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Everything posted by Troy

  1. What?! @Cynique you led this conversation with the Nike ad, then went on to THANK Nike for helping Colin. Cynique you are absolutely hold Michael Jordan to a different standard that Colin. Indeed using your argument I can say that Colin is helping to exploit works by helping Nike. Workers feared for their lives in one incident when 28 people collapsed rushing to escape a fire at a factory supplying Nike. -Cambodia 2017 Nike factory worker shares story of abusive working conditions -- Thailand, 2016 Nike factory worker shares story of abusive working conditions - Vietnam, 2018 Workers at the plant – owned by the world's largest maker of sneakers, Yue Yuen – earn as little as $1.67 an hour making shoes that can sell for up to 100 times as much in the United States. -- China 2014 The gratitude afforded Nike is the notion that I reject, simply because Nike only cares for Colin in so far as he can generate revenue for them -- no different that the master that feeds and provides shelter for his slave. @Chevdove I believe one can support Colin AND reject Nike. I can also believe one can support Colin AND be critical of his tactics. Colin is not sancrocant or above critic -- no one man is. Indeed this critique can help him be more effective... coming from the right people.
  2. @Pioneer1, Forget about celebrity beefs. It is difficult to distinguish between actual beef and marketing hype to attract attention. Also social media, media in generalexaggerate these beefs in order to attract an audience. In the real, World isn't the how most of us handle our conflicts a
  3. @Pioneer1, I don't think this society was designed for anyone other than rich people.
  4. Please. Hyperbole may be compelling, but when used to attribute sentiments I do not homd and have not expressed it is just wrong. My gripe is with Nike and the people who elevate them as is Nike gives a Fu*k about Black people. Why hold Nike at a different standard than Michael Jordan?
  5. I added this book to the site as well: https://aalbc.com/books/bookinfo.php?isbn13=9780996016780 I had not idea Balogun wrote so many books:
  6. @Delano sometimes I think that you just want to disagree. You made a few statement that I did not make (or imply) and that I disagree with. I don't even know where to begin.... However I'll ask you this simple question Del: Who is better off in America a wealthy, educated, Black man; or a poor, uneducated white man?
  7. @Missy, I wonder f the audio book will read the glossary and the notes which were quite extensive and revealing. After reading the book seems nothing that has happened to me, or will ever happen to me, with compare the what Kossola (Cudjo Lewis) experienced.
  8. Man, I was about to dismiss this site straight away as the URL is smh.com, which I initially took that to stand for "shaking my head dot com." before I took a peek at the article which I will read later. LOL!
  9. For clarity's sake @Delano I did not say "poorer," as in less rich than Serena. I wrote "poor" as impoverished. Tell me about any poor white white man's tantrums that get any attention. They have to shoot up some place to get any attention then it is only negative. Both Black and white people came to Serena's defense. Who defends poor white people? We all all just relegate them to the as poor white trailer park trash bucket and forget about them. Big banks take their homes, we send them to die in senseless wars, we send jobs with decent wages to foreign countries and we educate them so poorly that they defend all of the abuse heaped onto them. We don't even think about them until they start ODing on Oxycodone, put 45 in the white house, or shoot up a school. If you are poor and Black in America you have your work cut out for you -- I won't even debate about relative gender differences for poor black people, because they are too small to be of much consequence and there are so many variables; size, darkness of skin, education, accent, geography, age, etc...
  10. Well a lot of authors need to be educated -- they dominated the responses against boycotting Amazon in the survey I took last year. Of course the reason was because they could only sell their books through Amazon?! It is like we are operating in some alternative universe...
  11. I think I would put black male ahead of white female. Black men got the right to vote first. Black man handily defeated a white woman for the democratic nomination for president. I would also include class in the equation @Delano. Rich, white men rule the world. But a rich Black woman trumps a poor white man. As long as the difference in class is visibly obvious.
  12. Yeah this process will jack up a lot of indie authors. The video (below) makes the transition it look simple, but even a simple process that is unfamiliar will cause a lot of frustration for the less than super tech savvy. Of course there will be no shortage of professionals to help authors make the transition. I already see that CreateSpace Cover Creator designs aren't compatible with Cover Creator on KDP. What is MOST amazing is the "Amazon Royalty." Here is where Amazon gets you and their own price calculator make the very plain. I will write more about this when i get a second. But here is the gist: For a 240 page book if you print with me (AALBC Prints Books) the unit cost is $3.87 per book (assuming a 200 book print run, less for larger print runs). If you sell the book you will make $11.13 (ignoring shipping). Now if you print and sell the books via Amazon, the pricing cost is $3.73/book, but Amazon wants an astonishing $5.27 or $7.54 (with expanded distribution) that is 2/3's of the profit of the book! @Mel Hopkins I gather KDP requires that authors give Amazon the exclusive right to sell their books -- unless the author pays for expanded distribution. Is that right? Amazon can get away with this because they monopolize the online sale of books. For Black books, they essential monopolize the sale of ALL book bt electronic and physical ebooks.
  13. @Delano Serena was behind and clearly losing the match. The notion that the umpire was trying to hurt Serena's chances is a stretch and unnecessary. That is another problem with social media it exaggerated everything. The cartoonist can rest assured social media will be on to the next shiny thing is 2 minutes, his cartoon will be completely forgotten, and he can fade back into obscurity.
  14. Digital Book World to Launch Publishing Hall of Fame; DBW Takes Place Oct. 1 – 4, Nashville DBW 2018 Gather as Many as 1,000 Leaders from Publishing and Technology NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 7, 2018) – As part of the 2018 Digital Book World – the gathering of the wide world of publishing – two industry veterans will be the first to be inducted into the new Publishing Hall of Fame. Digital Book World will take place Oct. 2-4 in Nashville, Tenn. at the Music City Center. The conference and expo will gather publishers large and small, traditional and untraditional, and the technology companies which serve all of them. Conference details and registration are available at DigitalBookWorld.com. The first inductee into the Publishing Hall of Fame is Marie Dutton Brown, the iconic editor and literary agent who successfully championed diversity in publishing over the course of her 50-year career. “Beginning her career at Doubleday, Marie Dutton Brown dealt with persistent racism directed at both her and her work, but she persevered in championing African-American literature and identity,” said Bradley Metrock, DBW 2018 executive producer and the CEO of Score Publishing. “In a new era defined by increased social awareness of marginalized voices and perspectives, Brown stands tall as a trailblazer, helping move the entire industry in a more progressive and accepting direction.” ### Marie is my friend and mentor, so this is a particularly cool honor
  15. Now was the cartoonist engaging in satire, a racist trying to put her in her place by demeaning her, or reflecting a culture that elevates whiteness and marginalizes Blackness subtly, directly, and everything in between? I doubt Serena's reaction was just about that specific penalty, but a culmination of a entire career of unfair treatment (perceived or otherwise). When people fly off the handle that way it usually is not about that specific event, but more like the straw that broke the camel's back.
  16. Yeah, Google also does a good job serving up new videos to keep you engaged on their platform -- happens to me all the time, which is probably why stopped watching network TV.
  17. I read your blog article Believe in Yo’Self; yep, you can be in a creative business without believing in yourself.
  18. That is how Facebook (social media) works. I have not seens a single favorable reaction to this cartoon -- not one. The cartoonists Facebook page would certainly skew favorable, as it is his filter bubble of friends and fans. My filter bubble is mostly Black women. It is worth considering if that fact is one of the reasons I've changed my position... It would be interesting to read what the female posters, @Cynique, @Mel Hopkins, @Chevdove, and readers here think.
  19. N. K. Jemisin the Only Writer to Win 3 Best Novel Hugo Awards in Consecutive Years The language on the graphic is "technically" incorrect, but I'm too tired to update it.
  20. I image most of you all -- especially @Cynique will be pleased to know, your corporate savior, Nike's sales have increased 30%. Nike is brilliant, but we are so very easily manipulated It is interesting how many media outlets (including Time Magazine) are spinning the information from the source (linked below), by stating definitively that the Kaepernick campaign was the cause for the difference where the article itself makes no such claim. This is not journalism. Time Magazine is feeding to the social media driven click-baity-controversy-driven-social-media-driven news apparatus. Nike sales grew 31% from Sunday through Tuesday over the Labor Day holiday this year compared with the previous year, according to Edison Trends.
  21. Someone just forwarded me this article on the Huffington Post in which the writer has a completely different perspective. She views the situation purely from a racial perspective the game of Tennis does not factor into her calculus at all. It is curious as the writer points out the Osaka is drawn as a lilly white women with blond hair! Why? I have to admit now that the cartoon is indeed a bit racist considering that the cartoonist is exaggerating Serena's tantrum by contrasting her with a blond opponent, as if the blond girl is the standard for behavior on the tennis court. Again, why not draw Osaka as the Black woman she is. Seems everything is distorted by "race" in the Western world The Whitewashing Of Naomi Osaka: The U.S. Open tennis champion’s biracial identity is inconvenient in a racist narrative that turns Serena Williams into a stereotype. "But there are actually two narratives at play here. There’s the one in which Osaka is reduced to a silent and silenced victim; tearful; not quite white, but not black either. Reporters ask her whether Williams’s “behavior” made Osaka lose respect for her, reinforcing coded stereotypes that have everything to do with colorism, model minority myths and the culture’s implicit hatred of black women like Serena Williams."
  22. Hi @ESP welcome to our online book club. The club's moderator, @Tony Lindsay will be posting questions shortly. In the meantime, did you read the book? What did you think?
  23. @Pioneer1 is the idea that Black men have been on the planet for millions or billions of years a product of your imagination or did you get this idea from somewhere else? I know you read my question. I can only assume you are deliberately ignoring it why?
  24. @Delano I write this in all seriousness: The advertisements that YOU are served are a function of what Google knows about YOU.
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