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Status Updates posted by richardmurray


    First act, a set of educators, i think college are helping a colleague leave but they all have an affinity to this colleague, a curiosity about his nature. I concur with Bixby, real human beings are not alarmist and in this select case, all of these are seasoned educators used to slowly thinking about something, so they wouldn't call the cops or paddy wagon immediately. 

    Why did I not guess the black leather jacket would call someone from outside first. I thought it would be billingly's character the physics or chemistry professor.

    Second act, a female teacher loves him, reminds me of that twilight zone , Long Live Walter JAmeson, by the dead early Charles Beaumont, but extended.

    I love Crude demonstration , hilarious, I am not superman. Loving Tony Todd's acting. 

    27:34 first seeing the ocean

    28:42 he studied with the buddha, and i loved the earlier birth of the vampire myth

    29:06 the first betrayal of character, leather jacket should had considered he think of being outed. Considering he called someone he is either biding time or betraying himself.

    29:38 ahh well done, he was expecting, 

    30:31 i wish i had been here from the beginning, I concur:) 

    32:16 he survived the bubonic plague, typhoid , smallpox

    32:53 good point, being immortal in a cage isn't desired

    33:33 black leather is wrong, common sense isn't insulted by an immortal being, common sense accepts tthe unique is plausible even if it can't not be explained.

    35:19 true Tony todd, but time is also the most precious thing in existence.

    35:52 exactly, the second is a human construct. an algorithmic truth, not assessed from nature.

    36:27 funny moment. slow movie but for those who like to overthink and like dialog fun

    37:21 is he lucky? that is the point of the story

    39:41 exactly, he is outside most of humanity yet still human, a minority of one

    41:46 I love that he didn't go into his past wives or children by the invasive psychiatrist

    42:50 good point, the one great chaotic moment is the "immortal man" chose to even do this. I comprehend the writer's point. It is a random idea in one of many lives. But I must admit, my long lived characters wouldn't do this, unless they wish to be caught or have their cycle of lives undone.

    43:07 he didn't think of these people's feelings before he told them ahhh, i disagree bixby.

    43:37 the psychiatrist, white haired is trying to pull off a guilt trip, i bet he was diagnosed to die soon

    44:50 ahh i knew it was a tragedy, the psychiatrist wife died yesterday
    I love it, permit me to be infantile by myself. 

    46:58 my first wedding :) funny charades

    47:54 this movie clearly couldn't make it in theaters.

    48:48 love his answer to 1292 ad

    50:04 funny, about the primitive tribe in new guinea:)

    51:03 the older woman is a hard core christian

    51:47 no way skipping the biblical figure, and now he wants to call it a night, this is what you get when you ask those who study knowledge about a person who has lived longer than common

    53:10 he is jesus hahaha! 

    53:24 sit down edith, i know 

    54:16 yes, sit down edith, lovely honesity from the biologist about his kin

    54:41 tony todd, modern, that's good:)

    55:29 ahh he is espousing the old belief that jesus learned buddhist ways. it makes sense historically in one way. Buddhism is older than the roman empire, and from the travelers, who were common at that time, labeled magi, who traveled freely in the roman empire because of the might of the roman empire... ok.

    56:41 exactly, Tony Todd, christianity was born from the multiracial roman empire. 

    58:26 good point, buddha /jesus/the christian god, may not be happy 

    59:04 you can tell this was written on bixby's deathbed, a great mortuary story. I wonder what I will write in my last moments.

    59:35 hhahaha, the psychiatrist came back:) haha soul saved:) 

    1:00:00 nice bridge, we don't need to reintroduce the old topics for the psychiatrist, his shame on leaving.

    1:00:53 great joke, nothing unusual in the path of the psychiatrist until the day he met a caveman who thought himself jesus

    1:01:46 piety is the mistake they bring to the lessons haha, he is on a roll, Bixby is enjoying himself in his last days

    1:03:10 thank you biologist, people make to light the influence of drugs, no, if he is taking a drug it isn't making him go up or down be violent or peaceful, it isn't changing him at all

    1:04:20 thank you tony todd, i don't blame you, stay calm and relax.

    1:04:55 exactly, psychiatrist, or the modern mythologies of MLKjr or Adolf Hitler

    1:07:42 Its funny , in a group called african american literary book club, do you know how many black members suggest the usa will be forever? why is that? why is it, black people who knows kemet has all other human communities by thousands of years will be bested by the usa? what are blacks in the usa afraid of?.... 

    1:08:20 how do you know?  I don't smell it. 
    exactly, you know when it will rain , all humans do. 

    1:09:20 etymology, this does happen. words matter.

    1:10:25 good acting, they are all trapped by this story of their colleague

    1:11:00 if edith says you aren't jesus one more time

    1:11:56 edith have broken down , the psychiatrist had to shed light

    1:12:49 the psychiatrist is wrong, he doesn't demand the truth, he demands the lie to keep peace

    1:13:44 he is bluffing, well done, he is giving them safety

    1:14:22 easy tonny todd:) he want to kill him

    1:15:44 it ends safe, well done bixby, he lets the thinkers get off easy

    1:16:25 exactly , the woman who lives him is right. 

    1:17:59 edith knows. she will leave it

    1:18:14 Tony Todd, a latitude in what we call reality... anything is possible
    I am going to watch star trek. and yes, good move tony todd
    Drop me a line whenever

    1:19:34 the psychiatrist found out
    easy psychiatrist , the break down. ahh well done, Bixby, ahh the psychiatrist was a man he knew. 

    1;21:45 exactly, he never saw his own child again.

    1:22:34 yes, let her decide

    hahaha, great hook, who knows, let the viewer decide.

    Ok, this movie was fun, but not for the general audience. Alittle careless of him, but that is part of John's humanity, humans even long living one's will make mistakes. 
    I know this is an aside, but i love the credits , they are large enough to see and slow enough to follow, many movies have very uncaring or cheap credits.

    I say, this is a well constructed example of someone long lived revealing themselves in a paraspontaneous way.

    Just thoughtfulness.

    I didn't time index from the begining cause I was watching it side relatives , we do those things in our home, but I am glad my relatives went to watch other things as I could write more specifically and i forgot some points early on:) 

    1. Troy


      Wow that was some report.  

      i just brought a book which included a short story by Bixby

    2. richardmurray


      @Troy thank you, I am used to this, when I read books or listen to music or watch movies I am paying this kind of attention, part of it is how I was raised with art, my two black parents didn't blockade any art from me but also showed interest so it taught me to treat all art that way, while on the other side, as an artists always trying to learn, I want to see if I can decipher messages ideas and how they are executed in the work. 


      enjoy the book and definitely share your thoughts:) 

  2. The following is my neutral reply to a reply to my words appended after.


    science just means knowledge. 

    Using my own linguistic style, I will say, Researchers , who are able to be concurred to or refuted by others, suggest based on their studies that bias, communal positions based on interpreting race, has no genetic source.  

    I concur that biases , like linking intelligence or emotional quality to a racial factor like phenotype or gender,  are not genetically based most of the time.

    Yes, one can argue that downs syndrome, which is a known, publicly known,  genetically derived condition with symptoms of mental inaptitude or uncommon difficulty does at the least prove genetics has instances where it influences intelligence, but the genomes which tend to be variant in those with downs syndrome do not occur bounded to the presence of other genetic markers for gender or phenotype or other, at least to my knowledge.

    Yes, one can argue that women during pregnancy, which is a genetically based condition < men if healthy can not get pregnant whereas a woman who is healthy can> , have a long history of recorded emotional swings but like downs syndrome, it isn't bounded to the presence of other genomes. 


    I will speak for myself. 

    I am not being dishonest, I have said no lie, or betrayed my thinking. Nor have I spoken illogically, absent a structured reason,  or ignorantly, meaning absent knowledge. 

    And as this is the African American Literature Book Club, I think a greater point is being missed. The most important point of the trilog and that is use of words, especially in the black community of the usa.


    In literature, the use of words is logically the most important aspect of literature, not culturally or heritagewise but logically. That is why the word gay doesn't mean happy anymore for most people in the anglophone. 

    To me, as I said before, I didn't explain myself to get anyone else to change. I explained myself cause I felt it was warranted as functional reasoning that needs to be emitted, and not silent. I don't think any conflict exist between the three in the trilog. All explained themselves, and I said what Troy said makes sense, is logical,  based on the  elemental parts. But my elemental parts are other. It doesn't make me right or the other two  wrong., or them right and me wrong. We have two different definitions of race that have no middle point and in my eyes, none of us have a reason to utilize the other, unless we as individuals want to. 

    But, Troy, a member of this group, asserted at the end, that I , or anyone else, shouldn't have a different use of words than websters or majority users. And I oppose that 100%. Just because websters has decided on a definition doesn't make it irrefutable , regardless of how many people are taught it or are indoctrinated to it. 


    And this goes into the black community. If one hundred black people live in a room and 99 say things one way and have a different mind to the room, why should the one be uncomfortable because they are alone. Some speak of individualism quite often in the black community in the usa, yet they often suggest in parallel that individualism should give into communalism when one is not comfortable, defined as opposed to a majority. 


    And yes, I reject more than one word in websters. As a poet I study words and I have found heavy levels of misuse in words. So much so I do it often myself, cause the USA environment has made common a lot of incorrect word usages. I will love to have a chance to work on a dictionary for a less known or used  language. I wish Black people in the USA had not thrown away our many dialects for .... websters. 

    I nearly hate the blanc  french but I have always been a fan of the following. 



    Why? I think the french are correct in the maintenance of language. In the same way the architects of timbuktu are correct in making buildings where aspects to their maintenance or  repair is part of their final structure.  Every language should have some organization to manage it to be within itself. American English is a terrible language in that way. It is unorganized, muddled, and ugly in the allowance of atemporal disjunction. 


    The USA thought about it 



    The continental congress logic wasn't flawed. From the beginning they realized, that having language be fluid opened up allowances in expression, which allows for the composite nation speech point.


    Composite nation from frederick douglass


     But Adams was correct. Language dictates the populace. When you look at the usa today and the individual liberty of it, it can be argued that the freedom of language plus the lack of management of language is a key to its populace's makeup. American English is looking to be mixed , so to speak. 

    But it is interesting that so many Black people in my creative circle, writers especially, are willing to suggest my use of words is false based not on anything official, but merely majority use, absent any management. I suggest a managed and researched language is best in any community, or you end up talking muddle. 


    John Adams penned this proposal while on a diplomatic mission to Europe during the Revolutionary War. Formally entitled "A Letter to the President of Congress," it was dispatched from Amsterdam on September 5, 1780.

    As eloquence is cultivated with more care in free republics than in other governments, it has been found by constant experience that such republics have produced the greatest purity, copiousness, and perfection of language. It is not to be disputed that the form of government has an influence upon language, and language in its turn influences not only the form of government, but the temper, the sentiments, and manners of the people. The admirable models which have been transmitted through the world, and continued down to these days, so as to form an essential part of the education of mankind from generation to generation, by those two ancient towns, Athens and Rome, would be sufficient, without any other argument, to show the United States the importance to their liberty, prosperity, and glory, of an early attention to the subject of eloquence and language.

    Most of the nations of Europe have thought it necessary to establish by public authority institutions for fixing and improving their proper languages. I need not mention the academies in France, Spain, and Italy, their learned labors, nor their great success. But it is very remarkable, that although many learned and ingenious men in England have from age to age projected similar institutions for correcting and improving the English tongue, yet the government have never found time to interpose in any manner; so that to this day there is no grammar nor dictionary extant of the English language which has the least public authority; and it is only very lately, that a tolerable dictionary has been published, even by a private person, and there is not yet a passable grammar enterprised by any individual.

    The honor of forming the first public institution for refining, correcting, improving, and ascertaining the English language, I hope is reserved for congress; they have every motive than can possibly influence a public assembly to undertake it. It will have a happy effect upon the union of the States to have a public standard for all persons in every part of the continent to appeal to, both for the signification and pronunciation of the language. The constitutions of all the States in the Union are so democratical that eloquence will become the instrument for recommending men to their fellow-citizens, and the principal means of advancement through the various ranks and offices of society.

    In the last century, Latin was the universal language of Europe. Correspondence among the learned, and indeed among merchants and men of business, and the conversation of strangers and travellers, was generally carried on in that dead language. In the present century, Latin has been generally laid aside, and French has been substituted in its place, but has not yet become universally established, and, according to present appearances, it is not probable that it will. English is destined to be the next and succeeding centuries more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age. The reason of this is obvious, because the increasing population in America, and their universal connection and correspondence with all nations will, aided by the influence of England in the world, whether great or small, force their language into general use, in spite of all the obstacles that may be thrown in their way, if any such there should be.

    It is not necessary to enlarge further, to show the motives which the people of America have to turn their thoughts early to this subject; they will naturally occur to congress in a much greater detail than I have time to hint at. I would therefore submit to the consideration of congress the expediency and policy of erecting by their authority a society under the name of "the American Academy for refining, improving, and ascertaining the English Language." The authority of congress is necessary to give such a society reputation, influence, and authority through all the States and with other nations. The number of members of which it shall consist, the manner of appointing those members, whether each State shall have a certain number of members and the power of appointing them, or whether congress shall have a certain number of members and the power of appointing them, or whether congress shall appoint them, whether after the first appointment the society itself shall fill up vacancies, these and other questions will easily be determined by congress.

    It will be necessary that the society should have a library consisting of a complete collection of all writings concerning languages of every sort, ancient and modern. They must have some officers and some other expenses which will make some small funds indispensably necessary. Upon a recommendations from congress, there is no doubt but the legislature of every State in the confederation would readily pass a law making such a society a body politic, enable it to sue and be sued, and to hold an estate, real or personal, of a limited value in that State.





  3. There is a deadlock in the public paths voting, I want the public to decide so I will wait till the end of february if need be, if you have not voted:) use the link below 


  4. now0.jpg

    This is the first I am hearing of this though i am not a fan of hamilton anyway but I think what is interesting is how during obama's era, not just his two terms but his donkey primary, the media seemed to be of the agenda of not mentioning dislikes to him so... It can be argued the scrogge needed is obama not miranda. I will never forget about the black woman who merged, lift every voice and sing and the star spangled banner and was criticized heavily for it, and obama didn't do anything to speak for her. I always thought that was foul of him cause he supposedly campaigned on positive integration and yet didn't think that artistic rendition didn't require protection or was valid as a symbol



    Toni Morrison is said to have hated Hamilton so much that she helped to finance a play called The Haunting of Lin-Manuel Miranda.

    The late author, whose work explored Black identity in America, reportedly made the second-largest donation to fund a play that was written by Ishmael Reed, who is best known for his 1972 novel "Mumbo Jumbo."

    Hamilton, the hip-hop-inspired Broadway sensation about Alexander Hamilton's rise, humanizes the founding fathers in a show that's considered emblematic of the Obama years. It was viewed through a different lens during the Trump years amid rising racial tensions in America.
    So he penned the play, a rewriting of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" that portrays a fictionalized version of the Hamilton creator who is is visited by the historical figures portrayed in the musical.
    By the end of the play, the fictional Miranda is supposed to see the error of his ways in creating Hamilton.

    "I draw attention to what was left out of Hamilton by giving speaking parts to those who were left out of the narrative," he said.
    The Haunting of Lin-Manuel Miranda ran in theatres in New York in 2019, with Reed telling AAWW magazine at the time: "She [Morrison] was the second largest patron of my new play The Haunting of Lin Manuel Miranda."
    Morrison, the author of classics like "The Bluest Eye" and "Beloved," passed away in August 2019.

    Miranda responded to the criticisms of Hamilton in July 2020 when he tweeted: "All the criticisms are valid. The sheer tonnage of complexities & failings of these people I couldn't get. Or wrestled with but cut. I took 6 years and fit as much as I could in a 2.5 hour musical. Did my best. It's all fair game."
    Miranda was forced to apologize this week after the release of the movie version of his other musical, In The Heights, was marred with a colorism casting controversy.

    The film has drawn severe online condemnation for lacking Afro-Latinx representation in the cast.

    "I'm seeing the discussion around Afro-Latino representation in our film this week and it is clear that many in our dark-skinned Afro-Latino community don't feel sufficiently represented in it, particularly among the leading roles," Miranda tweeted in a statement. "I can hear the hurt and frustration over colorism, of feeling still unseen in the feedback."

    "In trying to paint a mosaic of this community, we fell short," he added. "I am truly sorry. I'm learning from the feedback, I thank you for raising it, and I'm listening."


    1. richardmurray


       I remember how cornell west or tavis smiley was vilified in some black circles for their opposition and I had in my little neck of the internet arguments. So I am not surprised I am learning of this now. I think like alot of events in the black community, the hollywood movie version is, all black people loved it were in it, the truth is, maybe not even the majority were inspired. ... YEah, I remember, I remember her being attacked online. precancelculture- cancelculture. It seems like she angered everybody, but I never liked that obama didn't protect or support her. I admit I opposed obama as a legislature, but I thought she fit his philosophy better than most. Not HAmilton which is a mockery but a merging of two songs from two different communities. anyway...the following isnt an article but at least it confirms my point

      ... one thing, latinos come in all phenotypes. Blanco/mulatto/mestizo/negra... I think that truth is one of the problems following 

  5. July Dates

    4th - Mercury greatest elongation 22 degrees 

    5th-  Aphelion Story Story Moon at Apogee - the earth will be farthest from the sun while the earth will be farthest from the moon

    6th Louis Armstrong spirit flew 1971 

    9th Moon highest over equator while a new moon

    10th his masters voice trademarkers 1900

    15th Rembrandt born 1606

    16th Giuseppe Piazzi born 1746

    20th British colombia joined canada 1871 

    21st Robert Burns died 1796

    22nd Saint Mary Magdalene Story 

    25th national cowboy day Story 

    28th Beatrix Potter born 1866

    30th Apollo 15 landed on moon

    31st Viking 1 took face on mars photo 1976


    If you are interested you can Vote for #37 :)



  6. now2.png

    Was asked by someone online, the following is my answer


    Its fine. I rarely hate any art. I never say any art is bad. No artists is trying to make bad work. So, an artist may fail to achieve what they wanted in terms of audience response or I may dislike a works aspects but it wasn't for lack of trying. .... I will specify a question. IF the question is, how does the what if series settle into the modern media of comic book story discussions? I think it settles into a pit. Modern media is for many the nonviolent warzone. How many black characters? how many female characters? how many white characters? how many christian characters? how many muslims characters? how many young characters? how many old characters? How many hetero characters? how many lgbtq+ characters? how many atheist characters? and then once people get past the quantity of representation. Now the condition of the characters. He is black, but do black people like him? she is fat, but do fat people like her? They are lgbtq+ but do the lgbtq+ like them? The couple are bdsmers but do the bdsmers like them? Number of characters and then how are the characters portrayed. What If is a pander to those questions. People sadly think, that when a character has their traits it means something. I have said this in the past and I will say it now and I will say it in the future. No artist is blockaded to creativity, in my view, but I look at the originators of characters as important to how I define their essense. Give me a black written /black drawn character and I will associate them to being black. I have always been a storm fan. Always will be. But, Storm wasn't designed by a black person. and, a black artists later manipulating what a white artist created. While in no need of validation as art, I do not see or will accept as a black character. What if captain america is a woman? What if Thor is transgender? What if Iron Man, a fiscally spoiled rich kid engineering genious, is Black? What if will have many lovers cause it gives visual form to a small set of infinite possibilities. What if is in my view, a video form of what comics originally were. We forget, before characters became so popular they had their own comics, and became rigid or cultural identifiers, most comics were what ifs? Most comic characters started out in what ifs. A writer has an idea and pitches it to the audience. If the audience like it you will see them in another edition.

    1. richardmurray



      It is all good fun. I think as art exists inside the internet, the ability of characters or worlds to modulate will expand. any creation can be recreated and modern media has the tools to make it happen quicker or cheaper than in the past.

  7. Some old tunes from the descended of enslaved black community in the usa 


    PHoto is Valaida Snow

    • 0:12:13 Delta Rhythm Boys in "Take the 'A' Train" (1941).
    • 0:14:46 Fats Waller in "Your Feet's Too Big (1941).
    • 0:17:45 Count Basie Orchestra in "Take Me Back, Baby" (with vocal by Jimmy Rushing) (1941).
    • 0:20:19 "Preacher and the Bear" featuring The Jubalaires (vocal quartet)
    • 0:23:23 "Ring Those Bells" (Black children vocal quintet, unidentified; Possibly The Cabin Kids.)
    • 0:24:22 The Ali Baba Trio in "Patience and Fortitude" (1946) (featuring Valaida Snow singing and playing jazz trumpet with trio of guitar, bass and accordion!)
    • 0:27:06 "Rocco Blues" featuring Maurice Rocco (piano and vocal)
    • 0:30:00 Gloria Grey sings "Oh By Jingo" (looks later, circa 1950 or so)
    • 0:32:42 "I Want A Man", sung by Annisteen Allen and accompanied by Lucky Millinder and his Orchestra (huge big band)(1943).
    • 0:35:36 Woman jazz harpist (LaVilla Tulos) playing "Swanee River"


    1. richardmurray


      any questions to the a train song concerning harlem, just ask


    My reply

    I noticed your prime comment under the video. You say many will disagree and that is of course online. But, I want to speak to that first before I state my position toward your video. 

    A difference exists between a person of a certain race: gender/phenotype/religion/age/geographic lineage et cetera being employed as a thespian in comparison to said person's community being represented positively. 
    As a black man, I heard a million media outlets spout overjoy with the existence of a highly paid thespian who is black. While they chagrin that the culture of black people <which is very large, just for edification includes black people of america/africa/asia/europe or all the lands within> is absent or a negative caricature. 
    I know you are correct in your position. You are happy that asian statians <asian americans exists in jamaica/brazil/mexico not merely the usa> are getting opportunities to be paid thespians of the highest financial order in the film world. But, you are also unhappy that the asian statian experience is still rarely touted by the film wood in the usa. I know it is silly to say the people who disagree with you are wrong... but they are wrong.

    Now, to my position, I thought about the world. No country in humanity , to my knowledge, has a film industry that respects the minority populaces<minority in terms of numbers> equal to the majority populace. so, in the USA the majority populace is the white anglo saxon protestant<are most people in the usa white? the answer is yes>. In china it is the han chinese<I know different communities exist in china but I read han chinese were the largest, if I am wrong correct me>. In the same way Asian statians are not presented as part of the USA fold in film media in the usa, usually, Ugyars are not usually represented in chinese film media. I am not saying anything is wrong or right as much as , it is uncommon for any visual industry to treat the minority communities as equal to the majority community.  
    But, I realize a solution may exist to that problem. and it goes back to your point about cinema in india. I didn't realize india had various woods that seem to have a more equal standing to each other in india. The solution in the usa and I think everywhere is to have more varying woods. For example, the black community in the usa has made films since the time of oscar micheaux, but no one says, the Black Statian-Wood. It is black films, stateless/centerless from an industrial perspective. They are in the independent film wilderness. In the USA it is the hollywood scene or the independent scene. That has to change. The independent scene needs to stay, but the black, the asian, native american , and et cetera minority  communities need their own industrial film industries in the usa. In that way is the only way I think you can not only get thespians of all races but also positive representation in film in the usa to all races. 

    1. richardmurray


      I made a prior comment, which I link at the end of this one , and I stay true to that comment. but I have another point. Black Panther was written by ryan coogler and Joe Robert Cole, two people of the phenotypical race commonly called black in the usa. Shang-chi was written by Dave Callaham and Destin Daniel Cretton, two people of the geographic ancestry race commonly called asian in the usa. My point is how members of a community see themselves or exhibit their culture will always be varied, sequentially, one must always strive to make their own films/art to exhibit their lens to their community or the greater humanity in total 

      Single Status Update from 09/18/2021 by richardmurray - AALBC.com’s Discussion Forums

  9. What is an internet protocol? It is at its core a set of rules. These rules come in many forms, the security is mostly through the subset of rules concerning time or encryption.

    What is blockchain? Blockchain is merely encrypted data, that requires certain information to unveil itself. 

    Combine these two ideas and you get the core of what projectliberty or bluesky is. 

    If you can make a blockchain internet protocol you allow the flow of information between computers as it is on the internet now WHILE you allow a level of handshaking between computers that is "unhackable" by most conventional means. 

    To that end, Frank McCourt/ the CEO of Twitter / side many others are investing money on a way to use blockchain with internet protocols or other tools for a simple objective, make a more secure way while still media saturating way to be online. 


    PRoject Liberty




    Blue Sky



    The web. Email. RSS feeds. XMPP chats. What all these technologies had in common is they allowed people to freely interact and create content, without intermediaries.

    We're focusing on re-building the social web by connecting disconnected silos and returning control of the social experience to users. Our mission is to develop and drive the adoption of technologies for open and decentralized public conversation.

    We're recruiting a small team of developers and technologists for this first stage, starting with a protocol developer < https://blueskyweb.org/Bluesky-Protocol-Developer.pdf >  and a web developer < https://blueskyweb.org/Bluesky-Web-Developer.pdf > . Email your resumes and ideas to join@blueskyweb.org. 

    Or participate in our contest. < https://blueskyweb.org/satellite >  

    A bluesky contest
    Our digital identities are like satellites we launch into cyberspace. You may link one to another here and there, but how would you link all of them, systematically, in a way that proves to others they belong to you?

    Let’s try an experiment: A contest to demonstrate how to link your accounts and content. $300 in BTC awarded to the top three submissions, to make it worth your time.

    Choose at least 3 of the following. Link them in a way that anyone can verify you are the author/owner of all. Explain how you did it, and what properties you were designing for.

    A Twitter account
    A Reddit account
    A website... or two
    A Matrix account
    A Mastodon account
    An SSB account
    A PGP key
    A piece of content on IPFS
    A cryptocurrency address
    Another decentralized social network
    Another service/platform of your choosing
    Have an answer in something that already exists? Feel free to use it, but describe how it works, the tradeoffs, and how it can be improved. Implement your solutions as much as possible. If you don’t want to actually link two of your accounts, create a new one for this purpose. Include any documentation or code needed to explain it. We’ll be scoring on a rubric of: thoroughness, robustness, originality, decentralization. Download the rubric and template here. Email solutions to join@blueskyweb.org. Multiple submissions allowed.

    We’ll keep a leaderboard up with pseudonyms of the authors who submitted the top solutions, so you can check if you’re on it. At the end of the contest, we’ll publish the top solutions and reveal their authors. End date: Oct 15.




    Billionaire Frank McCourt is building a new internet protocol — part of Project Liberty — to open the data economy & give social media users control.

    Like the telecom revolution, he says government alone cannot fix the problem. "The private sector stepped forward and innovated."


    Frank McCourt and @Twitter  CEO @Jack are both creating #blockchain internet infrastructures to decentralize social media. While McCourt says he is unfamiliar with the @bluesky
     details, he agrees in spirit. "If Jack Dorsey has a better product…I’ll be the first to support it."

    Your thoughts?



    1. richardmurray


      He explains Non Fungible Tokens very well, for those that need to hear, or do not know. Basically like all crypto currencies this is data that has been put through a arithmetic algorithm designed to be too expensive too reverse <though computing power is vital to that, if a computer can computer beyond the binary to tirary or quadry their computing power can reverse the algorithm in time, anyway...> and the result becomes a unique element. The unique element can be represented as a coin or a currency. The problem here is, going forward, what happens if someone develops a computer that can reverse the algorithms in the block chains. If said computer can do it then it can present the data in the blockchains within the peer to peer system. Is this technology available? no but if a computer has the ability to test its coins in the block chain , it can deduce. It will definitely require grand speed, way more speed than currently available but not impossible if the machine can be made.  But for now blockchain ledgers are safe to use, and thus a viable currency or collectable. 




  10. now6.jpg

     I will use as an example a community outside of the usa . In the last century starting in the 1940s to this year , global media, dominated by the usa, and primariily administered by the jewish community in the usa, has placed in countless history books/countless movies/films/stageplays the negative actions of german nazi's against the non nazi german populace <romani/jews/disabled people/et cetera>. Every single german person living today knows a history of germany during the world war II era. I said a history cause what the sister above calls a real history of the usa, includes the negativities or complexities all to often absent. But in german nazi tellings the reverse is true, all the negatives or complexities are well documented. But the positivity is absent, like how the nazi's rebuilt a country being intentionally impoverished by its neighbors. How the nazi's had become the envy of so many countires or communities absent any financial aid or governmental alliance to said communities. Thus, The german people today have been given all the negative or complex elements of nazi history and yet, in germany the post world war II nazi community has always continually grown. Is that reason cause the modern germans don't know about death camps, they don't know about burning people alive. Don't know about all sorts of experimentations? They are fully aware of history, all to often more aware of the negative than anything else, but they still align philosophically with the nazi party of yore. The question is why? Based on the sister's assertion , these people are ignoring history but how can they ignore what is commonly present. The attacks on turkish people in modernity, muslims is that indicative of the nazi's. The reason why countries ways don't change is very simple, what the people want doesn't change. LAws change Nike. Media narratives change. But the desires of people , of communities they don't change the same way. Many german people still want german superiority, they still want germany first, they still want those they don't deem german out of germany. What people want is why things don't change, not knowledge. Strom THurman was a white man who had a secret child with a black woman , treating that child so well, that child still speaks of him favorably. Even though this is a man who consistently, yelled to high heaven about the need to deny the black community all things, all the while he is taking his black child/ mulatto in latin america, to the beach or other places away from the media, having a good time. Knowledge, acquisition of knowledge does not change one's desires.

    1. richardmurray


      Well, What she suggest is: knowledge of the truth will manipulate the actions of people to some supposed betterment. 
      I argue that ignorance has nothing to do with the actions of countries or individuals. 
      I will use three example: 
      The neo nazi movement in germany/austria. 
      The War in Afghanistan
      Eric Adams current best bet mayor of NYC

      Even the most unconcerned person on earth, knows of what the nazis did. Why is it, the neo nazi movement has always grown since world warII? is it education? in german education books, the supposed crimes of the nazis is touted to children every day. Every german person knows the nazi's activities? 
      Yet, still, the neo nazi movement grows. why? By the sister's proclamation the neo nazi german community is ignorant, to what she calls the real history, but how can that be. 
      The german government knows and yet, they don't seem interested in stopping the neo nazi's in a similar way the government of otto von bismark didn't stop the original nazi's. Is angela merkel and company uneducated. THe US continually suggest germany has one of the finest education systems in the developed world. all throughout germany signs denouncing the nazi's are present.

      When the usa entered vietnam, they knew the french had failed to do what the usa tried, but the usa tried anyway. The russians tried to do in afghanistan what the usa tried to do in vietnam, knowing the usa failed. The usa tried to do in afghanistan what they knew russia had failed to do in afghanistan or what the usa had tried to do in vietnam. Did not the elected officials of the usa know about the vietnamese people hanging on helicopters? was it now known? how many films, how many books, how many documentaries? By the sister's philosophy, it is ignorance that led to these actions. but how? the soviet or statian miliataries don't know about military failures? government officials of the usa or russia don't know about events in the mid 1900s and beyond? 

      Lastly, to add a touch of black. Eric Adams is more than likely going to be the mayor of NYC. Now, when he was a youth he was attacked by law enforcers. He decided to become a law enforcer. His logic was false, that becoming a law enforcer can change the culture of the law enforcement community. A recent article admitted that a study group from some white firm stated that over half the killings by law enforcement go uninvestigated. Now, to the issue, most black people know this. I can't imagine eric adams, mother/father/counsin/sister/brother didn't know all this. Eric adams himself should had known that the culture in the law enforcement community is beyond changing from inside. But he still felt like it. He felt like the presence of himself in that community will yield someone of a particular knowledge that can change the culture. 

      The problem is, the german people are not uneducated to the real history, they want: german superiority. The USA government isn't uneducated to history, it wants to be an empire. Most Law enforcers are aware of the harm their abuse does, they  want to abuse their power. 

  11. now0.jpg

    The most important part of the article is only two sentences: After a chance meeting with Robert Townsend, Wayans was the first to break through into the mainstream with the 1987 film, “Hollywood Shuffle.” From there, he got funding for his cult comedy classic, “I’m Gonna Git You Sucka,” which was released in 1988. He got funding through people who saw him or he connected to in hollywood shuffle. And absent Robert Townsend helping him, he doesn't get SUcka. ... I am tired of black magazines focusing on stories like this absent the financial reality. Money in the usa is never about merit but about opportunity. Oprah Winfrey wasn't predestined for success, daytime talk shows was the fad and they gave one to her, disney owned channel seven had tried others before her, people forget how many different day time talk shows were tried before oversaturation and eventual domination by shows like oprah. ... The dupont clan first product was gun powder and their first client was eager white settlers who would kill native americans with that powder from the time new york was a colony of england till the utz indians in the place now called the state of washington in 1900s. Rockefeller was made rich by dupont who chose to use his firm to solely power the railroads that shipped his steel, ala standard oil, which is now called exxon. IBM chose to use one firm to be the operating system for their computers, a little unimportant firm called microsoft. Clint Eastwood had a meeting with investors which led to the little film by mario van peebles called new jack city, and clint eastwood had worked with melvin van peebles previously which led to mario getting work with him in heartbreak ridge. Sometimes, connections lead to opportunities. Most times opportunities are just pure luck as most I stated. But, those opportunities are the key to success in the entertainment business. Almost all the original acts of motown grew up in the same community in detroit. I am not suggesting merit has no value, but the truth is, everybody works, the key is to get opportunity and usually, you can't get opportunity on your own.


    1. richardmurray


      The title of the article assumes the wayans clan individual members financial values are tied together. I wish media would stop that lie. Just cause you are blood related to another person and you take photo ops with each other and are gracious in media doesn't mean your money is tied together... lastly, they didn't go from in living color to a 300 million dollar empire, they went from keenan wayans being selected by robert townsend to be in a little film called hollywood shuffle to having a sum of individual savings worth 300 million. I am not knocking but I do despise when media speaks of wealth accumulation like this, especially in the arts. From the time of the pharoah to the martian empire some day in the future, artists require patronage, which is opportunity based on nothing but the will of someone who can give opportunity and chooses based on their own desires

  12. now0.jpg

    Holly Wood Tonya is with Necole Collie and Rashad Muhammad Hasan. 
    Ease on down the road. #blackfamilies 

    VIDEOS OF THE ORIGINAL THE WIZ and more information 

    1. Rodney campbell

      Rodney campbell

      Even as a low poly high res game this would work. It would have to be an open world, procedural, random, non linear, side scrolling, cut away having, song filled, character driven, automatic character action, voice over, constant talking, ambient sound maintaining, colorful, happy, joy-filled, somewhat comical, occasionally scary, non-repetitive quest, respectful tribute, homage, that continues where The Wiz left off and includes the other Oz World inhabitants from L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's fantasy. Double meanings of the book set aside. As they would exist in The Wiz. Only a team that respects The originality of L. Frank Baum and Joel Schumacher and the audience, can be hired for a job like this. Following this strategic layout for production and development the results will be epic.

  13. Sorghum & Spear - The Way of Silk & Stone Anthology - Kickstarter Coming November 26th!
    Join acclaimed editor Sheree Renee Thomas and our award-winning group of authors as they explore and expand the world of Orun Aye into the next phase of storytelling!  We have 14 amazing stories to share with you, as well as some new world-building reveals as well!


    We held a special panel of several of the writers during our SUBSUME SUMMIT: CREATIVE JUNETEENTH panel this year, for an exclusive look at the project.  Relive this amazing conversation by viewing our YouTube playback: 




    1. richardmurray



      SORGHUM & SPEAR Fantasy Anthology: The Way of Silk and Stone

      Sword & Soul Anthology from African Fantasy saga SORGHUM & SPEAR brings exciting new voices and stories of the Anf're warrior women.


      SORGHUM & SPEAR Fantasy Anthology: The Way of Silk and Stone by Greene County Creative — Kickstarter


  14. now5.jpg

    My father love pop williams. I can see similarities between pop williams and my father. But the biggest question I have is, where are black parents? I remember as a kid people asking me, who do I idolize, and my answer was and still is, my parents. they are the finest people I know. I like or love pele, HArriet tubman,  fred hampton,  malcolm, shirley Chisholm, fannie lou hamer, Akhenaton... I like Lewis Hamilton, the williams sisters, Simone Biles, tiger woods, michelle obama.  but I don't idolize any of them. I am not inspired by them. And I think that is what black people need, we need to be inspired by our parents to a level in which we do not need others


    a question, what does being a champion mean? 

    The Flash on Twitter: "What does being a champion mean to @candicepatton and who inspired her to achieve her dreams? Stream #TheFlashArmageddon premiere free only on The CW and watch #KingRichard in theaters today. https://t.co/RaE8s8fYvY" / Twitter

    serena williams, venus williams, will smith cover shoots

    Luis. on Twitter: "Serena Williams, Venus Williams and Will Smith for Entertainment Weekly's cover shoot portraits. ❤❤❤ #KingRichard https://t.co/bDOZ52gamQ" / Twitter

    Venus in the dress, stills

    Chad on Twitter: "Venus Williams at the premiere of "King Richard" in Hollywood. #VenusWilliams #KingRichard 📸: Getty/Emma McIntyre https://t.co/2BJLT0JDN3" / Twitter

    Video Venus williams in that dress:)

    kyle on Twitter: "Venus Williams looks STUNNING #KingRichard https://t.co/uQzAGLKh29" / Twitter


    1. richardmurray


      in amendment, like althea gibson, like arthur ashe, black individuals have always reached the heights in tennis while the tennis community doesn't change and the reason why is clear.

      And a note to the film industry, I don't know how long black amazement as seeing black people in big budget films can last as an alternative to the comic book owned property film era. 



    I quote vivica a fox in the article using brackets delineated by commas and ending with an ellipsis: << "“In my life, it was career over children. And I never met the man I could have children with. I didn’t.”">>, <<“I almost made that mistake and three months before my family was like, ‘You will not! You absolutely will not,'” she recalled. “I lost a whole bunch of money and deposits and this, that and the third, but I trust my family.”>>, <<“I have six godchildren that when God took away my opportunity to bear children, he sent my godbabies,” she said. “So I’ve got kids!”>> .... The article title is dysfunctional. Vivica a fox , not me, said she chose career over children, meaning what, when she got pregnant she contracepted, before fornication she contracepted so fornication was never procreation. Like many women in the usa, she was pregnant many times i bet, but she contracepted it away, for her career. men has nothing to do with her choice to be career over children. IF she didn't have a relationship with a man that satisfied her financial desires or demands to allow for pregnancy,that has nothing to do with pregnancy. Black women during enslavement had tons of kids, by all sorts of men , as they were owned, if black enslaved women who worked in fields , being whipped and raped daily, can have children , all black women after are lying to themselves using anything as an excuse for not having a child. Her second quote suggests she listens to the people she calls her family, again, another non issue. If she listens to others over her personal life, that is her doing, what do men or babymaking have to do with vivica a fox listen to somebody else over her relationships. LAstly, she spoke about god taking away her ability to have kids, which is a lie, so clearly a part of her regrets listening to family and choosing career over children, thought she accepts it. the christian god, shiva, shakti, yemnyah, quetzecoatl, or similar, do not take away womens ability to bear children, bearing children is a temporary gift from nature, not meant to be forever, so it need to be cherished while you can, the christian bible does say to be fruitful and multiply right?



    Vivica A. Fox On Motherhood: 'I Never Met The Man I Could Have Children With' (essence.com)

    1. richardmurray


      A REPLY
      Not sure I follow your thoughts on this article. I mean, one can't take snapshot of what someone said and base their feelings of motherhood. There is more context to this and she has spoken out about mental health issues, for example. This seems so linear thinking.
      good point, I don't know vivica a fox. Moreover, I am not suggesting she is wrong or right. My point was to focus on the disconnect between bearing children and men/family/et cetera. I started off referring to the original article title, which set me off:)

      A REPLY
      Ah, I see. That makes sense. True in of itself, the article is disjointed.
      I admit, I learned of this article from somewhere in the big bad internet and between the title and the comments I felt the need to read the article and realized most of the people who commented didn't read the article. and the article title doesn't do vivica a fox favors, she said why she didn't have children, she chose career over children. She added a comment about men, referring to your point about mental health, which is important, one must come to peace with things. but, the article , from essence magazine, is suggesting falsehood.

  16. now0.jpg

    Interesting points, I Quote the article in double brackets , comment to each quote in double  colons

    <<Some writers think the protagonist’s “flaw” will cause the reader to turn away from the character and dismiss them, but in reality, the opposite is true: It’s what causes the reader to relate, and lean in.>>
    :: not all readers, i am one that doesn't like the constant internal troubles in characters, it is very manufactured::

    <<If you’re writing a novel, I’d love to hear from you on this. What is your protagonist’s internal issue? And how does this issue stand between them and their goal in the story?>>
    :: check out the article 
    In conclusion, I think readers taste, buying readers taste, in a modernity where people have lessened their travel , even outside their home in their local community, has influenced the desire in buying readers to see internal conflict, reflecting the growing internal conflict in readers.

    1. richardmurray


      in my most recent new creation , the protagonists internal issue is their ignorance or impotence to a situation they have been called in to help on, that they chose to do absent being fully aware to the situation.


  17. A story of a lady


    1. richardmurray



      This beautiful girl 's name is Fatima .She just got herself a new sugar daddy .I heard they call the dude Li Xuan something 🙄🙄🙄 I can't remember his name very well.

      Fatima is outrageously rich but she does not know how to make use of her wealth . Her ignorance about herself is making her to look for sugar daddies anyhow .Well... she got herself Li Xuan.

      I don't have a problem with Li Xuan .
      I just find the relationship between Li Xuan and Fatima a bit fishy 🧐🧐🤔 .

      Li Xuan does things for Fatima that Sir Hamilton the guru she dated before never did for her . At least Hamilton was blunt . He used to openly beat and rape Fatima whenever he wanted and nobody could say anything . He took her wealth and pride and vividly assumed his role of guru .

      As time went on ,the relationship between Hamilton and Fatima started deteriorating and Hamilton freed Fatima ...at least on paper as he still has his wild dogs monitoring all her moves .That is how Li Xuan came into her life .

      Li Xuan offered her all sorts of gifts ( Roads , infrastructures , health care machines and many other things ) .
      Hamilton got mad at Li Xuan but he could not do much because Li Xuan is a powerful juggernaut that nothing can stop.

      What I find fishy with Li Xuan is that ,I know that nothing is free in life . Li Xuan refuses to marry Fatima but he keeps on spoiling her with gifts . He dresses her , sends her cars ,he has intimate relations with her but he does not rape her openly .He even helps her to get loans at zero interest rate ,loans that she obviously can not afford to reject and yet she can't repay 🧐. That is how Fatima got indebted so much and now Li Xuan can legally take her wealth by force . The other day ,he even confiscated one of her airports.

      Hamilton the guru is now laughing at Fatima 😌😌. He laughs but he can't do much because he also depends on Li Xuan . Indeed many of the commodities that he uses come from Li Xuan .

      Which one is better ? The guru type of colonialism or the subtle debt type of colonialism ? I guess NONE.

      Fatima needs to know who she is and stop all the abusive relationships she has endured .Indeed she has forgotten about her past .She was a powerful queen who ruled mightily.

      She can gain back her sovereignty but she needs to look intrinsically to unleash her sleeping potential .

      #Alkebulan #Afrika #Homeland #Fatima

      from  Alexandra Tchomte < https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandra-tchomte-48219a139/ >  

      Model: @dutchessofink
      Artist:  @markartista 
      Image citation :  https://www.instagram.com/p/BkNOIeBHRLl/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=127wdz3bpc0gs

  18. now1.jpg

    FROM : MAd SKillz < skillzva on facebook>  

    I may get crucified for this but its how I feel.(just jokes) 🤷🏾‍♂️ I grew up in a similar situation...no father tho. And I NEVER IN MY LIFE seen a woman with this many morals. EVERRR BRUH. Being that poor and having those kind of morals never made sense to me. Black Jesus brought yall good luck? You made James take him down. James finds 5k? You make him give it back. They wanted yo ass to star in a PAID Vita Brite commercial? You didnt do it cuz it had alcohol in it. James going to the pool hall cuz yall bout to get evicted? You made him put the pool stick back. They pass JJ up to the 12th grade? You made him go back to the 11th. Preacher wanted to take James on the road to do the "Im healed" scam? You made him stay home. The projects were not the villain of this show. FLORIDA WAS. YOU WERE THE BIGGEST HATER ON TELEVISION. 😂😂😂 check my story for the proof.



    Where do I begin? 
    Lets start with his points and he made many. 
    I will iterate the points
    1) he grew up similar to the scenario in good times, and he mentioned no father specificially.
    2) he never knew a woman with this many morals
    3) being fiscal bottom and having high morals never made sense. 
    4) the projects, the white system, wasn't the criminal, Florida, the specific moralled black matriarch was

    1)If I ask the average person in the usa today, who are the richest people in the usa as a group, what is their phenotype. They will say, most fiscally rich people are white, a label referring to their average skin tone , which does merge into the mulatto range, ala passing. The next question is, how do they get their money? Most will say the truth, inheritance, their forebears had money and gave it to them. 
    Now, if I ask most people, why are black people poor? Most will say, Black people don't know how to play the game. Black people are lazy. Black people need to improve themselves, learn to strive more. Few will say the simple truth, Black people have no one to inherit money from. The next question is why? And this goes to history. 
    One of the problems with the black community in media, is that our poverty is rarely comprehended as simple as it needs to be. Two cultural institutions in the usa didn't allow for black inheritance. First was slavery, second was jim crow. Slavery predates the usa, which is another truth I find most in the usa don't seem to comprehend. Slavery is from the european colonial era but it survived in tact , unblemished, after the creation of the articles of confederation or the constitution, thus why most free blacks fought against the usa in its earliest wars. Slavery ended with the thirteeth amendments and the destruction of the southern states, and the desire of the northern states to eliminate the financial competition with a slave based society utilizing industrial tools.  But after a very short respite <solid seven years > called reconstruction commonly, Jim Crow was born from the dead carcass of slavery and continued the goal of denying inheritance to black people. 
    That is why the black community in the usa is fiscally poor. Jim crow ended , in my assessment, in the 1980s. So from before the usa was founded till the 1980s, Black people were in majority <yes, exceptions always exist in life but they are not stnadards or pathways or rules> denied inheritance. The projects themselves were never meant for black people. If you know the history of the projects, they were meant for poor working whites to have a place in an urban setting to refind their fiscal bearings, starting in the 1950s. White flight from big cities and continual movement to big cities by non whites made the white city governments change course and offer projects as dens for people not white mostly to congregate in the city. A eternal source of cheap labor and fiscally poor people. Whereas projects in the 1950s had storefronts, the latter ones did away with that and just became housing. 
    Did you know that when the vietnam war ended, vietnam had hundreds of thousands of orphans from usa soldiers and vietnamese women living in orphanges? now, why does this matter? 
    It connects to slavery/jim crow, and relationships between child bearers. Slavery plus Jim crow denied inheritance for black people. The primary tool was violence. but a secondary tool was separation. To be blunt, during slavery black people were not married in majority. Black women were property of the master. the master, to use crude language, tapped that ass , more than the property of the white man she called her black husband. So since the community of the usa is from the european imperial era, for most of the history of the usa or what preceded it , black children have not had either parent. I am not saying that to reject anyone's emotions, but to bring a historical reality to black people's narrative around child raising which rarely admits reality about our community in the usa. Jim crow is what rebuilt the south and spurred the usa industrial machine. That is another historical fact that goes absent. Jim crow was powered by black men in prison on false charges. These men were given sentences meant to be for life, for the purpose of rebuilding the usa. The 13th amendment says slavery can still exist in prisons so white people in power ushered black people, specifically black men, into prisons. 
    I was raised by both my parents who are still together and loving, through many challenges. And my family is upper poor, not the fiscal bottom. 
    But, white or black filmmakers push two narratives, for different reasons that are lies. The narratives are: black people's poverty is a modern thing not from a lack of inheritance over centuries, the black family unit has its members to blame for its history of fissure.
    Good times, written by whites, uniquely has a loving black father, who died because of Amos disagreement with the studios. But his death fits the truth, the environment for the black community which has been engineered by whites over centuries has successfully hindered black people, is not meant to, has hindered. And, the black people who traveled to the north to escape being burned alive and possibly find work, found fewer fires up north but less fiscal potential. But whether in the south or north the reason is a lack of inheritance, not lazyness or anything else.

    2)+3) I must combine. His comments prove how many black people either do not know the history of black people in the usa or have a false interpretation of it.
    The Club Women was a group of black christian women who believed that if black people educated themselves and showed utmost manner that will overcome white violence. The sit-ins was based on a similar principle. This was black people saying I will go into a story where a sign outside says for people like me to NOT ENTER. The result is obvious, you enter a place where you are told by its owners for you not to come, you get your ass beat. Hell, most people know about romeo or juliet but what do you think the capulets and the mantagues were like? What is funny about the usa and the sit-ins and the club women is how , in human history it is so common for groups of people to ban others. In northern ireland they have many places where catholics can't go and protestants can't go. 
    So, When he says he didn't know any woman with this many morals, I will not deny his statement. But it proves he didn't know enough older black people who could tell him of many who did such things. Remember, non violence isn't merely about the white man not being violent to blacks but it is about blacks not being violent ourselves even when faced with reason to be. 
    Most black leaders, including MLK jr, never prescribed to such extreme views of non violence personally. but, the black community in the usa from the time of reconstruction has a long history of it. 
    Now is, Florida a caricature? of course she is. BUT, she reflects the truth of the black community from the end of the war between the states to the 1970s. I know that some black people who were land owners told relatives to not fight whites and sent them away. I do not concur to the idea of fighting wars with morals, but that was and is a residual from slavery and jim crow. 
    And that comes to his dysfunctional allusion. Black people were not merely poor during slavery or jim crow, we were impotent. Fiscal poverty is one thing, but when one is fiscally poor PLUS under constant assault. It changes ow you view things. Again, I can tell you I know of black people off line who were alive in decades past and admitted that every black women in their town was raped by whites. every black woman. 
    When your community is under assault , and under watch for any action that is deemed illegal /criminal/amoral, it can teach you to desire morality not for god but for self. if you can't stop your wife from being raped, your child from being spat at, yourself, from being put in prison, and you don't have arms, you don't have resources, you don't have a community enabled, then following a higher moral code can be deciphered as your only defense. 
    Again, Florida is a caricature, but what she represents is truth. Any one's Esther Rolle's character's age knew that the system will destroy any black person it finds doing a simple crime. My great proof of that is the rockefeller laws, initiated in the 1970s. In NYC, white men could sell cocaine in mountainfulls and get lesser to no sentence that black men selling a bag of marijuana. That is why Florida feared crime, feared illegality. IT wasn't cause she feared or opposed money. But what if? What if the white man knew? what if the white man discovered? Just remember, the chicago police department went into fred hamptons house and murdered him, absent any crime. In that kind of environment, you are so keen to risk? 
    Some, yes, but Florida is not that big a caricature. She is, but not that big a caricature based on the black community in the usa. 
    The problem with black or white filmmakers is black goodness is touted as religious, spiritual, never historical, never based on life.
    The goodness isn't about christianity , it is about a fear of the system treating you unfairly, which it will, which it proved over centuries it will do and is still doing. Movies from all sort of directorso or writers make is religious, and that is the flaw. Florida is scared. She has been scared her entire life and will die scared. 
    In the great Daughters of the Dust, the gullah live in those spare island lands, surrounded by bayou and absent any infrastructure, but will rather that than live exposed to whites. That is fear. The people of Tracadie in nova scotia, survived cause they lived so far away , in a wilderness, they were free from assault, whether they committed an illegality or not, and that is why Florida feared in her urban project surrounded by whites, in the heart of the white kingdom. 
    His point is to invalidate her fears by suggesting her morality is based on morals, but her morals are based on fear. 

    4)LAstly, his final thought. The criminal wasn't the white system , it is the black moralled matriarch. 
    Of course he is wrong, he admitted he is joking. But, I will defend his hypothesis with a little fortune telling. Slavery plus Jim crow denied black inheritance. But, after jim crow, I will call it the rainbow era, Black people in the usa have acquired and started to inherit fiscal wealth. Florida's fears was suitable in the days where black people were denied by white people the ability to  inherit fiscal wealth. But, when one is wealthy, one must take risks, and though most risks fail in fiscal capitalism , some will succeed. 
    The black community isn't potent. My proof is simple. Name me one city with a financial growth in the usa, where over half the cities fiscal quality/industry is owned by blacks? I will help you, you can't find one. So, Black people are not in some place of suitability yet. But, it will happen eventually. That is why whites blockaded black inheritance. when one inherits, money is different. 
    Back to movies, hollywood hasn't found a way to approvingly display multiracial wealth. We all know in modernity, black millionaires or billionaires exists in the usa. But, hollywood usually places fiscally wealthy black characters in fiscally white characters roles. The problem storytelling wise is simple. Being rich is being rich but in different communities, the collective path to being rich matters. The black fiscal elite, live as gluttonous as the white, but they have subtle variances and hollywood or independent film, has not found a set of films to visualize that difference. In the show atlanta, the black rich are ugly, but mirrors of white rich and that is not exactly true. As F Scott fitzgerald said, the wicked rich, I concur to that, but they have variances. My proof is fiscally rich white jews in film. in films, fiscally rich white jews are as corrupt as other fiscally rich white people but their is anuance to their design which shows, the other. 
    Films have yet , black or white made, to solidify the other aspect to the black fiscal rich which is clear to see, but not such a great selling point


    IN CONCLUSION, history is important, but also challenging. The challenge in history is when it forces you to look at scenarios you can't control or undo that are not merely negative, but have a lasting communal impact. The nonviolent community , based in the black church, near 170 years ago, rejected violence, rejected a mass movement away, rejected a foscused movement in the usa. The nonviolent movement had three main strategies. No violence against whites, a focus on individual liberty to black people wherever we live, a responsibility on black individuals or the black community to maintain the nonviolent stance while moving ever upward in the fiscal or governmental halls in the usa. 
    Today is the result of that plan in the usa. it didn't fit all black people, it wans't meant to. It had casualty, though all black paths were and will have casualties. But, in the same way, Florida is chided while Mrs. Huxtable is beloved, the modern reality has meant a cultural precipice has been reached that isn't defined by either woman or their larger media spaces. Neither is an enemy, but neither reflect a black community that can finally , in peace, inherit.


    1. richardmurray


      Was Florida Evans the criminal? is the question. 
      Lets take a look at her crimes. All her crimes he listed involve her hesitation at opportunities from luck,system, illegality. 
      Luck is black jesus/finding 5,000/Vita brite commercial
      System is JJ passed up a grade
      James Pool stick/Preacher scam

      From Slavery which predates the founding of the usa and was unchanged through the founding, thus why most free blacks fought against the usa, to the end of Jim crow, which in my view ended in the 1980s as a holistic system, but started immediately after slavery ended, Black people were denied the ability to inherit/have stable homes. Remember, the murdering and imprisonment of blacks, who mostly lived in southern states, started while the war between the states was finalizing. And before said war was slavery, where most black people were property not free. The black woman who calls that property her husband is in error. That black man who calls that property his wife is in error. The child in her belly is not their's. Their child is property of the person who owns them. 
      Now you can say, Rich, you just said Jim crow ended in the 1980s. Goodtimes is 1970s, can't Florida Evans let all the past go. Florida evans is a caricature, any extremity in any human character is a caricature, but her problem isn't morality or living in the past, her problem exists in most black people. Said problem is fear. 
      Florida is afraid. Black people today, who live better than black people ever before, as a community, in the usa, don't seem to realize, most black people in the usa or the european colonies that preceded it were terrorized. Slavery or Jim crow are mostly remembered as fiscal scenarios. One is absent money, but these scenarios also came with an equal share of terror. You cut the foot off a slave to terrorize, you whip a female slaves skin off to terrorize, you burn black towns or communities down to the ground to terrorize. You place false and exorbitant charges on a suspect to terrorize. The goal is to make the person you are terrorizing fear everything. 
      This is what the poster miss about Florida Evans. Just remember, Fred Hampton was murdered in his home no different than medgar evers was murdered outside his. 
      The christian god gives you luck, but what about the devil. You find 5,000 but what happens if someone comes to claim it. You are in a commercial but what if your hungry neighbors find out or your fellow church members see you in an alcoholic commercial. JJ is passed up a grade, but what has he truly merited. James is gambling but what happens if he wins and someone kills him for it. 
      Fear. And Black fear in the usa is well founded. Yes, Florida is a caricature. But, the history of the black community in the usa is full of reasons to fear, especially to those of her age. 
      Sequentially, why Mrs. Huxtable is beloved far more than Florida Evans. MRS Huxtable is afraid to. Why do you think she acts like the governess to everybody? She is no different than Florida in fears or matriarchal tactics. The difference is her husband was fortunate/lucky to become a doctor at a time when whites were willing to pay black doctors. Remember, black doctors have been in the usa since the 1800s, but getting paid fairly, fairly, was a modern inviention circa the 1980s.
      Florida is a woman of her times, reflecting, even as a caricature, the warranted fears of a nonviolent community in majority denied: income/inheritance.
      Black people for the first multiple of decades in the history of the usa or the european colonies that preceded it can now inherit. With that inheritance and all that it implies comes a lofty perch that it is easy to look down on those far less fortunate. Even if you are merely joking. 

  19. now0.jpg
    The ThrillerFest XVII - 2022 conference will be held at the
    Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel
      from May 31 - June 4, 2022.

    Enter our free and fun Best First Sentence Contest!
    Each winner will receive a 10-page critique from one of the teachers of the Master Class. The deadline for entries is May 1, 2022.

    To enter the 2022 Best First sentence contest, please email your submissions to bestfirstsentence@gmail.com. You may only submit one entry. To qualify for entry you must be an ITW member or registered for ThrillerFest XVII (2022). Winners will be announced on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at the CraftFest Luncheon and on social media. All winners will be notified shortly thereafter via email.
    A few winning samples from the 2021 cohort:

    My mom told me I could do whatever I wanted for the whole summer I was fourteen, so I decided to find the Red Rock serial killer. – Melissa Yi

    She sat on the rocking chair with the bloody knife in her lap and listened to the chorus of frogs while she waited. – Diane Bator

    Beast was the name her mother gave her. – Matt Leyshon

  20. #openpulpit Eric Adams/NYCC signed a law that allows a noncitizen/permanent resident NC/PR who has not been sentenced for a crime in 30 days to vote for elections in NYC,agree? NC/PR of NYC will not be able to vote for NYS/Federal. please state the city you live in the comments

  21. now0.jpg

    The issue is about the definition or usage of marriage as a communal construct. A subsidiary issue is the variance in said definition or usage in financial tiers in the black community. 

    What is the definition of marriage? 

    Some say it is when a man <defined as someone born with a penus> side a woman <defined as someone born with a vagina> decide to join eternally. Some say it is when a pastor as a christian church performs a ritual. Some say it is when a registration form from a government is issued. Some say it is natural law. Outside humanity, other children of earth have from ancient times lovingly or legitimately married in all forms: the entirety of life <eagles>, brave premortem <spiders> legendary multispousal <lions> proud single parenthood <tigers>, or more. I say marriage is as those involve want it to be. The imposition of the outsider to those in a marriage is the great flaw. to restate, if you wish to marry one way, why are others forced to use your method or be judged by your method. 

    The usage of marriage in non humans is ancient and like humans inconsistency exists. Non humans have many examples of mating outside species so that can be deemed no other than the variable forms in humans. Over time things can change. In the same way, many lions will not have a pride their entire life or lose a pride for the remaining years of their life. A human can be married in a christian fashion, and then end their life in common law. 

    SEquentially, the definition or usage of marriage doesn't have a standard, should not be viewed as something to gain concensus on or have a respectable form. It is for the marred to define or use, all others outside a marriage , if they want to do something positive, wish well, if they want to do something negative, judge or make determinants

    Now, the last issue pertains well to Rihanna and that is marriage in financial tiers of the black community. History matters. For most of the post war between the states years in the usa, the financial aristocracy in the black community was over ninety percent male + christian. But today, in the year 2022, the financial aristocracy of the black community in the usa is not ninety percent male + christian. Said fiscal aristocracy has women, muslims, areligious, and yes... black people in the collage of independent or disconnected races called LGBTQ+. What does this mean for the fiscal wealthy? their attachments to the common marriage culture of black fiscal aristos dominant in the past is dead. And, in the usa, one other factor exists. The financial legality of divorce. In the usa divorce is a mess when one has money. It is a way for lawyers to make tons of money and a way for media to gain tons of clicks and should be avoided by anyone with money. But what is the only way to avoid that, while still having children, a marriage , comfortable home, is to not get married through the government or religion. And, to be blunt, absent a piece of paper from a government or clergy, if you live with someone, with the intimacy plus fights and possibly the children, that is called marriage. The good news is that using forms of marriage defined outside the christian  community or government means breaking up is easier. And anyone who has been in relationships knows, breakups can happen. 

    So, I wish Rihanna side the baby, side her partner, all the best in the world. 



    1. richardmurray


      Someone in the internet said, Celebrities are not role models

      In my mind the question is about guidance. ....If someone asks me, who have I most paid attention to in a reference to my life. It is my parents. BUT, some people are orphans. Some people have terrible parents. Some people have terrible school teachers. Some people live in terrible situations. The people one uses to help guide them in life can be anyone or anything. How many black people were guided by the Huxtable parents? And I have always professed a dislike for that show. I am not a fan of the cosby show. But, it doesn't mean that some black person somewhere can't be guided by the fictional huxtables. Some people are guided by Superman, a fictional character. As you read this, if you made it this far:) some kid is talking about Black panther or chadwick boseman. Do I feel the same way about boseman or black panther or superman? no, but that doesn't mean someone else can't ...This is why I always disagreed with charles barkley when he said that famously to himself. Anyone can guide another, be their role model. The most important thing is to never be a clone. Always try to be your unique self. This doesn't mean you can't do similar things. It means you don't have to.



    Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City (Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2020) - Culture, Race & Economy - AALBC.com’s Discussion Forums


    the title of the post is 
    Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City (Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2020) 
    The post body is
    Why don't you use the terms white on white crime or asian on asian crime?

    These are not the same issues at all in my view. 
    I will do them one by one, 
    Statistics of Crime plus enforcement activity in any time frame 

    I read the introduction of the pdf report< https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/analysis_and_planning/year-end-2020-enforcement-report-20210721.pdf > shared , like all statistics,all statistics,  it is by default misleading in a way.
    I quote said pdf using quotations and comment using brackets
    "Crime Complaint Reports contain information on the crime victims’ race and ethnicity as recorded by the officers or precinct clerical staff interviewing the victim or complainant. "
    <<A complainant is recorded as a crime victim. That is the first problem. Complaining is not being a victim or being criminally acted upon. Complaining can be someone calling law enforcement about activity in a neighbor's house, that offers no crime toward them. >>
    " The victim’s description of any non-arrested suspects will also be recorded on the crime complaint report. "
    <<the prior sentence already stated that a crime viction can be a complainant, sequentially, if someone is complaining about a group of black people or suspected black people, the law enforcer will record that. But that means the statistics on potential offenders is by default erroneous>>
    " Arrests made by the responding officers will be recorded on an arrest report associated with the crime complaint report and used to initiate the booking system. "
    <<The question is obvious, if an arrest is made and the race is not the same as the suspect both are recorded. So a disconnect exists between the suspect count and arrest count>>
    "Additional information was drawn from a separate Homicide and Shooting Database that collects additional statistical information for Murder and Shooting incidents."
    <<Homicide and shooting's do not or do not have to use the mentioned style of statistical record keeping. More importantly, the illegal or criminal activity, not the same thing, that does not involve murder or shooting which is most crimes or illegal activity in NYC is based on the defined system.>>
    "The crime complaint and arrest data contained in this report represent crimes occurring from January 1, 2020 thru December 31, 2020 for the general crime complaint and arrest data (compiled on January 22, 2020). The Murder and Shooting tables and charts are also based on incidents that occurred through December 31, 2020 as are the statistics presented for Firearm arrests (compiled on January 15, 2020)"
    <<None shooting or homicide crimes re from january 1st 2020 to december 31st 2020, while homicide or shooting crimes has an unstated beginning but ends at december 31st 2020, that is a clear statistical manipulation>>
    "Stop Question and Frisk data and Violent Crime Suspect information are taken from the New York City Police Department’s Stop, Question and Frisk Database which is also the source of the quarterly report on Stop Question and Frisk Activity supplied to the New York City Council for all 4 quarters 2020"
    <<In the financial world the quaters of a year can begin in the prior year, no clarification of when quarters begin or end is stated so the stop and frisk data has a clarification issue based on this descriptive segment. IT is assumption to assume the four quarters involve in one calendar year, they don't have to>>
    "Commercial victimizations are generally noted on crime complaint reports and are excluded from the statistics dealing with specific categories of crime"
    <<Crimes against businesses are excluded from statistics dealing with specific categories of crime... means they have disconnected relevant information in these statistics. To which specific crimes, they do not say.>>
    "However it is likely that a small number of commercial victimizations may be inadvertently included in the victim data when a report is not properly classified as a commercial victimization.Those cases would generally present the race/ethnicity of employees as the crime victims."
    <<So crimes against a business are excluded from specific categories of crime and are not placed in victim data. Thus, crimes against businesses can't be used for this report if the crime doesn't involve a murder or shooting , which use an unstated set of rules, since a business is usually not stated as a victim>>
    " The arrest statistics presented here do not include arrests made by federal agencies"
    <<So arrests in the financial sector of NYC, that fall under the securities and exchange commission which happen every day are not in these records, arrests in the immigration sector under federal jurisdiction like I.C.E. are not in these records. Federal law enforcement actions against terrorist is not in these records. Federal action against illegal drug shipments or transactions are not included in these transactions. The federal law enforcement does many arrests in these fields per day in NYC, none of them being in these reports that supposedly represent an overall law enforcement review is dysfunctional>>
    " Crime complaint reports that were recorded during calendar year 2020 but report an incident occurring in prior years are excluded from these iistatistics. Arrest reports included in these statistics do include arrests made during calendar year 2020 for incidents that may have occurred in prior years"
    <<Arrests statistics could had been made from complaints from prior years, but the complaints are in 2020. Thus a huge disconnect between arrest statistics and complaint statistics>>
    "Black Hispanic and White Hispanic categories have been combined into a single Hispanic category for the statistical tables and charts presented in this report.The categories of Black and White used in tables and charts through out this report therefore represent Black Non-Hispanic and White Non-Hispanic. "
    <<this is dysfunctional, in the latin american community a difference exists between blanco side negra, so placing black hispanis with white hispanic is dysfunctional, while separating black hispanic from black or white hispanic from white is dysfunctional or a lie for a statistical review, even if for brevity, statistics absent comprehension is flawed>>
    "Specific broad Crime categories however may contain only some subcategories for which suspect descriptions are typically available (e.g. a Larceny from the person will normally provide some suspect descriptive information while a larceny from a business office without a witness will not). "
    <<So suspect descriptions from larceny from a business without a witness is not mentioned, meaning if a thief steals from a firm and no witness is present then no suspect data is mentioned, thus if law enforcement doesn't catch the person, no data is given at all, so successful thefts are not recorded>>
    "The tables included in the report contain overall statistics that explain the available victim and suspect information for each broad crime category. The victim count for the period for the example table below, Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief is 35,827. Of these victims, 21,322 had information on the race/ethnicity of a noncommercial victim. Within this crime complaint population suspect information was available for 19,959 suspects and the race/ethnicity of 8,774 of those suspects was available. During calendar year 2020 4,149 misdemeanor criminal mischief arrests were made and 4,131 of these records contained race/ethnicity information."
    <<The example given displays one fact, the victims, which includes complainants, of criminal acts not against businessess, didn't always have information on the phenotype or ethnicity of a suspect. 35,827 victims including complainants/21,322 had information on the phenotype of the person not business victimized. that is 0.595137745 or artihmetic ceiling 60% had information on the race of the victim. Nearly half of the people reporting didn't have information on the phenotype of the victim. That seems odd to me. Then only 19,959 suspect information was available. So from 35,827 victims or complainants at best 0.557093812 or arithmetic ceiling 56% had information on a suspect, and from said 19.959 suspects only 8,744 had information on race which is 0.439601182 which is a arithmetic ceiling 44%. So only 44% of suspects had any phenotypical information from only 56% of victims or complainants being able to provide information on a suspect while only 60% of victims had phenotypical information on themselves. Add that from 19,959 total suspects, whether phenotype was known or not, only 4,149 led to an arrest. That is 0.207876146 or arithmetic ceiling 21% of suspects led to an arrest. And of the arrest, 4,131 phenotype or geographic lineage was known. Thus the only percentage that is above 90% from the Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity chart used as an example given in the introduction is to the phenotype of those arrested.  >>
    "The nonarrested suspects are included in the “suspect” statistics in the tables and charts included in this report and arrested individuals are included in the “arrestee” statistics. "
    <<So, suspects who can be picked up at the mere discretion of human law enforcers are added in this chart but do not have to have any bearing on the criminal or illegal act>>
    " In so far as that situation has occurred within calendar year 2020 data presented the suspect and arrests data will overlap and count the same individual as both suspect and arrestee if a follow up arrest has been made during the period."
    <<So, a person arrested is counted twice in the statistics used in the pdf, that alone is corrupt statistical analysis on its own>>
    "The suspect’s description is also recorded at this time but relies on the victim’s assessment of race and ethnicity given their interaction with the suspect. The arrestee race/ethnicity is recorded as a result of the officers assessment of the individual’s identification documents the individual’s physical characteristics and in many cases their prior criminal record. Arrestee race/ethnicity and victim designation of suspect race/ethnicity may therefore vary due to the different methods of determination."
    <<So, the measures to describe a suspect or arrestee are not the same, but the numbers are placed side by side as if validated. Suspects are based on personal views or biases, while arrestee are based on official documents>>
    "Classification as a Shooting incident is based upon a bullet striking the victim. A Shooting incident therefore contains complaints for violent crimes such as Rape, Robbery and Felonious Assault as well as Murders committed with a firearm. This category therefor is not mutually exclusive with the broad crime classifications used in the other tables and charts within this report but is meant to isolate those specific instances where firearms are used to cause harm regardless of the other crimes committed"
    <<so shooting incidents are defined explicity, but are collated with adjunct activities, thus another multiple statistic space and their use in these forms may not occur, but is not explicitly rejected>>
    "Some crime categories are principally proactive enforcement events and will have no specific victim e.g. drug possession, sale and manufacture. The race/ethnicity of arrested individuals is reported for these categories. "
    <<So, actions absent a victim, victims include complainants, are included as arrestees even though no victim exists, alongside those who commit a crime against victims who are not complainants >>
    " Drug allegations may contain suspect race/ethnicity descriptions"
    <<Even though the charts, like criminal misdemeanor mischief will include acts around drug possession, sale, manufacture, that have no victim, the arrestee will be added, or at the least can be added. But the descriptions by suspects/complainants can be biased or have suspect descriptions>>
    "A firearm arrest will be counted if these conditions are met by an arrest containing other charges, some of which may be for serious violent felonies. The Firearm Arrest statistics therefore include arrests for other violent crimes that are also included in other tables within this report"
    <<again, the cconcatenation of statistics in this pdf is a common thread. The subtlety of crime is absent in this report.>>


    First thought, is this pdf from the nypd valid to use as a measure of crime or illegal activity in NYC? The answer is no. 

    The proof, what statistics are utilized/not utilized/uncertain?

    ->complainants plus victimized are touted as victims together. 
    ->suspects are derived from victim questioning, with victims included the unvictimized complainant. 
    ->Records of nonshooting crimes is withone 2020 while records from shooting crimes can refer to data before 2020
    ->each report will allow a victim count circa 35,827 to be utilized which is less than half of one percent of eight million<40,000>, or the arithmetic floor for the population of NYC. Also,circa 60% of the victims< which includes complainants> from 35,827 for example know the race of the victim. Circa 56% of said victims had phenotypical information on the suspect. Of said suspects only 44% had available phenotypical information available. From said suspects only 21% led to an arrest. Over 90% of arrested had phenotypical data available.  

    Not Utilized
    ->The specific number of arrests concerning commercial victimization. It matters cause commercial victims are not touted as being of any phenotype or geographic lineage and yet those who commit crimes against them are added to various statistical charts based on actions during the arrest.  I restate, in a report about crime concerning phenotypical race the relationship between those arrested and those victimized must be even. If you lump the arrested from a commercial victim absent a phenotype to those arrested with a non commercial victim, adding that non commercial victims include complainants, then no balance exists in the statistics.
    ->The number of federal law enforcement activities. It matters cause, in a city like NYC, which has in my view ten million people and white statistics say an arithmetic floor of eight million, have many federal law enforcers acting every day in NYC from the Food and drug administration/securties and exchange commission/immigration and customs enforcement/Federal bureau of investigation/central intelligence agency/national security administation or the many others are not counted in a report that is utilized as a guide to crime or illegality in NYC. I restate, if you don't count federal law enforcement activity in a city like New York City then you can not say your count can be valid as a report on the city.
    ->An unknown quantity of statistics is absent concerning crimes against businesses.
    -> all the successful crimes or illegalities in NYC where no information on suspect is absent but law enforcement was notified. It matters cause if a white person owns a business and says someone stole something, but has no idea who, they need to call to get their insurance, but if their cousin was the thief, the crime or illegality succeeded absent any record at all. As this report states, if a business office doesn't include any information on suspect then none is to report, but if law enforcement never arrest anyone then nothing is reported at all. Sequentially, the possibility of a complex crime occured with no statistical significance in this report.
    -> The absence of a crime free or illegality free city being mentioned. In an example, ff less than one half of one percent of the population of New York City is being utilized statistically, either NYC isn't a crime or illegal active cesspool or law enforcement isn't gathering enough data from the majority of crimes or illegal actions in NYC. The fact that exampld populace generated: 40% of victims, which includes complainants, is of unknown phenotype; 44% of victims, including complainants, had no information on phenotype; 56% of suspects had unknown phenotypical information;79% of suspects led to no arrest; under 10% of arrested didn't have phenotypical information is damning on this report. It matters cause, amadou diallo was fired at 41 times from law enforcers but the scenario started with an alleged serial rapists hunt, but where did this come from? A serial rapists claim based on what or who? This report suggests that anyone can call law enforcement and make a complaint and that complaint can lead to an never ending investigation , gathering up many people absent any proof. Sean Bell's murder started with a claim of prostitution in a strip club. Who gave them this information? any person can complain to law enforcement that they see a child coming out of a strip club. Thus, you have a large populace whose level of criminal incidents is very tiny to its populace. A law enforcement system with no assurity in the claims of victims, that utilizes complaints from those who are not being victimized, that gathers suspects mostly with no connection or evidence to any criminal or illegal activity , all wrapped up in a sea of human biases. 
    -> an equal measurement system to arrested compared to suspected. Suspected can come from a complainant who simply dislikes another person absent any criminal or illegal activity. While arrested comes from certifications or identification forms. It matters cause it means the steps before arrested are all on whims or unverified claims or biases, negative or positive.

    ->how many complainants are part of the statistic victim? It matters cause the culture of complaining about one's neighbors is key. The Black community in the usa has a larger culture of complaint to its own than any other. 
    ->how many suspects came from unbiased replies from victims questioning? It matters cause the negative bias in any human will lead to a victim, which includes complainants in this report, leading to a people they have negative bias toward, who can be their own.
    ->how much of the statistics is within the 2020 calendar year? It matters cause law enforcement can put cases on hold so the ones they choose to continue to be active on from prior time , which is from their own biases, will lead to statistic manipulation. It matters cause arrests carry over from incidents in prior years while suspects or victims, including complainants do not, thus a clear manipulation of statistics , cause the bias of law enforcement plays a hand on cases that are chosen. 
    ->how many white hispanics explicitly or black hispanics explicity. It matters cause in a report that admittedly focuses on phenotype, the black or white groups are partially delineated in one report. Why not delineate blacks or whites further? why only from those who speak spanish? That is a biased choice that is totally dysfunctional.


    First I will overview the proof through utilized/not utilized/uncertain as to if the pdf given is a valid descriptor of crime. Second I will relate to the black community.
    The uncertainties are massive in a report claiming to be valid. So many convenient mixes of information and acceptable biased information. That is at the least confusing in a statistical report.
    But, the not utilized are massive. This report means black people arrested for stealing from a commercial victim are placed aside suspected black people of crimes or illegalities based on uncertain information of biases. The 79% of suspects lead to no arrest is damning report on victims or law enforcement , not the suspects themselves or the arrested.
    Penultimately, the absence of federal law enforcement numbers, when drug busts/illegal financial manipulations at the federal level can involve hundreds of people , is criminal to statistical gathering in a city with the population of NYC. 
    Lastly,  the fact that the quantity of crime or illegality refers to less than one percent of the populace in NYC, is a great positive for the city itself and a great crime for the makers of this report or those who utilize it.

    To the black community, the questions have to be, how many black people are complicit in making false suspect reports? I am certain non blacks do it at a high number, but how many black people themselves? I know from personal experience that black people have called law enforcement on black people for having a party loud, standing on a corner, personal grudges. Now, as this report states, most of these suspects lead to no arrest, but they are stated as suspects are they not, based on this report. The population of arrested to those who claim injury heavily favors those who claim.  Thus, are black people quietly, providing the basis for these numbers. It is well known, most crime is communal. It is common knowledge in NYC that the asian mobs operate in drugs or prostitution or trafficking or extortion in asian communities at a high level. I argue the statistics and common knowledge show black people are willing to call upon other black people to law enforcement with a greater regularity than other communities in NYC or elsewhere. Now, it can be argued that the reason for that is the absence of a big mob structure, that exists in the white european or white jewish or white asian communities. Or the latin american community mobs which are dominated by white latinos. So...  
    Use the statistical form if you like but I say it is invalid.


    2) Black on Black Crime
    Black on Black crime is a term. It is a fair term, a person in the phenotypical race labeled black commit a crime against another person in said phenotypical race. 
    But the question to why it is used more is interesting. The easy view is the negative bias of whites, which is a real thing. But the complex view is the negative bias of all. 
    Non blacks are usually raised with more negative biases toward blacks. But, black people in the USA from 1850s <circa end of the war between the states> to modernity, have a philosophical source to their actions. From Frederick Douglass side the first black elected class who wanted the black community in the USA to fully accept the american myth to Booker T washington who wanted the black community to be christan craftspeople to WEB DuBois the younger who wanted a black elite to exists aside the white elite, to the Club Women who wanted the black community to be exemplary europhiles, to the NAACP who preached a nonviolent mantra against any violent oppression , to the black elected official class of the 1970s to modernity who preach a familial citizenship to all, the black community in the usa has a large percentage of its leadership financed by whites or empowered by whites whose message is in two parts: regardless of anything personal or communal embrace the USA, integrate peacefully to whites. Now Nat Turner or MArcus Garvey or sets of Black soldiers in World War I or Malcolm X or Fannie Lou Hamer or SHirley CHisholm didn't say these things strictly but most black leaders in the USA or from the USA did. 
    why does that matter? They set the table for a problem. Non Blacks negative bias toward Blacks creates thier role in the media placement of Black on Black crime as the primary legal threat. But, most Black leaders in the USA desire for the larger black community to become an idealized Statian community creates our role in the media placement of Black on Black crime as the primary legal threat. To restate, non blacks disliking blacks leads to their role in providing the media narrative, but most black leaders desiring the black community to fit a goal leads to our providing the media narrative. 
    A proof is Historic Black Colleges or Universities. Most Black leaders, black one percent, are what: elected representatives/soldiers/athletes/entertainers, their entire life is embracing the USA or embracing whites in the USA, usually both, thus they guide the larger black mass to do likewise. 
    Most Black Churches of high membership are financed by the Black leadership side whites. Thus, the narrative from churches in every topic is similar. Blacks must reach for the goal of being a community fitting a philosophical view; said view is nonviolent and totally committed to the usa. 
    Every single black person who commits an act against the law is not totally committed to the usa. Every single black person who acts violently, no matter the reason, is potentially a threat to whites who criminalize in the white community the existence of black violence. 
    The question isn't Black on Black crime but what do black people want from each other? Some black people want other black people to have a certain lifestyle, no matter what. Some black people want other black people to have a blanket comradery of peace. And other groups or individuals of black people want other things from black people. But, can one thing be agreed upon? historically that has never happened and thus the possibility of crime is always present.


    Explained...Historic Black Colleges or Universities utilization by Black financial elite.


    1. richardmurray


      Mzuri < https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/3860-mzuri/ >  said

      I quote her


      Although crime can happen to anyone, when people engage 

      in common sense behaviors such as locking their doors, walking 

      in well-lit areas, not being flashy, etc. it helps to keep them safe.


      To her points, 

      1) lock doors... man, this is a big one. I have a friend who is an aspiring architect, black female, and I know of a few other black architects, male. The first thing that comes to my mind is about a black man who lived in a shelter. The shelter had/has <don't know which> a gang that came into his room, busted through the door, and beat him sensely. Kicked his jaw off literally. Then I think about the projects.  NYC historically is used to 3 to six stories. But to modernity, NYC has cities in elevation. and  I Think that is a problem. I do think of Judge Dredd, the 2022 storyline, the megacities. If Richard Murray Towers <RMT> exists and it has 100 floors with thirty apartments on each floor. Richard Murray Towers has , no vancacy, bare minimum, 3000 people in it. Towns in the USA have a fire department, roads,a  school, bridges with just 100 people., So one building has in itself, based on some small towns in the USA with full amenities, circa 30 towns. But each town in RMT has nothing. No roads, bridges, schools, fire department, hospital, bank,no sheriff... each town in RMT is functionally nothing. So to urban planning, side your point locked doors. I Think you hit a huge nail on the head. The way cities design all big buildings has to change. Now will this expensive? yes. Will many industries hate the idea? yes. But maybe if nyc or similar cities vertical environment was thought of differently, not how it is traditionally. It will lead to greater security. At the end of the day, most altercations are always local and usually more gripes than anything. 

      2) well lit areas. I admit, I have been safe in the darkness of NYC. But, I think well lit areas are better for general safety of walking. NYC streets are a mess, and if someone injures themselves on a poorly lit street, again expecting the financially poor passerby to not try something is ... welll... 

      3)I mentioned blinging already. The fiscally wealthy in NYC never condoned being around the poor blinging. so anyone who does that is just silly. teasing the poor with the wealth you wear, shame on you.

      4)Common sense does matter, I think a connection between the infrastructure weakness in environments. We talk of tulsa and yet, the black people of tulsa for all of their financial acument didn't seem to realize they needed a wall between them and the white community, same as all other black towns in the south<usa states from maryland to texas>. In parallel, black communities in the northern cities<above maryland from maine to illinois> are in temporary scenarios <shelters or projects> raising generations of families in vertical cities stacked on each other absent anything remotely close to infrastructure. so...

  23. A question was asked:
    What do you want out of life?
    My reply
    To the individual, Knowing what you want is like knowing oneself, sometimes it doesn't happen in seventy years. Somestimes it happened when one is five years old. 


    To the group,the similar atemporal occurence is true. A group may not find its self in hundreds of years. A group may find itself in a  minute. But groups have added elements in knowing what y'all want. Unlike an individual a group doesn't have the luxury of singular trust, a group must have faith in its unique parts to survive whatever it wants. It also doesn't have the simplicity of individual philosophy. An individual can say, I believe but a group rarely has a philosophical cohesion throughout its body.

    Whether an individual or group, knowing what one wants is like knowing self, it is not determined by school age or determined by some lifestyle algorithm, it is unknown when it will happen. 

    I think a deeper question than knowing what one wants is knowing how to wait till you know. Many individuals or groups in their quest to know, don't act with patience or act with rigid philosophy or viewpoints. Before you know what one wants, one has to live not knowing what one wants. Every baby lives said life. All babies want is happiness of life and they have an open mind continually searching for who they are until they know. 

    How many individuals or groups are open minded?

  24. now0.png

    OverDrive: Record Number of Libraries Hit Million Digital Lend Mark


    Leading library service provider OverDrive this week reported < https://company.overdrive.com/2022/01/12/over-120-library-systems-reach-1-million-digital-checkouts-in-2021/ >  that a total of 121 public libraries and consortia across seven countries and 37 U.S. states surpassed one million digital lends in 2021. The number represents a significant jump from 2020, when 102 libraries hit the mark < https://company.overdrive.com/2021/01/12/over-100-public-libraries-exceed-1-million-digital-book-checkouts-in-2020/> , although more libraries (29) joined the million+ club in 2020.

    According to OverDrive officials, 22 library systems made more than one million loans in 2021, with the Toronto Public Library leading the pack for a ninth consecutive year, while also achieving a new record for digital loans with nearly 10 million digital titles circulated.

    The Los Angeles Public Library retained the #1 U.S. public library position for the third year in a row. In addition, for the first time, students from four K-12 school districts in 2021 accessed more than one million digital books with Sora, OverDrive’s student reading app.

    In a blog post, OverDrive officials noted that libraries in 2021 continued to provide "a vital service to their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic," enabling library patrons "to safely seek and enjoy books from home." In addition, the growth in digital book clubs like Big Library Read "connected readers from across the globe" and promoted books and reading.

    Last week, OverDrive reported that in 2021 digital lends surpassed the half a billion mark for the first time, a 16% jump over 2020.

    The complete list of 2021 Million+ Circulation libraries can be found here<https://company.overdrive.com/2022/01/12/over-120-library-systems-reach-1-million-digital-checkouts-in-2021/> . The top circulating digital ebooks, audiobooks and magazines can be found here <https://company.overdrive.com/2022/01/05/public-libraries-and-schools-surpass-half-a-billion-digital-book-loans-in-2021/ > .


    OverDrive's 2021 Top 10 library Systems in total digital circulations (e-books, audiobooks and magazines)

    1. Toronto Public Library
    2. National Library Board Singapore
    3. Los Angeles Public Library
    4. King County Library System (WA)
    5. New York Public Library
    6. Multnomah County Library (OR)
    7. Seattle Public Library
    8. Harris County Public Library (TX)
    9. Calgary Public Library (AB, Canada)
    10. Mid-Continent Public Library (MO)

    OverDrive Library systems achieving Million+ Circulation status for digital books for the first time in 2021:

    1. Arkansas Digital Library Consortium
    2. eIndiana Digital Consortium
    3. Albuquerque Bernalillo County Library System
    4. Dayton Metro Library
    5. Fraser Valley Regional Library
    6. Nebraska OverDrive Libraries
    7. Winnipeg Public Library
    8. Western Australia Public Libraries
    9. Indiana Digital Download Center
    10. Fort Worth Public Library
    11. Jacksonville Public Library
    12. Brisbane City Council Library Services
    13. Okanagan Regional Library (Canada)
    14. Louisville Free Public Library
    15. Libraries NI (Northern Ireland)
    16. Baltimore County Public Library
    17. Kent District Library
    18. The Libraries Consortium (UK)
    19. Verbund Öffentlicher Bibliotheken (VÖBB) Berlin
    20. Houston Public Library
    21. Georgia Download Destination
    22. MELSA: Twin Cities Metro eLibrary



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