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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Candace getting an agent can be as hard as getting a book deal. There are suggestions posted above, you can also look at the acknowledgements in books similar to yours and see if the thanks there agent and reach out to that person. Has you book been professionally edited yet? You want to present your best possible book when securing an agent. To estimate printing cost For a 5.5x8.5 size book, you have approximately 300 words per page. 109K words would be about 368 page for finished book. Which if you printed 200 copies with me that would cost you $5.90 per book. You may use my printing calculator here. I'll assume the book is unedited. An edited version would be shorter -- probably a lot shorter. This would of course make your printing and shipping cost lower. We provide editing services here. Of course you can skip the agent step and independently publish your book. If you have the demand you suggest this may be the way to go especially if you want to proceed more quickly. If you generate a lot of sales you next book could be published through a publishing company. Good luck.
  2. @Delano they still have cotillions, it is just not for poor people. I did not attend one. @Pioneer1, I'm not surprised I did not hear about it. If you think about how information like a cardio and nicki manaj brawl is disseminated, you'll understand how might have missed it. The other benefit of the Nation is that you are not excluded if you are poor and uneducated. But I agree you have to contend with their religion...
  3. Thank you. Thanks for making this clear. I know where the chart is from, I was the one who provided it. At the end of the day class and wealth confer benefits on people that far exceed the benefit of race. People of all races with money have leisure time, health care, education, less likely to be catch a stray, or be locked up that a poor person. Again, wealth trumps race.
  4. Have I EVER given you guys the impression that 45 was innocent of impeachable offenses... I'll wait.... of course not. With a Republican house and Senate, both impeaching the president, and removing him from office will not happen in 3 months. Neither of you can tell me how this can possibly happen in the time frame you predicted.
  5. @Kalexander2, another Delano tactic. I've previous asked you both to explain the steps that would need taken to justify your belief that a sitting president could be removed, for the 1st time in history, in little more than 3 months. You both have refused to do this, and now you are demanding that I do it -- something you've failed to do yourself. Why is your shooting from the hip with an empty gun any better than me?
  6. Because of statement like this This statement is not supported by the data. Is my statement true or false @Delano? No I can't I can only devine your position, based upon your statements since you have an annoying habit of refusing to answer direct questions.
  7. The statements are consistent with each other and with how I feel. Again I did not write 45 will be reelected I wrote he may be reelected. There is a difference.
  8. Yes, there is a difference. Who really care what a zoologist or geneticist think about climate change? Do you know what percentage of climatologists believe in man made climate change?
  9. The quote @Delano found is more accurate reflection of my sentiment. Of course if there is indeed a blue wave as a result of he midterms that will effect the odds.
  10. Interesting, I could see whether you might feel Black people are ignorant or stupid, but I think this is more a consequence of centuries of racism. I hope none of the incidents you are not judging Black people on is not based upon the Cardi v.s. Nicki fight
  11. Del, it does not break down the death rate by income. That information is missing --- OBVIOUSLY! I was trying to help you understand that if the information were there, that it might reveal that wealthy Black men are murdered at a lower rate that poor ones. One would think this is common sense, but you are so determined to make a point you are being unreasonable. All I'm saying is that I'd rather be wealthy and Black in American, than poor and white. You clearly disagree and nothing you've written has convinced me otherwise Have you bothered to look at the death by homicide rates for you white men?
  12. Yeah, the fact that weather in some locations have been colder in recent years is used by climate deniers to "prove" that global warming is not occuring, or if it is, it is not man made. The reality is weather in any location is not the synonymous as planetary climate change. Because they can't make the distinction they believe a spreadsheet with the temperature in Central Park for the last 100 years are sufficient evidence to deny climate change. As far as 97% of scientist (or all scientist) I don't know the number. What is the percentage of just climate scientists @Delano, 99.99%?
  13. Honestly man, the ribbing was intended for @Delano I was just using you to get to him Really? Show me the quote, in context, because I don't hold the sentiment and don't recall writing such an unqualified statement like.
  14. @Pioneer1 True. In NYC my parents generation could afford to buy a home, without a college education and on one income. My kids generation can have a college education and barely have earn enough money to rent a small apartment with a roommate while burdened with students loans.
  15. @Pioneer1 did Cardi B and Minaj get into a physical brawl? Again, the celebrity beefs are a completely different animal. The rise of social media not only instigates the beefs it ensures everyone is made aware of it. Sure a good code would be to prohibit Black women (and men) from fighting each other. My understanding is that the Nation of Islam has "codes" and they police their own. You don't see any women in the Nation brawling in the streets. They all carry themselves with grace and class. Have you considered joining the Nation?
  16. @Pioneer1, yes this is human nature and is what the study is trying to understand. The takeaway is that we can't be afraid to revise your our beliefs. Yeah once emotions are involved anything is possible. Some people think changing their beliefs -- despite new, better, or more information, is a sign of weakness. Others just don't have the energy to learn a new tricks and are content with the world view they currently have -- no matter how false it is. They embrace supporting information and reject contradictory information no matter how overwhelming it may be and the result is climate deniers, 45 supporters, flat earthers, and @Delano
  17. What?! Are you high? The chart clearly shows that, but that is not what you wrote. You obviously will not admit you were wrong lets move on. LOL! Man, all jokes aside I can;t tell you how many Black women I've been seeing with Black hair lately. But here is the kicker, I'm in a group talking about a festival to take place in an African country and one of the topics a sister from Africa proposed was to deal with skin lightening an European hair. I did not chime in on that one I put the greatest generation in quotes because that is what the generation is called. I don't know whose generation was greater. I just know ours is very easily manipulated and the benefits that previous generations enjoyed this generation will never know --- but this generation has been duped into believing have it so good because they have a cell phone with Instagram on it!
  18. Man @Kalexander2, you have ripped another page from Del's playbook, by dodging a direct question and posing unrelated others. You should change your name to "Delano2." @Delano, Yes I changed my position on Cosby after becoming aware of overwhelming evidence (Something you should consider regarding climate change). I do not think the Serna cartoon is racist. Changing my position after learning Osaka had a blond pony tail. I never said 45 would be reelected, I just have not dismissed it as a possibility. As far as being behind or ahead of the curve, that you thing not mine.
  19. No, my friend, you under estimated my knowledge. Still, even taking your now corrected statement; that is still a poor justification for preferring to be a poor white man than a wealthy Bkack man. If you looked at the homicide rates for the Black men in the narrow population you've isolated you'll find the majority of those are poor Black men, not wealthy ones. Again class trumps race. White skin can only get you so far. This would be obvious to anyone who left the confines of their middle class enclaves.
  20. Politics make strange bedfellow Lol! I'm glad you two have found common ground. @Delano It is interesting that you find my equating your reasoning with K2's "belittling." Lol! Man that is a good one! I have not laughed out loud from reading something here in a long time. Negro, I never said laws were perfect, but tell me something else that has improved anything for Black folks in the country.... I'll wait.
  21. Half of the American's can not afford to buy the cheapest new car ($14,000); either they do not have the money to pay for it or the credit score to borrow the money. This he argues is one of the reason 45 was elected. YouTube definitely knows what videos to show me, because there was nothing this guy said that I disagreed with. The only difference is that he has data (and research) support my observations. Actually there were two other differences, the situation is actually a little worse than I thought, and there are actually solutions that can be implemented to fix all of this, but they would have to take place on a global scale. I was listening to this video guy while working. I think it is worth watching. As I post this I'm 50% into the video and will watch it again when I can focus on it completely.
  22. LOL What?! @Kalexander2 OBVIOUSLY laws have no consequence it they are not followed and no law is perfect. However, If there are no laws what then would people follow? Your point of contention is lost on me. Besides being in league with Del on this Trump issue, your method is reasoning is beginning to rival his as well. Are you also a climate change denyer or flat earther too?
  23. @Delano Yes, your statement was completely wrong! Why don't you show the entire chart? Instead you cherry pick a 20 year range representing a minority of deaths. Rather than simply admitting your error and correcting yourself you dig in and attempt to justify your claim by taking a narrow band of data despite the fact that the chart shows homicide is less than 5% of all Black deaths. @Delano we are all wrong from time to time and make misstatements; this is perfectly normal. Being so stubborn is why you are a climate denier. The UC Berkeley study may help you understand your reasoning.
  24. So @Kalexander2 if your position is that laws make no difference, then we'll just have to agree to disagree. Sure, but you money is on 45 being booted before January 1st. Save a heart attack or an assassin, which is far more likely that the scenarios you and K2 have hatched, it ain't happening.
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