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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. Thank you! I'm a reader and I am lookinf forward to it. I've so met so very few authors in my life, so this is amazing! @Troy, @Mel Hopkins You're kidding!? Oh well, I hope they are Moorish. @Troy Yes, thank you, I actually stayed up for a while and searched the web and read Teresa Kemps' Bio on her website and look at her photos. She is fascinating! YOu have done awesome work.
  2. I have never heard of Giant reaching that height. As you have said, some issues with certain kinds of Giants [not all] have significant problems that lead them to have a short life span. So you have met this author? Well, I find her extremely interesting! She speaks about her ancestors and about their connection to Brazil and how the recent Olympics of 2011 impacted this rich history. She speaks about some African people being traders during the slavery times and about the ancient metalsmith practices which is very significant in dating history. And she is a living proof herself of what she speaks of in terms of her ancestry being from West Africa and also being linke to the Jews. Her features are striking. She has a mediteranean nose [ie Seljuk Turkish traits]. And she has Egyptian eyes that droop downward on the outside of face. She is astonishing. And what I like the most is that she mentioned the color range of African people in that they can be very fair skinned and then she said--- to a dark purple Black. Many people today don't believe me when I speak about 'being so Black skinned that the hue can appear to be 'blue-Black or even violent-Black'. They think I am crazy. I would love to meet her and get her book. But first, I am trying to get my pennies up to get @Mel Hopkins book and now, the magazine. And I have got my mind set on that mug too, I am thinking about making some holiday gifts, but I won't be asking you about that until a few months from now. I really like that mug; 'READ MOOR'. I am also envisioning even a t-shirt or hat with that theme on it.
  3. @Mel Hopkins Wow! Thank you very much! I am so happy to get this link to add to my research. You know, that is where I am from. I am from Western Pennsylvania, the Ohio Valley area--- the Shenango Valley. Amish country. And I have done research on the Mound Builders Civilization and know about the main Capital of the three Capitals and that the main Capital was in this very area! ---The Serpent Mound in Ohio and the border area of my homeland. the Nadene Civilization. I think the other two was in Mississippi area and then somewhere in Middle America. When I grew up and moved away eventually, I would be sent back home just about every summer, and my older cousins would tell us these dark dismal stories that scared us younger cousins and some of the themes included stories about mounds, and headless horsemen, one armed hook man, and ghost and giants, mummies and ... it scared me. Many times, we'd be up listening to them all night until the sun rose up.
  4. Yes, but again, I actually don't understand that term 'race' as it applies to anything. So I try to remember to use quotation marks when I use this term. You say that the 'so-called white man and Black man are the same race and for now, I just don't have a problem with your stance' but, I do consider the fact that the people that run powerful governments have set the standard no matter what we believe. European people today who dominate this system define their system based on differientiating based on "the White European race'" and the "Black African 'race'". In ancient times, other systems defined their governments in certain ways and based on Colorism in many regards. So even though mankind came from a certain origin, most of the big governments run by certain people made a difference no matter what origin we come from and so, how can this be ignored especially if Black and darker skinned people of African descent seemed to be the ones the most oppressed and for thousands upon thousands of years? I feel like this; If this history is unavoidable and we still today are compelled to be defined by these basis then, the issue of our origins as 'a oneness' doesn't matter now. Based upon how certain cultures have been defined over the years becomes almost like a defense now, a basis to which may be used to have a voice against White Supremacy. We can't force White people to accept that we all came from 'the same race'? So, if they want to be viewed as a distinct 'race' apart from 'Blacks' then what can we do? Now, I will say this in regards to my research on the DENISOVANS. My research reveals that based on the DNA analysis and the Genome Project, it is a fact that the Neanderthal and the Denisovan have a Common Ancestor. So, this is what I believe too. I believe that you are absolutely right in that at one point, one distant point in time, the White man and Black man are the same 'race', so you don't have to convince me! Scientist do say that the Neanderthals are indeed, Denisovans at one point and so before the Denisovans became extinct they must have lived contemporaneously when the Neanderthals exhisted too. But there is a very long gap too, when the Denisovans disappeared and the Neanderthals inhabited this planet...alone... without the presence of the Denisovans. So then, what happened to the Denisovans!? I have an opinion about this...
  5. I do believe that ideas pumped into our society can be distructive and, I also believe that some beauty features such as wearing certain hairstyles can be viewed as supporting White Supremacy and Colorism, but today, it is not altogether viewed the same as it was in the past. Today, there are some Black women that wear hairstyles such as blonde afros and weaves as an enhancement to their features like this sista I posted. beautiful!!! She is so beautiful.
  6. Yes maybe it was regional. I too didn't realize it has a name but I remember when it was fashionable and I remember when my older sister wore this style. I think I heard the name much later. I also wonder if this was around the time when the Hippies were popular. TWA Pictures
  7. @Troy My foundation is in the north in Pennsylvania. I was born in Pennsylvanis but I am also a Navy Brat and due to my Step father, I eventually moved away from Pa when I was in Grade school and lived in other areas of The States. I graduated from high school in California and lived in Washington DC, Texas and etc. My mother's roots are in the deep south and I have lived there too.
  8. @TroyAgain, here are some picture reference but pictures do not show the facts about the GIANT GENE which is distinct from just being a tall person. This gene can present itself anywhere and globally due to what has happened in the distant past. The whole world carries the ability to have GIGANTISM presented but, it becomes more likely based on genetic makeup and other factors when two people's gene makeup is specific should they choose to reproduce. Because of what happened due to a specific type of selective breeding that occurred a long time ago, about 6000 years ago, this whole world carries the ability to have Giants be born today again. Two people can come together and may not be aware of this likelihood today, but there are some factors that scientist are aware of that can help to know a possibility of its presence beforehand. Giant and a Dwarf pictured This man from America became well known and is in the Geniss World Book of Records. He died around 1940. Robert Wadlow: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/records/hall-of-fame/robert-wadlow-tallest-man-ever
  9. I am in the process of trying to organize my notes I have collected over many years and am not close to being finished. So, I just googled a little to post some picture references. But again, this subject is huge and these pictures really don't explain the facts. Being tall is distinct from having a GIANT GENE and there are many forms of GIGANTISM. Today, this presence is different than ancient times for certain reasons, nevertheless, the presence of the GIANT GENE stems from the same origins--Genetically speaking. So, because I know the origins of this phenomenon, I simply entered certain words in my searce engine to gets some pictures. Because I know that based on their religion in certain regions in India where incest is still practiced, I googled the term India, Afganistan and etc. Because I know other scientific facts that correlate to the GIANT GENE, I would probably google also, Netherlands, Peru, and Saudi Arabia, the ancient land of the Canaanites. And also in the fareast, this phenomenon should be well recorded there too.
  10. @Troy The subject of 'race' is very difficult for me to understand. No matter how hard I try, I don't understand the signficance of the term 'racial construct' or race as it is defined today as oppose to long ago, when this term apparently did not exist. And, basing 'race' on phenotype, well, that is confusing. To add to this point too, America's system of basing 'race' doesn't help at all!
  11. GIANTS cont. I have to do a quick errand. I'll be back. but to continue on TOPCROSS and the lion named SAMSUN. In order for Samsun to manifest through reproduction, his male parent has to be a TOPCROSS and his female parent was from another species; therefore Samsun is a HYBRID. That is what a giant would be. Black AFrican men, the original anyway[!] would be TOPCROSS. Giants did not appear premodern Hominid presence because Neaderthals were prove genetically not to be a TOPCROSS. When a Topcross malefactor breeds with another breed the 'chromosome number' is only part of the picture but the name of the hybrid will have the first letter of the father such as LIGER; a cross between a male lion and a female TIGER. But, a male Tiger who breeds with a female Lion is another hybrid, but because the TIGER is not the more dominant of the species, then the offspring would be or could be a DWARF hybrid. And the name would be the first letter is T due to the father and the name would be TIGON for a male tiger who breeds with a female LION. now here comes the presence of the GIANTS.... When a TOPCROSS then again turn around and breeds with a HYBRID that already has his DNA... drum roll.... that is how you get A GIANT! That means that because the lion Samsun was bred in captivity in a zoo, he came from a topcross and a female that already had DNA from a topcross [hybrid] so to speek. So this is why the Bible DETAILS the 3rd and 4th GENERATION!!! A Giant comes from a specific kind of incest that concerns 'the mother' being an hybrid and a topcross. But giants did not appear on earth until the creation of THE BLACK AFRICAN MAN. So the scriptures are specific. When 'the sons of God' [SETH men] went out to breed with 'the daugthers of men [hybrids] then there begin to be giants in the earth. So then, there is much more science behind this issue though... cont.
  12. @Pioneer1 The term 'angel' can be misleading if not understood within context. This term can vary within context. For example, it can simly mean 'messenger'. In as far as 'sexual act' with angels or whatever, we have been conditioned and miseducated and our education has been streamlined so, this subject seems easy for me to understand only because I have been researching it for over twenty years. The Separation of Church and State in 1776 has given our government the privilege of not having to teach us from certain documents to which we can compare and contrast subjects, dated subjects. @Pioneer1 I'm not sure where to begin because it is a lot. Let me see... I can bring up some general references to sort of bring to light some issues but then, this will only be the start for the need to clarify more in depth the scientific aspects of this subject of 'giants' and 'angels': To start first with the secular approach because it seems to be easier to for Black people to accept: Some reference points would be based on; [1] the time frame scientist date DENISOVANS, NEADERTHALS and etc.... [2] the time frame scientist date the Maglemose man [?] spelling [3] the science of GENETICS and HYBRIDS [4] Egyptian scholars about the DNA of King Tut and now some references from the Bible; [1] Genesis Chapter 6, the first few scriptures about giants [2] the reference about Cain's son [3] the reference about Canaan's origins [4] Genesis Chapter 15 concerning Egypt This would only be a little bit of references that I can cite but the bigger picture is difficult to conclude briefly, but I will try. In the case of the famous lion named SAMSUN, he would be one of many examples to show the very process that occurred in the human 'race' or hominids in that is the same process. When an animal of a certain speciest breeds with another species, it can be either a 'giant' or a 'dwarf' but it is based on a TOP CROSS. ... cont.
  13. I seen a lot of hoax too. But there is some accurate evidence, but it is difficult to determine on the internet if you don't know what to look for. Also, Some of this information is deliberately kept out of public view.
  14. Lol Now I'm being nosy... Well, Jesse Jackson has been getting on my nerves too, lately.
  15. @Troy A TWA was a fashionable hairstyle when I was very young, in the 70s. It means Tiny Weeny Afro. The Black women used to wear TWA's and along with this hair style they would sometimes were 'chokers', a cloth-type necklace worn around the neck with a charm dangling from the middle. My husband said, his older sister would wear this style and the choker and all the AfroAmerican styles during the 1970s era. I was too young at this time to be into fashion, but I remember those days and the other hairstyles, the big afros and superfly type clothes. @Mel Hopkins Congrats on your Ebony article! Yes, I do think that denial is in play on a much larger scale, globally. Absolutely agree
  16. really? That's scary. I started to listen to one 'suggested' video after his interview with Ms. Alexander. I started to listen to a man named 'the Irritated Genei' but after only a few seconds, when I realized the subject, I quickly stopped. Thanks for the warning. I use to like Jesse, but I think he went off the rails.
  17. @Pioneer1 I agree with you in that people should choose what they want. But, I also think that presently the world is going through a process and this issue is being worked out by and by to the affect that eventually, there will be an existence in which positive relationships amongst people will exhibit a peaceful interchange. But today, this is difficult to achieve due to an evil intent to cause discord. I also think that we are confused today because we don't know of a time on earth where relationships were peaceful continually. We have been conditioned to view relationships today based on the modern mankind, and we are limited to this aspect. Gender uniqueness today was not the same a long time ago and so many people today believe that men should have many wives or women, people should have same sex intimate relationships, woman should be accepted to have many husbands or men, inter-racial relationships should be acceptable, and etc. WHO SET THE LAW? WHO SETS THE RULES? And why do we have so many break ups that the court has to decide? HOw should children be conditioned towards acceptable intimate relationships? Will there be a time in the future in which Gender specificity changes in terms of the human body? A long time ago during ancient civilizations, it doesn't seem like men and women reproduced as much as couples do today? And this issue, 'reproduction' is a major aspect of relationships too in many regards. It amazes me now that, based on my choices, I have caused reproduction, and my offspring could go on to reproduce. What if I cause a future Hitler to be born? But then what if I cause a future Imhotep to be born, live and become renown for good deeds? I don't think that we are conditioned to recognize accountablity as much as it was regarded in the past. But I think that self control is the key to individual peace. So, if a person feels that they can control, maintain and exist within peaceful multiple relationship then, it is a choice.
  18. Yes, I believe this issue still needs to be addressed. HOwever, I feel that if Beyonce and other Black women choose to wear blonde weaves or European type hairstyles, today, it is not as intense as it was decades ago in the negative sense of being an inferiority complex . I see a lot of Black women with afros and have dyed blonde hair. But however, this is some of my own experiences with this issue of Black women [and Brown] that have frustrated me on this issue of 'Black hair' being viewed as Bad Hair: My husband and I were sitting in the kitchen with our baby who was about 11 months old and his mother was at the stove but turned around and said to my husband, "He aint gonna have hair like Papa". Then my husband said to his mother, "Mom, what do you mean? So what?" Then she said, "Well, I am just saying, he ain't gonna have hair like Papa, that's all." And then about four years later, my husband and I were in the back seat of one of his older sisters, and as she was driving us to the store, she glanced over her shoulder at me, and said, "I wouldn't be caught dead with my hair like that." [I wore my hair natural, and it was alot at that time] My husband said nothing. But weeks later, I asked my husband did his sister always relax her hair, and he said H**l no. She wore a TWA during the 70s. And there is much more to this story but, right now today, this subject is always a topic on both sides of my family just about everytime we come together. Even though my husband's mother has nappy hair and all of her children have nappy hair, she was looking to see if her grandchildren have 'hair like her husband', my father-in-law. And my own mother made some words on this same wise. My aunt said one day just last year, that she had naturally straight hair like her mother, and after a moment of silence, I just couldn't bare it, so as her daughter [my cuz] was sitting there practically daring me to say otherwise, I said, "Auntie, I remember your picture when you came to visit us years ago, and you had an afro." Well, again, there was silence, until someone decided to change the subject. So, it's my experience that the subject of 'good hair' and 'bad hair' is still very prevalent. @Troy That video you posted was painful to watch.
  19. Yes, it did seem like he just tuned her out because his mind was made up and so, it's as if he planned to bring her on his show just to try to discredit her. He didn't even give her a chance. What a bully. WHEW! You are probably right. You know, I remember him way back on Donahue show and other forums. He was even on a panel once, with Michele Alexander but it seems that all of a sudden, he lost his mind; either that or he was lying in wait until he got the chance to do what he really wanted to do all along and throw down AfroAmerican people. I can't believe him. I was struck when he spoke against Sabrina Fulton's child like that. Evil. What an evil thing to do. Anyway, i don't want to dwell on him too much, because, I don't believe he is worth it. Man! In actuality, I understand the points he brings out, but he is arguing under the house so-to-speak. He speaks about the negative aspect of Black Americans, but does not deal with the accountability of this American government. He says that Black men who are raised by single Black women do not want to work; what a lie. He says that Black Americans are Morally Bankrupt and that we are accountable for this, however, there is no one on this earth under a government that is NOT educated and does well. We have been raped of our identity and etc. Speaking of myself, I am not a single Black mother, but I know there are so many single mothers out there that are hurting and struggling; they don't need this kind of abuse. Reproduction is a part of being human. Jesse Lee is attacking a person's human rights just because they are Black women and a product of slavery and mind conditioning, abandonement and etc. Young mothers need support from this government as well as the Black community. Yes, there should be acountability and there are a lot of loose women that just dont care, but then, there are also so many victims. I am so grateful so see Michele Alexander speaking out. She is so awesome.
  20. Yes, I really appreciate you saying this because it's been my experience that many Black people especially Black men skirt past this issue on how it affects us on a deeper level as you have laid out. And, I agree that Beyonce's wearing blonde weaves is putting out a negative message, but again, this issue is so prevalent. White society elevates certain people of color to keep this beauty standard ongoing. Yes, that's right too, her mother's name is Tina. But I knew that i heard that name 'Giselle' and so, I googled and realized that Miss Tina named her daughter, BEYONCE with this name! LOL! That's Beyonce's middle name. And so, yes, Miss Tina is light skinned and so, not only does the father push this beauty ideology but obviously so does the mother as well. But too, I feel that when ever someone tries to stand up for something really wrong as it applies to AfroAmericans, they are going to be attacked, and so, I am just not going to go at Beyonce. @Pioneer1 yes, and I believe you are right about this issue but nevertheless, it is wrong to destroy someones trust. If a woman agrees beforehand, that is one aspect, but if a woman does not choose to share, then, this should be respected. No I don't believe that you are connecting the dots so-to-speak here. History does not show this issue works at all, based on my research. This can't be right, because if we go as far back in history as we can, it was the Black African man that was first in all aspects regarding marriages being monogamous or polygamous. To look at this issue as monogamous relationships being forced upon us by the western ideals would be partially true, but to base it on 'a model'-- What model? The rapes and divorce rate in the history of the western civilization is not a model. But going back to my point about history, just about every civilization, Black AFrican, that is, actually was doomed due to this very issue! If you look at the end results, many of the ancient kings who had many wives, were completely 'done in' for various reasons, and one main reason would be the sons of the women would grow up, and their mothers would conflict viciously over 'whose son would be the next heir to the throne' or 'who would get the inheritance and etc. And as @Troy touched upon; the issue of COLORISM was many times a major factor in this multiple wives system that always crept up in the way and led to a lot of problems in Black kingdoms. So women may be quiet while their sons grew up and acted as if it was okay when a particular son was named as the heir apparent, but eventually, it became a major conflict.
  21. @TroyOkay, that is fine, I will leave it. @Pioneer1 Me too. I do blame them even more. ONe of the judges on this case was actually a Black woman. And yes, this is what Michele Alexander said too, in that there are a lot of cases like this, but it doesn't matter to me if it one or many; something needs to be done about this because it is unfair to say the least. This is an attack on the younger generation.
  22. @Pioneer1I have to sat that I do absolutely agree to this statement, but for now, I choose to overlook it--Passover it--- [1] because this is a sickness that I believe is plaguing the whole of us and some of us choose to exit this while others pretend they do, but find other clever ways to still promote White Supremacy, and [2] I anyone does anything positive to highlight Black suppression, the dark under world strikes with serious intent to undermine the work. Beyonce will have a problem with this issue because, well, have you seen her mother!? She may be like A CREOLE or something to that affect. And so, Beyonce's issues are rooted in Europe with this old culture of White Slupremacy in 'Black---light skinned--- face'. I think Beyonce's mother's name may be GISELLE, this name has xome history to it. In connection with this name, I have seen Jay Z wear a double cross, and so, I am presently doing to deep reserch on THE HUNGARIAN history as it is linked the history of the Seljuk Turks and etc. @Cynique @Pioneer1MOst Black women and MUslim women tht I have heard do NOT like poligamy!
  23. @Troy I don't know if you can see the file I uploaded but if you can, that would be the screen that popped up when I tried to edit this post. I am not sure how to notify you on the link you provided.
  24. Still will not allow me to edit. So, I took picture of page and will send it to link.
  25. yes. This is not my quote, but on point.
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