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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. @Troy I was speaking in terms of this issue going beyond what happened to this young man and in terms of what could have happened had he not had a camera. That is why 'Racial Profiling' should be a legal issue. If he did not have a camera, and she called the police, he probably would have been in a lot of trouble. If that were a Black man blocking a White woman, and telling her tht she had to tell him what apt. number she lived in and followed her to her door, and called the police on her for expecting a Black man to let her in the secured bldg., then what do you think the police would have done to tht Black man!? Do you think he would have been fired from his job? No necessarily. Many times the victim is further badgered. I remember back in the 60s women who were victims of rape were badgered if they wnet forward to report it. I don't know how to answer this question objectively due to the experiences that I have endured with being one of many AFrican Americans fired from a past job, and witnessing how others are hired even if they don't have the job requirements. I was at this company for seven years and they fired about 14 Black woman and a number of Black men who were highly skilled and trained new incoming employees, but no White person was ever fired. Tht is not a case of Racial Profiling. That bi-racial woman went off at Black people and that white man called her "RACIST"!!! He called her racist even though he was probably the only White person in that subway car! Troy, that is not racial profiling, that was him attacking her! She turned from commenting against the Black people for not offering a seat to the Black mother, to defending herself agains the busy body White man that took the opportunity to striker her down! Now, I don't agree with her attacking the Black people like that, but that White man was 'passive aggresive' and he spitefully opened his mouth to mock her. IF that were a White woman doing that, saying that to Black people, I would be surprised if that White Jew would have called a White woman out. And even if he did, that would still not be a case of Racial Profling. @Troy When White women accuse Black men of 'breaking the law' or 'not following rules' like what happened to the young man, Emmit Till, there lives are completely destroyed. Therefore, 'Racial Profiling' should be defined legally because this seems to be a prevalent issue. If this young man did not have a camera, this woman was bold even though it was in the early morning darkness, and I don't think he would have come out ahead if he did not film her. Troy, she called the police on him!? That is extreme.
  2. @Troy I am very familiar with the Bi-racial woman that went off on that White Jewish man, and that is NOT Racial Profiling, she was responding to his statment. She was angry at the other Black people, from what I remember, because no one got up and gave up a seat to a Black woman, and I think she had a child or something. Then the White man responded and she tore at him. So, she was defending that issue about a Black woman not being provided with a seat on a busy subway. But, I do not agree with her doing that, however. I agree that it would have been curtesy for someone to offer the mother a seat, but not necessary for her to go off on the Black people like that. LOL! Me too. Well the management might have fired her because of avoiding a backlash from people at the home community that she was an administrator due to her racist attitude towards that man. She was clearly wrong and I think if he pressed charges, she may be found guilty for stocking him at the very least. I did realize too, that he did have a key fob that he did use. He clearly said tht he had buzzed himself in but she blocked him from moving past her as she stood in the doorway and demanded that he tell her his loft apartment number. That is so important though to report and just as important as help the homeless and jobless. Racial Profiling, in my opinion, has crippled our government for so long. @Troy I am especially so so so grateful for progressive African Americans like you that have provided a 'social media board' that offers a forum to have 'a voice, no matter how small' because for so long, I don't feel that Black Americans had a way of voicing our experiences with this government. We can't get into court or anything to a significant degree because we were given a platform or access, but this new age technology has given us a process. And guess what, here is a short video that speaks to this issue: LOL, @Troy It is a big deal, sort of like your posting 'the doll test'. this kind of incident has destroyed so many lives. It's like taking a cross section, and by making it public information, it gives people a chance to use this as a hopeful message that shows people, times may improve as our government is being pressured to get this sort of thing in the court and put the shoe on the other foot against racist people who do this and ruin people's lives. But as you said too, this is not only an issue that White racist do, or White Women who want to have their way, but Black people are good for doing this to each other!
  3. @Troy I checked. He showed his key fob! He had it! She was blocking him in the doorway!. She wanted him to give her information that he, in no way, should have done. She is lying, saying that her dog had to use the bathroom--Not in that doorway! All she had to do was move out of the way, and if she wanted to call the police, then she could have, but she RACIALLY PROFILED HIM and stood in the doorway. He would hve been able to use his key fob if she had not done that. So yes, absolutely, this deserves national attention. As for the Black women in NYC that would Racially Profile White men, please give me an example, because I find that hard to believe.
  4. @Cynique LOL. Thank you! @Troy What if that young man in St. Louis didn't have a way of filming this? It could have been a terrible outcome for him. I understand what you say about piggy backing and she could have just responded to him that she was not going to allow him to piggy back on her and then, simply close the door! Then if he did something to her, she would be in her right to call the police. But she was bold enough to pursue him like that! And, he was so polite, even when he went into his apartment. He wished her good bidding. I also just heard that some African AMerican voters were told to get off the bus due to supposedly 'voter intimidation', but I didn't really look close at this news bit. You know, as an African American woman, I just do not feel that bold enough to confront a White man, even if they were trying to piggy back on my access card or etc. and, this has happened to me many times, as I worked at a company that you had to use a card and plug in your ID to get through the door! And, this happened many times too, going into and out of a senior bldg, in that people would not follow the bldg instructions. Some times, I guess, we need to pick battles, but that is not one that i would have done, as Hilary did. I would have chose another option.
  5. @Troy Yes, perhaps. So I am assuming that he wanted to piggy back on her and not use his key fob. This may be the case. I didn't get that part. At any rate, he was very nice and polite. And, guess what? Here is another story! GAS STATION GAIL! What you do think about this one? Do you think that the Blacks were wrong for filiming this White woman?
  6. Diwali Religious Festival; A NATIONAL HOLIDAY In AMERICA —The White House So much for Separation of Church & State! This OCTOBER FESTIVAL of Lights of the Hindus from India has become an official holiday here in America in which in some areas, schools are closed down for the celebration days. It was first honored by President Bush in 2003 but in 2007 by way of President Obama, it became an official holiday in America and celebrated in the White House. And in the past years, several past presidents attended the festivities held in the White House along with former president Barack Obama. It was said that this Diwali Festival originated as a Hindu festival as it was recorded in their scripts and that it originally was observed in the most holiest of months KARTIK 15th [ie. OCTOBER 15]. However, based on my research this information would be absolutely not true at all! Also, because today, this festival has been said to be based upon a LUNAR CALENDAR, the dates vary. Last year, around the week of OCTOBER 15, I remember seeing orange lights strung along the balconies and doors of some homes in an apartment community and realized that this was because of the Diwali festival. The festival last for five (5) days and it would be the third (3rd) that would the most important day, therefore, this would be the day reported as the time of the festival. So this year, November 7, 2018 would be the date of the festival. Although this incredible day, OCTOBER 15, would pretty much be unheard of in the Black Church, this would be the actual day that Jesus Christ was Crucified. And, the third day, HE AROSE. So OCTOBER 17 would be the actual day of THE FIRST RESURRECTION, even though, it has been celebrated here in America during Spring Break at a time when Easter is celebrated. History The Diwali festival is likely a fusion of harvest festivals in ancient India. [40] It is mentioned in Sanskrit texts such as the Padma Purana, the Skanda Purana both of which were completed in the second half of the 1st millennium CE. … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diwali *My Note: the 2nd half of the 1st millennium CE = AD 500s, that would be about 500 years after the Roman Empire set up and after the Crucifixion of Jesus!!! Diwali, Lakshmi Puja (Day 3) … The third day is the height of the festival, [109] and coincides with the last day of the dark fortnight of the unar month. This is the day when Hindu, Jain and Sikh temples and homes are aglow with lights, thereby making it the [“] festival of lights. [”] [110] Politics [edit] Diwali was first celebrated in the White House by George W. Bush in 2003 and was given official status by the United States Congress in 2007. [155][156] Barack Obama became the first president to personally attend Diwali at the White House in 2009. … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diwali When is Diwali? As per India’s official holiday calendar, Diwali in 2017 will be on October 19, coinciding with the 15th day of Kartik, the holiest month in the Hindu lunar calendar. ,,, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/10/diwali-2017-celebrated-171016104819103.html
  7. This is another recent incident! This woman, Hilary Thorton, was filmed by the African American young man that she confronted, and his video went viral. Ms. Thorton confronted him at the entrance of the luxury apartment in St. Louis and demanded that he show her proof that he lived their and she tried to block him from going through the door. What is it with these women that are so confident they can just confront a male!? A Black man!? But get this; She was married to a Black man! But she had been separated from her husband and he did respond. He said that they had been separated over a year. Anyway, Ms. Thorton, followed this young man after he got passed her, she called the police on him, and went into the elevator with him! She followed him to his door and saw that he did have his key as he opened his door. She stocked him! Here's the thing: Did anyone ever do that to her when she came to the apartment building? Because of her actions, it was reported that she was fired from her job, and get this; She worked at another apartment community as an administrator! blob:https://www.nbcnews.com/b3d87328-ed19-425c-94cd-2f810088523c https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-viral-st-louis-apartment-building-video-says-she-was-n921306
  8. @Pioneer1 She did not major Biology or anthropology or Genetics or any of these areas. Today, the Genome Project was released in 2012 and is accepted world wide in that, All White males come from a BLACK AFRICAN MALE Y-DNA origin. This would be consistent with the ancient civilizations of KEMET. Why are you trying to debate with me with someone who wrote fiction? I do understand the stories about the White European missionaries in Africa and too, how they brought depictions of a 'White Jesus' and was even showed in one of my favorite films, Shaka Zulu. I do understand how Europeans made a massive attempt to white wash Black origins and extract the Black African presence out of the Bible, but today, scholars are admitting the truth because of science and data. Alice Walker and many famous AFrican Americans have caused much confusion in their being activist and with regards to this very subject of 'White Adam' and 'White Jesus' especially because, like Ms. Walker, she married a White European Jew. And later, after they were divorced, she had done a lot of protesting against the Jews in the Middle East. Many African Americans show that they have been bedazzled by the very people they say 'raped them of true knowledge'. PIoneer, if you believe in the White format so much, then that is fine, but let us debate on their script. Whether it is tha Jewish Prayer book that you believe is truth or the KJV of the Bible that you don't believe has value as far as Black presence, I think that would be better to debate than someone who wrote about White Missionaries in Africa bringing 'their interpretation' of script that we can now read and decide for ourselves.
  9. @Pioneer1 LOL. What kind of question is that!-- What does she have to do with this topic? LOL. I think her childhood was gripping. I think the movie, the Color Purple, after her book was amazing and it makes me see her childhood. I think that her achievements in how she scored high in her intellect is amazing. She is brilliant. And, I feel deeply emotional when I think about some aspects of her life because as a Black African American woman here, in America, I can identify with a lot of her life. Her choices in her personal life, in my opinion, reflects her American experience and I can understand why she like many people have made personal life choices to marry outside of their race and/or have nonconventional relationships. In my opinion too, it shows how American has uprooted us from our ancestral roots and left us in a sort of conundrum. But again, I don't understand what that has to do with our debate as of presently.
  10. @Pioneer1 LOL. I don't know what to say. LOL. This is so confusing. Your use of words that you define without references makes it so difficult to follow you. Your word 'Caucasian' is a contruct used today, but it does not fit at the time the scripts you reference. If I am wrong please show me this word in context. The original Caucasians were not white! Your word 'Eve' that you define as being 'Caucasian' or todays' definition of a White European is wrong. My reshearch shows the name 'EVE' refers to 'a dark person', 'Black', and especially; 'EVENING'. The name Eve carries much more meaning such as 'wife' [ie helpmate] and 'evening flower' and 'Cheveh' and etc. So for you to say that White women are loyal based on this refeence is false. That reference was in response to just the opposite, in that the previous description was that Eve wanted to be ABOVE her husband so she led him to the forbidden tree and tricked him into eating from the tree. She was not loyal at all. Her fate was not because she willingly became submissive to Adam, but that after they were driven from Eden, she became dependent on the man to protect and provide for her.
  11. @Pioneer1 The color blood red is a dark shade of the color red meant to resemble the color of human blood (which is composed of oxygenated red erythrocytes, white leukocytes, and yellow blood plasma).[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_red Human blood is red in color, ranging from bright red when oxygenated to a very dark, almost blackish-red when deoxygenated.[3] It owes its color to haemoglobin, to which oxygen binds. Deoxygenated blood is darker due to the difference in color between deoxyhaemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venous_blood Again, your sources are attempting to extract the BLACK PRESENCE. LOL. White people existed in the Middle East and for thousands of years, and they like all humans can range from having a red tone to white.
  12. @Pioneer1 Geez, your source is only from the same source! No where else. This is not in any other context. The word 'dam' is not in anything relating to scientific classification. http://hebrew.jerusalemprayerteam.org/blood/ This is the JERUSALEM PRAYER TEAM.org FOR THE WORD 'ADAM'. the Hebrew (strong's concordance) This is all based on that source and you are excluding your other reference in the word 'RUDDY'. This again, is being extracted, the 'RED' that your sources are based on is that they are extracting from even the word RUDDY!!! I accept your references but again, your source is extracting the scientific complete definition of RED in association to KEMET. [1] So let me just ask you this: You don't believe that Black people have 'red blood'? [2] That Kemet ancient script excluded the definition of 'BLOOD' being scientifically defined? [3] do you not realize too, that the very term 'BLOOD' also, in and of itself defines A RED-BLACK COLOR!? LOL @Pioneer1 BLOOD is not 'red' BUT IT IS A BLACK-RED COLOR! lol Scientifically, your sources have extracted the full definition of the name of Adam in his association to being an original Black African-typed man. IF you believe thins, then why in the world would you use their book to define and believe in the word 'Adam'!? This makes no sense at all. You are contradicting yourself.
  13. @Pioneer1 'dam' does not mean BLOOD. And you say clearly, please show me this in context, because I've never seen this anywhere. @Pioneer1 I provided references that are scienced based. The map you show are of EDOM, not JACOB. The reference about 'Edom' [ie Esau] is specific in that he was both RED and HAIRY. The word RUDDY was not at all used! His twin brother Jacob was not described at all to be neither red or ruddy. The term RUDDY was used to describe David who existed hundreds of years after Esau. This is crazy. There are many White people and Europeans who live in the Middle East today.
  14. @Troy OCCULTATION would be a very broad subject and I only understand a small part, that is why I try to stick with the science links. And although the science and educational world seems to downplay this subject, I think that this is wrong, and I feel that the public should be made somewhat knowledgeable about some aspects of it, especially when it pertains to our planet and how certain occultations or eclipses can have a major impact. So, I will try to explain a little of what I have researched about this topic. #1—One important issue I think it a basic concept to understand is the nature of our earth’s SATELLITE [ie MOON]. Our moon has a gravitational aspect that when it is ‘FULL’ [ie FULL MOON] it causes HIGH TIDES. So think of the moon as a sort of like a MAGNET and it becomes strongest when it is full moon. This moon cycle around the earth though, it dependent on THE BIG BEAUTIFUL SUN. So in the day time, we can’t see the moon very well, but at night the sun shines on the moon and we can see it at night. #2-- Not all ‘stars’ are the same and some have unique properties. The earth ‘star’ is unique from it’s satellite ‘star’, the moon. The other planet ‘stats’ are also unique and etc. Some of these certain properties of ‘stars’ can affect other ‘stars’ especially when occultations occur, so let me first provide an example: When I was a 7th grade science teacher, I had several labs, one of which I had a group of my students sit in the middle of the classroom. I arranged a group of about five chairs in the middle of the room in a circle and these students sat facing outwards. And they were blindfolded. Then I turned the lights off and had the other students standing along the wall around the classroom. I had some stop watches that I passed out to some of the students standing along the walls. And I stood along the wall in one spot. Then I sprayed a perfume and told the students sitting in the middle of the classroom to raise their hands when they had smelled the scent. Then I sprayed another type of ‘mist’ and etc. My students loved this lab because it opened their minds up to so many aspects of the science world. And, I also related to them an amazing aspect of the solar system too, in how certain stars can have properties that do affect other stars when they pass by or become eclipsed. #3—Now, here is another idea to help understand a little more about the broad subject of occultations: If [1] you stand facing [2] one person and then [3] a third person walks behind you and stops so that person [1] cannot see the third person behind you, that would be ‘an eclipse. And what if the third person behind you has a flash light and you step closer to the first person? Then the first person in front of you still can’t see the third person behind you, but they might be able to see the flash light. THAT WOULD SORT OF LIKE AN APOGEE with regards to the third person being very far away. Now what if you step backwards until you were very close to the third person and, the first person facing you was the farthest away from the both of you? Then, you would be in PEROGEE to the third object. And also the flashlight would be drowned out because of you standing so close to the third person so that the first object could not see anything at all from the third person behind you. THAT WOULD BE SORT OF LIKE A TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE path of TOTALITY. NO ENERGY and NO GRAVITATIONAL PULL is being emitted at all from the third object. But more importantly, the object behind you is NOT getting anything from the first object, which, if it were the sun, would be significant. Now what if the first person facing you has a brighter flashlight and you stood far away from it and closer to the third person? Then the light from the first person would not be able to get to the third object at all. What if the third person were much taller than you and do, the first person would be able to see part of the third person even though standing directly behind you? What if you stood closer to the first person, then the flashlight could possibly still shine enough to see a reflection of the third person ‘eclipsed’ behind you. So that would mean that if you stood ‘in perigee’, meaning far back and closer to the third object and you were larger and taller, then that would be ‘a more complete eclipse’ because you would block the first object’s light from getting to the third object at all. And finally, what if the third object was a basketball and at times it passed below your feet and circled you, and at times it passed around your head and circled you and, then at times it passed directly around you waist? #4-- CONCLUSION: I just offered several examples of how, in the science world, they have defined many different types of solar and lunar eclipses and there are different terminologies for them all. I also gave a description of the moon cycle and tried to show that our moon circles the earth on ‘a tilt’ of which causes moon phases. But when the moon is ‘eclipsed’, then it passed directly behind the earth, and whether or not it is close to the earth or far from the earth would be a distinct type of lunar eclipse. But when the moon passes in front of the earth on this tilt, then that would be simply ‘a NEW MOON’. However, when it passes directly between the earth and the sun, that would be A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. And here is another amazing aspect of occultations: ENERGY. When the sunlight is blocked during a total solar eclipse, the relationship of the stars is drastically affected, and then when the surge happens at the end of the eclipse, then the stars are also drastically affected and many times immediately causes earthquakes to occur, and hurricanes to form, plates in the earth to shift and so many other things to occur that may not be obvious right away. When the moon is totally eclipsed behind the earth, it still has properties but, a lot of that energy that is blocked will definitely affect the earth stability. So when this years’ total lunar eclipsed lasted that long, 3 to 4 hours, it definitely affected this planet! When the GREAT AMERICAN TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE crossed over America and lasted for so long, 3 hours, it definitely changed this planet. . . for ever!!!—But it may take hundreds of years before we really know just how much it affect the earth. A 3 hour total solar eclipse is insane! Then there are the planetary alignments . . . and certain planets that also align at times with our earth . . . that is another huge subject!
  15. I just saw a clip in another thread, and Don Lennon said that Kanye's mother is rolling over in her grave. I think so too.
  16. @Troy Okay so she is for MAGA. She says that liberals are oppressing Black Conservatives; what is she talking about? How are liberals oppressing Black conservatives? This is a confusion to me.
  17. @Troy LOL. Your lead in comment made me curious so I listened to the video and chuckled all the way through as I was thinking about you and @Delano debating this topic. Who is Candace!? I've never heard of her. She reminds me of Janet Jackson. Why does she remind me of Janet Jackson? And, why was this man trying to intimidate her just because she has an opinion? I don't feel that I have enough information to really know the whole truth about whether or not it is really significant issue about Climate Change regarding the impact byway of humans. I do, however, remember many years ago, my health teacher talking about the Ozone layer and how deoderant spray can affect the atmosphere. I remember the articles about ACID RAIN and how mankind has affected the atmosphere and etc. And also, Candace really did hit this man really good when she countered the debate by asking him if he believed in 'god'. His answer was intimidating and I wish she would have continued to take him down on that one. His answer was absolutely not true. She questions him at the 15.00 minute mark about his position on 'god' and he says that "God is not scientific data' and he also says taht he is agnostic. She doesn't pursue him, but I would have countered on several debatable issues. For example, scientist believe that 'matter changes forms' and this is measurable scientific data. The ancient humans scripted this in pagan societies as well as Biblical and it is a redundant statement in that 'dust' is a factor in 'changing forms'..... 'the phoenix rising from ashes', 'man made from the dust of the earth' and etc.
  18. OCCULTATION of 2018 https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=459438 In this July 1997 still frame captured from video, the bright star Aldebaran has just reappeared on the dark limb of the waning crescent moon in this predawn occultation. Well, there are many types of occultations and in respect to astronomy, there are also many. However, in respect to our moon and earth, there were four and as usual, most of these types of ‘eclipses’ occultation occurs in a sequence. They occur in a series and for this year there were actually two series of which one included a ‘super blue blood moon’ on January 31, 2018. But the most interesting series of eclipses for me began in July 2018: [1] FRIDAY 13th, July, 2018 --- There was a PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ---------- that took place over the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean [2] July 27, 2018 --- There was a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE ---------- that took place over Ethiopia mainly but also over East Africa, South Africa, ---------- Central Asia, etc. It lasted for three (3) hours over Ethiopia. [3] August 11, 2018 --- There was a PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ---------- that took place over North Europe, East Europe, North Asia, East Asia and etc. Because the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE lasted for so long and has been concluded to be the longest lunar eclipse of the century, I believe it did have a significant affect in other happenings. I believe too, that this series of eclipses had something to do with the major earthquake that occurred in Indonesia on AUGUST 5, 2018 and also, the later underwater earthquake and massive tsunami that occurred over there recently. But most of all, I believe that many of the natural catastrophic events we are now experiencing and the start of these alignments in our solar system began last year as a result of THE GREAT AMERICAN TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on AUGUST 21, 2017, that crossed over our continent during the space of about three (3) hours. Immediately afterwards, at least three or four hurricanes formed, one of which became hurricane Harvey that struck Houston, Texas, and the other was hurricane Irma that struck Puerto Rico hard and brought in the Red Tides in Florida. Now, we have just experienced a category 4 hurricane Michael that struck the Florida Panhandle and this system brought another episode of Red Tide back into Florida. My prayers are with the people suffering as a result of these catastrophes in that they will be restored and that our government will help our humanity in the right way. Because historically, in the past and due to Occultist, ancient governments have been known to severely persecute certain people as a result of eclipses and blame the poor and oppress for these celestial events. Century’s longest lunar eclipse July 27 By Bruce McClure in TONIGHT/ July 27, 2018 http://earthsky.org/tonight/centurys-longest-lunar-eclipse-july-27 This lunar eclipse coincided with Mars being nearly as close as possible to Earth, a concurrence that happens once every 25,000 years. [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_2018_lunar_eclipse What Is an Occultation? By Elizabeth Howell, Space.com Contributor / September 1, 2016 11:09pm ET In space, an occultation happens when one object passes in front of another from an observer’s perspective. A simple example is a solar eclipse. From a certain area on Earth, the moon passes in front of the sun and either partially or totally blocks the light. So we can say that the sun is “eclipsed” or “occulted.” A lunar eclipse is another example of an occultation, but the description is a little more complicated. https://www.space.com/33946-occultations.html Occultation of Jupiter and Saturn https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/564457-is-this-double-occultation-of-jupiter-and-saturn-for-real/
  19. @Troy It still reminds me of what happened to the trial that surrounded the killing of the young fellow, Emmit Till. White women like the ones who voted for Trump over Hilary, and their explanation seems to say that they did to have 'the Great White Man' protect them from Blacks'. So, that 'self interest' is still about 'race and gender' to me. WOW! Thank you. I just looked this up. Some people don't seem to think before they act. Cornerstor Caroline probably thought she was doing the right thing!-- But the trouble is that if there was no camera surveilliance that could have been reproduced, she would have destroyed that child's life, his mother's life and that young white girl too. He would have been dealing with his school peers, and many times the relatives would not have supported the mother. Caroline did not apologize to the mother because, in her words, the mother should have walked away. She really attacked that mother too. And the young white girl that became involved--well, she would have been completely done in by many White people for her courage.
  20. This incident went viral pretty quickly. Wow this woman even tried to intimidate a young White girl who also be enraged at her brazen behavior! That was too much for me. What in the world is going on in America? The tension.... the racial tension.... White woman called police on black child she falsely accused of groping her BY JUSTIN WISE - 10/12/18 10:21 PM EDT …The New York Times reported that Klein returned to the store on Friday and watched the bodega’s security camera footage from the incident. She reportedly issued an apology to the young boy while speaking in front of a television reporter’s camera after seeing that he did not grab her. … https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/411241-white-woman-called-police-to-falsely-accuse-black-child-of https://nyp.st/2OnyjmG
  21. @Troy Not really. Does it have something to do with the Middle Ages? I vaguely remember this term applied during that time. I would like to believe that I know something about these topics you posted. Yes. I do realize this but I don't understand the point you are making regarding this topic. Well, again I think that it is the kind of issue that correlates to a question I posed; Which came first, the chicken or the egg? And then it reminds me of another controversial question about 'Evolution and Darwinism vs Creation. I again believe that COLORISM is the beginning of the issue of sexism based on these very controversial 'theories'. I understand your position on the oligarchs and plutocrats but, I believe that GREED and TRADE WARS all stem from an early time when a global movement was orchestrated by White Supremacist to invade, dominate and take over BLACK LANDS AND BLACK PEOPLE. I believe that Black people do make choices to engage in BLACK-ON-BLACK VIOLENCE but it is associated with this dark movement that involved exploiting ancient Black Africans of whom allowed these strange people to come into their lands and create confusion, and division so as to conquer. *** A PARABLE based on reference---- the start of the Roman Empire under Augustus... a decree was made first in SYRIA in that all THE WORLD WOULD BE TAXED and be subject to the Roman Empire! ****** ALL THE WORLD BE TAXED ****** ALL THE WORLD BE TAXED ****** ALL THE WORLD BE TAXED ******* ******* EMPIRE BUILDERS ******* EMPIRE BUILDERS ******* EMPIRE BUILDERS ******* ******* THE BOSTON TEA PARTY ******* ******* White Supremacy******* ... and Mary and Joseph had to travel south to Judaea to be taxed because the romans were enforcing this law.... even though the romans were all the way across the ocean in CENTRAL ITALY*******
  22. @Troy That can't be true. @Pioneer1 Absolutely! Racism is the start of it all! So therefore ... 'Racism' is then, the start of it all! @Pioneer1 This is not true. Pioneer, the earliest of Native Americans mostly protest from a Matriarchal origins. I think it can be explained, but to believe it, is another issue. It's like asking that question, 'which came first, the chicken or the egg?' How to understand the Big Bang Theory and why should we believe humans who offer this theory? How can the Y chromosome produce a powerful male from the womb of the X chromosome female. How can a tiny mustard seed produce such a giant tree? ... How can mankind affect 'climate change' or affect 'global warming' within the realm of such a massive milky way, even though the ancient scripts do say that indeed, mankind did/will affect and add ruin to the earth?... If there is scientific evidence that human beings existed as being 'inter-sexed' and that COLORISM became an issue first then, that would mean that 'racism' came first before sexism. Sexism would be a by-factor as a result of COLORISM. When genderism became distinct, COLORISM was already a very ancient concept. So yes, I believe that Racism is the root of sexism.
  23. RUDDY COLORED: Altering Script in the Face of Science Ruddy- Often described as a “healthy red,” more brownish. Example: Ruddy Shelduck, Ruddy Turnstone http://birdersconundrum.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-bird-color-conundrum-red-brown-and.html This is one of many words that have been altered within the translations of ancient script so as to extract the AFRICAN presence in the ancient scripts. The science of 'color' is, I believe, a vital subject to understand with regards to how it has been used for and against humanity. But this is also a broad subject, therefore, I hope to add to it by and by. Since this term, ruddy, has recently been used in a reference source, I will start here. But though, I actually would like to provide more information about the word 'BLACK' as a start point due to what I have come across with regards to 'Culture and 'Race' and economy' with respects to this very forum. Based on what I have come across, I feel that it becomes a challenge to understand anything with regards to the global issues about 'COLORISM' when debating with 'Black' African American DOS [Descendants of Slaves] because most do not believe that 'BLACK' is really a color and they don't believe that there is such a thing as 'BLACK PEOPLE'. Even in the face of ancient scripts in which it has beed documented byway of 'Black people' that they were actually 'BLACK SKINNED', most African American DOS do NOT believe this. At any rate: here are some references on the subject of the word 'RUDDY': Wednesday, July 2, 2014 The Bird Color Conundrum – Red, Brown, and Everything In Between It seems like everywhere we turn, a reddish-brownish bird is there looking back at us. Birds with this relatively drab coloration are in no short supply, and scientists have concocted a somewhat ridiculous list of colors to describe these earth-tones…. Ruddy Turnstone-Sunset Beach NC. Buff-breasted Sandpiper - Washington Co. NC This links offers a much detailed breakdown on the other shades of 'BROWNISH-RED' in terms of Birds. ... cont. ====================================================================================================================== RUDDY COLORED: Altering Script in the Face of Science This link gives a detailed breakdown on the many shades of 'BROWN'! And although I did not include all of the examples of the types of birds that represents the colors defined, this would be a good reference because it is scienced-based research. This site, like so many others, show that the term 'RUDDY' as been altered. Ruddy does NOT simply mean 'red' or 'BLOOD RED' but it specifically means 'BROWNISH-RED'. It does not even define , 'reddish-brown' but, actually, 'BROWNISH-RED'. This term though, has more deeper roots in the definition of just what the color 'BROWN' defines. Chestnut- A deep, deep brown. Rich, smooth, chestnut... Bay- The color used to describe a brown horse; so it's brown. But a reddish brown, closely allied with chestnut…. Tawny- An odd mixture of brown, tan, and orange. Sounds like a good name for a cat. Example: Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Tawny Owl Fulvous- Reddish-yellowish-brownish. The full spectrum of reds and browns, mashed into one über-color…. Rufous- Yet another reddish-brown. There are over 160 bird species with Rufous in their name…. Rufescent- … Bronzed/Bronzy- Resembling the metal Bronze, golden-brown. Example: Bronzed Cowbird, Bronzy Hermit Brassy- … Russet- Potato brown, but more of a purplish-brown, maybe like those purple potatoes... Hepatic- Literally means "pertaining to the liver", so it's liver-colored - a deep, slightly brownish, red. This may be the only useful thing I learned in Anatomy this year…. Coppery- Like the metal Copper, brownish-reddish-gold. But not quite the color of Copper, so they added that -y on the end. Example: Coppery-headed Emerald… http://birdersconundrum.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-bird-color-conundrum-red-brown-and.html
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