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  1. Nels < https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/49-nels/  >  defined the left right and center thus , from a query from me. He said the left is eating black america's lunch from dividing it within



    I'll be brief. As a generalization:


    The (Far) Left | historically not Democrats - Political groups who support liberal or socialist policies and the attainment of big government and asset sharing and equality by any means necessary.


    The (Far) Right | historically not Republicans - Political groups who support conservative or nationalist policies and the attainment of limited government, individualism and national sovereignty by any means available.


    The (Center) Left and (Center) Right - Political groups who support reasonable compromise to promote and achieve goals that are in the best interest of all of the nation's citizens, sans full consensus.


    The (True) Right and (True) Left - Political groups who do not support the ultra-polarization of the nation through extremist views that undermine national sovereignty and a level playing field for all legal citizens.


    At the moment, black America seems too fragmented and dispersed into factions that have competing interests that do not serve the ultimate vision and goals of the black community, as a whole.


     Now he stated the left is multividing black america from within. But I know multitudes of black people in NYC fit each of the groups he mentioned and more. I think Black America as I define Black America multivision is not about the left/right/center/whites/nonblacks. NYC is the proof. PEople talk about white power in nYC but I remind them that white people fought each other. When new amsterdam became new york, england took the city by arms, it wasn't a philosophical debate or an unphysical  financial transaction. The dutch who stayed mostly went upstate in the new new york, kept properties they could in the now new york city. When irish and other whites came in, the english whites, hated them all. Today people talk about this collage of whites and forget, it took the anglo saxon whites many many years to treat  white  irish/italians/jews as equals or decently. and it only truly occured when the mob era came in from the irish/italians/jews who were blockaded from fiscal channels of the dutch/english.  And the mob era was pure violence. Its funny, many black people today talk about violence in the street when the violence today in the street that many blacks claim black people are doing so hellishly is not even remotely close to the kind of violence, that financially blockaded or poor white jews/irish/italians did when the street was their only real avenue to make money. What is my point? the unifier of whites in the usa wasn't philosophy, it wasn't discussions, it was violent actions towards each other and eventual peace agreements. Black people, historically, don't act violently towards each other, the way media or some blacks, many blacks, like to continually profess. I can't recall one black community raiding another black community but white communities do raid each other . So... I argue that the multivision he refer to isn't from anyone else but black people themselves. the question is, barring violence, can black people achieve unity. I argue beyond that, the problem may be truly philosophical, in that I think, and the forums in this community offer the suggestion, that black people seem to think that the community can literally be talked or preached or deduced or bought into a unity. Christianity didn't grow because of the teachings of jesus. christianity grew because of the army of nova roma and successive christian states, enforcing christianity on any they subjugated. The USA itself didn't buy its way out of the british empire and the philosophies of those white, slavers called the founding fathers, didn't regale all white people in the colonies. IT was war. Communities don't unite based on philosophy, or debates or money. MAybe black people in the usa have to stop trying to make philoosphy or money the unifier for our community cause history says, neither have a chance. 

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