing.
    In the case of African LEADERS who were always in a leadership position so as not to be conditioned or brainwashed, I don't know if this was the case.  
    Keeping a Caucasian or other race of women as concubines along with his wife to just have sex with but not treating them with the same respect as his African wife would seem much more likely the case, but perhaps you're correct.







    But, White Supremacist have raped and greatly hurt Black little girls and women, and this the Supreme Being is definitely dealing with and will utterly judge; starting with Black men who have abandoned their own womenkind due to Black hatred and have left us completely vulnerable to this type of evil.  

    I have a couple questions:

    1. How is the "White Supremacists" who have raped and hurt African girls and women being dealt with and punished?

    2. Why would the punishment of the "White Supremacist" for raping and hurting African girls and women START with African men; especially when many of them were in the same helpless position as the African woman?
    That doesn't seem very fair to me.




    NOT all AfroAmericans come from the same cultural origins and some who are don't believe in YAHWEH, but for the ones who choose, the answer would definitely be YES. 

    Thank you for answering my question.

  3. Chev




    I would never believe that White people would fight the Original Canaanite giants. So, therefore, the historical description of Israelites could never be White people. 

    History is about facts, not necessarily about what you or I believe.


    You reject true history then. 

    That's not history.
    That's HIS-story.....lol.


    Oh no you have not! You have never provided any true source to support that the Egyptians did not hold certain Black AFrican typed people in hard bondage during the time period in question. Oh no, Pioneer, you have not. 

    I actually showed you how according to YOUR OWN BIBLE that the exodus and enslavement of Israelites never took place with verses taken from the New Testament.
    You just reject those sources.



    That is because you keep giving Black men a pass. You are blaming the SUPREME BEING for giving free mind, free will, free choice to worship White people. But, now we are seeing prophecy unfold because He is getting ready to divide the Wheat from the Tares! 

    Honey child you're looking in EVERY DIRECTION except for the one I'm pointing in....lol.

    I'm pointing at the Caucasian ruling and you're looking at African kings on the throne smooching on white women.

    I'm pointing at the Caucasian ruling and you're opening up dictionaries pointing at the definition of "free will".

    I'm pointing at the Caucasian ruling and you're pointing out the window toward a field of wheat swaying in the breeze.

    We need to stay FOCUSED on the subject at hand, which is how the Caucasian ended up dominating so much of the world.





    It is the exact same but you do not understand scholarly translations and terms like 'Lingua Franca' has escaped you. 

    It hasn't escaped me, because I'm not reaching for it...lol.

    You're focused on how well it's been TRANSLATED and my point is IT'S A TRANSLATION AND NOT THE ACTUAL WORDS!!!

    Again, I'm asking you to show me the ACTUAL WORDS (Yah, Yahweh, El) which I've repeatedly said aren't in the KJV translation.



    HEBREW SCRIPT-- Does NOT exist. 

    That's not a fact, because here it is:



    Moses was trained on Egyptian script to write the Pentateuch. 
    DANIEL was trained to write in the Neo-Babylonian script form to write his books about the Hebrew presence in the world, etc.
    designed to cause confusion


    There is no confusion about that which clearly exists.
    Again, I just gave you a link to Hebrew script!

    ....so stop playing, lol.

  4. What!? This is so depressing. 


    It may be depressing, but it goes on all over the nation....not just California.

    The trick is, they get arrest AfroAmericans and trick them into signing plea deals where they plead guilty to "lesser" crimes to avoid being charged and going to jail for major crimes.
    A lot of young people think pleading guilty to a lesser crime is the smart move to make because it means less time in jail.  Problem is once they GET  in jail they are liable to run into other problems INSIDE OF JAIL (like fighting, ect....) that may keep them in for a long time.

    This is how many prisons get their population for cheap slave labor.


    And while we're on this thought; I have never forgotten about SANDRA BLAND!

    To be honest with you, I have to struggle to keep remembering her because she's talked about less and less.

    Infact, although both deaths were tragic....in my opinion people should have been raising far more hell over Breonna Taylor's death than George Flyod's!

    George was accused of a crime; but Breonna was sleep in her underwear and COMPLETELY innocent when she was shot to pieces.






    Also, I do feel that many AfroAmericans are being hurt though, in this protest but we have not heard about them. There is a report that many of them have been arrested, too. So, I am a little distressed, to say the least. 

    Well, what I don't care too much for is how so many Negroes are turning these protests into one big PARTY.
    It's slowly going from people being out in the streets angry and challenging authority....to niggaz squaring off in the middle of the street dancing, playing the saxophone, and having free-style rap contests...…...games.

    Negroes are great at providing entertainment, especially for the mostly Caucasian audience at most of these rallies.




    Thomas Lane has already been bailed out of jail.

    The only one of those soldiers who should be allowed out on bail was the one seen standing who DIDN'T have his knee on the neck or back of George.
    He was there and allowed it, but since he didn't physically do anything to George I'd give him SOME freedom.

    I don't know if that was Thomas or not.

  5. Chev


    You give White Supremacist too much power! You continue to give Black AFrican kings and men a pass. GOD would never help White Supremacist system set up in Black lands; not today not tomorrow, never.  

    I didn't give them power, they TOOK it.
    And have had it for centuries.

    The question I have is, who's gonna take it back....and when?


    Whether in slavery or any form of captivity, there will always be a dominant presence of Black AFrican typed people that will continue to further White Supremacist causes, so as prophecy reveals, there will be a time when the Wheat will be divided from the tares. There has always be a very small percentage of Black African people who don't fall prey to White Supremacy. 

    Is this your answer to who helped the Caucasians gain control over African peoples?
    That it was OTHER Africans who assisted them in their campaign to dominate, and that they would have never been able to rule over Africans if it weren't for the assistance of some Africans?

    Perhaps you're correct.......

    If you reject ancient script as a whole, then you will never be delivered. 

    Delivered FROM what TO what?

    And if you know someone who HAS been delivered, can you point them out to me so that I may examine how they are currently living.

    The reason I ask is because for years we'll hear someone point the finger at another and accuse them of not being "saved" while both are living in the same conditions.
    So I need to see an EXAMPLE with which to compare my current condition to.

    Because ancient Black kings allowed white supremacy into their lands and bosom, their script has been tampered with, therefore we must deal with these types of mis-translations of ancient script. 

    Ok, so now do you have a CORRECT and un-tampered with translation of this ancient script?

    In order to say something has been MIS-translation you have to have either the original translation or atleast a translation that is clearly better  than the one you're refering to.
    Do you have either that we can compare?

    THE WORD OF GOD IS PERFECT. The translations are flawed and have been tampered with.

    I'm not arguing this.
    My question is....again...do you have the PERFECT translation that has NOT been tampered with available for us to use?


    And again, you have completely ignored my 2 questions:

    1. Is it fair that the God you believe in would punish African leaders for having sex with Caucasian women but would NOT punish Caucasian leaders for having sex with not just African women but all types of women of color...even raping them?

    2. Since Yahweh is the God of Israel according to the Bible, is Yahweh also the God of AfroAmericans?

  6. Neely Fuller Jr.  has taught that one of the main tools that White Supremacy has used to dominate much of the world is CONFUSION.  

    Confusion in thought, leads to confusion in both speech and action.  He's also advised us that in order to avoid confusion and deal with each other on a clear and consistent basis we should actually MAKE UP our own definition for the words we use and STAND BY that definition in order to be consistent.

    Making up your own definition for words you didn't invent in which  definitions have already been established MAY seem ridiculous on it's surface; however experience and observation may teach us that as long as we are CONSISTENT with using the same definitions for those same words over and over again with little or no exceptions or contradictions people will learn to  understand each other and relate to each other in a much more harmonious way as there will be far less misunderstandings and thus less confusion.

    To minimize confusion over the posts I write I've decided to NO LONGER use terms that I no longer believe in but will instead post terms that I consistently use as much as possible but refer the readers who are interested to THIS GLOSSARY so that they will have a clear and concise understanding of the words I use instead of assuming I mean one thing when I actually mean another.

    This is NOT an "urban dictionary" of slang and colloquial terms used by AfroAmericans, but rather  a  SHORT list of terms that I use frequently on this site.
    Expect this list to continue to grow as needed:


    ………  :  row of periods that represent a "pause" such as that in speech.   Often used to get readers to briefly pause and think more carefully about what I just wrote before moving on.
    (Like this.....for example.)

    African:  racial term for dark brown skinned people who's ancestry is all or predominately from the continent of Africa.  Commonly called "Black"

    AfroAmerican: ethnic group consisting of people of various races and racial combination who all have SOME ancestry of Africans who were brought to the Americas for the purposes of enslavement.

    Biophile: Person who finds both the opposite sex AND the same sex attractive


    Caucasian:  racial term for non-melanated or lightly-melanated people who's ancestry is all or predominately from the Caucasus Mountains.  Commonly called "White"

    Continental Africans: term for Africans who were born on the actual continent of Africa

    Culture:  Combination of thought, speech, and action practiced by an entire group of people consisting of similar patterns of language, food, religious beliefs, ect...

    Dravidian: racial term for dark brown skinned people who's ancestry is all or predominately from the area of Asia currently known as India, Pakistan, or the Indian sub-continent.   Sometimes referred to as "Asiatic Blacks".

    Espanol:  Name of the language commonly called "Spanish"


    Ethnicity/Ethnic Group:  A group with the same cultural practices


    Genotypical: Related to one's genes, chromosomes, DNA, ect....

    Girl: Term of endearment when referring to an AfroAmerican woman during friendly conversation

    God/god:  An intelligent and powerful Being superior to human beings.  Capitalized or non-capitalized based on context.  Not necessarily The SUPREME BEING.

    Heterophile: Person who finds only the opposite sex attractive

    Homophile: Person who finds only the same sex attractive

    Kemet: Ancient kingdom on the land mass today known as Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan

    Kenaan: Ancient kingdom on the land mass today known as Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria


    Latino/a/x: Ethnic group of people despite their race who were born in Central or South America or whose BOTH parents were born and raised in Central and South America, especially if they were raised practicing one of the many cultures of Central and South America

    Ma'afa:  The on-going massacre and enslavement of Africans by Caucasians.   Often divided into two fronts:
    The Eastern Ma'afa in which Arab Caucasians invaded north and north eastern Africa massacaring and enslaving the various populations and taking many back to various parts of south Asia to be slaves.....and The Western Ma'afa in which European Caucasians invaded west and central Africa massacaring and enslaving the various populations and taking many to the Americas to be slaves.


    Malik Shabazz:  name of the person formerly and most commonly known as Malcolm X.

    Man:  Colloquial term used toward another AfroAmerican male (despite age)

    Musa:  Law Giver who was sent from Kemet to the Caucasus mountains to civilize and organize Caucasians


    Meso:  The brown skinned people  with straight black hair whose ancestry is all or predominately from the original people of North, Central, and South America.  Commonly called Indians or Native Americans.

    Meztizo:  Racial group of people mixed with both the Caucasian and Meso races.


    Nationality:  Members of the same nation or tribe 

    Negro: term of derision for an African who's speech and/or behavior is displeasing; or less often a poetic/comical term for African people in general when used by other Africans.

    Nigga:  term of endearment only when used by AfroAmericans to/or about other AfroAmericans; OR a term of derision (stronger than Negro) for a stereotypical African


    Phenotypical:  Related to how one looks physically especially unchangable features like skin color, hair texture/color, ect....

    Race Soldier:  Caucasian member of a law enforcement or military agency who is NOT there to practice the rules of those institutions but has infiltrated those institutions as a strategy to use it's resources in the on-going 4000 year old race-war to practice and further the goals of that race-war.

    Sub-Culture:  A modified or deviated form of a larger more established culture.  Many Sub-cultural practices in AfroAmerican society are as a result of many if not most of our people not being able to PROPERLY practice the actual culture that Caucasians have implemented because of various reasons like not having enough money, not being smart enough, not having enough resources, not having any connections, having different genes,  ect......



    SUPREME BEING:  Most powerful BEING in all of Existence.  All letters capitalized out of extreme respect and reverence.  You'll notice I will almost never use the terms "he" or "she" in reference to this BEING.

    • Thanks 1

  7. Queen X

    You're correct that we shouldn't get rid of LAW ENFORCMENT.
    A civilized society needs law enforcement.

    The problem isn't the police in and of itself, the problem is CAUCASIAN RACISM.

    It doesn't matter what institution it is....whether it's the police, the schools, the hospitals, or even the grocery store.....as long as you have racist Caucasians operating in it you will have injustice and "problems".

    Notice I put "problems" in quotes because for the racists....injustices and malfunctions aren't problems, things are working exactly the way they were meant to.

    Just like the voting problems they were having down in Georgia and people were saying things were a mess and in shambles.
    I say no.
    I say they are working just fine....for the racists who designed it that way.




    Virginia judge blocks Gov. Ralph Northam's order to take down Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond for 10 days



    Council votes to remove Robert E. Lee statue from Va. park | WTOP


    A Virginia judge has issued an 10-day injunction that prevents Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration from removing an iconic but controversial statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond.






    .....until when?  (some of you may ask



    Why...lol....until he sees what AFroAmericans are going to do!


    Brothers and sisters, it's obvious that this is a test!

    When AfroAmericans were hyped up and going after everything and everybody racist in our sights....they were giving in to all types of demands; but now that it appears that in some places things have "calmed down" a bit, these racists are TRYING to go back to implimenting and maintaining Caucasian Domination.
    But they aren't sure if it's safe or not, lol.  
    So this judge suspends the take down for 10 days to SEE if negroes have went back to sleep and won't do a damn thing about it.

    These are the type of GAMES that Caucasian racists play.

    The Governor will say one thing, but then some obscure "judge" no one has heard of who has FAR LESS POWER than a governor will stand up and say "no" and the other officials will PRETEND that it carries weight and respect it over the Governor's order.


    Common sense tells you a Governor has more power than a judge just like the President has more power than a Congressional Representative.
    If Northam wanted that statue down it would have came down YESTERDAY.

    But they are playing games of passing the buck to avoid doing the right thing until they see if AfroAmericans will MAKE them do the right thing.

    This is a test to see what AfroAmericans will do if the statue DOESN'T come down.


    But I'm confident that AfroAmericans won't fail this test.

    Infact, I'm sure that we'll ACE it!

    Infact, I'd go as far as to predict that 2 months from now a statue of MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY will be standing in replacement of the Mounted Traitor.



    marcus garvey - Caribbean Journal






    I wonder what is different now than the 1960's, or the many other years, when there was civil unrest? 

    Not a lot.
    Except there are more non-Caucasians in America that AfroAmericans have to contend with.

    The real question is how long are AfroAmericans willing to stay hyped up and keep pressure on society to impliment justice and REAL solutions?

    In the 1960s, AfroAmericans getting out in the streets and raising hell led to unprecedented economic, social, and legal benefits in the 1970s!
    But then many AfroAmericans got "soft" and satisfied and partied their way back into oppression, crack, and AIDS in the 80s.

    The riots and other forms of aggression will no doubt lead to MORE social, economic, and legal benefits for AfroAmericans but the question today is HOW LONG are they willing to maintain this aggression?
    10 years?
    20 years?
    50 years?

    Caucasian racists are just waiting for AfroAmericans to get "soft" so they can go back to practicing their racism without interruption.....lol.

  10. Troy


    I did a little research on our brother Ramzu Yunus and it appears that he does have a slight following in a Detroit neighborhood that he apparently tried to or is in the process of "taking over".


    Not sure what to make of him OR this e-mail.


    It will be interesting to see the reactions from  the city, state, and federal governments towards HIM versus the reaction toward those "protesters" in Seattle who have occupied a few blocks.

    I'm backing away from my "scam" accusations a bit as I do more research.


    Who is Antifa?


    It's allegedly an organization founded by Caucasians who are supposedly "anti fascist".

    I'm not sure if they are legitimately anti fascist and pro-justice or not; however we must remember that Neely Fuller Jr.  has been wisely warning us for years that Caucasians will take ALL SIDES of an argument to make sure they win it!
    For example...…..

    You have a racist action by a group of racist Caucasians.
    You have a RE-action to it from group of AfroAmericans and a FEW sincere and caring Caucasians.
    But some of the racist Caucasians will strategically leave their group, change clothes, and run around to the other side with the AfroAmericans and sincere Cauacasians and PRETEND to be on our side in order to gather information and "steer" the reaction!

    Many of these so-called "protesters" marching around with AfroAmericans in various cities are undoubtedly racists who care nothing about Black life but just want to hang around AfroAmericans gathering information (like those who lurk this site....lol).

    They even join the protests in large numbers to try and influence the direction of the protests or water it down to where it's no longer effective.
    Black Lives Matter also does this.

    Down in Atlanta a lot of the Black protesters were focused on the soldiers but some of the White "protesters" steered a crowd toward the CNN building to attack it!

    People should keep an eye on Seattle and that so-called "city" the protesters allegedly carved out because I find it a bit suspicious that a Seattle soldier's department and city government would just pack up and GIVE a group of people an entire soldier post and neighborhood.

    No national guard were called on them, not even by Trump...despite his threats.


    I also find it interesting that a lot of these high ranking race soldiers can monitor the conversations and behavior of "Antifa" but they aren't arresting any of them even if they engage in violent behavior.

  12. Troy

    Ok, I see what you're saying now.
    You're right, it's not nearly as bad as what has been happening to our people......but atleast it gives Caucasians an example of what will happen to THEM TOO under a police state.

    It's all good when it's happening to someone else, but when it starts hitting home....now we'll see how much they love heavy-handed law enforcement.

    Right White men are looking at all the videos of young White women getting sprayed and beaten and slung around like rag dolls and the anger is boiling.








    Kentucky Governor Outlines Plan to Provide Health Care Coverage to '100 Percent' of Black Residents



    Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear announced his administration will begin working to end health care inequalities in black communities, with the aim of providing coverage to "100 percent" of the state's African-American residents.

    The Democratic Kentucky governor vowed to begin working toward tangible changes in the state's health  care system, focusing on a three-pronged approach to improving health care for "everybody." Beshear said coverage, access and quality are the main components of his push to reduce inequality along racial and socio-economic lines. Echoing the promises of many progressive federal lawmakers, Beshear said Monday during his daily coronavirus press conference he believes "health care is a basic human right."





    Negroes are  getting UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE  now??

    This ain't gonna stop in Kentucky, pretty soon AfroAmericans ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES will be getting Universal Healthcare.

    I've said it again and again, Black folks getting in them streets and turning shit upside down is one of the best moves we made in the past 40 years because it got us MORE POSITIVE RESULTS than all the marching and begging and crying on television combined in those past 40 years!

    More benefits will come, as long as we STAY on code and vow to WRECK SHOP whenever we see an AfroAmerican mistreated, and carry out that promise!


    If confused negroes want to follow in behind their Caucasian "friends" and stagger around in large crowds wearing weird-ass t-shirts while holding their hands up, or sitting down on the ground cross legged as the police pepper-spray them and their Caucasian "friends" in the face to make some sort of "statement"    -then they ain't gonna get shit but a hospital bill...…..after they get out jail.


  13. LeBron James questions whether long lines in Georgia primaries are result of systemic racism


    LeBron James chose to wear a very green double-breasted suit ...

    LeBron James has not only become disgusted with the disturbing trend of law-enforcement officials killing unarmed black men. The Los Angeles Lakers star also pointed out how the long lines in certain neighborhoods during this week's Georgia primary elections mark yet another example of systemic racism.

    James was responding to a Politico reporter's tweet that election lines took hours in some Atlanta neighborhoods while there were no long waits in white, suburban areas.



    Now this is what I call a GREAT example of how an athelete should be politically active.


    Not only is the brother building schools for AfroAmerican children but he's not afraid to speak his mind in an INTELLIGENT way.

    He has enough intelligence and insight to realize that these long voting lines in most AfroAmerican communities are DESIGNED to discourage AfroAmericans from voting.


    • Thanks 1
  14. Chev



    You are contending with ancient script DATED SCRIPT. It's NOT based on what you believe or you 'giving a TIME Moses' existed'. 

    Well, YOU say it's "dated" but when I read the Bible I don't see any dates attached to it.
    I just see stories....no dates or years.


    You don't believe that African-type people called HEBREW ISRAELITES existed, 

    I believe Hebrews existed and still exist as AFRICAN type people.

    I believe Israelites existed as a MYTH which symbolized the Caucasian race.

    But I don't believe the two are the same.


    You believe the script about Israelites fighting Canaanites were White people.   

    😃 I see you're beginning to get the picture....lol.


    So, you believe that a White/Caucasian man cared enough about Black Africans to script and warn them that if they league up with pagans, worship White idols, that they would be cursed and brought back to Egypt again and sold as slaves? 

    Is that what YOU believe?


     This is the same Pentatuch that defined them being in hard bondage in Egypt but you don't believe these people were Black AFrican-typed?

    Nor do I believe they were enslaved in Egypt.


    You have no source to support your beliefs Pioneer.  

    I've provided sources and references plenty of times but you reject them.
    Even when I reference the very Bible you believe in as a source....you ignore THAT or claim I "read it the wrong way"....lol.


    It is NOT about Israel DOMINATING Caucasians at all. That will never happen regarding slavery and human sacrifice. The Creator would never support that. He does not support colorism or human sacrifice for no one. This prophecy is detailed by many other prophets but it has not come to pass yet.  

    You say the God if Israel doesn't support colorism, yet this same God of Israel is allowing Caucasians to dominate Black and Brown people around the planet.

    I don't understand the logic of this.


    LOL. I did, but again, you don't understand scholarly translations. the scripture I reference translate THE SENTENCE as "My God, My God Why has thou forsaken me." That defines EL as meaning GOD, the Most High as Jesus cried out to God!  
    [4] Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens 
    by his name JAH, and rejoice before him. [5] A father of the fatherless, and a judge 
    of the widows, is God in his holy habitation. [6] God setteth the solitary in families: 
    he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.  
    Psalms 68.4. 
    [34] And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? 
    which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 
    ST MARK 15.34.


    You just gave me a  lot of information, but it isn't the information I requested.
    Jah is not "Yah"....it's still a TRANSLATION just like "Eloi".


    Do I have to spell it out?


    I  said you WILL NOT find the words "Y-A-H"  "Y-A-H-W-E-H" or  "E-L" in the King James Version of the Bible.

    Now if I'm wrong WILL YOU PLEASE point them out to me.

    Also, you didn't answer my question as to whether or not you believe a HEBREW SCRIPT exists?

  15. Chev



    Bad source @Pioneer1


    I TOLD you you wouldn't accept or believe those other sources in the first page of this thread.....lol.

    You asked for them so I presented SOME of them to you.

    You say the source is bad, but can you prove the actual information WRONG?




    But you have NOT provided any proof of this accurate script.  


    Because I'm not the one CLAIMING to have an accurate script.....lol.

    I said The SUPREME BEING most often speaks to the individual in dreams, visions, inspirations and other personal ways....not scripts, scrolls, and books.



    He did NOT have a long beard!!! LOL Stop reading the Yiddish translations!!! 


    "He" who?




    Oh no! Script is everything. But yes!--it has been tampered with by man. So we need to address this though. 


    I don't know if "we" need to address it because I have already addressed it by REJECTING it (as a whole)...lol.

    I believe SOME PARTS of these scripts are true, but much of it is false.  

    If you recognize that many of these scripts, scrolls, and books can be or have been tampered with and mis-translated by human error....then perhaps you may have to seriously consider whether or not you should continue to believe in them.
    I've made my decision on them already.




    D WOULD NEVER HELP WHITE PEOPLE OVERCOME BLACK AFRICANS in Africa or the land of Ham! That is NOT in any script, Pioneer


    Well, whether it's in a script or not Somebody or Something has helped Caucasians to overcome Africans!
    A relatively tiny group of people out of Europe were able to crawl out of the caves and hills and end up conquering the giant land mass of Africa, both North and South America, and most of Asia.
    Somebody helped them out!




    They came out of hard bondage. GOD made them fight back 


    What do you mean "fight back"?

    Nobody was fighting or attacking them in the first place!

    The people of  Canaan were minding their own business serving their own Deities and doing their own thing  when a group of raggedy bearded people from the desert came rushing into their cities murdering them, enslaving them, tearing down their statues, desecrating their temples.

    The Israelites were the aggressors.....not the people they were fighting who were merely defending themselves from desert barbarians.

    If God wanted to give them land God could have just as easily CREATED land for them to dwell in......not order them to MURDER other people and STEAL their land from them as the Bible alledges.

    But I don't believe The SUPREME BEING told them to do that, I think they did it on their own and CLAIMED that God told them to......to justify it.




    That is absolutely insane! ROFL. God would never help White people in Africa rule over Black AFricans!  


    Well I don't know exactly Who or who helped them.....but obvioulsy Somebody or Something did because they ended up ruling.

    You and I can come up with our own theories as to why.



    You still haven't answered my question as to why would you say God destroyed the Black kingdoms because the Pharaohs and other Black leaders had sex with Caucasian women but didn't destroy the Caucasian kingdoms and empires even though THEIR leaders and kings not only had sex with Black women but Native American and every other race of women.
    Does that seem fair to you?

    Also, the Bible says Yahweh is the "God" of the Children of Israel; do you believe Yahweh is the "God" of the people I call AfroAmericans?


  16. Chev

    She and so many others are being used to pose for us as the Black voice and to make us accept this kind of decision. I can't believe it! 

    I can believe it because that's her job....to discourage people from seeking REAL justice and re-routing them to and through the system.
    She was a prosecutor for California for I don't know how many years getting Black folks locked up and signing off on plea deals.

    Although I recognize "the system" as corrupt and it needs to be replaced, I have said for years that AfroAmericans should be working WITHIN the system to get some benefits out of it for ourselves and simutaneously working on trying to develop a system of our own.  But people like Kamala are a good example of why we shouldn't wait on the system.   She'd have us going around and around in circles for years trying to "chase" justice and constantly running into dead ends.....if we followed her advice or approach.

    But as you can see a lot of AfroAmericans over the past couple weeks REFUSED to follow the "official" or "sanctioned" approach and got out into the streets and did things THEIR way and it was far more effective.

    If the AfroAmericans of Minnesota had done things the "standard" way.....those cops would still be free and negroes would be somewhere on their knees begging for a Civil Rights Violation law suit.
    But they DIDN'T follow that approach......

    And they were able to make HISTORIC progress in the arrest and charging of these race-soldiers.
    And so far NO MORE AfroAmericans have been killed or seriously injured by police in Minneapolis SINCE the uprising!

    If AfroAmericans follow through and KEEP ON doing what they STARTED doing a couple weeks ago....not only will Derek Chauvin and his accomplises be found GUILTY but they will be adequately PUNISHED for what they did.

    ....and so will the no good bastards who murdered our beautiful dear sister Breonna Taylor in cold blood and haven't been arrested or charged yet.

    But that's if AfroAmericans continue to do what they've been doing these past few weeks!

    But if they start following these fake-ass fraudulent Caucasians showing up to these protests:

    -walking around with their hands up in the air.
    -getting the shit kicked out of them by robo-cops
    -laying on the ground and folding their arms behind their backs

    ......if they follow THOSE Caucasians around in doing THAT useless shit then you shouldn't expect too much progress anytime soon.

    But I think most AfroAmericans are waking up and getting smart REALLY quickly now a days and aren't going to fall for it.


  17. Chev


    The Negus who are considered kings in Ethiopia were the called serpents by the Jews who wrote the Bible! 

    This is the quote that you wrote, and I am asking for you to source it.

    OK, now we're getting somewhere........


    One of my sources for Negus being kings in Ethiopia:



    Negus is a noun derived from the Eritrean and northern ethiopia Semitic root ngś, meaning "to reign". The title has subsequently been used to translate the words "king" or "emperor" in Biblical and other literature



    But I think we agree about this already.




    One of my sources for Jews calling Ethiopian Kings Serpents:



     There are a few definitions of the Naga but the origin is the Naga serpent, or the Naga’s a race of serpent like people from Hindu and Buddhist mythology. The word Naga comes from the Sanskrit and nag is still the word for snake

    Nega Negast: An Ethiopian word which, means Serpent King of Kings.

    The Kebra Negast, also called the “Book of the Glory of Kings of Ethiopia,” has been in existence for at least a thousand years, it contains the true history of the origin of the Solomonic line of kings in .. .. Ethiopia.. .. .

    Negus (King) The Kebra Negast is often referred to as the Rastafarian Bible. It was handed down from generation to generation orally, in Rastafarian and West Indian culture. It contains a mix of the history and traditions of the Ethiopia Orthodox faith. It documents the descent of the Ethiopian royal lineage from King David to Emperor Haile Selassie...



    Nachash: is Hebrew and means “Serpent.” Nachash, is the serpent that spoke to the woman in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word Nachash is translated to “shine” as in golden aura, illumination of full Kundalini. Also means whisper (as in enchantment) Nachash is the Shining enchanter. He was also shrewd, cunning, smooth, slick higher intelligence...




    Nachash is just a Yiddish form of Nakas which is Negas/Negast.

    They're all talking about the same Beings from the same root and when the Jewish rabbis were putting the Pentateuch together then used the word "Nagas" (snake king)  for the one who tricked Eve in the Garden.



    So, why do you keep addressing this topic if you don't believe in THE EXODUS or MOSES who prophesized  


    Because you keep bringing it up....lol.
    If you bring it to my attention then I give you my OPINION on it.




    You denying that the SUPREME BEING could not provide accurate historical script about inferiority complex and White Supremacy is along the same lines.


    I've NEVER denied the SUPREME BEING'S ability to do anything.
    What I question is the claims attributed to The SUPREME BEING.

    The SUPREME BEING can definately provide us with accurate script!
    But don't give me some mess that some old man with a long grey beard wrote up by candle light on a scroll a thousand years ago and CLAIM it came form The SUPREME BEING.....lol.

    I believe The SUPREME BEING indeed does speak to us, but I believe it happens more in dreams and direct revelation to the individual than in some sort of "scripture" that can be tampered with by man.


    You believe that White people have that much power so as to completely over power a bunch of tall, black skinned AFrican men by themselves.  

    I didn't say that.
    You sound like Troy, saying I give White Supremacists too much credit.....lol.

    I've REPEATEDLY said that according to the Bible their God Yahweh helped the Israelites (who I believe were Caucasian....I know you don't) helped them.

    I didn't mention it before but I DO believe that Caucasians around the world have historically (for thousands of years) have been getting divine help from Superior (not SUPREME) Beings to help them over power Black people and MAINTAIN power.
    Some call these Beings "angels", others call them demons, others call them E.T.'s, UFO's, ect....

    But I don't believe they were able to crawl out of the caves and do it by themselves.

    Back to the Bible again.......
    (since you believe in it...lol)

    When you read about the Children of Israel being lead out of Egypt and through the desert and attacked these various Black cities....it was said that Yahweh traveld in some sort of "cloud" to lead the way for them and help win many of their battles.


    Exodus 13:21–22 By day the Lord (Yahweh) went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. .

    So He was traveling in some sort of "ship" in the sky that must have light up or shined or glowed giving off light at night.

    According to the Bible, they received Divine help from a Superior Being to defeat these Black nations.

  18. Chev


    Wait a minute!--LOL @Pioneer1 
    But I just read in the other post that you don't believe that Moses existed at this time. 


    OK....I'll wait....lol.

    Meanwhile, while we're waiting - understand that I NEVER said that Moses didn't exist.  I said he definately DID exist as the civilizer of Caucasians in the mountains.

    I'm not sure what you mean about "this time".
    I didn't give a TIME for Moses' existence.
    I simply said he wrote the Torah (Law), I didn't say when he did it.


    No, if you don't accept that the powerful, tall, black men allowed White Caucasians into their lands FIRST then, you are giving  
    Black men A PASS! 
    They could never even know about Caucasian gods or religions unless they allowed them into their lands, beds, etc. ... FIRST. 


    I'm not sure WHICH came first.....them being invited in and then attacking, or them just coming out of the desert, breaking through the fortifications and walls.
    Again, according to the Bible (that you believe is Divine script) it was a combination of BOTH.

    One scripture says a Canaanite prostitute named RAHAB let two Israelite who Joshua sent to spy out the land into her home and told them she would help them if they promised her safety when they took over the city.

    So if you REALLY want to get technical about it....LOL.....this Black woman (Canaanite) snuck two Caucasian men (Israelites) into her house and even helped them to conquer the land and oppress other Black folks!!!

    But in the case of Jericho, it appears that the Israelites didn't need anyone to let them in.
    They surrounded the wall of the city and marched around it for 7 days and shouted until it collapsed.


    So I'm not sure what the case was for the other Black kingdoms but in the case of Canaan there seems to be a combination of people letting them in AND them attacking from the outside despite resistance.




    THAT is besides the point in that Moses scripted this prophecy 4000+ years ago about the Israelites--and it came true!!! 

    Well, that's assuming it was MOSES who actually wrote it.
    But let me see if I understand you correctly....


    Are you saying that the prophecy you speak of was NOT about Israelites being enslaved in Egypt thousands of years ago, but was actually about OUR PEOPLE being enslaved in America?
    Is that what you're saying?


    This prophecy is NOT for people who believe in the all powerful White Supremacist system. It's for believers of the God of Israel.  

    Well, can you show me Africans who believe in the God of Israel who are DOMINATING the Caucasians right now?

    It's not enough to point the finger at OTHER Black people and say they are powerless because THEY don't beleive......you have to show me the Black people who DO believe in   the God of Israel so I can see how much power THEY have!

    Because if the Black folks who DO believe are in the same condition and position as the Black folks who DON'T believe, then what good is this belief?


    YES, Yah and El is completely defined in the KJV bible. I will get scripture references but as for now; 

    Let's keep it clear.....
    I didn't say anything about what is "defined".

    I said THE WORDS  "YAH" AND "EL" standing alone by themselves are NOT in the KJV....can you find this?

    When Jesus said 'ELOI ELOI Lamasabecthani--it is translated My God, My God, Why has thou forsaken me. He said this just before he gave up  
    the ghost and died on the cross. 


    I thought it was "Eli" instead of "Eloi" but at any rate....it's not "El" by itself.

    Have you see the words "EL" or "Yah" by themselves and not part of any other words?

  19. I have read a few reports about protests in African for death of George Floyd and that are from certain African countries and officials, but it does seem that there are no widespread protest coming from that realm. 


    The reason for this is simple......
    These protests are mostly a "White thing".

    If you'll notice, despite the pictures above the majority of protesters around the world INCLUDING in the United States are Caucasian protesterss.  This is why you see the biggest protests happening in the United States, Europe, and Australia.....mostly Caucasian nations.

    Don't get me wrong, you DO see a lot of African and other races protesting but they are often surrouned by a sea of Caucasians.
    And the fact that so many Caucasians are joining and dominating these protests are what's making many of them ineffective.
    They are TOO White.

    The most effective protests were when AfroAmericans in the heat of rage protested with their fists and feet and tore up the nation!

    Like Malcolm X said, the coffee is strongest when it's Black but when you start adding milk to it it gets weaker and weaker.

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  20. Troy

    I'm not sure what the officers' intent was because you see TWO officers actually pushing him.
    And regardless of their initial intent, there are 2 things that make their behavior malicious:

    1. One of the officers who attempted to come to the man's aid after pushing him down was pulled away by another, so after clearly seeing this man bleeding out of his head (which was pretty damn quick) they kept pushing.

    2. They actually LIED on their police report and said the man tripped and fell and neglected to say THEY pushed him, until a video of the incident surfaced.





    Buffalo officers quit special team after 2 officers are suspended for shoving a 75-year-old protester

    Fifty-seven police officers in Buffalo, New York, have resigned from the force's emergency response team following the suspension of two officers who are seen on video pushing a 75-year-old protester, a source close to the situation said Friday.

    An investigation is underway in a protest incident Gov. Andrew Cuomo called "wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful." The man was seriously injured.
    Video of the demonstration Thursday shows a row of officers walking toward the man and two pushing him. His head bleeds onto the sidewalk as officers walk past him, some looking down at him.








    These cops in Buffalo are ready to just QUIT if they can't knock an old man down and get away with it.

    This man was Caucasian.

    I wonder how this incident will go over with the Caucasian majority in the United States?

  22. Chev



    There is no such thing as ORIGINAL Hebrew script or FIRST HEBREW SCRIPT. 


    Do you agree that a Hebrew script actually exists?




    All Hebrew script is completely based upon their maternal origins with 'Ur of the Chaldees' and the Original Egyptians.  


    I thought the script itself was based upon Keanaani (ancient Phonecian) script, but I could be wrong.....I'm not an archeologist.

    To my knowledge the original Egyptians focused more or heiroglyphics more so than text-writting.




    What Moses wrote about historical events thousands of years prior to EXODUS is all based on a REPEAT OF HISTORY but the EXODUS was an  
    historical event marked by 'dates and times' but scripted based on a writing system that stems from ancient blacks. That is why Moses was in 
    Egypt to learn that type of script before he penned the Pentateuch! 


    You're right that the Pentateuch was written based on older sources, but Moses didn't write the Pentateuch.

    Moses wrote the TORAH (Laws)....but not the Pentateuch (laws and stories).   

    The Pentateuch was written  by Jewish Rabbis in Babylon from earlier sources like you said, but hundreds of years AFTER Moses.





    Yes they are! Again, you do NOT understand proper translations and the process. There is no language or script today that are the same as the past. 
    All have transitioned overtime, therefore scholars UPDATE and translate to ensure that record keeping is constantly accurate.


    I have said repeatedly that you will NOT find the words "EL" or "Yah" standing on their own in the English translations of the Bible?

    You ONLY find them in combination with other words.


    Now if I'm wrong, can you show me examples of where these words "El" and "Yah" are found in the KJV?




    But without BLack support, they could NOT ever accomplish this


    I agree.

    However this Black support mostly comes from our people serving CAUCASIAN gods and believing in CAUCASIAN religions.


    One of the first things Caucasians do when they enter a land of Black or Brown people is demonize their gods and religion and then hand them the Bible.

    If our people would reject these religions that were brought to us by Caucasians and simply serve The SUPREME BEING I think we collectively would be much better off.

    Remember that tribe of Black people on that island a few years ago who killed that missionary and wouldn't even let anyone else come on the island to bury him?






    If there is NO ancient script that reveals the obvious truth today, in that no white force could possibly out power a bunch of tall, black, men, then something is drastically wrong with that script.


    This position is based on your belief that the ancient Israelites were NOT Caucasian but indeed Black.  

    But that's NOT a position I hold anymore.


    Oh yes, like most AfroAmericans I used to believe the original Jews and original Israelites were Black and wanted to make nearly everyone in the Bible "Black".....because I believed in the Bible.
    I saw it as the word of God.

    Now that I just see it as another history book containing some truth and some falsehood, I no longer have the need to make all the "good" characters in it Black.





    He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: 
    he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. 
    Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. REVELATION 13:10.


    Who was this verse refering to?

    The Caucasians have been leading a lot of people into captivity for hundreds of years (Africans, Native Americans) who's leading THEM into captivity?

    We can quote scriptures all day long, but if they aren't helping us gain power over Caucasian Domination.....where good are those scriptures?

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