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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. @Pioneer1 I am just trying to be physically fit. One of my sons also do things to try and gain weight . . . and it is so irritating! lol.
  2. What is your take on East Asians or the peopole of the East? My take on the East Asians and 'the people of the East' is that this is a totally separate concept due to thousands upon thousands of years of history and migrations of peoples and the rise and fall of many different civilizations, and also, the many different cultures and civilizations in the east world. My statements regarding the early eastern ideas introduced into the Western civilizations is based on specific time periods, and therefore, without a good understanding of a timeline, it can be confusion, 'a Babylonish confusion' regarding this subject. So therefore, i will put a simple timeline now to better explain what I said earlier and to show how the EAst Asians have nothing to do with this earlier history. ------------------------------BEFORE 6000 BC--------------------6000 BC -------------4000 BC --------------3000 BC ----------2000 BC ---------- 1000 BC -------------------------------------- JOMON CIVILIZATION --- Before 6000 BC AMRATION ---NAQADA---GERZEAN PERIODS --- Before 4000s BC COPPER AGE --------------- 3000s BC Okay so, I can't remember right off the other terms. I will come to me later. I have to think. LOL. But anyway, this is a start. The EAst Asian civilizations that I have learned about did not form until like way after 2000s BC. Ther earlier civilizations I just listed are the kind that played a factor in bringing in foreign ideas into the west..... when the earth was one mass. The Jomon civilization in what would be today, the FAR EAST, shows a certain type of pottery, rope pattern. Also around this same time, scientist and archeologist date other artifacts, NUMMEROUS ARTIFACTS, in the far east, and in Turkey Anatolia [ie. NOD EAST, or NORTH east] Many idols were unearthed of white god and goddess idols with the extreme long heads. They date this to be prior to 6000s BC up to and during this time period. So, this would agree with the Bible in that IDOLATRY stems from eastern ideas. I have them somewhere in my notes, but it was not easy for me to find this on the internet. I had to use the search engine and certain terms for this photos of artifacts that are in museums. Then in North Africa in Egypt, these artifacts became prevalent at a much later time period. So it shows a movement and migration again, from the east. The red-black pottery also began to be manufactured at this later time period. Then at another later time period, the mass underground graves with distinct artifacts show up and so on and so forth during the 4000s bc. 3000s BC, then it became easy to date civilization due to TRADE, the massive trade of copper which showed up as far as the ancient Americas. However, the technique and concentration of copper artifacts was thick in the Mediterranean region and again, this is another method used to date civilizations that came after the 10,000s BC --6000s BC, and after the 4000s BC. There are distinct and different kinds of COPPER SMELTING, specific and can date certain city civilizations and this is when the Black KEMET civilization becomes obvious that it was started by them. There are different kinds of KEMET or BLACK king civilizations too. All of what I am saying now, is both exact and confirmed by secular historians and the Bible recordings. All of this information ties into how it is obvious that IDOLATRY and POTTERY and STONE IDOLS and then CRUDE IRON IDOLS and etc. was technology that first came from the east. By the time that the CALCOLITHIC PERIOD [ie. COPPER AGE] exploded into the world of production and trade byway of the KEMET kings, Idolatry had become common in the western world of the Mediterranean. The Eastern people were known more so in ancient script as being simple ASIATICS and not East Asian or Central Asians or West Asian [ie. Present day Iran, Armenia and etc.]. These terms came much later in time. The BLACK kings, were not smelting iron and copper metal to make idols, but to make plates, and tools, and wheels, and etc. but they were introduced to idol making from the Asiatics and by the time of the copper age, though, idol making was an ancient occupation that dates back thousands of years prior to the Copper Age. There is so much more information I could give, but for now, I will stop here, but later, maybe I might share a very common term regarding METAL SMITHING, that might also help to understand the early Kemet people that became apart of the Asiatic world.
  3. @Pioneer1 I am not sure about the terms 'fallen angels' in terms of 'beings today walking around'. I am not sure about the term 'nephilim' and I just don't know where that term came from. It is not written like that anywhere in the Bible, so I am still wondering where that term came from. And, as far as 'Giants' this is the term that I focus on though. The presence of GIANTS means, based on my research, --- that they and in fact, all humans today are NOT PURE. Not only GIANTS, again, but all modern humans today are not pure, but we have 'foreign DNA' due to our ancestors from Africa that did interbreed with a foreign species. And, the Giant presence was more prevalent in ancient times for a very, very, specific reason; a very specific kind of SELECTIVE BREEDING. Because not all of the earlier humans practiced this distinct form of SELECTIVE BREEDING, they didn't have the presence of many Giants born in their specific cultures. In terms of African peoples being dominated by ALIENS; It is NOT a specific form of 'being' today that can be targeted as being different from humans today though, but we are all intermixed. However, this FOREIGN EARLIER SPECIES OF NEANDERTHALS did intermix with AFrican peoples and not just Europeans as the scientist try to streamline to happen. Neanderthals definitely represent that they had an earlier presence before the MODERN HUMANS of today and therefore, this term 'NEANDERTHAL' given to them is what I use. However the Bible term is different. Nevertheless, it is still the exact same outcome in that both the Bible and scientist are saying that there were earlier 'beings' on the earth, much earlier than modern mankind; HOMO SAPIENS. Therefore, the modern mankind have been introduced to ideas from the earlier past by these earlier BIENGS whatever their names really were. So today, we are still influenced by these non-African ideas, presented to us, AFricans that came from some earlier 'being(s)'. Today though, we all can see this in certain ways for ourselves----meaning---- the anthropological--- differences in how we MOSTLY look today as opposed to many depictions of the kind of people in ancient depictions amidst the ancient African civilizations. We can see that Africans in the past as well as today did NOT have those incredibly large skulls and THE HUGE BROW RIDGE and, etc. as some of the ancient drawings showed. However, even today, we can see that many Europeans do still have this distinct BROW RIDGE, and the key is they have this feature on a large PERCENTAGE more than AFrian people do. Some African people do have this brow ridge but the percentage is very low. Some Africans, still today, have the massive skull, but again, on a much lower percentage than Europeans. And scientist admit that this feature is the same correlation to the NEANDERTHALS and other earlier homonids. Therefore and with the DNA analysis, this is one key factor that confirms all humans today have this in the DNA. But Afrian people did not retain as much of the DNA as Europeans. So eventhough, that kind of presence is NOT prominent today, there is complete evidence that the Bible is right in that the Africans did intermix with foreign presence (species) and that this foreign species also introduced strange ideas that have permeated through the African world; ideas that came from a much earlier existence that is not good for AFrican people. @Pioneer1 Absolutely not. I do not believe that East Asians are the original oppressors of AFricans at all. And I do not believe that they are a special type of being at all.
  4. @Troy Did thay? I based my statements about Homo Sapiens being from Africa on the information about the Y-DNA HAPLO GROUP research. But as for the SPECIES Homo NEANDERTHALENSIS, I never considered that they actually 'emerged from Africa' as you say. But then this is what some scientist allude to in their 'Out of Africa' statements. I know the other archeology of the earlier homonids, some of them, are said to be found in Africa. Some like the Homo Florensiensis they say were found in Europe and others in other parts of the earth. They group them based on certain details like, how they each compare and contrast to having such things as 'low foreheads', 'the thickness of the brow ridge', the width of the nose opening', 'the slope of the chin', and etc. I thought the Neanderthal range was somewhere else, and not Africa. But I don't know for sure. I thought they said the earlier homonid that they believe came much earlier than the Neanderthals were indeed in Africa, but that the Neanderthals came at a later time and were not actually in Africa when they 'emerged'. But again, I am not sure. So, you may be right. Did I? Again, if I did, I didn't mean to define them as 'a race' but as 'a species'. They are listed as a distinct species in the Smithsonian. HOMO NEANDERTHALENSIS Again, if I did, it was a mistake.
  5. @Troy LOL! True! — I’d been gone! —I can’t even lie or hesitate on that score!—But now though, I am happy I did not have that option. I have thought about it, and well, what marriage is NOT DYSFUNCTIONAL? I believe a successful marriage can be achieved but overtime, definitely not in the beginning. And then there are some marriages that, due to an unwilling spouse, the dysfunction is too much to repair the relationship. But, in light of this titled thread though, ‘to each is own’ or ‘Chacun te se gout’, whatever ‘floats your boat’ … but as for me, Lesbianism is not for me. A long time ago, I thought I had been to many lovely places and seen many beautiful gardens. Gardens are one of my favorite places to go, and well, a Black, AfroAmerican man took me to a fantastical garden, one that I could have never imagine I’d ever see and since that time, I know for me, anyway, there is no ‘toy’ or etc. that could replace that kind of love that only a malefactor can provide for me as a woman. Being in a magical garden, for me, is a spiritual awakening that can only be achieved with another spirit of the opposite gender. But again, I believe everything is of a physical nature, and going into a garden is first desired and accepted in the mind and spirit, before it becomes physical and before actually opening that paradise gate and entering inside. So for some people, they may get to that magical garden in other ways. My choice is a malefactor because I know the positive aspect of being manhandled. LOL. Sometimes, I think Black women are frustrated with Black men and the ill treatment (we) receive from them that is so common because of reasons that are not always obvious. A lot of men that I have come across, not only Afro-American are not ‘alpha’ men, but they are co-dependent. I think even some men that boast they are ‘all that’ are really matriarchal and boast a lot but they are not spiritual enough to be alpha. They are controlled by their mothers’ NEGATIVE CONDITIONING and cannot interact with the Black women of their own generation positively to have a beautiful relationship. I find that some Black men insult Black women and attack us passive-aggressively about some preconceived notion in what they believe about Black women that may not even come from a past relationship but rather what they have been pre-conditioned to believe therefore, they look for it and say things pre-maturely. It’s like they encourage bad behavior in a Black girl and don’t even give a relationship a chance to blossom.
  6. @Pioneer1 WHEW! Okay, this is a lot to break down . . . HERE I go . . . … why weren't we intelligent enough NOT to allow ourselves to be enslaved? Because of THREE MAIN REASONS: [1] We’ve been born into this world and conditioned from the womb; from birth, from the beginning. Modern mankind came into existence in a world that was already well inhabited. This earth is old and inhabited by extremely intelligent people and we are presently being dominated and controlled by ancient beings. We are doing the will of the opposer of the Black African presence because we are being born and conditioned to be ‘EATERNERS’; [2] FLATTERY--- IDOLATRY. Early Black kings were flattered, statues were made and given to them and then they bonded with eastern women and soon, . . . [3] FORCE. Black men began to oppress their own people because they felt that they were not respected enough by them. They changed their format from being ‘kings’ to decreeing that their own people worship them as gods. . . then they were overthrown. Now, we are being oppressed through other methods of force. We are under the control of THE GUNS . . . in more ways than one! …why aren't we intelligent enough MOVE from out of the sights of whoever is targeting us … We can’t MOVE easily from out of the sights of our own mothers!!! . . . LOL . . . Okay, seriously, to bring this into a better perspective and offer a better answer, I would like to highlight a recent topic that you spoke about in regards to the media highlighting that preacher’s behavior towards the Italian singer star, Ms. Arianne Grande. You did not have a problem with this, and the fact that she was NOT a Black African woman, invited into the Black Church, never came into your conversation. This then, is the very method that has been used for thousands of years to affect the African world. So, whether we blame our White mothers, fair skinned mothers, or dark skinned African mothers for instilling White Supremacy into us and into Africa and giving us White baby dolls to play with, or whether we blame the African kings for marrying White and/or fair skinned queens has nothing to do with ‘intelligence’. Our ancestors were not IGNORANT, but perhaps deceived so as not to recognize the methods in how White Supremacy and Colorism became instilled in their offspring. They embraced Black, White and fair skinned EASTERNERS into their African DNA and Africa came to be no different that THE EASTERN [ie NORTH EASTERN] mindset. We’ve been conditioned. BTW the redundant term ‘SIN’ in its many formats, such as ‘MT SINAI’, ‘SHINAR’, ‘CHINNEROTH’ … means ‘THE EAST’. SINOLOGY means ‘the study of China and the east. They came from the East – GENESIS 11:2. . . . I think I need to start a brief thread on this issue about the eastern form of idolatry being supplanted into Africa.*** ….flip the script and TARGET THEM instead? … That has happened even way back thousands of years ago, but only in small percentages. But overcoming COLORISM and WHITE SUPREMACY cannot be done without a Higher Power because it is a global issue. why aren't they smart enough to recognize this, overcome it, and eliminate it from their minds and community? Because, again we were all born into this and conditioned from the beginning. It will never be completely eliminated as a whole. EASTER is here to stay for many Black Africans because of choice. Many of us make choices due to not realizing how deep seeded this issue really is and how far back it goes. The Odds are though, that there will be a few that can [and have] OVERCOME this kind of mindset. And it is a minority of Black Africans that have already done this, even thousands of years ago, and have proven that Black African people do have a high intellect. To be able to OVERCOME negative conditioning from birth and to become free from forms of SELF-HATRED and SELF-DESTRUCTION to be able to affect others and then form a positive culture has already been done. Again, it all goes back to being intelligent enough and smart enough to recognize your problem and solve it. No, not at all. It is not about being intelligent, rather, it is about ‘being delivered’ from a negative mindset that has been conditioned from birth. We have to be delivered. Saved. We need a higher being that can help us to see what happened before our birth and at the remote time when our ancestors were first introduced to this negative mindset. Since we cannot live long enough to have been there thousands of years ago, when these first Africans submitted to White Supremacy, then, we need to get to the origin of this issue in other methods. Script, and confirmation is one vital method, but there are other methods too. Because if lack of intelligence is the REAL problem....then even if you manage to eliminate White racism it will only be replaced with Chinese racism or Arab racism or racism from some other group who is smart enough to come in and take advantage of our people. It’s all the same though. Whether it’s Chinese or Arab racism, it all culminates to being White Supremacy and Colorism that they have in their societies too. So yes, it would continue to compound the African people with these additions in Africa, but that too, has been an issue in Africa for a long time. Nevertheless, Chinese people and Arab people are also intelligent just as African people have the potential to have high intellect . . . the kind of intellect that separates us from the animals. The highest of intellect started in the African civilization. Remember that BEFORE the Europeans came into Africa....the Arabs were there enslaving Africans. Now AFTER the Europeans....the Chinese are moving into part of Africa taking over much of the land today! Not really. The Europeans penetrated African long before the Arab Movement. But I can identify with the Arab Slave Movement as I am a product of that movement! My Great grandmother was stolen from THE PORT OF SUDAN byway of Arab Slave Traders that operated under an infamous Black African slave trader, a Turk, name Bakir. He known as a notorious slave trader and operated for a ten year period and he, himself was enslaved as a boy at the age of ten. Yes, the Chinese have renewed their fervor in Africa, but they were trading with the Africans for thousands of years, based on my understanding. African people have been intermixed with these Arabs, Chinese, East Indians, Europeans and etc. for so long. If it's not one group taking advantage of Africans, then it's another, and another, then another, ect..... Pan-African people world wide need to figure out a way to increase their intelligence and smarts so that they will stop being victimized by other groups. This has already begun, but we, over here in America will never get that memo from our government. When you have land and control, you have ‘the means’-- to control your own destiny. Africans don’t all agree, but based on my research, certain African leaders have already bonded together and have taken complete control of their destiny and it would be for this reason, that Obama was elected. The ‘Pan-African’ Movement and the ‘African Union’ Movements and etc. that we hear about, would not be what has really transpired! Nevertheless, we over here, are being targeted and exploited because of what has already happened in Africa. IMO, this African ‘taking back control of their people’ has been going on since the early 1990s, and it has been kept secret from us. That is why I believe the Minister Louis Farrakhan has been preaching hard on JESUS; he deal a lot with Pan-Africanism and he may know who is leading the major issues over there in SUBSAHARA and EAST AFRICA. Unlike overhear, those Africans in East Africa and the Iranians and certain other governments were bullied and are part of the Western leagues. They follow the Western format and they vote and elect leaders, but what we do not really understand is that, these governments would never vote over their religious leaders! They adhere to their religions of old. I strongly believe that the very reason for the break up of THE COLD WAR and perhaps the Arab fallout such as the Arab Spring has to do with the Sub-Sahara Africa and East Africa and how they dealt with trade relations. For thousands of years the African men have been severely and violently oppressed and this hell has been carried into the continent of Africa via the Roman Empire and more. But a good example of what may be going on today would be to study what happened even before these times and what happened during the Assyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Empire. The tall Black Africans that you spoke about in another thread, correlate to the ancient Sumerians of Cush Ham and they dominated Neo-Babylon. However, they had been completely suppressed during the Assyrian Empire times because their military force comprised the huge ‘line backer kind of Black African-typed men’ known by ancient names such as Canaanites and etc. and also, Dorian Greek [Spartans] and Thracians, and etc. But the Cushites and other Black African-typed men suppressed under the Assyrians were somehow able overthrow the Assyrian ‘BLACK MILITARY FORCE’ and they set up the Neo-Babylonian Empire. These Cushites [Chaldeans] also worked together with some Medes and Persians too, and they were able to overcome WHITE SYRIA. So this has been the kind of issues going on in the African continent for so long. But, I think there is a significant change that has to do with trade and we are not being informed about it. Something is going on in this world, and I really think it is because of a spark that occurred in Africa. But we will never benefit from it over hear. We have to deal with our own government from other platforms.
  7. @Pioneer1 I agree. I am not her age but, I only wish I could look like that! It has got to be genes. I was confident when I was younger, but I don’t have that same physique now. I would be satisfied to be physically fit. True! That is unbelievable. But hopefully, she will give me the inspiration to at least get a good routine going and strive for small goals, by and by. I love to be active, but I am so terrible with keeping up a good routine. If I were near a gym with a good pool, that would be my choice of activity. LOL! Thank you!!! This has made my day!!! @Troy That is still awesome! That is always a good reason to be grateful for genetics! ... I hope mines would have kicked in a little better! Shoot... I am going to have hit the pavement or the pool or something.
  8. @Pioneer1 LOL. Yes. Saggin is just awful, IMO. If it didn't start with this government OR under the influence and control of White people, then [1] when and [2] where did it start? And [3] WHO started it? [1] Prior to modern mankind. The Black presence that goes ‘way back in time’ is marked by science and script in that they once existed and so, due to the presence of Neanderthal’s who are definitely non-Black and also, non-African, they represent (a) a mutated version [& (b) recessive version as well] of what was once a Black presence on this planet. [3] White Supremacy was started by ‘a Black presence’. We, today in all walks of life, White people and Black people and etc. are carrying this insane format but, this issue began at some remote time. Black African people became ‘introduced’ and ‘exposed’ to this concept but, based on my research, it did not start with us. White Modern mankind, if they so choose, become BENEFACTORS of White Supremacy but they too, did not start this insanity, they only carry on the format. Colorism and White Supremacy are Global concepts that are accepted as being normal when it is not. Biblically speaking, Satanism and White Supremacy is synonymous. Satanism, White Supremacy & the Ultimate SIN of IDOLATRY correlate one to another. [3] It was introduced in ‘the Garden of Eden’ to the modern man and woman. . . by a mutated White ‘being’ that had the same DNA as his Black ancestors, and reproduction is the constant ill-fruits of this Original sin. [2] WHERE? White Supremacy was introduced from THE EAST. ....don't you believe our people share in some of that responsibility? Yes, absolutely. Some outside force may have targeted our people for certain behaviors, but that doesn't mean we have to voluntarily co-sign and perpetuate it. The problem is though, that we have been exploited from birth and as slave children. Our ancestors accepted White Domination… which in turn, led to the enslavement of African children. So now, it is not ‘a voluntary co-signing’ and therefore, we perpetuate it, out of ignorance. This is a governmental issue, a governmental movement. I agree. We need balance. That's why I personally believe that we should seek pleasure and wealth in BOTH this life as well as the eternal life to come. It is my belief that by maintaining a strong sense of morality and righteousness in this life we stand a better chance for a more successful existence in the life to come. --- I agree absolutely! As far as the economy goes........ America is for sale. The dollar is shrinking because it's purposely being de-valued for globalistic purposes. Under GLOBALISM, there are no more borders or economic sovereignty. A minority of wealthy oligarchs are controling most of the world's economies so that most of the currencies and the governments that oversee them are becoming less and less relevant. Thank for this breakdown! This is scary, but I can see it happening as you say when I go to the store. Someone just showed me a small box of raisins yesterday bought from the local grocery store. It said, “Made in Afghanistan”!
  9. @Cynique LOL. Yeah, well, I say today anyway... a lot of hype .... but, Uh.... most of them .... nothingness.... LOL... for me, it would definitely an emotion coming from bitterness and ... in-laws.... and etc. But then, still, I continue to think about my kids . . .
  10. @DelanoThank you! I needed that. @Cynique LOL. Me too. @Mel Hopkins Me too! Thank you for the encouragement! For me, there are so many obstacles. @Troy LOL. Me too! @Delano Get out!!! I wish... One of my kids pedaled a bike with a group all the way from California across America to Virginia.
  11. My Inspiration to Physical Fitness . . . ======================================================================================= I have a long, long way to go. I haven’t even started yet . . . Well, actually, I have actually started . . . and started . . . and then started again and again and again . . . I am still trying to get a handle on my craving for chocolate . . . and my habit of drinking grape soda . . . Pioneer, please pretend that you didn’t read this post! . . . LOL. You’ve probably seen and heard about these amazing stories, but I don’t believe I will ever get bored of reading about them or seeing these amazing women. Anyway, I call these women; Doves’ Beauties of the Day . . . ======================================================================================= Beauty #1 ***Ernestine Shepherd*** Meet the 81-year-old woman who can bench press 115lb I’m always asked for bodybuilding advice in the gym Ernestine Shepherd 23 April 2018 Health & Wellbeing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARNISTINE SHEPHERD I get up at 2.30am every day. After my devotions and meditations, I have breakfast then I’ll go for a run (with a bit of walking thrown in) in my hometown of Baltimore. A typical day sees me usually exercising at the gym by 7.30am. Then I’ll teach a workout class with up to 45 people until around 11.30am before going home to eat, have a nap and see my husband, Colin. I’m usually back at the gym for 5.30pm, training people aged 20 to 86 until 7pm…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/bb27dc63-acda-4bb8-981f-988866ace2fd ========================================================================================== Doves’ Beauties of the Day . . . Beauty #2 ***Wendy Ida*** Wendy Ida is her name and yep, she is 60 years old. She could pass for forty or even younger than that! HER Story: How 65-year-old Wendy Ida changed her life with fitness By Kristen Stephenson /Published 15 March 2018
  12. LOL! @Pioneer1 Again, we are not as dumb as you feel, it is frustrating, but it is not finite in terms of all of us. The problem is that the enemy of White racism is within us. Because we, AFroAmericans are culturally distinct and due to SEPARATIST and being isolated for slavery and etc. our issues seem the worst, but this is because we are the representation of the Original human 'race'!-- [species]! Therefore, we were the target to obtain White Supremacy. Our participation is the supreme target and therefore the main reason White Supremacy continues. Without our suuport White racism would not exist. It's kind of like, 'a catch-22'.
  13. LOL @Pioneer1 Okay. I will on that one! WHAT!? No Way! LOL. He is terrible! LOL. You know, I have read your post in this community and I think you have actually answered that question and don't realize it. I didn't comment though, but it was a response you made and in it, you explained how 'AfroAmericans have been tricked into believing they are free when in fact, they are still being enslaved in the mind'--- you said something to that affect. Another time you said something in another post in that 'some Black AfroAmericans are not really AfroAmericans and this is the reason why it is mistakenly believed that some Europeans have more Black traits then AfroAmericans and vice versa'!!!! @Pioneer1 That is the key to understanding how Africans allowed the Slave Trade to begin and continue for hundreds and hundreds of years. We can't undertand what is going on today with what you term as many of us being 'stupid fools' and 'ignorant' and 'racism not being the main reason' if we don't see the reality of this issue going far back in time in the African world and in other ancient civilizations too, outside of the African continent. Many Africans, even in ancient times were not pure AFricans!!!! They carried the programming of their foreign ancestors and it was defined as AFrican cutlural beliefs when it was not. This is how the enslavement of Africans took root. What you are referencing but not fully grasping is COLORISM and WHITE SUPREMACY in BLACK FACE. Many AfroAmericans are condtioned to be violent one against another due to deep seeded and conditioning but it all goes back to this very issue.
  14. This has changed drastically! This government legalizing HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM has completely changed this focus and now many of the poor and oppressed support this system because of this reason and therefore, they support this system and fight to be apart of this system in that plight. Most people want to be accepted in this system but they are not looking at the economy. Something is happening to the money system. Trade and distribution is a problem and our lawmakers are trying to allocate funds in a way that, if we don't follow the money system, we wont be able to see the bigger picture. The dollar bill is shrinking, IMO.
  15. @Troy LOL I have heard of Minaj and I think she is the one with the pink hair, but, that is all I know about her and I never heard of the other girl except that I read that they had a fight of which was on the titles on the internet. So, I can see why these two girls would be thought as 'leaders' to the Y Generation though. Some of the fads going on today, I thinks is due to selected leadership so, this to me would be 'bad leadership. I just don't understand how 'SAGGIN' could become so common except to say that propaganda byway of certain music celebrities or something has caused it to become common. It is so crazy to me though. I remember it started in the 1980s and I thought it would die out, Oh But NOOOOoooo! When I was in MIddle America in a predominantly Black community, most of the young men were saggin. In Florida this style is common. NOw even a lot of females are Saggin. ....... leadership..... @Pioneer1 No. not at all. It is conditioning based on my research. When you watch the Olympics, it is the Black athletes, both men and women, percentage wise that are at the finish line. Therefore, we have more spirit more power that can be used for good or for bad. We have SOUL. But had it not been for conditioning, the LOVE and SISTERHOOD would be just as intense as the HATE and VIOLENCE amongst Black AfroAmerican women. This conditioning does not start in this government though. The origin of this conditioning goes way back in time. Because they were not first. No one stocked other kinds of women to condition them to be negative like the Black African-typed women have been targeted. That's why. But operating under 'the White House' and trying to build as much wealth and power in this life' can be very misleading too. That to me, is a short sighted vision. To fight back against wrongdoing is important to me and this would include gaining wealth as well. To settle for poverty and getting rich after death is not the focus and this kis not what Christianity in Jesus professes, but that is the White man's version. That is not in the Bible.
  16. Well, I pinpointed certain aspects of this phenomena mainly THE PROTESTING. The photo you presented, I saw that, and I also saw the other reports too but chose not to highlight it for now, concerning the ECONOMICAL aspect of the resort beaches that had a significant impact due to little or no tourist for the recent LABOR DAY WEEKEND. So, even though that beach was 'a bar' and the bar near the condominium was also 'a bar' with dead fishes pictured, I think the people lined up along the beaches and the protests due show that the economy is hit. The rotten smell and the tons and tons of dead fish, is a serious problem. So all in all, this one private beach that may seem misleading doesn't stop the bigger picture.
  17. @Troy Sounds so dreamy, and after visiting some of the beaches in Florida, I can understand how peaceful that beach really is. Florida is surrounded by beaches though. In Central Florida, i can reach both directions in just about less than an hour! Daytona Beach is so awesome. I grew up going to Virginia Beach all of the time when I lived there as a child, but Florida trumps Virginai Beach! However, the cost of living is high in Florida. Man! There are so many oasis where the majority are White people. Therefore, i am wondering why sometimes the news reports seems to not reflect the whole truth as you stated here. Is it propaganda to keep the tourist or certain people away from certain beaches? The Red Tide is not affecting the entire coast, but due to the recent protest, I suspect that it is a significant problem now. That is what I am highlighting. Yes, I agree that, in regards to the global issues, the Red Tide is nothing . . . It is nothing when it is considered singly . . . but in the scheme of the global issues, it may be an economical issue that may become significant, if it continues to happened on a large scale as in 2004 and this year. @Pioneer1 LOL. That one word 'Judgment' and then the other 'Revelations' are words that I try to avoid for certain current events because that kind of conditioning blinds the bigger truth. I tried to highlight the presence of Red Tides as they have been occurring for thousands of years, off and on, in different parts of the globe . . . and I had hoped to show that this phenomena was not the first time occurrence even in ancient Egypt. LOL. That is the kind of conditioning that was by design, therefore, I try not to use this kind of rhetoric. The other main aspects of 'Revelations' in that THERE IS NO FINITE ENDING OF TIMES is deliberately omitted so as to make us ignorant.
  18. PROTESTING IN FLORIDA Governor Rick Scott Governor Rick Scott -- He wore boots with a CONFEDERATE FLAG when he met with Trayvon Martin Protesters; he claimed they were a gift. -- REST IN POWER- The Trayvon Martin Story GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT--- (right) the Late Trayvon Martin
  19. FLORIDA RED TIDE UPDATE~ THE MOSES PLAGUE #1 RED MOON & BLACK FRIDAY~ Cultural Festival~ Cultural Origins -- Part 2 NASA IMAGE Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: . . . EXODUS 7:17-18. =================================================================================================================== =================================================================================================================== Tampa Bay Times WINNER OF 12 PULITZER PRIZES Tuesday, September 18, 2018 =================================================================================================================== =================================================================================================================== Craig Pittman Red Tide has swept into the Intracoastal Waterway, littering parks and canals with dead fish ST. PETERSBURG — Red Tide, which chased the tourists away from Pinellas County’s beaches last week, has now infiltrated the Intracoastal Waterway and started stinking up residential canals too…. https://www.tampabay.com/news/environment/Red-Tide-has-swept-into-the-Intracoastal-Waterway-littering-parks-and-canals-with-dead-fish_171876665 behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and . . . EXODUS 7:17-18. Monday, September 17, 2018 Red Tide’s impact along Pinellas beaches: ‘It’s overwhelming. You can’t even breathe.’ . . . The boats dumped tons of dead fish in truck-sized bins to be hauled to the landfill. By Monday, county officials were struggling to keep up with the influx of rotting pinfish and snapper. “This is massive,” said Kelli Levy, Pinellas’ director of environmental management. And at this point, no one can say when it will end. https://www.tampabay.com/news/business/tourism/Red-Tide-update-Pinellas-County-has-dumped-more-than-17-tons-of-dead-fish_171661739 they shall be turned to blood. And the fish that is in the river shall die, . . . EXODUS 7:17-18. ENVIRONMENT 9/10/2018 02:14 pm ET Florida’s Toxic Red Tide Is Spreading North Up The Gulf Coast https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/florida-red-tide-spreading-gulf-coast_us_5b96648de4b0511db3e46348 and the river shall stink; . . . EXODUS 7:17-18. As Red Tide persists, Tampa Bay tourism industry takes a hit John’s Pass Village boardwalk was void of visitors at noon, Monday September 17, 2018. A strong odor of dead fish from Red Tide wafted through the air. Thousands f dead fish floated on the surface of John’s Pass nearby. SCOTT KEELER/TIMES https://www.tampabay.com/article/20180917/ARTICLE/309179580 and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river…. EXODUS 7:17-18. POLITICS 09/18/2018 07:41 am ET Red Tide Protesters Drive Florida Gov. Rick Scott From Campaign Stop “Red Tide Rick has got to go,” shouted demonstrators as waves of dead fish buried beaches. By Mary Papenfuss … The mounting red algae bloom has killed more than 100 tons of fish (along with sea turtles and manatees), shutting down tourism in scenes that resemble science-fiction apocalyptic scenarios. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/red-tide-protestes-drive-florida-gov-rick-scott-from-campaign-stop_us_5ba0759de4b04d32ebfbee7f So, what would be the cause of these Red Tides? Could it be due to Global Warming or Climate Change? Nevertheless, if that were true then, these global warming and change in climate affects would have been part of the cause thousands of years ago as well because the Red Tides today would be the same phenomena of the first plague that Moses described in the Pentateuch that eventually led to the Exodus. However, today we have the benefit of knowing more about these Red Tides that have been occurring from time to time and in different areas of the planet earth. In fact, just two years ago, Florida experienced another Red Tide and it was reported the cause of this was due to Hurricane Matthew that moved up the Florida coast and up further to wreak havoc in the state of North Carolina too. Hurricane Matthew Blamed For Red Tide In Southwest Florida By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS – OCT 13, 2016 http://news.wgcu.org/post/hurricane-matthew-blamed-red-tide-southwest-florida And, although todays’ reports have not stressed a point, in that, there happens to be a pattern that regards certain Red Tides in a connection with other phenomena such as hurricanes. Some reports state that this recent Red Tide in Florida actually began in October or November of 2017. Obviously, it was not until after the Red Tides continued to remain significant months later that it became necessary to give much better news coverage. Therefore, the situation has become so terrible that it also reveals that this particular Red Tide has become much more severe than the one sparked by hurricane Matthew in October 2016. The last episode of Red Tides that was severe in Florida occurred over a decade ago around 2005. So now, with this kind of information and due to my past research, there are some other conclusions that may be important to know. Just as it becomes factual in that high tides are associated with our moon phase, so would be many other phenomena that occur on this planet. Indeed, there are many references in the Holy Bible that show these star associations. One major account was detailed in the Gospel at the time of the Crucifixion of Christ. It was said that there was a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE that lasted for three (3) hours and from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM and then immediately afterwards, there was an earthquake. And, as a matter of scientific fact, this description of how certain eclipses can spark other phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions has been common knowledge in the scientific world for thousands of years. So why then do we not learn about these wonders in school!? However, because part of understanding science would be byway of observation so, maybe we can learn something today on this wise. Even though a possible correlation has not been widely broadcasted that regards the extensive Florida Red Tide in 2005, though, on December 26, 2004, there was a catastrophic underwater earthquake that set off a massive tsunami near Indonesia upon which it was reported that the entire earth was affected. That next year in August 2005 came the category 5 hurricane Katrina. Could these events be connected as sort of a chain reaction that also resulted in the lingering effects of the 2004-5 Red Tide? Although there were other Red Tides that came into the Florida’s coastlines especially in 2011, 2014, and 2016, however, the Red Tide today, brings to mind the 2004-5 Red Tide that was also persistent and lasted for several months. The devastating outcome of this present hurricane Florence that brings epic flooding to the state of Florida, though, did not come near to Florida as opposed to the 2016 hurricane Matthew that moved up from Florida into North Carolina. As for the Red Tide presently, what has been left out of the reports would be that if it began in October of 2017, then it did so just after a major celestial event did occur. On August 21, 2017, THE GREAT AMERICAN TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE crossed over America. And it was almost immediately after this three (3) hour long phenomena occurred that there were at least three intense hurricanes stirred up from a tropical depression directly because of this incredible eclipse. Hurricane Harvey made landfall in and around Houston, Texas and shortly thereafter in September, Hurricane Irma made its way into Florida not long after it was said to have demolished the island of Puerto Rico. Around that same time span too, there was a special type of planetary alignment that occurred in the month of September as well. So therefore, it seems like this widespread Red Tide actually began to appear on the Florida coastlines because of hurricane Irma and the other planetary events that occurred leading up to this hurricane. Just as it has been in the distant past, natural phenomena can set off a domino effect of other events to occur but that does not mean it will be the very next day! For instance, a planetary alignment could trigger an earthquake immediately afterwards and also, simultaneously trigger another series of celestial events that may not occur for years and years to come! The ancient Egyptian priest-scientist, Imhotep, and others knew how to predict events to occur even long past their lifetime. Over the past centuries and before, there have been global and planetary patterns that are studied and this kind of science helps to prepare humanity to obtain a better quality of life. So therefore, the information of these Red Tides in how it was detailed thousands of years ago by Moses could be beneficial to know, but for some strange reason, our scientist avoids this correlation as if it is – a plague! But then too, due to other recent events happening in the political arena of Florida and America, these Red Tides, could lead to just that--- a correlation to Moses---and our government may have chosen to keep this kind of association civil conflict that surrounded the Biblical account of Passover quiet. Just the idea that some of the Haitians, Afro-Caribbean and African American descendants of Slaves could possibly have any connection to Moses, sounds remote based on our education and classification here, but then HEY—It could very well be the Elephant in the Room.
  20. Ah! That is the question. @Delano @Troy These are my thoughts. I don't believe that people, as a whole, will ever follow the same leader. And, I believe that some people have a unique appeal and draw many people to them and become leaders, but not everyone will follow. I consider myself 'a good follower'. I don't choose to be a leader and feel that I am an awesome 'supporter' and have well thought out ideas, that could be a benefit to others who may have the similar ideas as myself and are better suited to be leaders.
  21. @Pioneer1 I think that this is the key phrase that goes much deeper than 'this society' that you said has been the cause for shaping us in an unnatural way. And I think this connect to you more recent thread in tht you might be 'changing' your beliefs. You discussed how AfroAmerican women fight each other by choice. Here you say, it is 'a conditioning' and that this society forced this behavior upon many of us. Again too, as I said, I agree here in tht it is 'a conditioning' that stems from how we have been shaped by this system. Our foundation here stems from 'children' that were enslaved. But then I also believe that we need to go back prior to this system being able to set up and dominate us and think about how it came to be that our 'adult' ancestors, prior to slavery, fell prey to this kind of domination. And by this process, I believe that Black AfroAmerican women do not only fight and are dominant, but some of us are DEFENSIVE more so. And this defensive position is misunderstood for being dominant and forceful. We 'attack' Black men sometimes DEFENSIVELY and due to feeling vulnerable and disrespected and then sometimes out of being disrespectful as well and not trying to understand their plight. Also, some of us are CONFIDENT and have KNOWLEDGE OF SELF and this too is wrongfully being defined as DOMINANT. I believe that yes, many of us do feel vulnerable and do not have the protection from our men kind regarding, but this is not solely due to men. I think there is more to this vulnerability tht stems from much more. However, 'submissiveness' or 'passive' is not the answer to a balance, at least, not for me. To always feel you have to be DEFENSIVE is not good either. But I believe that when a RESPONSIBLE Black woman has ‘knowledge of self’, which includes knowing that she has the right to be, to have, to desire, … to be treated with love and respect as a positive asset to humanity then, she will not be submissive. I did not know that. Now that, to me, is unnatural. I know that is a significant belief system in the past. I think the term 'Epicureanism' may stem from this belief; The idea of 'living it up' and indulging in the search for self-gratification here and now. But, I cannot, for the life of me, understand how Black AfroAmericans being in a suppressive government like this would believe that this would be the extent of our life 'as a group'. If this is all that life has to offer me, then, there has got to be more, either now or in the future.
  22. @Pioneer1 WOW. Not the main reason!? Do you really believe that they 'LIKE TO FIGHT' or what about looking at this from another point-of-view. You don't consider that they have been conditioned to feel that is what they are supposed to do? fight each other. But again, I have another point-of-view in that 'the grass may not be as green on the other side as you may believe it is. YES! I can relate to this! But @Pioneer1 again, I try to look at this objectively and from other perspectives. When I read and watch documentaries about other countries like the East Indians, Asians and etc. and I see the ones that chose to leave their country and come to live in American, I see other issues too. Many foreign people leave their country of origin and immigrate to Canada or Europe or America to have better opportunities. And I try to look at 'the Big House' meaning, the government. This government has a foundation in 'conditioning' African Americans from the slaveyard and that is a repetitive process that has occurred in history before. We represent the outcome today, of what the government intended in order to remain on top. So, I try not to focus on the negative Blacks but I try to focus on those that are positive. You know you sound like Jesse Lee Peterson. I become very frustrated too, but the problem begins with this government and their slave system of which lasted for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, many will never rise above this conditioning, but to give the supremacist movement 'a pass' would be a mistake.
  23. Uhhhh . . . @Cynique ... @Pioneer1What does reading your crap have to do with intellectual ability?? I'm not going anywhere. ... @Pioneer1... My night is just beginning. But don't let that keep you from crawling under your covers and playing with your teenie-weenie, - if you can find it. LOL For Real though . . . Let's Regroup . . .
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