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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 1 minute ago, Kalexander2 said:


    Correction, I inferred 'you' being offended, by me, is (quite) pleasing to me.  Not being defensive because I don't your "lol" as attacks, just silly.  I am content knowing you are trying to be hostile, still.  Don't know ZakiaDivers, just believe they have a right to discuss trivial issues as much as you are trivial.  


    If  you didn't know Zakia....why did you refer to her as "they"?????

    Multiple people...and YOU'RE one of them....lol.



    • Haha 1

    That's the same language, idealisms White folks harbor about Blacks. It isn't surprising you feel the same way.


    If you'd hop the next flight out of Israel and come to the United States and SEE FOR YOURSELF what Black folks are saying and thinking.....perhaps you'd realize that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

    And I didn't blame ALL poor people for their condition.....or even most.

    I said MANY.

    Thinking Blacks should focus on servitude jobs and such, you might also believe that Black folk were better off as slaves. It's okay to admit it, a great many Whites feel that way also. It's your right!

    Black folks weren't better off as slaves, but we DID do a lot better as a community RIGHT AFTER slavery when we had a stronger work ethic and more manual labor skills.

    Directly after slavery Black folks with hammers and saws went around this nation building entire cities with houses, schools, churches, post offices, markets, ect.....with their own hands.

    Today AfroAmericans have traded in their hammers and saws for business suits and college degrees....and what have they built to show for it????

    The only thing being built is more debt.


    Because it's means of communication, the verbage people understand. It is possible to make use of something, rhetorical terms and disagree with it's validity.

    In other words.....

    You'd rather propagate a concept you actually believe is FALSE just to help the conversation flow easier???

    Man, that says a lot about your integrity.....or lack of it.



    But since you're a die-hard true believer go on and believe race is something more than a word, that's why White folks gave it to you

    Uh.....don't you mean that's why I gave it to MYSELF?????

  3. 10 minutes ago, Kalexander2 said:

    @Pioneer1: Hey, ZakiaDivers have much a right to believe whatever.  The argument is trivial anyway.  How many red-flag comments have you and I posted here?  Back off this new member. Correct, demonstrate, or get-out-of the way. 


    YOU have posted too many red flags to keep count of.

    Hell, you even ADMITTED that being offensive was pleasing to you.....and that's the very definition of a troll, lol.

    Why are you being so defensive, is Zakia your girlfriend or something?

  4. Sure running a SUCCESSFUL business is hard work and takes a lot of time.

    But as I understand it, for most Black people one of the main reasons for starting a business in the first place is so that you can be YOUR OWN master and have total control over your operation without having to be beholden ot anyone but your customers (and the IRS).

    So it makes no sense to me why a proud independent Black business would SUBMIT themselves to the authority and restrictions of an institution like Facebook.

    There are people who's entire business pretty much operates through Facebook or Amazon and if they for some reason are banned or dropped from these sites....they're through.

    My question is, why would you even allow yourself to be that vulnerable and dependent on something you have little control over?

    I've built and operated several websites before.
    They take a little time and creativity but they aren't THAT hard.


  5. Queen

    I don't consider myself poor but I'm lower middle class....working class.
    But having worked with and around poor people for decades I believe that many poor people absolutely are responsible for the poverty they're in.

    Now some people are poor because of circumstances that aren't their fault......
    Like not being smart enough to start a business or get a degree.
    Or not having a talent or skill to market and capitalize off of.
    Some people have disabilities that limit their income and ability to generate wealth.

    These things many people can't help.

    But many others suffer from povety as a DIRECT result of the same habits:

    Spending what little money they DO have on cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and the lottery.
    Relying on family and friends to help them out instead of properly preparing for the future
    Jumping from job to job cussing out the bosses and not showing up to work on time.
    Engaging in activities like fighting and getting drunk and high which keeps them in and out of jail or the hospital.

    Legal and medical fees will DRAIN you if you're not careful.





    sorry, the racism within me, I'm constantly trying to check, need to throw 'White or Jew'

    Which is why I said on another thread that your CLAIM of believing race doesn't exists was a FALSE and DISINGENUOUS one.

    How can you truly believe something DOES NOT exist when you yourself are constantly referencing it in every other converstation?

  6. Troy

    So Pioneer Ariens like conflict huh. I'm an Aries as well. Maybe that is why I always understand where you coming from and have no problem disagreeing with you


    I don't now if all Ariens LIKE conflict, but I do believe based on my experiences and observations that most tend to be aggressive.
    I'm not sure if it's one of those "self fullfilling prophecies" that you start behaving like people claim you should behave....lol.

    I still take you at your word that you understand where i'm coming from because you too are a Black male from an urban American environments so we share similar upbringing and observations.

    Astrology has little to do with it....lol.






    one who possesses no credentials to judge the women he speaks of

    Speaking of being "possessed"......

    Lol....who CONJURED you up?????

    I thought maybe you and your 72 year old (73 now?) stud-muffin were off somewhere on a Carribean Cruise trying to see the bottom of a bottle of blue pills.

    You must have gotten on his nerves and he sent your worrisome ass back home...lol.







    I haven't been absent from the discussion board

    I said THIS forum.

    I'm not into Poetry and fiction so I don't visit the other forums on this site much and don't know what goes on there or who posts what.

    THIS is my neighborhood...lol.

  7. For hundreds if not thousands of years people have been looking for the world to end, looking for the Anti-Christ, looking for the Messiah.....

    People have lived, died, lived, died.....
    War after war....millions of people killed
    Famine after famine...million of people starved
    Natural disaster after natural disaster......millions of people perish
    Dictator after dictator.........one worse than the next.

    But the world is STILL HERE churning right along.

    If you read the Bible you can find "the beast" and the accompanying "signs of the times" in just about ANY time period.

    Whenever the Supreme Being decides to end things....they will end.
    It may be tommorow...it may be a million years from now.

    But WE don't know when that will be.....and neither did many of those back in the past who CLAIMED to know.

    AfroAmericans should get out of Caucasian "scriptures".

    Religious mythology that a bunch of Caucasian men in beards sat around and MADE UP to keep you confused and waiting on something that will never happen.

    It's interesting that if you study African and Native American religions.....you don't hear talk about the world ending.





    the original scripture (Torah/old testament), the new testament (bible),


    The Torah is NOT the same as the "Old Testament".

    And the New Testament is NOT the same as "The Bible".


    Furthermore, the Torah doesn't even deal with the so-called "end of the world".



  8. It's not just Baltimore, but so-called "corrupt" cops are being busted all over the nation.
    Many are being entrapped and busted on TRUMPED UP charges.
    .....and many of them are AFROAMERICAN police officers.

    Which leads me to believe that in many major cities a PURGE is being attempted to rid the police departments of it's AfroAmerican officers.




    White people walk around greenwich village smoking pot in the open, negros in Harlem get run through the system -- don't let it be the weekend you might spend a night in jail.


    There are THOUSANDS of AfroAmerican police officers on the NYPD.....

    If there are racial disparities between those commiting crimes and those actually being arrested for them, what are the BLACK police officers doing about it?

    I've mentioned this before but as much as our people complain about being mistreated and discriminated against, when they get into positions of power and authority to actually DO something about it...how many actually do?

  9. Knee Deep

    I KNOW you're Black.....because Black folks tend to be the MOST DELIGHTFUL in offending and insutling eachother, lol.
    Caucasians are usually far more subtle in expressing their delight.
    But despite being Black, I believe you have ulterior motives for being on this site and are being ASSIGNED here by non-Black handlers.

    If they were wise, they would have encouraged you to be a bit more civil unless their only motive is to stir up anger and discord....lol.

    At any rate....

    I'm not here to entertain you.

    If you want to "stay on your toes"......go suck a hard dick.

    But if you come my way.....the only thing you'll have for me is an APOLOGY.

  10. 9 hours ago, Kalexander2 said:

    I now realize just how offended you are and that pleases me greatly; it's good for your character.  Much more than your mild offenses of being an imposture and using the 'N' word. I withdraw my offer, and reject yours. That's final and official.

    ((scratches head))

    Ok, despite my telling you on nearly a dozen occasions........you're JUST NOW realizing that I was offended by your comments?????


    Anyway, have it YOUR way Donald Trump.......

    First you agree to a meeting then you cancel it then you agree then you cancel.....lol.

    The hostility will remain and it will be business as usual until you change your mind.
    Unless you say something so far over the line that there's NO ROOM for an apology.

    Perhaps that's what you're aiming at anyway since you seem to get an erection by offending people....lol.
    BTW......that's the very DEFINITION of a "troll".

  11. K2

    I do recall it! Or was that another 'innocent' claim? I'll wait for brother Troy to chime in.

    Troy said:
    No I never said Pioneer had a magazine company. You might have gotten confused back when he was using the Earl Graves as his avatar. "



    Ok, you can ADD THAT to the other list of LIES you've told in just this thread alone.

    I thought you said you were GOOD at lying.....lol.


    You said you needed something and I GAVE you something.

    I offered to apologize for offending you by saying the "n" words you despise if you apologize for insulting my Mother.

    Personally, I think it's an uneven exchange because talking about a brother's mother is one of the GRAVEST verbal offenses you can commit in social interaction.  They are literally FIGHTING words that would....in real life.....often times cause a violent reaction.

    And I'm not even COUNTING the other lies you've told on me about being gay, white, and a troll.

    So you getting bent out of shape over a Black man using the "n" word when Black folks have been calling eachother that for well over a century in my opinion PALES in comparison.

    I consider the offer pretty fair......

    Some wouldn't have offered you shit.....but a good cussing out.
    Or just ignore yourcrazy ass like Del does.

    But me....I'm a negotiator (not like Trump) and I like the give and take of negotiations.

    At any rate, that's the offer.

    If you agree to it I expect to see an apology for what you said IN THE THREAD YOU SAID IT IN and you'll find mine right behind yours.

    Troy and others viewers can witness both.

    If not.....((shrugs shoulders))....business as usual.

  12. Del

    Well I don't want to see you go but if you're not diggin' the vibe in a certain place you should trust your instincts.

    I know a few people who hate conflict and can't stand to be around any type of conflict or argument.
    I have people in my family like that....can't stand conflict.

    Personally, I don't like being around VIOLENT conflict but when it comes to verbal arguing and debating it doesn't bother me and in in many cases I enjoy it because s
    trong minds tend to sharpen eachother through challenge.

    The only time arguing and debating bothers me is if EVERYONE in a given setting disagrees with me and I have no one on my side, lol.
    Troy mentioned in another thread that I'll hold to a position despite how unpopular it may be.
    I only do that because it's in my nature to do so....to stick by and defend what I actually believe despite it's unpopularity.....but the feeling of having everyone disagree with you is not a good feeling.

    But I'm an Aries so I can handle conflict as easy as taking a shower....lol.

    Peace bro.


    When you mentioned "someone named Rupert Sheldrake" I just KNEW it was a White man even before I did any research on him....lol.

    I said it before and I'll say it again, too many of our women are being conditioned to love and put their trust in White men and their philosophies.

    I wonder what would White men do if White and Asian women started sitting around tables in Starbucks discussing books and lectures by Michael Eric Dyson and Na'im Akbar....lol.

    Just think about that!

    You go into a book store and you see a group of White women sitting around in a circle each with a TAVIS SMILEY book in their hands going through chapter after chapter and discussing how deep and marvelous his ideas are.....lol.


    I didn't expect for you to engage in too many exchanges with me but I DID look forward to reading more posts from you on this forum.
    I thought in Cynique's absence you would be offering more of a female perspective/energy.
    But you too have been pretty absent from discussions lately yourself.



    Few Black folk recognizes these as vital to their business; most hire management who procure services separate from places of business. My wife would make me sleep in her garden if I hired a maid in our home, she has female relatives who help her when needed. What you advocate is like asking a Black Business to buy tickets to a movie for the neighborhood.

    That's where marketing comes into play, marketing that I've had to do on many occasions to get Black businesses to hire the local Black youth.
    I've worked with ex-felons who just got out as well as AfroAmerican youth who have absolutely no job experience and I had to MARKET and SELL the imporance of employing these youth to the reluctant owners....but it can be done.

    The first thing I had to do is.....similar to what you said....explain to them the importance of SACRIFICE.

    That if they want safe communities they must be willing to sacrifice and give up part of their profits in order to see that happen.
    Which means giving 2 or 3 unskilled youth jobs at your barbershop or resturant that could perhaps have been handled by one adult.
    It may cost you an extra 300 or 400 dollars a month, but it will pay off in the long run.

    With others I have to use FEAR to motivate them......
    The fear of what will happen to their business if they hire their alcoholic brother or drug addicted sister-n-law or thuggish nephew to help them run their businesses instead of eager youth who need work.

    I warn them that chances are these relatives will steal from them, expect higher pay for less work, expect special treatment, and you won't even be able to fire them without repercussions from your own family for doing so.

    That also usually works and motivates them to give the young people a chance.

    Nepotism.....putting relatives and friends in positions of power rather than those most qualified.....is too ingrained in African culture both in America and in Africa and it has lead to the downfall of countless businesses and even governments.






    Never heard of excellence with such a meaning, or in that term.

    "The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple"
    -Albert Einstein.





    As far as I'm concerned, every human being alive has exceptional espects to her/his nature that they simply need to expoit, instead of being expioted by others to their disadvantage.

    But we can't be sure of that.

    I believe that every human being is VALUABLE.
    However those old sayings that every human being has a "talent" or are exceptional in their own rite comes into question when you see people who are born and remain severely retarded mentally.
    They still have value as human beings but they are helpless.

    Sure most people may have a talent that is either obvious or latent BUT that talent may not necessarily be in the field of writing.
    They may be talented in other arenas like sports, painting, music, dancing, ect.....

    I believe that far less than 20% of the general population has the type of talent or genius that allows them to make a good living for themselves writing.


    We should have a society that allows everyone to EXPLORE areas where they may be talented in but IN THE MEAN TIME....provide decent paying jobs and resources that will allow them to live a decent life doing average simple work until they discover and hone that talent.

  14. K2


    Just apologize for not doing so. In which case you have my apology for insulting your "ancestors."

    I'm not going to apologize for something CLEARLY not wrong.....like not exposing all of my businesses.
    However if you "need something" to protect your ego because you're afraid you won't be able to LIVE with yourself for just apologizing to a Black man you've insulted.......

    I recall your initial outburst was over my using the word "nigga" or "negro" or something of that nature.
    If you return to the thread where the offense was committed and apologize for insulting my mother then I'd be willing to apologize for offending you with my use of those words.

    Although I must warn you that while I try to keep it at a minimum.....in real life I use those words on a daily basis like drinking water....lol..... so don't be suprised if they slip out from time to time by mistake.




    I recall, early on, brother Troy said you owned a Magazine publishing firm. How did that happen, were you exceptional?


    IF he said that....and that's an "IF" because I never read where he repeated the claim....then he's mistaken.
    I have a firm (if you want to call it that) that I own but I don't recall advertising or even talking about it on this site and it's certainly not in an academic field like publishing which would require more than my highschool education has to offer.


  15. 23 minutes ago, Kalexander2 said:


    The disclosure is meant magnify, drive home why you should never expect an apology (content people hardly ever apologize), that unless you apologize to this group for failure to disclose who you really are. Not honest disclosure, just an apology; in which case you're right, I will apologize!


    Until then, please be as hostile as you like, I'll choose whether I want to ignore you or respond, accordingly.


    I have NO PROBLEM apologizing for what I've done wrong.

    Infact, I'd apologize WITHOUT BEING ASKED.

    .....if I've done wrong.

    I fail to see how not exposing my name and real life identity on a website is  wrong or offensive.

    Again, unless you're working for some sort of agency who keeps profiles on people.....what difference does it make who I "really" am?




    However, if creating student debt is fruitless than so is 'hand-outs' from more prominent Blacks.

    I'm not talking about "hand outs".....I'm talking about JOBS.

    Decent pay for decent and relatively simple or non-skilled or semi-skilled work like janitorial, kitchen, grounds keeping, delivery, ect.....

    Black people with money and means should start businesses and provide THESE type of jobs for the community instead of doing what so many USUALLY do when they get businesses....which is staff it with inept family members or the women/men they're screwing.





    True excellence lay in 'simplicity'

    Or rather excellence lays in taking that which is COMPLEX and making it seem SIMPLE.






    It is true, writing books is not an, all, powerful formula for self-preservation but it can be a snug towards self-determination, an initial step towards control of self.

    It's true that writing is a good form of theraphy and a good way to get things off your chest and organize your thoughts however.....

    If you want to MAKE A LIVING doing it and especially be successful.....because it's an art....it takes TALENT and CREATIVITY.
    The talent and creativity to make a good writer probably exists in less than 20% of the population so it would be a poor investment to encourage it among MOST young people.
    ....only those who show interest or promise.


    I'd never underestimate the resolve of human determination or a person's ability to learn.

    People can learn many things in many different ways, but everyone has a CEILING or a limit as to how much information they can understand and retain.

    One of the things causing so much frustration in this society is that for the past 30 or 40 years most young people have been told by their teachers, celebrities, and other adults that they can be ANYTHING they desire to be....and when despite all their efforts they don't achieve a fraction of what they set out to do....they're disappointed and depressed.

    That fact is, they were LIED to.

    Most people can do better than they're doing if they work harder and are given a better education, but they still have limits and must accept those facts and work with what they have.

    Which is why we need more jobs that are simple enough but good paying enough for those of AVERAGE ABILITIES to make a good living for themselves.





    Learning to write is as simple as learning one's ABC's; learning to write well takes practice, time, and determination. Hence, the sacrifice

    Again, this is true in most cases for most people.
    However in order to be SUCCESSFUL and MAKE A LIVING doing it...you must be EXCEPTIONAL.

    And by nature, most people ARE NOT exceptional writers.

    But guess what?

    Most able bodied people CAN mop floors, cut grass, paint walls, cook, set up banquet halls, ect........

    They can even do that WHILE GOING TO SCHOOL to learn a profession.

    So in the mean time and in between time while we're waiting to turn all of these ex-felons into phenomenal writers.....let's cut out all of the motivational speeches and jaw-jacking and give these brothers some GOOD PAYING SIMPLE LABOR to put money in their pockets, gas in their tank, and food on their table.

  17. K2


    Pioneer1: last month I recieved bank/direct deposits in access of $23,000, has been that way for the past 2-years, expecting more in coming months, not counting retirement/pension. Even if you knew my social security, passport, drivers lic information. I'm cool with it because you can do me no harm

    Well since you've admitted that you'd not only LIE but you're GOOD AT IT....it's hard for me to believe WHAT the hell you're saying....lol.

    But if that's what you're getting for a pension......

    Well....((shrugs shoulders))....you're clearly intelligent and articulate in how you present yourself so perhaps you were in a good profession.

    BUT.....you're a impulsive NUT JOB...lol.

    And if you're in your 60s and still flying off at the handle like you do frequently on this site, this problem has probably followed you much of your younger life so it's hard for me to imagine what type of RESPECTABLE profession would have grant you such a pension.

    Never the less......I could CARE LESS about who you are or what you have.


    NOW, just how sure are you that I'll apologize for something intentionally meant to say

    Not only will you apologize, you will do it in the very same thread you insulted her in!

    Not in this thread.
    Not by private message.
    But in THAT THREAD.

    And the sooner, the better.

    .....now make haste man and stop wasting time.

    This isn't a pissing contest or a test of will power to see who can "buck" who.

    This is serious for me because like honesty....respect for my ancestors is part of my moral code.

    Unless Troy bans me or unless I'm unable to post on this site....this issue will remain until it's resolved.

    I may not mention it in every thread....but THE HOSTITLITY  WILL BE THERE UNTIL IT'S RESOLVED.

  18. I say again, the same thing I said with the Starbucks fiasco.......

    If we don't like the way we're being treated in a particular institution then those of us with the money and influence should START OUR OWN institution where we can cater to ourselves instead of begging White folks to "be nice" to us.

    Some of these negroes (there's your favorite word again K2)  sound like abused wives or girlfriends.

    Just so INLOVE with their boyfriend or husband.......
    No matter how much he beats her and smacks her around and tells her to go and get away, she just hangs around taking abuse and begging for him to "love her" back.

    Hell no, get away from that abusive relationship and either find somebody else or be content with yourself.

    If we don't like the way the NFL is doing business (and I don't).....then STOP being lazy and irresponsible letting "White daddy" to take care of all the big business and pay the bills while we just run around with a football tucked under our arms playing games.

    Rich AfroAmericans should pool their money together and start OUR OWN league!

  19. Sam

    You had to actually "read a study" to realize that our people have been falling behind other groups when it comes to understanding money????


    At 8 AND 9 YEAR OLD when I used to go down to the local liquor stores and gas stations with my friends to buy candy and chips, when I saw who was MAKING the money and who was SPENDING the money.....even at that early age I realized that something was wrong.

    Having said that....welcome to the site

    I hope you stay and actually ENGAGE in some conversation and not just post a link or two and run off never to be heard from again, lol.

  20. Given my brief experiences in "the system" at a younger age and knowing the type of characters involved, I can say beyond any doubt that this idea that all they need to do is "get more schoolin' " is far too simple for a very complex situation.

    First if all, to be successful in writing you have to have the TALENT for it.
    Simply going to college won't give you that talent.
    College can hone it....sharpen it;  but like a talented athelete....it must be IN YOU to begin with.

    Secondly, going to college is a WASTE OF TIME if you're not smart enough to graduate.
    All you'll do is pile up debt, get frustrated at why you're not doing as well as you thought, and end up dropping out.

    Stop wasting time on "dream" solutions that will never happen.

    One viable solution is simpler and far more easy to attain, all it requires is DESIRE on the part of the gifted class of our people.

    Educated and wealthy AfroAmericans SHOULD be using their money, talents, and influence to EMPLOY other AfroAmericans who need it.

    Too many of our people have this "I got mine you get yours" mentality that keeps BOTH of us looking for Caucasians to help us out and support us.

    Instead of deriding and beating up on AfroAmericans with criminal histories and low or no education pushing them to go to school and get more eduation and clean themselves up ect..........

    It's better for wealthy educated AfroAmericans to just START BUSINESSES in the ghetto, make sure they're highly secured, and start employing our people with SIMPLE jobs that pay decently and don't require education or skills.

    So if you're a successful AfroAmerican writer or publisher and you're know other successful AfroAmerican writers and publishers.....

    STOP going from school to school giving lectures and patting kids on the back telling them to start writing so they can be the next Zora or Langston.

    START building 4 wall buildings where your books can be published and stored and START employing Black men and women from your local community and pay them a DECENT WAGE to:

    -help maintain the building
    -mop the floors
    -set up chairs and tables for special events
    -cook the food
    -keep the lawn manicured

    THAT will help put more money in the pockets of AfroAmericans who need it than al the motivational speeches, pats on the back, and columns in the Huffington all put together!

  21. 12 minutes ago, Kalexander2 said:


    I'm sure anyone here, everyone here knows what the spiral symbol means. Which has little to do with what you represent. Actually. And yes, that's true, I lie better than most people. Certainly better than you. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT?

    I believe.......

    That......YOU SIR......have just proven my case and cleared my name!

    ;)  Thank you.

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