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    You miss two issues concerning milestone : First is of Dwayne McDuffie and that any literary form, needs a great storyteller, and milestone misses McDuffie.  I submitted to the Milestone initiative, that didn't even involve one of the milestone creators , who had to submit to it himself. so, do black comic books have the best storytellers. Your focus is on what people call "Woke", what I call stories involving elements of modern sociopolitical frictions.  The problem isn't the themes but it is the stories. The storytelling is simply not good enough. I oppose milestone's choice about changing the origin story, but I think other writers could had written a better story. Second, Literature is not meant to be escapists.  Literature can serve any of infinite functions to a reader but did milestone's administrators comprehend the financial market for comic books? The problem with milestone today  is they seem to be written absent a comprehension of the comic book market today. How do you sell the new milestone series better? 




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. richardmurray


      Well Milestons is self contained so I guess it is better set up than DC/Marvel to let characters age and move on BUT their only really important and well known character is Static (maybe Icon and Rocket due their being on Young Justice).
      Would Milestone be able to go on without Static and would people who love Static accept a new Static?
      Would they want a new Static? Would they accept a Static that is, as is going on right now, bi or even gay?
      Would his hardcore fans who made him what he is, accept a new character under that name whose biggest selling point is he (or even she) is gay or bi?
      I'm guessing the answer to all these questions is no.
      Let's recall that Milestone was such a disaster that it collapsed and was canceled and that was with the characters they started with.
      Now, I DO agree that when they restarted it they should have just done an x number years later thing but again, their only marketable character is Static, as I said above, I don't think Static fans would accept a new Static and I really don't know if they would want an adult Static, certainly if they just skipped the years between so they didn't get to see him mature.
      The thing I think you're not getting (or are not acknowledging) is that characters are properties. They are about what they're worth, the fans they have. You don't throw that away just to avoid a reboot, or use them for social experiments such as changing their very nature because it's trendy right now and it's a cheap way to get press.
      There is a reason why the new Coke failed. Why products like that fail. You can change the packaging (give a character an updated costume, maybe change the way they're drawn) but you can't change the product itself.

      Chris McWilliams excellent questions, these are the gambles of the board room, the gamble of the people in charge. ... to milestone's history as a publication. I want to say one point. The comic book industry in the usa then or now is going through challenges. That many firms in the comic book industry are failing. I will not use the word disaster but I will say: between DC owning Milestone and the environment in the USA, milestone was in a very negative place to begin with. ... I do comprehend, look at Jack Ryan from the tom clancy books, look at James Bond or the media furor, I am not certain how real it is, over the next bond's identity, for is the next film about james bond or about 007:) so you see, I Comprehend very well, your point about properties. but, my point is for people to get the core issue of the industry in the usa. We both don't remember the comic code, but by its very nature it was , as you say , "woke" before the word wok was applied to such things. And the comics code role was cultural. yes? so, my big point is that the issue is the industry itself in the usa. Sadly milestone has joined a long list of these poor decisions to reboot. And, more than likely will not be the last. 

    3. Troy


      I just posted a comic book on the site: Friday Foster


      This would not be a woke comic, but I don't think the writer is Black (I have not bothered to check)




    4. richardmurray



      I will share the post, glad the site has it. I accept not every black person is as demanding to the creative process to seeing black people as me.


      more information 


      Friday Foster
      One of the first, if not the first female led comic strip


      a question and answer with Jordi Longaron, the artists to Friday Foster


      some still



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