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Everything posted by Troy

  1. It is a start But remember, Chevdove is married admitting you are wrong won't get you anywhere with her
  2. Hi Meg, your request is not surprising at all. Here are a few list that you may find helpful. This is a list of books I've selected that I feel will meet you needs in that they are not all about diversity. Many of the titles celebrate diversity: https://aalbc.com/books/children.php Here are a list of our bestselling book for the year so far. The book on the list are generally quite good: https://aalbc.com/books/bestsellers-by-year.php?year=2018&genre=Children%26rsquo%3Bs Here is a list of books that were recently published: https://aalbc.com/books/newbooks.php?genre=Children%26rsquo%3Bs nd a list of books that will be upublished in up coming months: https://aalbc.com/books/comingsoon.php?genre=Children%26rsquo%3Bs both of these lists show books that are worth checking out especially if you are focused on new books. There are other lists like one for Black Girls Hair: https://aalbc.com/top10/index.php?category=Girl%26rsquo%3Bs+Hair+Books We do not have reviews of the books, but I trust you will be able to discover a variety of books. Of course if you find books you think are really good it will be helpful if you share that information on the books page or in this discussion forum. Finally if you do have need to order book please consider AALBC just email me troy@aalbc.com
  3. @Pioneer1 here is a simple case. Some Black people believe Black people should patronize Black businesses whenever they have can, some black people believe all Black businesses are subpar and never patronize them, while others look for the best deal regardless of the ownership. What code should we adopt when it comes to creating and supporting our own businesses? How would we enforce compliance to any of the rules defined?
  4. @Pioneer1 will you reveal the source of the following information?
  5. Sounds like a good idea in theory @Pioneer1 but in practice I can't see how it will work -- especially here in America, were there is so much diversity and individuality is a prized characteristic. The other problem is we look outside our community for validation.
  6. So @Pioneer1 what is the source of your information? What source are you referencing to that say the Black is millions of year old? If someone can along and said humanity is trillions if years old, they would be rejected, because the would require the scientific community to discard everything we know about not just man, but the entire universe. Our galaxy did not exist a trillion years ago. So, keep believing man walked the earth a billion years ago... just dont expect anyone to believe you.
  7. Yes, he may be on short time, but his finishes the year. My rational thinking "trumps" your astrology
  8. @Delano when the conditions emerged that brought a 45 into power AND so many people, like @Cynique, dismiss these very conditions as inconsequential. That said, I'm not a grumpy person in general, just on issues that adversely impact our people.
  9. Why should I? If everything else flows from the crazy statement that you made below. Where did you learn this information? Again there is nothing to debate here if you are operating on the premise that so called "Black" people roamed the Earth billions of years ago. The Earth's atmosphere was not even breathable 1/2 a million years ago... Again, I know you will never change your mind or God forbid retract a statement and admit you made a mistake, so I will not try to convince you otherwise. Do you understand now?
  10. Yes, because it is such a wildly inaccurate statement. Why would I invest my time reading more? Plus I don't know enough about the the subject you and CHevdove are talking about to participate in a meaningful way. Do really believe that humans are billions are years old!? I'm not going to debate facts with you, because you've demonstrated that facts don't mean anything when they conflict with the world view.
  11. Obviously failing to understand the difference between the two words is what is muddling his reasoning. I've heard it often said that words don't have meaning; only people do. This is what is causing a great deal of strife in our political discourse; where there are no objective facts and the truth is purely subjective, open to interpretation, a matter of opinion. When the very definition of words are open to opinion, it is impossible to have a meaningful discourse because the participants are speaking a different language without an interpreter.
  12. I don't appreciate it, because it is not true.
  13. @Delano, Sticks and stones...
  14. Facebook has no sense of humor. They are nothing without the people who use it.
  15. The nerve, you have some balls insisting that anyone answer a question @Delano, gimme a break.
  16. Nike I understand. How people react to Nike, as if they have altruistic motives, is what confounds me. Nike does not care about you or me, outside of separating you from you money. I wouldn't even care if Nike tactics were not so destructive. It is why also why I hold companies like Facebook in contempt. Even if the users of Facebook do not care or know that they are being manipulated Facebook knows and they proceed because they are getting rich doing it -- despite all the damage they cause. I would not be so sure about this. The techniques used to get people make purchases is far more sophisticated that ya'll are willing to comprehend, accept, or acknowledge. What?! I did not make this claim. But still how, in the same sentence can you say that, "Serena or Lebron weren't the greatest either." This purely subjective issue that knowledgeable people can reasonably disagree this. ...and you my friend need to begin answering direct questions and stop making oblique and incomprehensible interjections before you begin judging anyone's arguing style. Again, you'll can worship at the alter of Nike if you choose I still say to Hell with them.
  17. @Pioneer1 you will impress me if you just accept that you misunderstood the meaning of these terms, learn from this, and move in. Like the rest of us, you are merely human and capable of making a mistake -- is it not a big deal. We all do it. It would just be plain stupid to continue trying to defend the indefensible. Wouldn't you agree? @Mel Hopkins that avatar is too cool
  18. What does Al Gore have to do with you embracing and promoting 45's position on climate change?
  19. @Delano this whole conversation is about the impact of Colin's kneeling -- of course it had an impact?! That is a silly question coming from out of left field. I was talking "some months ago" ago, in a completely different conversation, about his impact on police killings of unarmed Black people. Has Colin's action lead to a reduction in the incidences or new legislation to punish perpetrators? As a matter of fact, why don't YOU tell us what as changed as a result. But you won't because you have developed an irritating habit of not answering direct questions. @Mel Hopkins I just watched this video. Nike has brilliantly taken over Colin's message. I guess it is now about becoming a great athlete despite adversity. I'm sure Nike will sell a lot of over priced product as a result. Never forget -- that is their goal. NIke is selling hype and fantasy no one will become a Serena or Lebron. Commercials like this is one of the reasons so many Black boys invest way too much time trying to become a professional athletes rather than learning skills (like reading and writing) that would be more marketable and rewarding in the long run. Obviously I'm not moved by Nike's marketing hype. I appreciate I'm in the minority, but that is fine with me.
  20. @Delano your question is nonsensical. @Cynique I singled ou gym shoes because you wrote: I found that to be surprising statement. @Chevdove if off the shelf nikes are better for your feet than custom made orthotics maybe you need a new podiatrist
  21. Del my point is there are two sides to lots of issues. But that does not make both sides equal. In the climate "debate" one side's position is fringe the other side is commonly accepted. It is interesting that you and 45 embrace the same position on climate change, Trump is increasing his net worth denying man made climate change, what is you morivation?
  22. Kaepernick is a reflection of our time. I truly have nothing against the man. I believe his heart is pure and his intentions just. However he is rendered ineffective in 2018. The original intent of his actions have been buried and everyone has co-opted his message. 45 has used it to fire up his racist and xenophobic base by perverting Colin's message on Twitter. Nike is now exploiting the optics to increase shareholder wealth All the while nothing in the Black community has changed -- other than for the worse. @Cynique have you ever lived in a community where people had the shoes stolen off their feet? Does this seems like alien behavior to you? I ask because of your statement. Which struck me: This video is in NYC in May of this year. There are MANY videos like this one. The victim in this video sneakers were apparently worth $2,000, a pair of Air Jordans. Give today's technology the shoes probably cost less to make than the $100 pair of shores a generation ago. These are just the incidences video tapes most of these crimes go unreported. WHile this young man was not murdered for his sneakers, I assure you people are mirdered each year over a pair of Nikes. I wonder if more people are killed over a pair of Nikes than are unjustifiably killed by Police each year. Again, the value and price of these shoes have NOTHING to do with their cost. The "value" of these sneakers has been manufactured, out of thin air by Nike. The resulting crimes are the result. Today Nike is using Colin to improve the effectiveness of their marketing machine. We are a long way from what ever the heck Colin was kneel about. Just Think.
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