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richardmurray last won the day on July 13

richardmurray had the most liked content!

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See all updates by richardmurray

  1. Triggerfish news


    Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire Teaser

    Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire Teaser Trailer from Triggerfish Animation Studios on Vimeo.


    Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes Official


    A new Triggerfish Academy course


    Our Academy have a new course! In this latest course, we explore the making of a short film, Gale of the Cape, that was created as the trailer for the Cape Town International Animation Festival. This beautiful 2D animation is a great example of what a small, talented team can create.  We present an overview of how the project was developed and produced, the phases of production, and tips and tricks to help you achieve success with your own project. 


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