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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. @Cynique Thank you! You're right. That is probably what has happened. @Pioneer1 Yes, this unfortunately seems to be what is happening. I'd thought I would have heard much more from the Black Church on some pressing issues during these times, but no. What do you mean 501C3? @Pioneer1 Yes but hopefully, not for long. As before, at times, those leaders over there wised up and kicked some groups out, and it help their people, and IMO, when they stand strong against Black oppression over there, it helps us too, over here. @Pioneer1 What do you mean when you say this? Are you saying that Christianity was FOUNDED by European racist after the movement was started, or are you saying it was founded by them, meaning that none of the friends of Jesus had anything to do with it, and/or that Jesus and his friend are European Jews? I know Christianity to be a movement, but I am wondering what you think in terms of 'the Eurpean racist and the people in Turkey?
  2. Yes, this i believe though, in that 'false Christianity Have Black People Spiritually Enslaved...' False Christianity, the Anti-Christ idol, and the false movement has corrupted this world. But the original Jews were just as Black African or dark skinned with African traits as it has been thouroughly written in the srcriptures. We've just been tricked and now, many have become the very mouthpiece to throw down the whole entire movement behind White Supremacist. We are now doing their work. Whether you believe in Jesus, the Christ or not, the original Moors and Pirathons, and Huns were Negroes and the Romans conflicted against the Black presence. Who did the Romans fight against? themselves? No. They were against the Black African presence in and around North Africa and that same movement is why we have endured American slavery and etc.
  3. @Mel Hopkins Thank you for the link. I think the comments after the article are also interesting. It is frustrating to see how White Europeans constantly attempt to offer suggestings so as to still claim that Bue eyes and Blonde hair come from them and not a Black African origin, for instance: ...Not only are Europeans far more likely to have blue eyes (95 per cent in some Scandinavian countries), they also have a far greater range of skin tones and hair colour than any other ethnic grouping. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-511473/All-blue-eyed-people-traced-ancestor-lived-10-000-years-ago-near-Black-Sea.html#axzz2JygCna42 See, this statement is misleading. It may be true in the percentage, but this doesn't mean that they have the origin. It simply means that this is a recessive trait and through their constant inbreeding and selective breeding, they become the manifestation of this recessive trait. I posted thread on this subject, earlier, and so, this connects to what I posted. Thanks again for the links. I will post this too, in my thread about Blue eye origin. Also, the common phrase of 'good hair' and 'bad hair' definitely goes along with this subject in how our ideas stem from earlier origins. I now use this term for 'bad hair' but not in the sense of the yesteryears. I have a lot of 'bad hair' days! LOL.
  4. @Troy Before I had my first child, I read about pregnant women having normal nightmares about accidentally forgetting and leaving thier babies on the roof of a car, and then I did have those nightmares. NOw, when I think back and in lieu of this issue, I am wondering if it's not a normal feeling for many of us to have these thought when we are in a conference or something where, in the south especially, there are many White people. Anyway, this was a gretat post. She is such a lovely person! And she looks like her heritage. Her speech was so wonderful. So inspiring. So true!
  5. This whole post is so awesome! It is time for a new dawn! It's time to weigh options and think individually and rethink about some old cliches' because they may not fit today! I am not kicking against old views either, but in the past, we have not been given the proper tools to understand everything so now, we need to be refreshed! @Delano This is a hard truth, at times. I once heard it this way; When the poor oppress the poor, it is like the sweeping rain.
  6. @Cynique unfortunately, this is not true, altogether. In Hampton Va. last year, I visited an all Black Church congregation and a huge, gigantic portrait, painting of a 'White Jesus' [ie. Anti-Christ idol] was hanging on just about the entire wall behind the pulpit. I went to another all-black Church congreation in Durham NC and in the pastors study hanging on the wall behind the pastors' desk was a painting of a 'White Jesus' and I looked at it while the pastor, a very dark skinned Black African man, was talking. The contrast was so contrary, IMO. Then in Emporia, Va. I visited another all-Black church and another giganitc painting of a 'White Jesus' hung on just about the entire wall behind the pulpit. I mentioned it to this pastor, an AFrican American man, and he became indignent. Then back in Durham, NC, I visited a mostly all-black MEGA-CHURCH, with about 10,000 members and three sunday services, and again, ... the same thing. During praise and worship service, the screen slowly came down showing a profile picture of MEL GIBSON, depicted as 'White Jesus'. I walked up front after service and spoke to one of the church bishops about it. He said that he didn't have a problem with it. Then I phoned another of the pastors, and while he admitted that he knew the ancient records showed otherwise, he said he didn't have a problem with it. Maybe not all Black Churches are corrupt, but a lot of them still are ridiculous. Many of us are still plagued by the slaveyard teachings. Because, I think tht I was a Navy Brat, and moved away from a small town setting in my youth, I have become more open to other viewpoints, but my relatives are obsessed with White people to the point it is sickening for me. LOL! @TroyYes, I think it did. It caught me off guard because around the same time, Snoop Dog, supposedly reached #1 status for hiis gospel hit, he was on youtube supporting JAY-Z like many of the other rappers and blasting the murderer of Trayvon Martin this past spring around March 2018. George Zimmerman, the man who killed Trayvon Martin, threatened to kill Jay-z and he said something like, 'what he did in 2012, referencing how he killed Trayvon Martin'. And he threatened to feed JAY-Z to the alligators because of the documentary. I dunno, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around Snoop Dog's latest hit... but it's cool though. And you're right about Wendy Williams, and I'm sure she didn't mean any intent to harm the gospel group.
  7. @Pioneer1 So the phrase 'AS WHITE AS SNOW' can clearly be seen in this form of leprosy or psoriasis even on European-type skin.
  8. Pustular psoriasis consists of well-defined, white pustules on the skin. These are filled with pus that is non-infectious. The skin around the bumps is reddish and large portions of the skin may redden as well. It can follow a cycle of redness of the skin, followed by pustules and scaling. …Right now there is no cure for psoriasis. The disease can go into remission where there are no symptoms or signs present. Current research is underway for better treatments and a possible cure. Psoriasis is not contagious even with skin-to-skin contact. You cannot catch it from touching someone who has it, nor can you pass it on to anyone else if you have it. https://www.healthline.com/health/pustular-psoriasis#diagnosis And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. NUMBERS 12:1. And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous. And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee. NUMBERS 12:10-13.
  9. @Pioneer1 Oh no! Well, yes, Moses was definitely a 'Negroe' and he had the NAPS [ie. hair] and other traits that goes along with his forefathers but, nonetheless, he was very, very light skinned. Furthermore, after I read your reference, I went back and searched picture references to give more proof in that the Bible can be viewed as sort of like a 'code book' and is science and GENETIC-based. Moses and his family and etc. are 'chosen' or used as sort of like 'a control group' to help all mankind. Moses own writings about this issue of his having 'LEPROSY' helps to explain and give a deep insight to a lot. He is one of many examples of Black African peoples that show that what happened way back in 'the Garden of Eden' when Eve 'GOT NAKED' [IE. HAD SEX] with that 'being' and brought forth 'his seed', tht this whole world is infected in various ways. Moses looked nothing like his brother Aaron, skin color wise. Moses had a skin condition that was termed LEPROSY back in those times but today science term it as PSORAISIS. And like Leprosy, in tht there are many forms of it, so is Psoriasis. There are many forms of Psoriasis. Most fair skinned people are plagued with this kind of leprosy, but dark-skinned people can get it too although the percentage is low. That form of leprosy that Moses had, it was defined as 'CLEAN LEPROSY' meaning, it is not contagious and it didn’t rot the lower skin layer. And it can come and go, and be in remission, but usually shows up when a person becomes an adult. It is an INHERITED condition. Scientist, today, are saying they want to get rid of the term RECESSIVE DOMINANT INHERITANCE. They continue to use the term RECESSIVE INHERITANCE though. But what MOses had was RECESSIVE DOMINANT INHERITANCE. This means that it came down through 'X CHROMOSOME', and a person can receive ‘just one’ infected X-chromosome and it would be enough to have the particular disease. But typical recessive inheritance means that ‘an infected X-Chromosome’ can be passed on in reproduction and be present but the offspring will not be affected and is only ‘a carrier’. I have done much research on this topic. It seems complex to understand, but the Bible makes it very easy to follow if you study Moses’ family line. In order for Moses and his sister Miriam to have this kind of LEPROSY, then it had to have come down through his family line due to 'incest'. Moses mother was also his father's aunt. So here is a little how it goes: One earlier female ancestor passed it on to her son [ie a Levite man] and then he had XY and is affected. He then has a daughter and she receives his X and is affected. So then ... fast forward. When Moses mother, Jochebed, came into the picture, she also had 'an infected X', just one though, and she was infected. Thanks to the writings of Moses and hindsight and THE EGYPTIAN RECORDS, we can see the truth; Moses' father, Amram who, like his son Moses, had obviously been affected too, gave [1] his 'infected X' to his only daughter, Miriam; but his sons receives his Y-DNA. However, Amram was affected by his own mother’s X-chromosome. [2] Moses, however, received an infected X from his mother, Jochebed, and he has inherited the disease of Psoriasis [ie. Known specifically and medically today as PULSULAR PSORIASIS] from her. [3] Aaron has NO PROBLEM at all with this condition because he obviously received the Y from his dad and the one good X from his mom. This is how we know that Jochebed only had ‘1 bad X and 1 good X chromosome’, otherwise Aaron would have also been affected. And also, she would have had the extreme form of it as well, and no man in his right mind would have married her to have children. But, [4] Miriam receives not only the infected X-chromosome from her dad, but she received the 'bad, infected X-chromosome from her mother too. Therefore, unlike Moses, she receives 2-BAD X-CHROMOSOMES and comes down with the more extreme and severe form of that disease. When Moses mated with his wife, and if he had no daughters, that's the end of the disease in his line. But Miriam would have had further problems if she continued to reproduce. But Aaron, never received the bad X-chromosome from his Mother, and being dark skinned would be a sign too, that he did not have the condition. The Egyptian records depicted Aaron as being very dark-skinned [ie. A deep reddish-brown]. So, his generation would not have been affected at all, unless his wife had one bad X-chromosome. ONLY ONE BAD X-CHROMOSOME CAUSES THE DISEASE. That is why MOses had the problem. That is the definition of RECESSIVE-DOMINANT-INHERITANCE. So, yes, the Bible was exact in that Moses was a very, very, light skinned Negro and he had that form of leprosy, that he inherited from his mother. Albinism has so many forms that only the ‘being’ in the Garden of Eden had completely and it shows up in many ways in the world and leprosy is one of its variants. Being White or Black, African or European has nothing to do with ‘albinism’ but we all show variants of that sin because that ‘being’ was mutated in his Y-DNA which also connects to him being ‘pure albino’ and therefore, he passed his genes down to us through his affected X-chromosomes in so many ways. Therefore, ‘skin diseases’ through the lack of melanin are just a major indication of his genetic contributions to this world. Moses was not albino and he had a lot of ‘Black blood’ [ie African blood] hence, his thick hair depicted under his scribe cap, but he was light skinned. He was able to produce viable malefactors that continued this reproduction for the next three and four generations, and that is the key. He also lived to be very old and had excellent health otherwise. His vision was said to be fully operable until his death and his strength was manifested as in his youth, even in his old age and this would be a confirmation that he was not albino and did not come down with cancer, as is the case with extreme albinism. Okay so, now onto some reference pictures of what it looks like as it appears on the skin, even Europeans, as being 'white like snow'. Miriam had it, according to the Bible from the tip of her head to the soles of her feet. And like the medical scholars have to admit, this kind of leprosy can appear on the top of the head and on the soles of the feet, and all over. It's hard to find pictures because, this is a protected issue. But I have seen photos of it on the back, and head and feet. White Supremacist do Not want to validate the Bible, so they work tirelessly to hide truth. Also, it is difficult to view as well because of the human suffering that goes along with this condition.
  10. @Cynique You're welcome and THANK YOU! But, I didn't take it personally. Funny yes, --but no, I didn't think you were spiteful because, Girl!, if you is alien.... well, I guess I need to check myself! LOL, okay, but hopefully, things will smooth out... @Cynique He wished you Happy Birthday! Thank you so much!
  11. @Cynique I agree with this statement and with most of what you wrote! Geez! So true.
  12. @Pioneer1Interesting observation! Yeah! They are not that light in person! This is so true,.. but it won't ever reached a totality. They are trying to 'hijack Christianity' and White wash Negroes and sadly many Black churches have embraced this crap. Colorism and Color Supremacy [ie White Supremacy] has been plaguing Black AfroAmericans for thousands of years and also proves that some of us are blaming racism on White people when it is actually coming from us. We pick out of the past what we choose and then selectively ignore other strong points about our cultural and ethnic background and origins. We are okay with Moses and David being depicted as some ugly white, heavily bearded Greek Zeus god, or Charleston Heston depicted as this same Greek idol and etc. and the Black church says nothing about how Zippora, the wife of Moses was portrayed in White face or, how Solomon has been portrayed. Solomon strategically wrote about himself in that he was very, very Black skinned but you never hear any of this in the Black church. Having blond hair and light skin means nothing to the Creator, however, it would be ridiculous to think that He did not meet mankind on this sickness. Having dark skin, black skin or etc. means nothing to the Creator accept that all colors are beautiful and can be expressed globally, but it is mankind that has perverted Colorism, not the higher power. But he is definitely dealing with this issue because it is destroying us. Thank you, @Pioneer1 for your strength and willingness to address it. I wish other brothers would do the same.
  13. @Cynique yes!!! absolutely! @Pioneer1 Truth! @Pioneer1 Yes. It makes sense to me! Okay... LOL... that is enough.
  14. AGE & BEAUTY BEFORE YOUTH. @Cynique Thank you! But I am okay if you do not validate me, however, you strike me as very interesting and talented in the way that you write, so I may 'acknowledge' how you impact me, Plus, you,ve lived longer than me and for me, this is important-- to here the viewpoints of someone whose lived during times that a younger person has not. I don't see too many people that interest me of my culture that is willing to share as you have. I'm not that young either, but I always am looking for more information from others to give me confirmation. @Pioneer1True!
  15. Okay, let me preview this article: I posted this scientific finding about the MUTATION of Brown eyes to being Blue due to a recent post on the subjects in a couple of threads. My parents tell me, out of my siblings that I was born with blue eyes and red hair and red skin. By the time of my 4th month baby picture, I can see that my eyes were light brown, and my hair and skin was very red. Not anymore. My siblings came out brown. One of my younger siblings was born very chocolate and she was clean bald but later, she grew beautiful and very black hair that does not ‘fro’, but it has a combination texture. A couple of years ago, scientist determined that BLUE EYES was a MUTATION that occurred around 6,000 years ago and it stems from A BLACK MALE AFRICAN ORIGIN. They report several archeological proofs puts this event around the BLACK SEA AREA. Based on my research, I absolutely agree. Blonde hair and Blue eyes is NOT a White European trait in origin for significant reasons and although the scholars today give partial break down on this subject, it still is scientifically based. Blue eyes stem from ‘PIGMENTATION’ and without this, eyes will not have any coloring such as in a pure ALBINO. So this has been obvious to the scientific community for a long time, but for some reason they just are reporting this now. Like Blue eyes, ‘Blonde hair’ also has pigmentation! –But not, White hair. There is a difference between Blonde hair, White hair and Graying hair. BTW—This would be the same account given in my reference source, scientific reference source, about the Biblical Cain. His descendants migrated NODEAST [ie. NORTHEAST] and that would have been, Northeast of 'Eden' where the four rivers began, and thus, around the Black Sea Area were the first ancient city-civilization set up in CATAL HUYUK. ======================================================= How one ancestor helped turn our brown eyes blue Thursday 31 January 2008 01:00 Steve Connor “The mutations responsible for blue eye colour most likely originate from the north-west part of the Black Sea region, where the great agricultural migration of the northern part of Europe took place in the Neolithic periods about 6,000 to 10,000 years ago,” the researchers report in the journal Human Genetics…. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/how-one-ancestor-helped-turn-our-brown-eyes-blue-776170.html 84,112 views Jan 27, 2014, 12:23 pm Blue-Eyed African Caveman Found In Europe Paul Rogers, Contributor A stone-age hunter’s wisdom tooth has revealed that he had an unusual mix of racial traits – dark, African skin, curly brown hair and blue eyes. Preliminary DNA analysis of the exceedingly well-preserved 7,000-year-old skeleton, dubbed Brana-1, has overturned ideas about the descent of modern Europeans. Although the hunter’s closest modern-day relatives live in Sweden and Finland, the genes for his skin colour are African…. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulrodgers/2014/01/27/stone-age-hunter-had-blue-eyes-and-dark-african-skin/ JOHN BRYSON/SYGMA/CORBIS Don't It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue? Feb. 1, 2008 , 12:00 AM Blue-eyed? Thank a genetic switch that turns off your body's ability to make brown pigment in your peepers. Researchers have finally located the mutation that causes blue eyes, and the findings suggest that all blue-eyed humans share a single common ancestor born 6000 to 10,000 years ago. Researchers have implicated the OCA2 gene in several eye colors. The gene is involved in the production of melanin, a pigment that gives hair and skin their hues… http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2008/02/dont-it-make-your-brown-eyes-blue The skeleton of La Braña 1, as it was discovered in 2006. Credit: J.M. Vidal Encina Ethiopian boy has a form of albinism that only affects his eyes, turning them bright blue. April 29, 2016 admin Human Ethiopian boy with Ble eyes Babies with both Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes
  16. Snoop Dog vs The Clark Sisters & Wendy Williams Oh no! I didn't know Snoop Dog recently made a #1 Gospel Song! And, Wendy Williams mentioned this on her show and apparently received a lot of negativity for what she said.
  17. @Cynique No. Let us not revel in our recessiveness that we have inherited from our ancestors and/or from the slave yard! But let us share our uniqueness completely without being 'gatekeepers' and without trying to block and control other Black African American people to do what we only want to be discussed. How about that? I don't want to have to sit my N-egro, A-pe, A-lligator, C-oon, and P-ossum behind down while a worthy Jew or mixed-raced African speaks out and represents me, but would like to come to an African American forum, like AALBC, and do it myself.
  18. @Pioneer1 Well, I agree about the dates of the Caucasians around 6000 BC. But you are so wrong about the Exodus of the Hebrews. The Egyptian records are so detailed and synchronized with the Bible. But mankind had deliberately misaligned the dates more than once. There's Manethos records and others and then in AD 1500, somewhere round about, the Europeans deliberately offered false dates. Let me say it this way; right now, every day, the ARabs are conducting tours to 'the halfway constructed tomb' of Moses and it is extremely detailed! Just like the Bible states; MOses was very, very light skinned and very striking in his features. Also, the dates of the Hyksos is not 6000 years ago, but they migrated into the Lower Egypt in two distinct time periods. The most importatn was during the time of Joseph and this was during the 12th DYNASTY. Oh and yes, Joseph's stature, his signet ring and other artifacts are also on display, right now, in Egypt! This subject is my passion. Every thing in the Bible about Joseph is true. HIs 'little' statue was found in the very tomb of the pharaoh he mostly served in AD 1950. the pharaohs name was AMENEMES III (Amenenhet III), the Golden Age rule.
  19. @Pioneer1 Wow. You're right. She beautiful and so naturaly looking. She has full lips.
  20. @Pioneer1 THANK YOU for your response! LOL. I don't know from that perspective but something is significant. Have you heard too, that most of the presidents and most of the royals in UK are Rh Negative? @Mel HopkinsWow! LOL "bad hair"? Does that mean he has straight-type hair? or Afro-type hair? President Obama, former, also has an afro and he is RH NEGATIVE too! I am glad the baby won! You sort of hinted that this topic in your book of incompatable blood! I knew about if the female has the RH Negative and how it may cause problems, but I am just able to see from the Stanford project that scientist are considering the other way, meaning if the father is negative and the mother is positive. In that study it was suggest that it might be so that the Y-DNA cannot survive in a positive womb. LOL. Well, I am going to give a preview about the subject of 'traits' and 'Blue eyes' and etc.... I am getting ready to share more research on this subject later. But for now, ... My father and relatives still love to remind me that when I was born, i had BLUE EYES and RED HAIR, RED LIPS, RED SKIN! LOL! But the blue turned gradually to brown. My baby picture at 4 months shows me with light brown eyes and yes, I was very red, even my hair. It runs in my family on both sides. So you daughter is not alone!!!!!!! I get so tired of my father, still to this day, telling me "you were a White baby with blue eyes!" I am like, "Dad! will you stop! Man! I'm not white now! I don't have blue eyes now! okay!" Those Neanderthals! Man! or whatever!
  21. Yes, I agree. So true. yes, absolutely. "based on a much earlier story" ... Yes again, I agree. Actually I have studied the teachings of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam but it has been some years back. So I don't remembr very will.
  22. @Pioneer1Yites!!! I think I will be thinking about his all the time now. LOL. I have red lipsick and i 'fail the paper bag test'. When I was in college, and I did theater, my director yelled at us girls and told us to stop wearing dark lipstick. He said it looked horrible on Black women and he told us to use red tones with liner. Of course now, that was 'stage makeup though', so it was put on thick and loud. But, it's been a long time since I've worn any lipstick. I just use lip balm.
  23. @Mel HopkinsGood for you! I am happy you gave up the cigs though! You are so honest! What a virtue. Yeah, you might have made your daughters a little cautious but that is good. I need to do something too... aerobics.... I've enjoyed the attention I received in my younger days and I am kind of embarrassed now, a little bit. But your book is bringing back the good memories! --and the funny memories too. I am so glad I bought your book!
  24. @Mel Hopkins WOW! I received your book! And I skimmed it. It is a lot! So, it will take me awhile to read it, but it has drawn me in! You're title seems so on point! It is filled with a lot of fact based setting and mixed in with supernatural forces and fantasy. You've taken me to Ethiopia, Jamaica, New York and I never lived in New York but you put me there. You've mentioned so many of my favorite and passionate ancient people! So far too, there is so much that makes me relive a lot of what you wrote about in my younger days. It is so refreshing to read from an author that brings to life my youth and my experiences. Wow! Okay, this is not 'my review', I've got to go to Starbucks, gets some coffee and get to reading. Wow! My boring research will never compare to your talent in how you can weave such a beautiful story based on facts. You are very talented. Brilliant. So far, I became caught up in the 'pink and green' setting! LOL My sister pleged AKA and my cuz/roommate too. And your book takes me back to memories in how I had to hide her from her 'big sisters'... and then guess what!? Uh... a year or two later, I pledged too.... ZETA! LOL. And my roommate had to hide me... we refused to go to probate show... I'm on the edge of my seat with 'Drew'. I felt like jumping through the pages... YOu bring back my memories of ... college cheerleading... basketball games... football games...my girlfriend dragging me out in the night to run down her no good, two timing boyfriend..... banging on the door.... and then me too, getting my girlfried to go with me in the night ... on a mission to bust that man ... in his game... I love the back cover too, You have a beautiful figure. You look like you should have been a beauty pageant winner. @Pioneer1 This is my problem. I have to think about this. But I love your list. @Kalexander2 Does the film count? I love this film and book too, but it was difficult to get through. @Troy Oh my Gosh! That was my favorite book! LOL. @CyniqueThe Dictionary was my bestest friend until 'smart lookup came along'.
  25. @Troy Thank you! Thank you for giving me a chance. @Xeon My reasons for posting this article is because [1] I believe that it is critical regarding understanding the global interest in the origins of mankind as it pertains to BLACK AFRICA and all humanity in its connection to Black Africans and especially the origins of the Y-DNA that every malefactor contains in their DNA today, and also [2] because this subject might help to understand how negative propaganda about the origins of Black men is underhandedly used against their presence and existence. And lastly, [3] because I have sons... Now why did the global science community become 'STUNNED' due to these findings to the point that this article is circulating; I don't know, except to say that maybe they have a vested interest in putting out some bits and pieces of truth. A lot. But my main focus for right now would begin with trying to understand what I see as still a partial publication of the truth. This reference material that was published back in 2016, by way of scholars from Stanford University, (about 4 years after the Genome Project was published), may help to shed light on my position: Y chromosome genes from Neanderthals likely extinct in modern men Carlos Bustamante and his colleagues found that DNA from the Neanderthal Y chromosome, which is passed from father to son, is likely extinct. Steve Fisch The study was published April 7 in The American Journal of Human Genetics, in English and in Spanish, and will be available to view for free. The senior author is Carlos Bustamante, PhD, professor of biomedical data science and of genetics at the School of Medicine, and the lead author is Fernando Mendez, PhD, a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford. ... Unlike the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is passed exclusively from father to son. This is the first study to examine a Neanderthal Y chromosome, Mendez said. Previous studies sequenced DNA from the fossils of Neanderthal women or from mitochondrial DNA, which is passed to children of either sex from their mother. Other research has shown that the DNA of modern humans is from 2.5 to 4 percent Neanderthal DNA, a legacy of breeding between modern humans and Neanderthals 50,000 years ago. As a result, the team was excited to find that, unlike other kinds of DNA, the Neanderthal Y chromosome DNA was apparently not passed to modern humans during this time. “We’ve never observed the Neanderthal Y chromosome DNA in any human sample ever tested,” Bustamante said. “That doesn’t prove it’s totally extinct, but it likely is.” ... _____________________________________________________________ So what can we learn from this study? If they are saying there was once NEANDERTHAL MEN that reproduced then, obviously THEY DID EXIST, so why did they stop having the ability to produce viable MALE OFFSPRING LIKE THEMSELVES? So Oh! I get it, all mankind, even European men who can have malefactors had to have originated from who??? -- an Afcian male descendant!? So why are we enduring White Supremacy then? So then, if this is true then, why has so much attention been shifted away from this obvious conclusive origin regarding the MODERN HUMANS [HOMO SAPIENS] in connection with African men origins and so much attention given to the 'OUT OF AFRICA THEORY' as it pertains to mtEVE? This obvious ommission of AFrican origins of the Y-DNA seems like a serious issue. But, I am happy that some scholars are willing to publish some of their facts. What should we learn from this? Again, a lot! But certainly, this recent findings to reflect the past negative propaganda aimed against people of African descent both men and women.
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