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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. But that is not th point. It is REFERENCE MATERIAL. The ancient published written works compiled in the Bible and dated are references that confirm the subject at hand; NEANDERTHALS. This is the point. The GENOME PROJECT and the Bible have the same conclusions. it's not about prediction; it about referencing published written works. This is a scholarly process that has been established for thousand of years--REFERENCING. The Bible defines MUTATION and today's scientist discovered archeological proof around the BLACK SEA AREA of Black AFrican specimens that have DNA of BLUE EYES. This is a proven MUTATION. It's dated 6000 years ago and that is the exact time span the Bible details Cain. But that is not th point. It is REFERENCE MATERIAL. The ancient published written works compiled in the Bible and dated are references that confirm the subject at hand; NEANDERTHALS. This is the point. The GENOME PROJECT and the Bible have the same conclusions.
  2. Excellent. No it's not my theory, the GENOME PROJECT is scientific fact. But again, I've added about the mutation of BLUE EYES. I forgot to add that the date scientist provide is 6000 years ago; that is the exact dating of CAIN. ... another finding today that supports the Bible on THE ORIGINAL SIN in reference to CAIN. Recently scientiest also found archeological specimens around the BLACK SEA area and, DNA analysis proves them to have the DNA of an African-typed man, and with BLUE EYES. Scientist know now through these findings that BLUE EYES stem from BLACK PRESENCE because pre-Adamah beings did not have blue eyes!!! And they further know that Blue eyes are the result of a mutation.
  3. All you need to do is google it. This GENOME PROJECT was released to the public I believe in 2012, so it's common knowledge now. There are so many links and I do plan to present references from secular sources, only now, I choose to concentrate on the Bible. as you did post the OXFORD DICTIONARY definition of INTERSEXED all of what I am saying here is so easy to check yourself. But I would love to add on to this subject right now and also add another finding today that supports the Bible on THE ORIGINAL SIN in reference to CAIN. Recently scientiest also found archeological specimens around the BLACK SEA area and, DNA analysis proves them to have the DNA of an African-typed man, and with BLUE EYES. Scientist know now through these findings that BLUE EYES stem from BLACK PRESENCE because pre-Adamah beings did not have blue eyes!!! And they further know that Blue eyes are the result of a mutation.
  4. Yes. The Bible supports the science of today. The GENOME PROJECT has successfully mapped a portion of NEANDERTHAL DNA. The major confirmation is sort of ironic; when I was young, I heard most of the Church goers, Blacks, say that CAIN WAS CURSED and turned BLACK, but the science of today proves that could not be possible; based on the GENOME PROJECT and so many other facts; the presence of the NEANDERTHALS and that they could not produce a VIABLE MALEFACTOR amazingly confirms the bible account of GENESIS 3:15. Prior to the modern mankind, there was no VIABLE MALE REPRODUCTION going on!!!-- Not until the African man was on the earth in recent human history!!!
  5. That the Neanderthal that had sex with Eve was White. or more scientifically put ALBINO. The GENOME PROJECT supports my findings and it also supports the Bible account of THE ORIGINAL SIN. Also, Science is observational as well. Look around you, what do you see; a world filled with racism and Colorism. This beginning of this phenomena revolves around SATANISM. SATANISM and WHITE SUPREMACY is one and the same. We are all, whether we are White, or African, affected by this REPRODUCTION that occurred of which the Biblical account of it I referenced in GENESIS 3:15.
  6. That the Neanderthal that had sex with Eve was White. or more scientifically put ALBINO.
  7. It's a reference. The reference you gave from the OXFORD DICTIONARY is another reference about the subject of INTERSEXED BEINGS. The Biblical references I gave are supporting the science of INTERSEX BEINGS. The fact that there are people living today that are medically determined to be INTERSEXED is not a theory. It is a proven fact. You can google yourself for these types of references. There are a lot of INTERSEXED athletes that had conflicts competing in the Olympics due to this reality. There are many ancient references to this reality and I just chose to use the Bible as my reference source. SATAN'S SEED, in order for him to have HIS SEED, THERE HAD TO BE REPRODUCTION. And today's presence of his seed is a reality, in the form of INTERSEXED people and so many other manifestations. I reference a MAP of ITALY to correlate to the ROMAN EMPIRE and yes, SOUTHERN ITALY for historical correlation. Do you understand the purpose a reference source serves? It supports research or a statement.
  8. The Bible reference I gave absolutely defined INTERSEX. Jesus said that angels were intersexed! That is not a theory, that is called A REFERENCE! LOL. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. GENESIS 3:15. Most Bible scholars interpret this scripture to mean that JESUS, as the woman's seed [ie Eve's seed] will be persecuted. But the HEAD [ie. Satan's government] of Satan's seed will be bruised or, his government ended.
  9. Yes. I do believe that the 'pre-adamic' world was actually people of color. I've had the chance to visit the Smithsonion Hominid museum and it is quite enlightening. But if I had not done my own research, I would have been upset and offended. But I think it is true. Most of the hominids in the museum were either black or very dark skinned except for the Neanderthal. And the dark hominids are dated to have existed long before the Neanderthal. By the time the Neanderthal existed at some point all of the dark hominids were gone.
  10. THANK YOU! Yes. I do believe that the 'pre-adamic' world was actually people of color. I've had the chance to visit the Smithsonion Hominid museum and it is quite enlightening. But if I had not done my own research, I would have been upset and offended. But I think it is true. Most of the hominids in the museum were either black or very dark skinned except for the Neanderthal. And the dark hominids are dated to have existed long before the Neanderthal. By the time the Neanderthal existed at some point all of the dark hominids were gone.
  11. LOL! You're kidding. No. the science of INTERSEX beings is no theory. Your own reference from the Oxford dictionary was excellent. Now onto the example of Exodus 14:28-29, that kind of history is my passion! Even though this government supported lies about this event, actually, it is marked down to the very day it occurred!!! The very 'military leader' is well recorded even now, in that he was MIA. He was supposed to be married to Nefertiti's sister. And furthermore, in regards to SATAN'S SEED all of the major colleges and educational curriculum speaks of this birth. in GENESIS 3:15. Only the Black Church that I grew up in completely ignores this issue. And, I know that you know who I'm talking about. Come on!
  12. I won't argue that theory point, but will continue to hopefully share the details on the scientific basis of the issues I presented in regards to INTERSEXED BEINGS. My references was in the Book of Genesis and in the Gospel when Jesus addressed this very issue. Also, I don't understan what you mean by conspiracy theory? Anyway, here another reference: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. GENESIS 3:15. Satan's Seed; This key issue has been missed by many. Satan's seed. Prior to the presence of the modern man, all he could reproduce was beings that had many, many, defects...of which a lot of this science still presents today. Contrary to what many believe, we are all not one human species. Oh no, not at all. I hope to present much more references.
  13. I didn't mean to offend you. I guess you are INTERSEXED. I didn't mean to offend you. That was not my intentions. Hey, as I did say, according to the Bible, and science this whole earth has been affected by the ORIGINAL SIN. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. REVELATION 13:18. 666 or 2/3rds of a person = intersexed
  14. LOL! You may need to have medical attention then, about your lunacy. If you don't know how to have a discussion without being aggressive and attacking people then why are you here? I responded to this thread... and what do you know?... here you are in the midst... Anyway, again... this Revelation about THE MARK OF THE BEAST in association with 'a man' and the number 666, and the description of his government being defined as THE BABYLONIAN WHORE is what I addressed. I did not attack you or anyone. But hey, I will keep it moving... Another Biblical reference that I would like to add is in THE GOSPEL. When the Pharisees drilled Jesus and asked him who would be the wife of Abraham, Jesus responded and revealed this very aspect of the pre-Adamah world, in that 'angels' were INTERSEXED BEINGS. So the Bible prophets deals with this reality all throughout the Bible. I have a lot of science references to share overtime, but this was, as was most of the Bible mysteries, A SEALED PROPHECY, that has now been revealed by JOHN THE REVELATOR completely.
  15. LOL! If you don't know how to have a discussion without being aggressive and attacking people then why are you here? I responded to this thread... and what do you know?... here you are in the midst... Anyway, again... this Revelation about THE MARK OF THE BEAST in association with 'a man' and the number 666, and the description of his government being defined as THE BABYLONIAN WHORE is what I addressed. I did not attack you or anyone. But hey, I will keep it moving... Another Biblical reference that I would like to add is in THE GOSPEL. When the Pharisees drilled Jesus and asked him who would be the wife of Abraham, Jesus responded and revealed this very aspect of the pre-Adamah world, in that 'angels' were INTERSEXED BEINGS. So the Bible prophets deals with this reality all throughout the Bible. I have a lot of science references to share overtime, but this was, as was most of the Bible mysteries, A SEALED PROPHECY, that has now been revealed by JOHN THE REVELATOR completely.
  16. lol! Man are you upset! your Oxford link hits all that I have said about many people being born even today with both gender traits, and doctors today who assign gender as opposed to the Bible definition. If the Y chromosome is present, the Bible regarded Satan and refers to him as male. But in the Book of Genesis HIS SEED was stated as being FEMALE, because God already knew that it would be... because his Y-CHROMOSOME was unable to produce a viable malefactor! LOL Oh no. Intersex is a reality. It's scientific fact. I have done deep research. and yes, I plan and hope to add much much more of my research to this written prophecy publish some 2000 years ago and published all over the world! NOw, I have gave you one more added insight to what happened in the ORIGINAL SIN... and I will definitely or plan to definitely add much more information to this scripture written by JOHN THE REVELATOR about the connection of 'a man' to this government system [ie BEAST] tht is also defined in female representation as well... as THE GREAT BABYLONIAN WHORE!!! LOL [there's another reference]...
  17. Oh no. Intersex is a reality. It's scientific fact. I done deep research. But you can google for yourself. It's no theory Let's be clear here: 2/3rds means it is 2/3rd of a whole unit. IT means that it is not WHOLE. 666 is another mathematical expression for 2/3rds. The American Slavery laws state in many records that the Black slave was valued at 2/3rds a person and, this was also in the records in England and India and etc. Therefore, the ancient written and published words in the Bible was taken seriously
  18. doesn't matter what you think. Intersexed science is factual. not theory. 666 is another way of writing the fraction 2/3rd and, this was a law in American Slavery. It was on the books in England, America, India and elsewhere for Black African Slaves. So this Biblical scripture was taken very seriously. Your futile attempt to hide scientific facts is really funny. This prophecy has nothing to do with your opinions on religion. I did not write the Bible. It was written and published all over the world long before I was born or before you were born. You are not going to be able to hide this revelation about THE MARK OF THE BEAST. NO. The explanation of 'the Black vote' was much later in time. The law books have it that Blacks were valued at 2/3rds a person in many books... again... in England, India, America and elsewhere. It was originally based on the slave ships. But you keep looking and trying to hide published works that have been translated about this scripture ALL OVER THE WORLD. When a Black person can reveal the truth that NO ONE ELSE WILL, it's scary isn't it... makes one think White Supremacy might be dealt with now more decisively.
  19. Yes, that is what I am contending, -- that Native Americans and Anglo-Saxons are descendants of Africans. Black Africans. But the subject is broad for just a simple answer. This statement caught me off guard! It took me a minute to stop laughing. It's hard now, to be serious. But yeah, the word 'Africa' might not be the right word to use here. Black beings a long time ago prior to Afrian people we see today, would not be defined as African. A whole other concept.
  20. Transliteration!!!--WOW that is interesting! I have tried to do that but, right now, it's too challenging for me. As far as the 'divine aspect' of which you write about, I think that is up to the individual and personal experiences. I hear a lot about the end of Moses' life and how it was written and such, but it doesn't seem complex to me though. The Levites were appointed as the scribes and Moses would not have been the only one dealing with the script within the 40 years timespan in the Sinai Peninsula. Later, in the colleges and cities where ever the Levites resided, it would have been their process to pour over previous scripts, confirm, and verify, and such. Yeah, me too-- to try and understan creation from a divine viewpoint would not be my choice of pathway to acceptance. I need confirmation. So, my approach would be from a scientific approach, confirmation and scientific proof is what I search for.
  21. I understand you beliefs and position on what you addressed. I am not interested in making comments though, about people's beliefs in the kind of religion that they believe. I thank you for your acknowledgement of my research. But also, I am not addressing religion at all. I am not addressing the complexity of people's religious beliefs. I've heard of Blaise Pascal, but I cant' place him right now. So now, let me repeat my response to this post: it was about the subject of '666' as it was written in the Bible. That is what I addressed; I did not address religion. I addressed that scripture. 666. The other mathematical expression of this number is in the form of a fraction 2/3rds. It's that simple. Now, the history of it in American Slavery is also a fact. It was written in American law, that slaves were 2/3rds of a person. I addressed the issue of INTERSEXED BEINGS and the science that surrounds this reality. And, I correlated this scientific fact to what was written. This aspect has nothing to do with religion or what one believes. Whether you or anyone believes in it, is not the point. It was written. I am just addressing the science of it. The scripture states that this number 666 connects to 'a man'. So, I simply addressed the science of intersexed beings in that they all-- let me repeat-- ALL-- have a Y CHROMOSOME, but there are certain levels of intersexed beings because of the androgen hormone levels and etc. I am simply speaking about certain scientific aspects written in the Bible. I doubt this kind of information is written anywhere else... But I'm all ears.
  22. I can't remember the time put to it right now, but the species of modern man is termed 'homo sapaien sapaien'; modern homo sapiens. Then the more earlier homo sapien homonids are distinct. I think scientist classify and date the modern homo sapien sapien to BP 45,000. Scientist are kind of vague and they also contradict some of their statments when it comes to their dating system. When I compare and contrast what they say about the two Out of Africa theories and their datings of the hominids, i see discrpancies. But I still can understand the consceutive aspect of the pre-presence prior to their dating the Neanderthals.
  23. The first response I made was that I acknowledged that the Bible 'words' and 'translations' have been tampered with! And therefore, it is vital to do personal research. Even Jesus said this! He said that the scriptures had been 'Blalsphemed'!--an unless the Original Hebrews and true people of the Creator's righteousness EXCEEDS the righteousness of the scholars and lawyers [ie. scribes and pharisees] that support the adversaries system, we will 'in no wise enter into the kingdom of God'--ST MATTHEW 5:20. The Nation of Islam is based on their bonding with the Karaites; their Abrahamitic relatives and vice versa. The Nation of Islam script begins with THE FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES. People are not getting this vital point. They bonded before the Arab Movement in the AD 600S. The Arab Movement came about as a result of the Black men that became enraged at the Samaritans that began to tamper with the holy scriptures. This is what sparked everything;... the brothers came together and began to attack the NEW ROME--Byzantine government. They marched across North Africa headed for the EXARCHATE and his son-- and they got in their ships and fled to Constantinople--but they were pursued. Then the Original Greeks -- BLACKS-- started fighting against the religious conflicts in Rome too. This all happened before AD 600s. This is kept hidden. I understand about the sacredness of the Holy Quran today and I am not addressing that issue. I specifically spoke about the African American Islamic Movement over here. The Islamic khaliphate that I studied with said that there was a huge split over hear with respect to their stance on the beliefs in the Middle East. There are at least three sects over hear that split as a result of Malcolm X when he came back from visiting the Middle East. There is a difference. The Torah was rebuked by the Caraite Jews [ie. Karaite Jews]. They do not except it at all. The Original Caraites were bonded with the Abbasid Chaliphate and these Black men had the more original copies of the holy scriptures that came out of Iraq. The Torah is based on the Hellenistic Movement. Come one. I know that you know this. The letter 'Q' is not an original Phonecian letter but it signifies and marks a certain time and meaning in its translation of the word QURAN. Numerology fascinates me too. But as far as ASTROLOGY the history of the indegenous populations in the Middle East that connect to the history captured in the Bible, they did not practice Astrology and were shunned when they did. I know they had their festivals around 'the new moons' and some did branch off in this realm though. The so-called tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in correlation to the Winter Solstice is new to me. Thank you the information. I have studied about the Winter Solstice and know that the Ancient Egyptians regarded this very much and that their OPET FESTIVAL is somewhat connected to it. The Bible hits at this Winter Solstice and marks a time when the earth did split and the POLAR LANDS formed as a result of some kind of major earth catastrophe.
  24. Yes! When you said 'NEANDERTHAL' you are right up my ally!--and research. And the two 'out of Africa' studies, well, I think the scientist are not really breaking down the real truth about this altogether, but what they report is the pathway to understanding more of what did happened on this earth. okay. Thank you for your clarification on how evil becomes an issue even when it is coming out of good. I guess I would call that 'warfare'. Bro. Troy hit it when he brought the term 'NEANDERTHAL' but this too would be a term, a broad term that leads to other information. The 'blacks' that preceded the Anglo Saxons and Moors by thousands upon thousands of years also cane be defined by many, many terms, but one term can lead back to a better understanding of Europe prior to the presence of the MOORS: CELTS. Also there are so many other terms that come out of terms that historians use such as the NAQADA PERIOD, THE BADARIAN PERIOD, THE AMRATION PERIOD, and then there is the CHALCOLITHIC PERIOD [ie. Copper Age] and so much more that go back to before 4500s BC. In Europe one key term used kind of hints at the Black presence as the earlier mankind migrated into Europe from Africa and the east world; DANUBIAN. or the DANUBE RIVER pathway. The earlier people known the term DANAAN and then NUBIANS. And also up from North Africa, this term too followed earlier or pre-Moorish times thousands of years priod; THE DOLMEN and then ther is so many more terms that reveal an very early presence of Black or darker skinned people. ... Then there would be the time period of which scientist date the Neanderthals and prior to the presence of a time when 'beings' were referred to as such, scientist dates many, many, more beings to have been on earth much earlier prior to the Neanderthals, and if you visit the Smithsonian, you will see that they are all either Black or very dark skinned and the dates to which it is said they existed was millions of years before the Neaderthals even.
  25. Yes, I am familiar with the three books you speak of and have done a lot of research about all of them and how the Tanakh ties into this as well. I am aware of the discrepancies with regards to the non-African Jews script that sparked a great conflict in the Middle East during the early MIddle Age perian and how they threatened the Original Jews when they threatened to desacrate the tomb of Aaron and his sons. I studied how the Kione Greek language played a part in how the Septugint was translated about 200 years before the time of Julius Caesar, Augustus,... and Jesus. I have studied about how the Masoretic Text began to be translated beginning the early period of the Middle Ages and how it was not completed until hundreds of years later just before the onset of the Crusades. I sat at the table in a study group with an Islamic man, African American, for over a year and he shared his studies in a group session about the Koran. His take on this was that the Koran can not be solely relied upon for African American Islamic people and he believe the Bible should be apart of the study. I am aware of the violent struggle that broke out during the MIddle Ages, early times between AD 400s and AD 600s because the Original Jews became outraged at the Torah and the addition of their script that included religious doctrines that was not apart of the Original Hebrew script that the Jews still had and were concentrated in present day IRAQ and EGYPT. I am aware of what you speak of. And as far ad the Book of Revelations mention of '666' that you said you did not see at the tomb of Jesus housed in the CHURCH OF THE SEPULCRE in the MIddle East today is not a big issue. A lot of the script that we see today was not bound at the time this CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULLCRE was built and the tomb of Jesus was placed for the many, many, many Europeans to travel on their MECCA to Jerusalem prior to the Crusades to visit the Holy Land. Nevertheless, I did not just explain that script but I also reference other points that correlate to the prophecyo of '666' as well. But HEY, it is the essence of what I wrote that is also important, not whether or not you have seen it, though. The ARabic and Hebrew script today in the Middle EAst would definitely NOT reflect the Bible, based on my research. But, I'm looking forward to what you have to share as well. The Caraite Jews [ie Karaite Jews] bonded with their relatives, the Islamic men and stormed across North Africa and the faulty script of the Torah was what sparked their rage anyway. This was the onset of the Arabic Movement that followed in the AD 600s. So the Koran is actually based upon the First Five Books of Moses, even though the Koran is not a direct translation. I am aware. So if you are Leary of the Bible, you won't offend me, at all.
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