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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. @Troy You know, I can see another view point now, based on what you are posting. I may not be able to express it completely now though, but I am now thinking about this aspect; Colin reacts to wrongdoings against Black people and then he loses his career, then at a low point, in steps................ NIKE................. NOw, the situation shifts. It shifts to sports and being the best you can be, and the original issue is not the forefront of NIKE, and Colin is now supporting another cause, and he is getting paid. And this Nike scheme, can actually be viewed as sort of like MOcKING all of us, as a whole, now, I ask myself, Does the Nike people care about Blacks getting killed by the George Zimmermanns, or cops, or for their shoes..... NOPE.
  2. @Troy I see your point in that Nike is exploiting 'a cause' through the efforts of Colin. I support Colin, apart from Nike though. I support Colin because of his stance against the violence towards AfroAmericans. And, what about what I read previously in this thread, I think, about the police men too, who are in support of upholding the good standards of the police departments? I realize there are a lot of people 'piggy backing' on what Colin and others have done though. Earlier, you responded to me about getting a better Podiatrist, instead of buying a pair of store bought shoes to manage my feet injury. Well, that is also a challenge that includes the Medical Insurance. I actually have been dealing with this issue since about 2003, again as I said, due to a job injury. At that time, I had better medical insurance, and went to at least 4 different specialist such as Orthooedics and podiatrist and they took my money and I received no relief. No medical relief at all. I can't even get a permanent handicap sticker. Yet, I see mainly White women getting out of their cars from handicap parking lots and walking as if they have no problem at all. They fired me from that job back in 2006, even though I had the top rate Orthopedic testify and say that I was injured on the job. So now, I have to deal with a 'affordable healthcare provdier and it's a night mare. I'm still trying to get relief from going to a doctor's appointment and who charged me $300.00 for an erroneously bloodwork test, that I dedn't need and that was not covered by my insurance. MOre importantly, I had the test done previously, but the doctor claimed that if I didn't go get routine bloodwork at some clinic, that he couldn't give me a simple prescription. So then, even though these NIKE shoes may not be the real answer, that is the best I can do for now.
  3. @Troy Yes, this may be the underlying reason. @Mel Hopkins Whew! You know there are so many times I have witnessed scenes where in the case of a customer complaining about an employee that the management will support their own employee, but not when it comes to a Black woman. And the insensitive comment of the quote you put, shows how pampered Europeans can be and how supremacist they are in their viewpoint, when it comes to Black women. @Troy I don't know..... I don't think you would see White women lynched...and so even though Black men have a jump ahead of women across the board for some things, however, not for all things, even with the right to vote.
  4. @Pioneer1 yes, I heard this was done in the Caribbeans in particular areas.
  5. LOL! Oh No... I tried SO HARD not to click this link.... but my curiousity got the better of me. I am trying to not to laugh.... Yall please! LOL!
  6. WHEW!!! Goodness Gracious! I got caught up in this video for hours! LOL. I also clicked another video linked to this one of Aretha singing with Sammy Davis Jr. Unbelievable. Gosh, I wish I could sing like that.
  7. @Troy I was indifferent until I read the rest of the post and others pointing out the Haitian/Japanese opponent Osaka that was depicted in the caricature as a White woman. Granted her hairstyle does have a blonde tip, but the picture was clearly a White woman with blonde hair. So, I think that it was heavy handed in his depiction of Serena. I might be a little biased too, though, because I think Serena is gorgeous. She's so beautiful and she carries herself with 'a right to be unique' and she's stylish. So, I think the depiction is kind of cute, and it depicts her having a tantrum. So even if he meant to demean her, I hope it does continue to backfire. As far as her getting called on showing bad behavior, well, I don't know enough about the rules to comment on that issue. Serean might have to pay that fine.
  8. @Pioneer1 I don't know about that part, but the rest, I do agree. I am not 'what today's definition of a feminist means' but, women do think broadly about family life and sexual relations. My mother is matriarchal. My husband comes from a very dominant. male dominant, background, and we've had to 'duke it out' over the years... LOL...over certain issues. Some women, IMO, will be quiet, if they are dealing with a male dominant man and if they want to bond, for reasons of protection and wealth, they will. But, afterwards, if they are shut out from being 'at the table' on decisions, they will turn you out. And that kind of gender contention is not good for our culture, IMO. Their needs to be a balance. My husband's father's definition of 'family life and sexual relations' really pissed me off, and so, we’ve had some conflicts too before there was peace between us. I eventually admired him because he was willing to listen to my viewpoint and meet me ‘at the table’. He could separate himself from controlling people around him and make solid decisions independently. He was able to view me as a unique person without sizing me up and comparing me to the controlling women around him. I think he was ‘Old World’ in more ways than one. Like me, I think that he was searching for spiritual balance with the opposite gender and I think that is the true test of a lasting relationship between men and women.
  9. @Pioneer1 You are well versed, but not everyone is well versed as you are. But I agree that many of us are well versed to a point, however, we are still, many of us, anyway, --- we are still very conditioned too, by negative influences and this is what is keeping us from knowing what to do about our sad condition. Nevertheless, it has only been about 400 years since the foundation of this government has formed and therefore, our education and 'self education' will pay off if we can see the pattern in the past that shows some vital answers. THE HERE AND NOW! Well here is the issue with this: Although, I have not looked into this recent heresy, but a relative recently told me that there is some country in Africa where the Original AFricans who have the control of their goverment, has passed decrees that have stopped White Africans from dominating land. I think they may have forced them off certain lands. And so, we over here in THE STATES are not going to here much about what is going on over there, but we are being affected by these movements nonetheless. What I hear from Omarosa, may have some truth to it, about some secret retaliation movement of race wars against us,. Therefore, I think we should stay informed as much as we can. Knowledge is power. If gives us a way to make better decisions with regards to our government. Trump made comments about what is going on in Africa, and it would not surprise me if we over here are being victimized, unknowingly, by what the Africans are doing over there. My research tells me that this was going to happen, anyway. They have land over there, and all they have to do is 'come together' and that is what I think has been going on, sort of under the table. Believe it or not, but I believe that is the 'iskra' [ie spark] for the ending of the Cold War and etc. I think it stems from Pan-AFricanism from Sub-Saharan Africans. They got tired of being controlled and they may be banning together. And, so, we are not going to get the truth from here right away, therefore, we need to continue to read and stay informed, because we will be affected, IMO.
  10. There it is! @Troy Thank you! ... and to add to that, I think some Black women subconciously effeminized there sons out of this fear process.
  11. LOL@ This is funny. YOu see that... Are men from Mars and women from Venus?... LOL @Pioneer1 That's cool...
  12. @Pioneer1 I am divided when I read this. I can absolutely understand, AfroAmerican males having a code, and obtaining morals for yourselves, but I dunno, leaving out the input of AfroAmerican woman while you make this code, could end up being probematic. I want my sons to believe that it is vital to regard AfroAmerican females of their generation as being an important part of 'being at the table' because who makes the first impact on the next generation? I tell them that AfroAmerican woman should be allowed to be educated in the higher disciplines along with men too, because they are the ones that initially are in the position to support higher learning in children, as being mothers. Anyway, that is what I did. If I didn't know how to look out for the progams offered, competitive programs, in the educational system, through being trained in college, my sons certainly would have missed being placed in the strategic classrooms. I think women views count in how Black men ought to view us, from a moral aspect too in some regards. I worked at a shipyard and so, no, I don't want to be around a group of men in certain situations though, but that doesn't mean that i should be allowed to be part of certain decision making codes of moral and etc.
  13. Guest Queen X, yes I agree. It made things look worse. @Pioneer1 In my observation, I don't run across too many 'brothers' that attempt to tear down a brother in order to bond with a woman, in the same way that other kinds of men do. But Black men will do it though, just NOT in the same way that other men do. My experiences is that other men, will point out how Black men disrespect Black women, and yes, it is to 'get with the sista'...
  14. @Pioneer1 Thank you very much, for offering me respect, my brother. @Pioneer1 You see this statement you made here starts out as "The fact is..." and this is a problem because 'facts' are not based on any of us and our beliefs, but it is based on TRUTH, whether or not it really did happen or not. So, we can choose to believe in certain concepts or happenings or we can NOT believe, but that doesn't make it 'true or false' though. if certain historical subjects did really happen, and we choose not to believe, then the fact still stands that it 'really did happen'. So therefore, there are a lot of proofs that go way beyond 1000 years ago that has been confirmed, whether or not we choose to believe is a matter of choice. There are a lot of proven happenings on this earth beyond even 5000 years ago, however, we may or may not choose to believe in this. But, if we are not accepting TRUTHS, then my question would be, will the rejection and ignorance of TRUTH harm us in certain ways? And, my answer would be yes absolutely. I believe that if we, especially Black AfroAmericans choose to reject a lot of history about Black African oppression thousands of years ago, and the process of how we keep becoming suppressed under White Supremacy, and do not consider that there is a pattern here, of history repeating itself, then we will not be able to see solid solutions to become free from this wicked cycle that we continue to be caught up within. @Pioneer1 I am here now, and I am living, I am offering my experiences of studying under a discipline. I have had the opportunity to look in microscopes and see prepared slides, and slide that I have had to prepare myself of cells, cells undergoing meiosis, and mitosis, plant cells, animals cells that I prepared myslef. I have studied the anatomy of certain specimens, and etc. I am sharing my research here. I can see the depictions of Egyptians in ancient times and, because of knowing the process of confirmation, I can see certain people today and make contrast and comparisons and I tell you, that yes, human life does go beyond 6000 years for certain reasons based on this kind of research. Ancient script are difficult to decipher due to deliberate acts to confuse, but by and by, hopefully, this kind of confusion will be sorted out. But it is going to take some time though. I do respect you sticking to your belief in not continuing to discuss what you choose not to. And I appreciate your input though, very much.
  15. What!? Let me see here, if the ancient governments who existed contemporary to the Hebrews and all scripts from all of these systems agree to specific events, then this is one process of measuring time. The Egyptian system had specific CALENDARS and they measure time accurately based on fixed points. But because different systems used different methods, there is a comparison and contrasting of various 'timelines' and this is how time is marked and confirmed. The timelines contained to date events contained in the Bible is based on these scientific marks and by recording events from other contemporary governments is the GLOBAL WORLD marked. This is why in colleges across the world, the PENTATUCH is regarded as a valid source more than any other ancient book! I learned this in college! This is brought in many college courses, such as, HUMANITIES, and WESTERN CIV courses and etc.! LOL! No, again, you learn this in college, in that the Koran and other books in India and China, have confirmed the records contained in the Pentatuch, and the Egyptian records, about many events recorded in the PENTATUCH were written in the script the Egyptians usedand the type of 'PAPYRUS' used at that time of the life of Moses during the 18th Dynasty are authentic. And no, most western civilization misdate the events of Moses to occur during the 1400s bc and to be during the 19th Dynasty. This is wrong and can be proven due to many other publications in that the western civilization deliberately misdated the events of the Hebrews and thier being expelled from Egypt way before the time of RAMESES II. It is not an estimate, because the Egyptian records are detailed and agree with the Pentatuch exactly.
  16. I don't think so, regarding CYRUS. Cyrus ordered the construction of the Second Temple, but he died beofe it was completed. Then, Darius-the-Mede ruled over Babylon, and checked and found that Cyrus had made this decree. So, Darius then completely ignored the decree of his father XERXES, the king of kings over all the Satraps. Darius set up the Jews and gave them support to journey back down to Jerusalem to complet the temple. But, as far as Ezra living during and after the fall of Babylon-Chaldea, you may be right. But Cyrus was dead by the time they conflicted with Xerxes, the king of kings. @Pioneer1 That may be so about people not believing in the Great World Flood, but that doesn't mean that it was not recorded during the time of the 18th and 19th Dynastic period in Egypt and during the time of GREATER BABYLON and the Epic of Gilgamesh even hundreds of years before 1500s BC. The Epic of Gilgamesh was recorded like before 2000s BC and used another type of script in ancient Syria. The script of those times were based off of Ugarit culture and the LInear B script of the Crete Minoans and ultimately the Cuneiform script of GREATER BABYLON. They have recored this 'Flood' story too.
  17. @Pioneer1 All human record keeping is not infalliable if it can be confirmed by a fixed point. That is one of the basis of understanding a 'civilization' versus a primitive existence. SCRIPT. Script is confirmed based upon a chronological and fixed point in time and science. As a Biology major, one of the first processed to understand how to confirm theories is THE SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. If theories are repeatable, then it becomes factual. Some theories remain just that Theories, because they cannot be proven by repetition. So human record keeping is factual in many regards. You may not like what you read or the authorship, but facts can be a proven fact based on confirmation too. More than one source have recorded about the life of Julius Caesar and Augustus, therefore, this would be factual. The PENTATUCH is part of the first books of the Koran and other sources document it in other civilizations with script, therefore it is factual that it was written during the time of the 'end of the 18th Dynasty'. The LIves of the Egyptians are sourced by other civilizations contemporary to the 18th and 19th dynasty, therefore, and contain the records about Moses the Hebrew, therefore, and the script dated of that time period has also been confirmed, the scroll technology of that time period was different from the time period of EZRA. No, you said that it was probably Ezra or someone from Babylon that wrote the PENTATUCH. There is a time difference of about 1000 years between the two! LOL! @Pioneer1Many people cannot understand writing styles such as 'the Cantebarry Tales' and therefore, it becomes a college level course in which requires a higher discipline to study! If the average person cannot under how the different authors of ancient script was written completely unless they study under a college, then certainily SOLOMON'S WRITINGS would not easily be understood! The man is brilliant! Just as the other Levites in their colleges agreed! Solomon used SCIENCE to write this book SONGS OF SOLOMON!!!!!!! @Pioneer1 Solomon was ' A KING'! He was well skilled and educated. This book contained is in the Books of the Bible and is also defined as THE GREATEST of all books. It's a small book but packed with a huge amount of material that spans thousands of years of history. I would love to give the break down on this incredible book, but it would take awhile. At any rate, I will try to dialogue with you a little, although, you jumped around alot. First of all, the book is defined too, as a 'song' meaning it contains 'verses' that are song throughout the book and it regards A SPECIFIC THEME. In this book, Solomon is writing about a specific MAIDEN that he did eventually marry. He defines this maiden as being very, very, black skinned, and furthermore, he is using science to do this. Most people are not 'true black' but just very dark skinned and may appear to be black, but there are some people, even today, that are 'scientifically black skinned. This is what Solomon is defining. Solomon wrote this book when he was old. He wrote about how the daughters of Israel adored him. I read this book, and OMG, I am like, God! Please bring him back! LOL. MOST people actually believe the book is about just this 'girl' and NOT Solomon, but what Solomon does is connects himself to this girl, and states that he is 'A TWIN' to her, in that he came from the very same MATERNAL source as she did. He not only is speaking about his mother 'BATHSHEBA' but about the very origins of all ISRAEL, stemming from Black origins. He connects himself to her in so many other ways and uses the science of many things in this book. I understand why you say this now, however, the PENTATUCH, was proven to be around long before EZRA's lifetime and verified through scrolls found in caves and byway of other points brought out even today. The Kings of Israel and the Jews who lived long before Ezra, also had the 'pentatuch' in their libraries. So, after their downfall, Nebuchadnezzar took the Jews scrolls and housed them in his libraries. He and other Chaldeans believed in SCRIPT obviously, because they were the original masters of script way back in time, even before Abraham's lifetime. So therefore, translations came about byway of Jews like DANIEL, who the Chaldean king put into his court, the well educated Jews. The time span of the MEDO-PERSIANS and the CHALDEANS of Neo-Babylon did overlap, but the Chaldeans Empire lasted for over a hundred years. Today, the western world attempts to place the Persians over the translations, and this is wrong.
  18. RED MOON & BLACK FRIDAY~ Cultural Festival~ Cultural Origins SEPTEMBER 11 ANNUAL NEW YEAR FESTIVAL I suppose because of an upcoming New Year Festival in a few days, it could be a good opportunity to show research about certain holidays observed over here in America that correlate to these past origins in Africa. On this upcoming SEPTEMBER 11, Ethiopian Jews will celebrate its’ New Year and, I suppose this would be especially significant for them after experiencing a Blood Moon; TOTAL LUNAR ECLPSE on this past July 27, 2018, that lasted over Ethiopia for three (3) hours. Not everyone cares about GOOD FRIDAY, PASSOVER or EASTER, but because in a few days and as it was instituted to be observed initially in September way back in time by Moses, therefore, this New Year annual holiday will be observed by the Original Jews and Hebrew Israelites in the Horn of Africa, in Ethiopia [ie Jews] and Eritrea [ie. Israel]. So, it may be a good time to shed light on how the western world did change the dates and times. I will also go back a little before this event to provide a setting. The dates and times that I offer through my research is based on a fixed point, and based on the relation to how the earth lines up with other stars. Back in 2002, I happened to hear on the evening news that ‘there was to be a rare planetary alignment’ and it was to be the same configuration that occurred more than 2000 years ago during the advent of the ‘Star of Bethlehem’. So I made sure to get up early that next morning to see this phenomenon for myself and sense that time, on April 17, 2002, I have been able to compare and contrast other dating systems and ancient historical events globally. It would be for this reason, that I have been able to measure timed events more accurately. THE GREAT WORLD FLOOD According to the scriptures, it occurred in the Second Month, on the 17th day. According to the constellations, MARCH would be the global scientific 1st MONTH So, APRIL 17, AD 2356 would be the day of the Great World Flood *Although scholars have attempted to cover up and change the Egyptian records, this event abruptly ended the 5th Dynasty of the OLD Pyramid Age. THE DATING OF THE EXODUS According to a catastrophic phenomenon that occurred during the height of the Crete Minoan Greek Civilization, it can be seen that todays scholars have changed the dates and times. This date marks the time of the start of the 18th dynasty in Egypt. THE VOLCANIC ERUPTION ON THERA. Although many dates are offered to have this eruption occur around 1600s BC, it actually occurred in 1662 BC. This date would confirm the Biblical records and synchronize the other secular historical events in all of the major civilizations in the entire Old Mediterranean World and elsewhere. This eruption was well documented in ancient Chinese records as well. This natural phenomenon along with many others would be how I have synchronized my timelines. There are a few scholars that have admitted that exactly 100 years has been extracted from the timelines and certain events have been inserted in various incorrect periods of ancient civilizations in and around the Old Mediterranean World. But due to this understanding, now there can be a clear chronological sequence of events that can be recognized. JOSEPH’s BIRTHDATE & His Entry into Egypt Many people have not been able to understand the actual dates and times of the Exodus because they do not realize that this includes the time that Joseph was brought into Egypt. [40] Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. [41] And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. EXODUS 12:40-1. ---430 years 1883 – JOSEPH WAS BORN 1866 BC -- Joseph was forced into captivity at 17 years old—September 14--- -------------- THE BARLEY FESTIVAL, after the Nile River subsided 1662 BC – The Mosis Brothers, Ahmose & Kamose begin the 18th Dynasty Move capital from Central Egypt back to Thebes-Upper Egypt 1516 BC– Moses was born 1436 BC – THE EXODUS ___________________________________________________ PLAGUE 1—THE RED TIDE This phenomenon has been occurring for thousands of years and perhaps long before the time of the Exodus. However, this kind of information has not been taught very well in the Black Church. It seems though, and in my opinion, there was like a ‘domino affect’ after this one plague. It seems to have led to a chain reaction in which that next few plagues, [2] THE FROGS, [3] THE LICE, [4] THE FLIES [5] THE MURRAIN of the cattle, [6]SKIN BOILS and [6] THE LOCUSTS, were as a result of its happening: Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood. And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river…. EXODUS 7:17-18. Red tide has sparked a state of emergency in Florida. What is red tide? August 15, 2018 Florida Gov. Rick Scott declared a state of emergency Wednesday for seven counties in southwest Florida over an unusually severe red tide outbreak. … Beaches are shut down, businesses have temporarily closed, and Floridians wonder when it will all end. .. How long is the red tide expected to last? It’s hard to predict how long the red tide will remain, it could persist through 2019. Red tides can last days, weeks or months and can change depending on wind conditions and water currents. … … Red tides are not a new phenomena – the first reported incident was in Florida in 1844. Research hasn’t found a definitive link between the severity of red tides climate change. … https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/08/15/red-tide-state-emergency-florida-explained/997165002/ PLAGUE 9 -- THE THICK DARKNESS This plague also has happened in different countries across the globe for thousands of years and well before it occurred at this time and point in Egypt. And again, outside of my own research, I never heard it explained in the Church. Although Passover was changed back at the time of the Roman Empire times to be observed in the springtime, however, the Bible holds the records in that it was instituted to be observed in the fall. And this phenomenon known today as ‘A SAND STORM’ or ‘A HABOOB’ would be one of many facts that reveal Passover could not have occurred during the springtime and ultimately, that the dates and times have been changed for certain past events. And, according to scriptures, this PLAGUE OF THICK DARKNESS lasted for three (3) days. This kind of Sand Storm has been known to happen in America, in areas like Arizona and Texas and, it happens in the Middle East in areas like Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Cont.: [22] And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: [23] They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all. EXODUS 10: 22-3.
  19. @Pioneer1 Yes, this is true. But this also goes in line of your constant usage of the word 'Caucasian' although, I understand what you mean, so it doesn't bother me. As likewise, that term 'mankind' is not completely what you believe as it is used in other scholarly respects, but again, it doesn't bother me if you don't view it that way. In an earlier post, you said that you don't use the word 'HOMINID' and yet again, I understand and it is okay, but, this would be a technical term used by scientist who have systematically classified humans with the SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. It is like saying to me, that you don't use the common English word 'LION' or 'GRIZZILY BEAR' or 'GIRAFFE' or etc. Unfortunately, we don't always get to pick the terms. That is okay because this is a challenging area due to the deception of this system in how it set up to be an empire and orchestrate a slave system that lasted for hundreds of years. Nevertheless, it is a typical DIVIDE AND CONQUER tactic based on GENDER CONFLICTS. I don't know about you as a Black man, but I could not even make a count of how many times other men have told me and tried to convince me how useless Black men were in the attempt to try to win my affections. I will admit, I appreciate men from all walks of life, but my choice was based on my upbringing, being around my relatives. But men compete on all levels for women even if it to highlight a person's negative aspects of ethnicity and cultural pitfalls.
  20. @Pioneer1 This is an impossible statement to go any farther with you because, what you are saying is that, even though we as humans die off and leave writen works, it cannot be trusted as being authentic based on any 'measurable standard'. LOL this is unbelievable statement. You just stated that a group of scribes and scholars got together on your version of how the Talmud was eventually written, but cannot realize that would be the very process in the written conclusion of the end of the life of Moses!? Your all over the place, and have no fixed dates from which to base anything on. You need to provide some evidence that the author of the Songs of Solomon was not him. You are shooting in the dark. The Bible gives a detailed timeline of the kings over Israel and Jewry. HOw in the world could a king with a government not verify their writings. LOL. That makes no sense at all. @Pioneer1Geez. Ezra lived during the 400s BC, that is almost a thousands years after the events occurred in Egypt with regards to the 18th and 19th Dynasty of the Ramasses and the Thutmosis. The civilization in Egypt revolves around the 1500s BC!!! Talk about writing about something second hand! That would mean that Ezra was writing about something that happened over a thousand years prior! LOL. Get out of here with that! LOL! @Pioneer1 What earlier documents? What earlier published documents could Ezra have possibly used that the man, Moses did or that the Egyptians did? Did Ezra use the Egyptian documents? Can you provide some kind of dated document that Ezra could have used? BTW, I think Ezra lived after the downfall of the NeoBabylonian empire. He lived under the PErsian in Persepolis or their other Achaemenid Capital city. Both Nehemiah and Ezra were apart of the construction of the Second Temple for the Jews.
  21. @Pioneer1 Then yes, it is based on 'belief' even if there are facts. But the source is not just Western Archeology, that is just one approach. Ancient depictions of people with these LONG SKULLS are very well depicted. So I do want to know; You don't even believe scholars like the late Ivan Van Sertima? He states that Nefertiti was definitely a White foreigner. Her traits are not atypical of the modern skulls. can you offer a reference? who then wrote the Pentatuch? @Pioneer1 There is nothing that states the book was written by anyone other than Solomon. So if you don't believe that then, that is where the contention rest. There is no need to go beyond this point unless you can provide evidence that the author is who you say. Yes, I do believe that White people were in Africa. But nevertheless, i have never heard of any other culture professing Black AFrican people's traits other then Black African people. Speaking of which, you do realize that Minister Louis Farrakhan admitted that the matriarch of this following is a White woman?
  22. @Pioneer1 Okay. Thank you. This makes sense. You are too much! LOL. That is not what I meant! lol! What if another man did that to her in your presence? You wouldn't be offended if she came and told you another man groped her? And, what if she was your wife? Now you've got me confused. Are you saying the term is correct to say 'Original man'? And, it is not correct to say 'Original mankind?' In another thread you used the term 'ORGINAL BLACK POPULATION'; how is this different from saying 'ORiginal mankind'? Yes, in terms of 'the Original Population of people that lived in Greek lands' many of the Greeks were Black. Terms like 'DORIAN GREEKS', 'MINOAN GREEKS', 'CARIAN GREEKS', 'DANAANS', 'THEBAN GREEKS', ... and so many other terms define the ORIGINAL POPULATIONS in those Isles and mainlands of the European continent. The Ionian Greeks though and many others were definitely White Greeks. Some of the Greek pottery reveals these people, but I am not an Art History expert to be able to respond completely from that point-of-view. HOMER time period and the script on this wise also reveals this earlier presence too. THE ROMAN EMPIRE-- @Pioneer1 I'm not sure how else to say this. Maybe I could say it this way; Many people may not realize that the foundation of the Roman Empire was not solely based on Rome, Italy, but their system stems from earlier system in the Assyrian Empire. Have you ever heard that Romans hated the term 'king'? This is because the earlier Black civilizations many times used the term 'KING' because it signified INHERITED THRONE. The Romans used the term 'EMPEROR' because they wanted world domination. Kings represented 'PRIESTHOOD' and the Romans worked to knock this down. Their system is based on 'a Matriarchal basis'; [1] the QUEEN BEE and [2] THE EARTH MOTHER. In early times, eastern people migrated from the east into Syria [ie Assyria] and set up THE DRUZES, a predominantly White Matriarchal system. They lived in BEE-HIVE dwellings, were White, blonde, blue-eyed predominantly.... held a secret book ... this book was what Julius Caesar relied upon to set up the Rome Republic and later, the Roman Empire. The Sybils script was housed in the temple of Mercury [ie. treasury temple] .... etc..... I could go on and on.... I am not sure how to explain it fully in a brief statement. Syria was the country where the tax system was first made law because that is their matriarchal origins. The Queen Bee, represents White woman, Ashteroth, and the Earth Mother represents an ancient Black woman; so the Archaic TRIAD was on this basis, [I forgot] and the new triad was JUPITER, JUNO, and VENUS [SOMETIMES --- CYBELE]... The Romans used ethnic women to overthrow the Black world...
  23. @Mel Hopkins WOW! Thank you! I am obsessed with timelines! LOL. I am very familiar with a lot on this timeline and because it covers so much, I don't even know where I would like to begin to perhaps add my research. I guess I can close my eyes and point! lol. What I would love to do with my research is to somehow write it so that people can read my input and determine for themselves just how the western civilization has brought confustion to the past. However, writing and transferring ideas is a challenge for me. I appreciate having the chance to read what you write. I hope you continue to write because you do it so well! I haven't sat down yet to completely read you book, but I tell you, it is awesome. I was so surprised to see how much information you put behind your theme. The information you put surrounding Ethiopia and Babylon and Solomon . . . amazing. That is my passion! I recall a book I read in the past called Black Spark, White Fire, [?] and it delved into Sesostris I, II, and III and the colony of Cholchis in the north, and I have read other Afrocentric scholars on this colony too. I love the 11th Dynasty king, Mentuhotep [ie. Nebhebitre Mentuhotep] too. This timeline that you posted places Moses, as do too, during the 18th Dynasty and most Black people have no idea! And also, I have seen so many bits and pieces of 'European Bible Scholars' who place Moses in conflict with Thutmosis III but this is not my finding. So, maybe I might try to share some of my research in this area. Thank you again.
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