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Everything posted by Troy

  1. ...oh Brother. K2, if preferring my life to one of toiling, from sun up to sun down, in some tobacco farm or cotton field makes me "narrow minded" then I'll be narrow minded. If you wanna believe we've made no progress that is up to you. What intellectual con game Have I, Troy Johnson, fallen prey to?
  2. ...says the man who was never enslaved. @Kalexander2, come on man, are you really trying to tell me things are worses today... really? We can't possibly have a serious conversation if that is your position. Our perceptions of reality are too different. Drop the hyperbole if you wanna have a serious conversation. @Delano if you read anything I've written on these forums you know that I do not think this country is perfect. Nor do I think our rules are perfect, but they are better today than they have been. Today slavery is outlawed and wealth disparity is at it's highest level. I'll choose freedom first, dealing with wealthy disparity is a secondary consideration, as I'm sure it would be for you, Here too, I'm sure where you are getting your information. Why do you say that the US dollar has been "removed" as a global currency? The premise is factually inaccurate (on its face), so the question makes no sense.
  3. @Chevdove, red tide is indeed a serious problem -- devastating to those financially impacted. I'm just pointinging out, as with all bad news, the media exaggerates these things, making it hard to gain perspective.
  4. ...no not by a long shot. But our laws keep these guys in check far better than anytime since the European set foot on this land
  5. @Delano yes relocating to FL always makes me think differently about NYC. I lived here in the early 90's before B-school. Everytime I come back I need to brace myself. NYC is filthy, noisy, expensive, crowded, and people are understandably ruded. As a native I can quickly get used to it but I have to brace myself. It is not a healthy environment -- especially if you are poor, as many here are. Perspective is a function of location. @Kalexander2 I dont have an issue with what you wrote, indeed it seems to imply the likes of 45 will become more popular....
  6. Yeah it is about to hit the fan in more way than one. Hold your loved ones close...
  7. Sure, but don't you think that for the powerful, like 45, the wheels of justice will turn even more slowly -- if at all? Isn't this the way it always goes? Again, I'm not sure why you think the law well be both swift and just when it comes to 45. I can only assume that living aboard has dulled your senses regarding American justice. This is plausible since Del appears to be the only one to agree with you, and he too lives outside the United States.
  8. @Kalexander2, but why ignore due process and the amount of time it takes to execute it?
  9. Congrats! Try Afrika World Books out of MD. I don't have contact info handy. I use Ingram.
  10. ROTFLMBAO!! You know that's right -- sheeeeeeit, they'd be straight the next morning drinking Bloody marys talking about the "hair of the dog." Coming from the 'hood and going to college I thought I was "bad" being able to knock out two 40's before hanging out -- those boys took drinking, and drugs to a 'hole 'nother level! Multi keg parties, beer pong, shit I never heard of and these where the smart kids. To this day I remember at party with the girls basketball team. I remember going but not leaving. Yeah some people can tolerate alcohol better that others just the same way some people can tolerate milk better than others...
  11. You know @Pioneer1 the world MUST be coming to an end when we start agreeing so much
  12. Man @Pioneer1 this is an interesting point. Would it be more accurate to say start with those with nothing to lose? Is there a difference? Too bad they don't let you eat bacon and drink a cold beer every once in a while....
  13. @Pioneer1 I've been preached to about the end of times since i was a child. I have to admit, 45, climate change, and other factors do make you wanna go hmmm. Still the areal photo and caption from the Times I posted above is VERY misleading. This is just the thing that people who believe in Revelations latch on to, despite the fact that every generation finds reasons to believe the end is near... here too reason, facts, logic, and history have no place.
  14. Lol! @Pioneer1 for you Brother I will concede the race debate to you as well. To be clear, that does not mean I agree with you. I understand the are instances were reason, facts, and logic are ineffective. You and Del have helped me learn this lesson, so I sincerely thank you both.
  15. Hey @Milton am I missing any of your books: https://aalbc.com/authors/author.php?author_name=Milton+J.+Davis just post th he isbn13s here. Also have you heard anything about fiyah magazine being pulled from goodreads?
  16. @Delano I already conceded you won, I gave up.
  17. @Delano, OK Bruh, I give. Of course not. We clawed our way out of enslavement because of strong Black women. Students of the civil rights movement know women were largely responsible, though unsung, for it's success. Even this website exists because of strong and supportive Black women. A cartoon, racist or otherwise, can not change that unless we allow it to.
  18. I had the pleasure of attending the Mississippi Book Festival, which is held each August in the state's largest city, Jackson. I was able to see a wide variety of interesting authors including Jon Meacham, Rick Bragg, and the author of one of my favorite books, Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier. Jackson is a city that is over 80% Black, so I expected to see a significant number of Black authors. While the number of Black authors showcased were in the minority numerically; there were plenty in attendance. I saw writers like; children's book author and actress, Quvenzhané Wallis; social justice activist, Janet Dewart Bell; former Editor in Chief of the NAACP’s flagship publication, The Crisis, Jabari Asim; and Jackson native and #1 New York Times Bestseller author, Angie Thomas. I even had dinner with award winning children’s book author and illustrator Don Tate. Indie authors were well represented too, and I captured video of a few including, K. Reshay and Regena Hoye. Given the number and variety of Black authors present, I was really surprised by the lack of Black attendees. If anyone can explain why this would be the case, I'm all ears, or eyes as is the case here.
  19. Troy


    Christopher you'll need to provided more information about why you are looking for Black authors from these areas. A website would be helpful. Otherwise I'll need to remove this post. I'll give you a few days. While AALBC assumes can not assume responsibility for information posted here I do provide some vetting. I'm sure you understand.
  20. My governor leaves a lot to be desired, but he is characteristic of a much larger problem with politic in the country. Red tide is a serious problem. But this is nothing compared to what is in store for this world. That said the articles are alarmist especially the way they have been presented here. I read one of the articles, if gives the impression that Red tide has hit Fort Desoto beach (it has not, but it is nearby), which is one of my favorite beaches. One of the reasons I like it so much is that I can go there and be the only person there. That is just the way the beach is there are no bars or hotels, you have to pay a toll to get there and $5 to park to a lot of locals go to other beaches where there is more action. The water is also full of fish, which some people don't like. The fact that the beach is empty comes as no surprise to me. But the article does not say this, rather it will have you infer that red tide has sacred people away; where the reality is that it is just the dearth of bars. Aerial photos of Ft. Desoto Beach in St. Petersburg shows an empty beach and discolored water however no dead fish was spotted from the air. LUIS SANTANA | Times
  21. No I'm not absolutely sure. I would not bet my life on it, but I sure will bet 50 bucks. Thanks for the donation
  22. @Chevdove Many leaders with the charisma to attract a followers should not be leaders. The scandalous leaders in the Black church, That @harry brown often laments, the catholic church leadership (for obvious reasons), as well as the current leader of the free world are prime examples. The best leaders have the are usually put in the positions, they did not seek it. In other words, they are seeking to make a positive charge and leadership was thrust upon them. Our culture rewards people with the willingness to do anything for power. Cardi B and Minaj my beat each other in pubic but they top the charts and are world famous.
  23. I'll correct you again @Delano; I posted the link to the complete CDC chart before you posted the small portion that would substantiate your argument. You may review the post yourself. Now you may have found it independently but I posted it first (this also tells me you are not reading my replies carefully -- or at all) : Sure if you want to reach back 100 years to find an exception to reject the general case, be my guest and continue believe what you want. But your belief alsos require you to reject the overwhelming evidence to counter your belief, like the things I just mentioned that wealth confers on to people regardless of race like; leisure time, health care, education, lower crime, lower incarceration, longer life spans, financial security, and on... Your ability to reject overwhelming evidence in favor of a personal belief is textbook. It is fascinating that even the knowledge of this mental process will not get you to change your belief. I now understand completely why you will continue to be a climate denier.
  24. @Kalexander2, using history as a guide, from the time the House of Representatives announced it would begin an impeachment inquiry in October 1998, to the moment President Clinton was found not guilty by during his trial before the Senate in February 1999 5 months transpired. From the date of Andrew Johnson impeachment February 24, 1868 to his acquittal it took over three months. This ignores the time it took to initiate the impeachment. Obviously a republican run house will not initiate impeachment proceeding, certainly not until the is an actual indictment (which will probably not come down until after the midterms). Since the republicans have the largest majority in congress in 80 years, it is not a certainty that either house will flip democratic. This hubris, naivety really, is what got 45 into office and may keep him there. Again, assuming there is an indictment the process for impeaching and conviction not be completed -- even if it started today -- by the end of the year. You understand that right @Kalexander2? Of course 45 can pull a Nixon and resign, but that will not happen before the end of the year either. Also keep in mind those good ole boys don't work over the Xmas holidays so December is basically shot. Both an understanding of history and common sense should tell you that 45 will be around until at least the end of the year. Now @Delano is making an astrological prediction which is another ball of wax, where reason, history, and facts are not a factor, so as he says we'll have to "wait and see."
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