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Everything posted by Troy

  1. @Cynique, why do you say the leadership is lacking? I invested a lot of time and effort in promoting a book one of the cofounders published earlier this year. When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele. The results were disappointing for a variety of reasons I wont go into now. However, it seems like movements that are dependent upon the social media (or media in general) can never last very long, because once the algorithm changes and the media's attention inevitably moves on to the next shiny object, so called "movements" like #BlackLivesMatter languishes -- think #ArabSpring, #OccupyWallSt, or #MeToo (whose days are surely numbered). ‏Marching and tweeting don't accomplish much without working to change laws.
  2. God only knows the brutality this woman witnessed that was perpetuated by white men against Black people... Clearly. I'm largely ignoring the whole Kavanaugh affair. But even though I'm not actively pursuing information, I'm fairly apprised of the situation since it is being covered 24/7 by a media driven by controversy -- you'd have to be off the grid to not follow this story... a pure spectacle of American dysfunction.
  3. @Delano the tarot card plot element may interest you. @Patrick Lohier that was an excellent introduction to your book. I suggest use affiliate codes when you send people to websites to buy your book. Glad to see you include an independent bookseller among the list. Most authors do not do this and it is so easy and important
  4. I can't answer your last question on a public forum @Delano I'll in box you. Next time on my laptop
  5. @Delano sure, since "reasonable" is subjective. But I'm talking about things most people would agree on and have would have no issue complying with -- again presuming they loved the person.
  6. Based upon @Mel Hopkins' statement things do not look good for Harvey. @Pioneer1 You have an irksome habit of changing your argument when presented information that refutes it; you said: Now that this point has been rendered indefensible, rather than acknowledging the flaw in your statement you then start talking about catholic priests? So what is it? Are you now comparing the treatment Cosby and Harvey are recieving the the priests in the catholic church?
  7. @Delano neither has @Pioneer1; indeed he has not confirmed that he has met any aborigines. Pioneer your statement suggests you did not read the article, or perhaps you did not comprehend it pioneer have you based your world view of these people based upon these photos from a site you will not name?
  8. You seem to have difficulty understanding the difference being asking a question and drawing a conclusion. None of these people have short fore heads and heavy brow ridges is nothing out of the ordinary. I also doubt they "often" have blond hair. Besides where did you find these photos? Here is a more representative photo along with a link that speaking to the genetic lineage if these people. http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-26/dna-of-extinct-human-species-pacific-islanders-analysis-suggests/7968950?pfmredir=sm I gather you have never seen an aborigine in person.
  9. I dont know about Weinstein. But you can't be indicted if you are not charged. Bill had over 50 accusers over a span of 40 years what white boy has as many accusers? At least one took him to criminal court. Again find a white guy you wanna compare bill to. Keep in mind far more white men have caught up in this "me too" movement than brothers.
  10. Sounds like you believe austrialian aborigines are not human perhaps even subhuman. Have you ever seen one in real life? Can you post an image of one these people with a "short foreheads" and "heavy brow ridges" and include a link back to the site you got it from. Thanks
  11. @Mel Hopkins remember Cosby PAID Konstan (sp?) 3 million bucks! Bill did NOT want to go to jail. Camille knew what time us was... @Pioneer1 I thought Weinstein is in court. All the other victims have to do is press charges before statute of limitations is up --if they have a case -- people like Al Franken didn't really do anything worthy of prison time. Who would you be talking about?
  12. Lol! Man you will be a batchelor for life -- and I ain't hating on you! Marriage strictly for love is a relatively new concept. Adding the bonus of being a virgin and staying together forever is magical thinking. Personally I like the idea of being on a loving relationship. I fully expect to cooperate but I have a few non negotiables which are not unreasonable. Basically they have to do with respect.
  13. Right, cooperation should be win-win, and should not involve compromising one's values. But you have to know yourself well enough to know when you compromising and be strong enough to stand up for yourself when your values are challenged. Some situations can make not compromising yourself hard or even difficult to know when it is happening.
  14. Come on y'all, can you think if any other resasons that the world's great cities are on bodies of water? (sorry Mel ATL ain't one of them ). What do cities like London, Tokyo, New York, etc have in common? So yall think gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, et al are wealthy because they practice astrology?
  15. Considering Cosby is blind and incarcerated I pick Kavanaugh. How about you?
  16. I guess compromise is a form of surrender. You surrender something trivial for something important...
  17. Yeah this is a bit surreal. There has been no greater fall from grace in recent memory. The only thing that would top this is if they put 45 behind bars. But this will not happen (too many people think it will set off a race war).
  18. @Chevdove, perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me, but I could have sworn I read that your wrote that Neanderthals were white (maybe i read this statement and inferred the rest). I any event, I don't see where that statement, so it looks like I as wrong in attributing the statement to you -- my bad. Still when you apply racial terms like "non-Black" to different species of humans it just causes confusion because the terms don't apply -- indeed they don't apply to homo sapiens either (save a social construct of the last few hundred years).
  19. In the unfortunate young lady's case this is true. True, but does compromise = "surrender and resignation?"
  20. @Chevdove Neanthedals emerged from Africa like Homo Sapiens. I never heard anyone apply the artificial construct of race to Neandethals. Why do you apply that term to that species of human?
  21. I think Think that is because NYC, like London, are financial capitals. That fact, more than anything having to do with spirituality is the draw imho.
  22. My pleasure @Mel Hopkins I can't up on the entire Black book world single handedly -- thought I do as good a job as anyone out there This is even more interesting than N.K. Jemison Hugo wins. BTW you know that Jemisin's cousin is W. Kamau Bell? Someone shared that with me when I posted the info on N.K. on Lipstick Alley's book forum. I have not taken time to confirm this but it is an interesting factoid.
  23. Hi Nick, your book is definitely what I was looking for. Thanks for sharing information about them here. I have added both to the website. Would you send me a headshot I can use on your page. Please send me information about the 3rd book in the trilogy when it is available. Would you like to share an excerpt of Forgetful?
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