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Everything posted by Troy

  1. @Mel Hopkins, not Google is not the only ad serving company, not are they the only search engine -- they however are so dominate they may as well be the only players in those two markets. They me the name of the #2 ad serving company and what their market share is.
  2. @Mel Hopkins, That is an interesting breakdown it was more than I would have anticipated thanks. Of course I did not expect you to take my data and run with an article trying to address all of the issues you raised would probably not be worth the effort given the potential interest in the subject. If the subject was expanded beyond just book it would be more interesting. I'll react to your questions: My data seems to indicate "Yes" is the answer to the first question. I suspect it is true for the 2nd question as well, but I would need to run a query of the number of authors published by the big 5 over time. The data presented here counts the number of books published. I've been tracking this data for 20 years. We would not need to have the publishers to verify it, as it is essentially public information. There are plenty of database where is information can be obtained. I get a lot of my data from Ingram's database -- my challenge is actually identify the Black writers many of the names I know other I have to check, but one could actually count the number of Black authors published by the big five. The largest published Penguin Random house only published 15K books a year a distinct list of authors with first editions will be a smaller number still. You don't need the published to verify. Again, I've speculated on this another reason I have not previously mention is that fact that mainstream publishing has increased it focus on hits big books that often skews to celebrities books intoday social media driven world. YA has seen growth. This is my impression given the increase attention given to the genre. I could run another query to see if my data supports my impressions. Mens fiction, always anemics has probably seen a decline, as with everything else. Books a African writers are seeing a surge. AGain we are talking about changes, relatively speaking, in really small numbers of books. I don't think the Big 5 are the answer frankly -- they, like the rest of media have challenges of their own. The Big 5 have the financial resources that indie publisher do not have. However indie publishers have the requisite motivation to get the books we need published. I think we can work both angles and other to be determined.
  3. @Cynique, I read @Delano's post. For the record I only comments on conversations that I have read. What does Del's statement, quoted below, have to do with anything I wrote in reaction?
  4. Because I know how Facebook works. No I don't and neither do you. Your anecdotal and biased observations from Facebook are misleading at best. Because, I do not use my opinions as a basis to generalize about all Black men (certainly not white men). While I'm certainly not a fan of Omarosa's past behavior, I think 45 calling her a dog was represenhible and casts shame on our nation -- but what else is new when it comes to 45? I defended Omarosa but ignoring 45's stupid statements and not propagating them. But again social media, and journalist following social's strategy, will make sure we all hear this nonsense. But again, Facebook is not in the business of giving you my, or anyones elses naused opinion. They just want to addict you so that you stay engaged and if giving you the impression that white men are more likely to come to Omarosa's defense than Black men they will do that. Again with the hyperbole. Sure they are some things on Facebook that are true. Certainly the stuff that I post is true to the best of my knowledge. But my stuff is not designed to engage you on Facebook -- indeed it is designed to pull people off the platform. As a result, my stuff is not shared by Facebook algorithm as frequently as more controversial stuff which tends to keep people engaged. This was not always the case, but it is today. We do know for a fact Russian trolls farms are behind creating and disseminating fake news stories, this is only being disputed by 45 and his sycophants. Fake accounts proliferate on social media. Some suggest a most of the traffic on twitter is generated by bots. I just learned that the popular "Black Twitter" account "Blackivist" was created by the Russians. Youtube is certainly not immune from fake videos either Up until a couple of years ago most of my own tweets were generated by bots. It generated a few bucks a month, sometimes more. The only reason I stopped it was because some of the tweets generated were a little off and I had to spend more time it was worth cleaning them up. Look, I'm not begrudging you (or anyone) for using Facebook. The underlying tool itself can be terrific, but today its users are being exploited and manipulated offen to their detriment. Again, I'm not talking about you, or anyone in particular, I'm talking about all of us collectively.
  5. Especially nowadays since a majority (I believe) of Americans get their "news" from social media. The reality is most people aren't going to leave a social media site to check a source article, that may come from a fake website or taken out of context from a real one.
  6. @Mel Hopkins is is only confusing when stated that way, out of context. Google is a monopoly for search. I'm dependent upon them for traffic to this site. Google is also a monopoly to advertising sales, so if I want advertising from brands I have to get it through Google. This single entity can put AALBC out of business or enrich me anytime they desire. Google also hijacks traffic to book sites by putting their book store right at the top of the search engine results -- before ads and of course before organic search results. As I've mentioned before, this has stunted the growth of book sites, put many out of business and prevented new sites from launching. These factors alone has devastated Black book sites, depressing book sales and perhaps impacting the number of Black books that are published by the Big 5 as a result. Obviously an business that is dependent on a single entity for its survival is at risk. So while Google may not have a mandate to destroy Black owned book sites Google's actual behavior would be not different if they did.
  7. This is a fascinating statement. @Pioneer1 read some the articles then tell us what you think.
  8. @Cynique are you seriously arguing that misinformation is better than no information? Again, the opinions you are getting regarding the reaction to Omarosa being called a "dog" was designed to generate revenue for Facebook by keeping you engaged on the platform. Any resemblance to the truth is highly unlikely and purely incidentally. So I misread your statement -- shoot me
  9. @Cynique asking @Delano a question multiple times will not get an answer from him if he does not want to answer. I do it to make it obvious that Del is avoiding a particular question. Your question to him regarding how he reacts to me compared to how he reacts to Pioneer is a good one. Del will not answer a question that exposes his inconsistency. My take on the difference is that Del construes my comments as being elitist. Del dislikes elitists (incidentally, so do I). As a result, he is far more sensitive and less forgiving to what I say, while coming to the defense of @Pioneer1 thinking he is protecting him from an evil "elitist." But I've mentioned, on multiple occasions, I understand Pioneer's perspective as I've held many of his positions in the past. As previously mentioned, I believe Del had his feeling hurt in a big way by an elitist. Any man who has been in the presence elitists has subjected to some form marginalization. I too have experienced this -- even from Black elites. My embracing of 45 was intended as tongue in cheek. That is why I put a the end of the post to make this a bit clearer. Of course Google's monopoly. needs to be stopped. If 45 can do some good by accident that is fine with me.
  10. @Mel Hopkins of course I would submit the raw data -- it is what drives the website -- so of course it is "factual and verifiable." Obviously it is valuable, so I would not share it with just anyone, but I'd be happy to share it with you if you are that interested. Shoot maybe you'd be moved to write an article Also many people talk about the self publishing "revolution," as previously stated, but this has not replaced what we have lost. Below is a graph of the rest of the independently published book on the site. This is a much smaller sample of independently published books but probably a good sample as it skews to the books that clearly have some prominence or marketing dollars which would rules out book that are not likely selling well. The 2018 figures are not as good as with the traditional publishers because most indie authors are not provided advance information. But 2018 is shaping up to be the lowest total in the past decade.
  11. This is how fake news propagates. it I gave it more weight because @Cynique and it sounded plausible so I was inclined to believe it. Again it is why I don't consume news on social media and an very skeptical of sites that regurgitate information from other sources. I always go to the source -- if I care about the info. @Kalexander2, actually Frontline said the McCalin did not support Sarah's style and refused to dis Obama (to his credit). The pundits believed if he McCain was more willing to be like Palin he could have beaten Obama.
  12. No, no, NO. I will not subject myself to those "true crime programs" they give people a warped perspective of reality. @Cynique lets distinguish actual behavior from the perception of that behavior. I'm not disputing how humans behave and the predilections -- on that we agree. What I'm trying to get you to see is that the PERCEPTION of that behavior varies a great deal in this country and the differences in perception often effect how people behave. You can find catholic priests fornicating with littles boys, but the behavior is generally frowned upon by the parishioners, so the priest not only hides the behavior they speak out against it. This is no different that the baptist minister who says gay people will go to hell while he knows full well his choir direct is a closeted homosexual. But that same homosexual can flaunt their sexuality, in the church, without restriction in some places. The same goes for the sexual behavior women -- sure we all behave the same way (or want to), but in some places the behavior is great curtailed -- sometime with deadly consequences and it is virtually always women who suffer these consequences.
  13. Whoa Miz Benita, betta watch out spreading rumors about our newly Sainted cultural icons -- even 45 had to be respectful. I was unaware of McCain's racism, but given his age and background that is not a surprise. While I try to avoid all the hype the media generate I did see Ms. Franklin's red heels -- that seemed a bit much to show. I can ever remember seeing anyone shoes in their coffin. It is amazing what the media choose to cover -- the shoes of a dead woman... sheesh. Tell Mz. Benita she can post here anytime -- just tell her not to spread any gossip about me LOL!
  14. @Kalexander2, perhaps people do envy 45, but people will certainly replicate the behavior as it works. A recent episode of Frontline said this strategy started with Sarah Palin -- indeed she greatly helped McCain's campaign -- she was far more "popular."
  15. I dunno Mel, what am I missing? I thought my data was factual and verifiable. I did not just pull this out of thin air. It reflect an excellent sample of Big 5 output of books written by Black people. So, which one of my assertions do you now agree with or feel that might be more substantiated based upon the data i presented -- if any?
  16. @Cynique, with all that you know about Facebook why would you think you are getting a clear and accurate vision of what the majority of other people think? Omarosa has a new BFF? No, I'm not aware of this, Who is it? Oprah, Obama, Colin Kapernick, Viola Davis, Beyonce, Cornel West? Don't make me go searching for it; just tell me
  17. @Delano, I guess you are just a better human than I. Like most other Sapiens, I'm flawed, fallible and imperfect. But I continue to try. I would however like to see someone run a successful web based business and ignore Google.
  18. @Cynique maybe in the big liberal cities, but remember everywhere is not New York City or Chicago. There are still places (and even communities within these large cities) where women and men are held to a different standard regarding their sexuality. Some people, like @Pioneer1, believe these differences are natural and that part of our culture's sickness is that we fail to recognize and support these differences between men and women. I don't assume to know to answers, but I do know everyone is different and the country, at least big sections of it, is not nearly as liberal as you seem to believe.
  19. @Cynique, I'm giving you a hard time as I recognize there is very little I can do. Even trying to convince people here that man-made climate change is real is impossible. How can anyone be expected to make a difference -- especially when people in other countries might face starvation, in the short term, without fossil fuels. Sure @Delano 45 is definitely a symbol of America and how it works. When @Mel Hopkins talks about the success of what is "popular," 45 is a reflection of the worse aspect of that reality. Unfortunately, but understandably, as people like 45 become successful others will replicate his behavior -- unless your charts are right, things well get much worse...
  20. @Cynique I guess you'll be happy to know that Omarosa's book has been sitting at the top of the NY Times bestsellers list for the last two weeks. Here is the complete list What is the basis for this statement? How would you even know?
  21. Omarosa's UNHINGED enjoys a 2nd week (September 9, 2018) at #1 on the NY Times Bestsellers List. (Click to see the entire list)
  22. After I shared my data you wrote; "I need verifiable evidence." What did you write to suggest that the data I shared had any validity? Why share Mike's opinions when he offers no verifiable data?
  23. "The U.S. government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country's citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful, a new study from Princeton and Northwestern universities has concluded." Talk about a statement of the obvious. But I will read the Princeton study anyway. With so many people struggling (invisibly so, because the media are constantly talking about a booming economy) it really is a really bad time to be poor in America. You president want to cut or eliminate the few programs designed to help the poor. People with decent jobs, who live fine communities and great schools don't really see the people (the majority of American) who are struggling. The chickens will come home to roost and when they do we all will be effected. This is the unraveling of America I'm not looking forward to witnessing...
  24. Well @Cynique a perverse side of me wrote here, before it was obvious that 45 would be even the GOP nominee, that it would be interesting to see what a 45 presidency would be like. However, after seeing this twitter addict run the country, I wish I never put the sentiment out into the universe. Watching the country unravel gives me no pleasure. I guess I'm not quite old enough to sit idly by and do nothing about it. Of course I appreciate changing anything about this country is, and always has been, an uphill battle. I don't have nearly as much faith as you do that our progeny will be able to do anything about it. We have large numbers of people who buy into and support 45's positions, people who are climate deniers for example -- we may already be past the point of no return and 45 is only making things worse -- promising to bring back coal, dismantling the EPA... My God! 45 will almost certainly finish the year, has a better than even chance of finishing his term, and may even be reelected for a second term...
  25. You are indeed being stubborn Mel. Seriously, the graphs I showed you are backed by data which can be very easily verified -- it is all on that site. But that is fine. My beliefs are backed by a great deal of data. No one I know, close to this issue, shares your perspective which is backed by nothing, other than your refusal to entertain the ideas or even concede that it might be plausible. Nothing you have mentioned, not ebooks, POD, Brown Girls Books, not indie publishing, nothing, has made up for the loses over the past decade -- which itself was the end of a fleeting period of growth in the number of Black books being published. As far as 45 is concerned; no I was not aware of Mike Farb and his theories. It is interesting that you accept and share Farb's theories, while he is just some blogger without any data to support his conspiracy theories. I give you actual, verifiable data, and you reject all of it. Why? What makes Farb so special? Think about it @Mel Hopkins...
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